Middle Earth Campaign Setting


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Middle Earth


Middle Earth is the definitive setting for fantasy adventures. From soaring mountain peaks, to deep forests, to sprawling deserts, to frigid tundras, it contains every possible climate. The forces of evil and good stand in direct opposition, with the Dark Lord Sauron and his servants threatening to destroy all that is held dear to the free peoples of Arda.

Our campaign starts in the city of Esgaroth upon the Long Lake in the year 2947, six years after the mountain of Erebor and city of Dale were reclaimed from the dragon Smaug, and a triumph in the Battle of the Five Armies scattered the forces of evil and united Men, Elves, and Dwarves for the first time in generations. Ever since that battle trade routes have improved, and peace has come to the heartlands of the region.

Darkness, however, still remains. The Shadow has not been defeated, simply stalled, and darkness and all manner of foul creature still linger in the fortresses of Angmar, Dol Guldur, Gundabad, and Mordor. Brave heroes and adventurers are required to keep these forces at bay, to rebuild, and to explore the fallen ruins of the empires of old.

Esgaroth has become a hub of trade and adventure, with an open policy towards foreigners and control over the entrances to the rivers that connect Dale and Erebor to the east and west, as well as those that connect the east and west to each other.

For our companion, you should make a character of first level, as per all of the rules included in herein. I require you to have an in-depth backstory (as many of you rarely have more than a couple sentences), as I plan to tie it into the campaign somehow. My policy on already having power, wealth, prestige, or accomplishments remains the same as it has in the past.

Table of Contents


Races of Middle Earth

Long ago, Eru Illuvatar created two races of being, Man and Elves. Aule, god of the Dwarves, created another. These races have developed, changed, and split, forming many new races of their own. Several races of hero exist throughout Middle Earth, the statistics of which are chronicled below. In addition to granting benefits at 1st level, your Race and Subrace also determine what type of Cultural Traits you can obtain.

Non-Human Races

Race Representation
Dwarf of Erebor Hill Dwarf
Dwarf of the Iron Hills Mountain Dwarf
Elf of Mirkwood Wood-Elf
Elf of Lindon Half-Elf
Elf of Rivendell Half-Elf
Elf of Lórien Half-Wood-Elf (MotW) (SCAG)
Hobbit Either kind of Hobbit found in the PHB


All Humans start with a +1 bonus to to two ability scores of their choice. Furthermore, they start with two extra Cultural Traits and a skill and +1 to an Ability Score depending on their subrace.

Subrace Skill ASI
Barding Perception Constitution
Beorning Intimidation Strength
Dunedain Survival Wisdom
Man of Esgaroth Persuasion Charisma
Man of Gondor History Strength
Man of Rohan Animal Handling Wisdom
Woodman Survival Dexterity


All player characters can speak Westron. In place of the normal languages a race would get, use the following chart to determine additional languages:

Subrace Additional Languages
Dwarf of Erebor Dalian, Khuzdul, Vale of Anduin Tongue
Dwarf of the Iron Hills Khuzdul, Vale of Anduin Tongue
Elf of Mirkwood Sindarin
Elf of Lindon Sindarin, Quenya
Elf of Rivendell Sindarin, Quenya
Subrace Additional Languages
Elf of Lórien Sindarin
Hobbit None
Barding Dalian
Beorning Vale of Anduin Tongue
Dunedain Adûnaic, Sindarin
Man of Esgaroth Dalian
Man of Gondor Sindarin
Man of Rohan Vale of Anduin Tongue
Woodman Vale of Anduin Tongue

Classes of Middle Earth

Heroes of many types are required to save Middle Earth. The campaign allows a number of classes, none of which have access to spellcasting. The list below lists all classes and subclasses that are allowed, as well as there source. If you don't have the required source, contact me.


The Barbarian uses the stats of a Barbarian (PHB).

Barbarians use brute strength and resilience to overcome foes.

  • Battlerager (SCAG): The Battlerager uses spiked armor and powerful weapons to devastate their enemies.
  • Berserker (PHB): The Berserker charges through hordes of enemies with little armor, destroying all who stand in their way.


The Fighter uses the stats of a Fighter (PHB).

Fighters master combat, in its many expressions.

  • Battle-Master (PHB): The Battlemaster has mastered the art of tactics and manoeuvring.
  • Cavalier (XGtE): The Cavalier is an expert in mounted combat.
  • Champion (PHB): The Champion is an incredibly talented, though a bit unrefined, warrior.
  • Knight-Guard (XGtE Samurai): The Knight-Guard excels at focused martial combat.


The Rogue uses the stats of a Rogue (PHB). Additionally, a Rogue only receives one Shadow Point for acts of thievery (in place of three), and starts the game with 1d6 Shadow Points.

Rogues gain expertise in a variety of skills, and use stealth and cunning to outwit their enemies.

  • Assassin (PHB): The Assassin uses skills in ambushes and infiltration to defeat their foes.
  • Duelist (XGtE Swashbuckler): The Duelist excels at fighting in single combat, even in scenarios where other Rogues could not apply their skills.
  • Inquisitive (XGtE): The Inquisitive is specialized in unraveling mysteries and outsmarting opponents.
  • Mastermind (XGtE): The Mastermind excels at lying and at outplanning their enemies.
  • Scout (XGtE): The Scout, similar to a Wanderer, spends much of its time in the wilderness, perfecting their techniques.
  • Thief (PHB): The Thief is a master of infiltration, acrobatics, and thievery


The Scholar uses the stats of a Scholar (AiME).

Scholars use their knowledge to solve riddles, lead companies, and heal allies.

  • Master Healer (AiME): The Master Healer uses their knowledge of herbs and salves to heal both body and spirit.
  • Master Scholar (AiME): The Master scholar's knowledge extends far beyond that of a normal mortal, granting them seemingly magical abilities.


The Wanderer uses the stats of a Ranger (PHB), with both the Revised Ranger and Spellless Ranger variant (both UA).

Wanderers spend their time travelling across the world, and master herb lore and stalking of certain prey.

  • Beast Master (PHB): The Beast Master lives and fights alongside an animal companion.
  • Gloom Stalker (XGtE): The Gloom Stalker excels at ambushes, as well as manoeuvring in darkness.
  • Hunter (PHB): The Hunter trains in defeating particular types of enemies.


The Warden uses the stats of a Warden (AiME).

Wardens excel at leading and inspiring their allies to ever graeter feats.

  • Bounder (AiME): The Bounder patrols the lands of the meek, defending them from harm.
  • Counselor (AiME): The Counselor excels at diffusing violent situations into ceasefires and diplomacy.
  • Herald (AiME): The Herald leads by example, marshalling their allies to battle.

Variant Rules


Short Rests take 8 hours each, and Long Rests take 10 days of downtime.

However, when you take a Short Rest in a safe location, you lose one level of exhaustion and regain hitpoints equal to your Proficiency Bonus, without expending hit die. Most towns are considered safe locations, and you will be told if you come across one in the wild.

Lastly, you regain all of your hit die, instead of only half of them, and lose all levels of exhaustion, instead of only one, upon completing a Long Rest.

Untied Skills and Abilities

Although each skill is normally used with a given ability, under appropriate circumstances different abilities are used, such as a Constitution (Athletics) check made to trade water.

Skill List Changes

The following additional skills exist:

  • Shadow Lore: Used to determine your knowledge of the Enemy, its territory, and its servants, as well as to help identify magical effects created by the Enemy.
  • Traditions: Used to govern knowledge of local culture, as well as grant benefits during audiences with foreign cultures.

Milestone XP

The XP system, as presented in the core rules, will be used, but all XP thresholds for gaining a level are doubled, and you gain XP as rewards for completing quests or aiding innocents.

Starting Equipment

Your starting equipment is not granted by your background, but instead in combination of your race and class. See the Equipment section for more detail.

Different Equipment

Use the weapon and armor tables in the Equipment section in place of those found in the PHB.

Currency exchange rates are changed, with fifty Copper being one Silver, and twenty-four Silver being one Gold. Other denominations of currency do not exist.

Furthermore, the currency standard is switched to Silver, and as such prices of items in the PHB are adjusted. All items costing Copper Pieces remain of the same cost. All items costing Gold Pieces cost that many Silver Pieces instead. All items costing Silver Pieces cost five times that many Copper Pieces instead.


Called Shots

You may choose to attack a certain body part of a creature. Doing so imposes disadvantage on the attack roll, but on a hit you deal damage to that body part as well as to the creature. Damage to each body part is tracked separately, and when a body part is dealt to a body part, that part is destroyed.

Culture Traits

Each race and subrace provides Culture Traits which you can choose. Whenever you gain an even-numbered level, you select and gain one culture Trait which you are eligible for.

Alternatively, you may select and gain a +1 bonus to a single skill of your choice, or may gain an additional 1/2 hitpoint per level (round down).


Whenever you make a melee attack, you may instead choose to disarm your target of any one object it is holding.

Make an Attack Roll contested by the targets choice of a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The target has advantage if it is holding the object in two hands. If you succeed, you knock the object out of the targets hand. The disarming causes no damage or other negative effects.


Whenever you make a melee attack against a creature, or attempt to disarm it, you may cause the target to become your Mark. You may only have one Mark at any given time.

You have advantage on opportunity attacks against the marked target, and may, once per round, make an attack of opportunity against them without expending your reaction.

Expanded Inspiration

In addition to gaining Inspiration from proper role-playing, you may gain Inspiration from seeing inspiring sites or events within Middle Earth.

However, you may only expend Inspiration when doing something that fits with your Bond/Flaw/Ideal/Traits or activating a magical effect requiring Inspiration.

Furthermore, as long as you comply with the above rule you may expend Inspiration to regain a use of a feature that recharges on a basis of a short or long rest.

Lastly, once per session you may impose disadvantage on a significant role that your Bond/Flaw/Ideal/Traits might impact in order to regain a use of Inspiration.

Training to Level

Instead of gaining a level immediately upon reaching enough XP, you must spend 100 days of Downtime training, at which point you may gain any number of levels that you have enough XP for.

Shadow Corruption

Throw various means, characters in Middle Earth can be corrupted by the shadow, by committing despicable deeds, experiencing distressing events, crossing an area tainted by shadow, encountering a powerful servant of the enemy, or taking possession of cursed treasure. When doing so, they gain temporary Shadow Points, which eventual cause Bouts of Madness and thus permanent Shadow Points and permanent new character flaws. In the most extreme circumstances, a character fully falls to the Shadow, becoming an NPC.

Gaining Shadow Points

Except for by committing misdeeds, whenever you would gain one or more Shadow Points you may make a Wisdom saving throw to negate some or all of the shadow points you would gain.


Certain actions your characters commit cause you to gain Shadow Points, as per the below table. If the action is unintentional, you never gain Shadow Points due to it.

Action Shadow Gains
Lying 1
Minor Cowardice 1
Subtle Manipulation 2
Violent Threats 2
Use of Shadow Magic 2
Extreme Cowardice 3
Theft 3
Worship of Sauron 3
Plunder 4
Unprovoked Aggression 4
Abusing Authority 4
Torture 5
Treachery 5
Murder 5

An attempt to do commit these actions still results in Shadow Point gain, regardless of success.

Consequences of Shadow

When a character has a total combined number of Shadow Points, temporary and permanent, exceeding their Wisdom score, they gain the Miserable condition. While they are affected by the Miserable condition, they have disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Charisma based Ability Checks. Furthermore, they cannot gain or spend Inspiraiton.

Whenever a Miserable creature rolls a d20 roll lower than the difference between the amount of total Shadow Points they have and their Wisdom Score, theyuffer a Bout of Madness. The madness either occurs immediately, or at a later time, as per the DM's discretion. While under the effects of a Bout of Madness, the DM temporarily gains control of the character, and plays them in such a manner that exacerbates their flaws.

Whenever a character suffers a Bout of Madness, at the start of the Bout of Madness, they Degenerate by one step. Then, one of their Temporary Shadow points is converted to a permanent Shadow point, and all other Temporary Shadow points are lost.


Each character selects a Shadow-Path at first level, from those presented on this and the next page. Whenever they Degenerate, they gain the next Trait along their Shadow-Path as a flaw. There are four such Traits per Shadow Path, and when a creature with every Shadow Flaw

In addition to being additional flaws, once you have any flaws from your Shadow-Path, you gain disadvantage on checks that would be negatively impacted by those flaws.

Once you have three flaws from your Shadow-Path, you gain disadvantage on all social ability checks except those that aren't related to your flaw (i.e. a deceitful character would not suffer disadvantage on Deception checks, and a Brutal character would not suffer disadvantage on Intimidation checks.)

Shadow Paths

If you have other ideas for your character's Shadow-Path, tell me, and I will review it and come up with appropriate shadow flaws. You may use existing flaws from PHB backgrounds, as well as flaws exhibited by characters in the Lord of the Rings, Tragic Flaws in literary tragedies, and the Seven Deadly Sins for inspiration, among other sources.

Curse of Wrath

Stage One

You are often incredibly impolite when angered, and consistently and loudly insult those who annoy you.

Stage Two

You show very little restraint when angered or even just annoyed, and react violently to provocations.

Stage Three

You don't care if your actions cause pain to others, and are needlessly savage to those you have defeated.

Stage Four

You repay even the most minor slights with violence and murder.


Stage One

You feel desire to accumulate gold and wealth, just to possess them.

Stage Two

You will often grab unattended items of value, even those possessed by others.

Stage Three

You refuse to part with any of your possessions, and believe that everyone is out to steal from you.

Stage Four

Anything you want, including nearly everything of any value, you believe you have the right to possess. Furthermore, you act on this belief.

Lure of Power

Stage One

You are often angered by the perceived lack of care that others have for your actions, and are spiteful of those you ought to protect.

Stage Two

You are blind to your own weakness and limitations, and unlikely to back down in any circumstances.

Stage Three

You belittle your peers and companions, and believe that you know longer need them, even refusing their aid and taking what they have if it would strengthen you.

Stage Four

You believe that you have the right to lead, and disregard the opinions of others, to the extent where you view disagreement as betrayal.

Lure of Secrets

Stage One

You feel compulsion to research the Enemy, and learn more about it.

Stage Two

You disregard the help and advice of others, and often mock them for their ideas.

Stage Three

You do not tell any of your ultimate objectives, and never give or receive advice. Furthermore, you are prone to manipulate your companions to better serve your own goals.

Stage Four

You are ready and willing to betray even your closest allies to suit your goals.

Culture Traits

As you progress through the game, and at 1st level for humans, you gain culture traights. Culture Traits are listed below, sectioned off by Race and Subrace requirements. Each culture Trait grants you a benefit or ability, either out of combat or in combat. If you have further ideas for Culture Traits, tell me.


  • Dwarf Race
  • Proficiency with either Smith's, Mason's, Jeweler's, Calligrapher's, or Woodcarver's tools
  • Proficiency with the Arcana skill.

You may carve magical runes into an object. You may have a number of sets of runes up equal to your Proficiency modifier plus your Intelligence modifier (minimum one), and when you carve a new set beyond that amount a previous set of your choice looses its power.

Carving the runes requires 10 minutes and 3 GP worth of materials, as well as proficiency with and access to a set of tools corresponding to the material you are carving runes into. You can write a page of information with one set of runes.

Your runes are invisible, and when you carve them you may set either a specific time (or set of times) of day, a specific day of the solar year (or set of days of the solar year), or a specific lunar phase (or set of phases). The runes are only visible during that time or set of times.

Runes of Sharpness

  • The Runemaster Culture Trait

When you make your runes on a weapon, the weapon is magical and offers a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus is not cumulative.

Runes of Thoughness

  • The Runes of Sharpness Culture Trait

When you make your runes on a piece of armor or shield, the item is magical and offers a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is not cumulative.


Runic Lock

  • The Runemaster Culture Trait

When you make your runes on a portal or container, you may lock it as per the Arcane Lock spell.

Runic Barrier

  • The Runic Lock Culture Trait

You may make a circle of your runes on the ground. This circle functions as per the Magic Circle spell, using Intelligence as your spellcasting ability.

Analyze Magic

  • The Runemaster Culture Trait

You may cast the Identify spell an amount of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), per Long rest.

Detect Magic

  • The Analyze Magic Culture Trait

You may cast the Detect Magic spell an amount of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), per Long rest.

Depth Intuitions

  • Dwarf Race

You can always tell how deep underground you are, and innately know whether an underground passage leads to the surface within 10 minutes.

Dwarven Tactics

  • Dwarf Race

While you have a wall within 5' of you to at least two sides, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws.


  • The Dwarven Tactics Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with any type of Axe

When you score a critical hit against a creature that is using a shield, you break the shield, in addition to other effects of the critical hit.

Expert Axe-Thrower

  • The Axe-Expertise Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Hand-Axes

You ignore penalties for attacking with a thrown Hand-axe at long range.

When you miss with a ranged attack with a thrown Hand-axe, it returns to your hand.

Savage Hacker

  • The Axe-Expertise Culture Trait

While wielding an Axe you may increase your critical range by two.

Warrior's Challenge

  • The Dwarven Tactics Culture Trait

At the start of combat, you may issue a challenge to an ally of your choice. As long as you are each within two kills of the other, you each recieve +1 to all attack and damage rolls.


Ancient Foes

  • The Dwarven Tactics Culture Trait

You deal +2 damage on weapon attacks vs. those of Orckind.

Charging Assault

  • The Dwarven Tactics Culture Trait

Whenever you hit with a melee attack against a creature, and you moved more than 10' towards the creature before making the attack, you deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Limitless Endurance

  • Dwarf Race

You may ignore your first level of exhaustion.

Stown-Hewn Resilience

  • The Limitless Endurance Culture Trait

You gain +1 HP per level.

Tainted Obstinance

  • The Stown-Hewn Resilience Culture Trait

Whenever you finish a short rest, you gain an amount of temporary hitpoints equal to your amount of permanent shadow points plus the amount of temporary shadow points you have above twice your wisdom modifier (minimum 0).

Iron Bows

  • Dwarf of Erebor
  • The Dwarven Tactics Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Shortbows or with Longbows

You may use strength for your attack rolls (but not damage rolls), with shortbows and longbows.

Raven Kin

  • Dwarf of Erebor

You have befriended a Raven of the Mountain, which is willing to follow many of your instructions, and will generally stay about 1 mile away from you, except when asked to stay nearer or further.

If your raven dies, you may spend 20 days of downtime in the area around the Lonely Mountain developing a friendship with another Raven.

Enchanted Toy-Smith

  • Dwarf of Erebor

You have proficiency with artisan’s tools (tinker’s tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time. When you create a device, choose one of the following options:

Clockwork Toy: This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.

Fire Starter: The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a Candle, torch, or campfire. Using the device requires your action.

Music Box: When opened, this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when it reaches the song’s end or when it is closed.


Raven of the Mountain

Small Beast, Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 10 (4d6-4)
  • Speed 10 ft.; fly 50 ft.

13 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

  • Skills Perception +3
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Vale of Anduin Tongue

Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, Reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.

Mattock Mastery

  • Dwarf of the Iron Hills
  • The Dwarven Tactics Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Mattocks

While wielding a Mattock, you gain the benefits of the Axe Expertise and Savage Hacker culture Traits as if you were wielding an Axe.

While wielding a Mattock, you deal double damage to Objects and Structures.

Boar Cavalry

  • Dwarf of the Iron Hills
  • The Dwarven Tactics Culture Trait

Whenever you make an attack while riding a creature, you may use your Bonus Action to have the creature make a Melee attack as a reaction.

Superior Darkvision

  • Dwarf of the Iron Hills

Your Darkvision range increases by 60'.

Undying Splendor

  • Elf Race

You have advantage on saving throws against disease.

Unweathered Form

  • The Undying Splendor Culture Trait

You have advantage on saving throws against non-magical Heat and Cold.

Unfamished Wanderer

  • The Undying Splendor Culture Trait

You require only one-third the amount of food and drink as a Human would.

Light Steps

  • Elf Race

You do not leave footprints unless you wish to. As such, creatures have disadvantage on any checks made to track you.

Unsinking Feet

  • The Light Steps Culture Trait

You ignore difficult terrain caused by snow, leaves, mud, or other substances into which you would sink.

Elven Nimbleness

  • The Light Steps Culture Trait

Whenever you take the Dash action, you ignore difficult terrain until the end of your turn.

Fleet of Foot

  • The Elven Nimbleness Culture Trait

Whenever you take the Dash action, you gain an additional 10' of movement speed.

Uncanny Speed

  • The Elven Nimbleness Culture Trait

A number of times per short rest equal to your Dexterity modifier (min 1), you may take the Dash action as a Bonus Action.

Evasive Mobility

  • The Elven Nimbleness Culture Trait

Whenever you take the Dash action, you may Dodge or Disengage as a Bonus Action.

Unarmored Defense

  • The Evasive Mobility Culture Trait

While you are neither wearing armor nor using a shield, you may add your Wisdom modifier to your AC.

Darting Warrior

  • The Unarmored Defense Culture Trait

You may multiclass into the Monk class, though may only take the Kensei monastic tradition.

Vertical Mobility

  • The Elven Nimbleness Culture Trait

You gain a Climb speed equal to your speed.

Aerial Acrobat

  • The Vertical Mobility Culture Trait

Double your maximum long jump distance.

Knowledge of Ages

  • Elf Race
  • You may take this Culture Trait any number of times, choosing a different Skill, Tool, or Weapon each time.

You gain proficiency with a Skill, Tool, or Weapon of your choice.

Telescopic Vision

  • Elf Race

You can make out fine detail at distances of up to 1200 ft.

Elven Accuracy

  • The Telescopic Vision Culture Trait.

You do not suffer disadvantage for making Ranged Weapon attacks at long range.

Legendary Precision

  • The Elven Accuracy Culture Trait

While making a ranged weapon attack with advantage, roll three dice instead of two. Still choose the highest of those three.

Hunter's Mark

  • The Legendary Precision Culture Trait

You may mark a target on a hit with a Ranged weapon attack, in addition to on a Melee weapon attack.

An amount of times per short rest equal to your Proficiency bonus, you may deal an additional 1d6 damage when you hit with a Ranged weapon attack against a creature you are marking.

Stalker's Mark

  • The Hunter's Mark Culture Trait

You always know the location of your Mark, as long as you are within 10' of them.

Pursuer's Mark

  • The Hunter's Mark Culture Trait

Once per turn, without expending an action, you may move up to 10' closer to your Mark as long as you can see them.

Enhanced Senses

  • Elf Race

You have advantage on perception checks relying on senses other than sight.

Greatened Awareness

  • The Enhanced Senses Culture Trait

You may take the Search action as a bonus action.

Furthermore, you gain a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score.

Eyeless Sense

  • The Greatened Awareness Culture Trait

You gain Blindsight out to 10'.

Elven Alertness

  • The Greatened Awareness Culture Trait

You cannot be surprised.

Elven Sorcery

  • Elf Race

You gain the Dancing Lights and Druidcraft spell. Wisdom or Charisma (your choice), is your spellcasting ability for these spells, and any other spells you later gain through culture Traits.

Lesser Elven Witchcraft

  • The Elven Sorcery Culture Trait

You gain the Calm Emotions and Charm Person spells. Once per short rest, you may use either of the two spells.

Elven Witchcraft

  • The Lesser Elven Witchcraft Culture Trait

You gain the Suggestion spell, which you can use once per long rest. Furthermore, you can multiclass into either Cleric (Nature Domain), or Bard (College of Lore), depending on whether you chose Wisdom or Charisma as your spellcasting ability. You may only choose certain spells as being a Cleric or Bard, which are on a list that I have. Consult with me when you wind up taking class levels.


Greater Elven Witchraft

  • The Elven Witchcraft Culture Trait

  • You gain the Mass Suggestion spell, which you can use once per long rest. However, when you use the spell, you gain one level of Exhaustion.

Knight of Gil-Galad

  • Elf of Lindon

Whenever a creature enters your reach during its turn, you may use your reaction to make an Attack of Opportunity against them.

Knight Guard-Commander

  • The Knight of Gil-Galad Culture Trait

Whenever an ally within 10' of you hits with a Melee weapon attack, you may use your reaction to have them deal additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1).

Rousing Song

  • Elf of Lindon
  • Proficiency in a Musical Instrument

Once per short rest you may play your instrument over the course of a minute, making a DC 15 Charisma check using your proficiency with the instrument. If you succeed, each ally of your choice within 60' of you gains Temporary hitpoints equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1).

Light of Valinor

  • Elf of Lindon

Whenever you would suffer a Bout of Madness, you do not degenerate. Instead, you lose this Culture Trait. However, you still suffer all other effects of the Bout of Madness. You may choose to retake this Culture Trait once it is expended.

Follower of Círdan

  • Elf of Lindon

You gain advantage on all checks made to navigate, craft, or operate boats or other sailing vessels.

Weaver of Light

  • Elf of Lothlórien
  • The Elven Sorcery Culture Trait

You can cast the Light spell using your Elven Sorcery Culture Trait.

Furthermore, once per long rest you may cast the Daylight spell. When you do, you gain one level of Exhaustion.

Dwellers in the Trees

  • Elf of Lothlórien

You have advantage on Stealth checks made to hide within leaves or behind trees.

Furthermore, you have a climb speed equal to your speed, as long as you are climbing trees.

Curator of Beauty

  • Elf of Lothlórien

Whenever you plant a plant, you may have it grow at double the rate that it would normally.

Furthermore, you know the practices required to grow a variety of magical flowers, as long as you have seeds for them.

Accelerated Growth

  • The Curator of Beauty Culture Trait
  • The Elven Sorcery Culture Trait

Once per long rest you may cast Plant Growth.

Path of Knowledge

  • Elf of Rivendell
  • The Elven Sorcery Culture Trait

You gain the Prestidigitation spell, and use Intelligence in place of Wisdom or Charisma to cast it.

If you gain the Elven Witchcraft Culture Trait, you are granted the ability to multiclass into a Wizard (Divination), but cannot multiclass into Bard or Cleric.

Hands of Healing

  • Elf of Rivendell
  • The Elven Sorcery Culture Trait

Once per long rest, you may, as an action, lay your hands on a target and send a wave of healing energy over them. They regain hitpoints equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier.

Written in the Stars

  • Elf of Rivendell
  • The Elven Sorcery Culture Trait

Once per long rest you may cast the Legend Lore spell.

Sense of Evil

  • Elf of Rivendell

An amount of times per long rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus you may use your action to learn the location of any Orckind, Troll, Undead, or Fiend within 90 ft. of you.

Shadow Archer

  • Elf of Mirkwood
  • The Elven Accuracy Culture Trait

You are not revealed from hiding when you miss a Ranged weapon attack.

Rapid Shot

  • Elf of Mirkwood
  • The Elven Accuracy Culture Trait

You may make an attack with a Shortbow as a bonus action. However, you do not add your Dexterity modifier to the damage roll of that attack.

Beast Speech

  • Elf of Mirkwood

You can cast Speak with Animals at will.

Plant Speech

  • The Beast Speech Culture Trait

You can telepathically communicate with plants within 30' of you, who have limited sentience and can provide information.

Furthermore, once per short rest you can temporarily grant the plants limited animated abilities for a minute, as an action. They can move in minor ways, though only if you convince them to. They can block a creature's path, create or remove difficult terrain, grant food and fruits, etc.

Object Speech

  • The Plant Speech Culture Trait

The features granted to you by the Plant Speech Culture Trait allow you to communicate with other natural objects, such as rocks, rivers, and clouds.

Beast Friendship

  • The Beast Speech Culture Trait

Once per short rest, you may cast the Animal Friendship or Animal Messenger spell, using either Wisdom or Charisma (your choice), as your spellcasting ability.


  • Elf of Mirkwood
  • The Elven Sorcery Cuture Trait

An amount of times per long rest equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, you may create a Witchlight, a glowing orb of blue light at a point within 60' of you. It shines bright light in a 15' radius, and dim light in an additional 15' radius. The Witchlights last for seven days.

Any humanoid or beast who goes within 90' of the light and sees it, must make a Wisdom saving throw or uses all of its movement on its turn to move towards the light. This counts as a charm effect.

As a bonus action, you may destroy one of your Witchlights that you can see.

Witchlight Sleep

  • The Witchlight Culture Trait

You may cast the Sleep spell centered on one of your Witchlights that you can see. When you do so, the Witchlight is destroyed.

Courage Unlooked-For

  • Hobbit Race

You have advantage on saving throws against effects that would frighten you.

Reserves of Valor

  • The Courage Unlooked-For Culture Trait

Once per long rest, you may, as an action expend a bonus action to gain 1d6 temporary hitpoints, which last for 1 minute. When you do so, you ignore all levels of exhaustion and are immune to the Frightened condition while you have the hitpoints.

Hope Undying

  • The Courage Unlooked-For Culture Trait

For the purposes of determining when you gain the Miserable condition, add your Charisma modifier and Proficiency bonus to your Wisdom score.

Soul of Levity

  • The Hope Undying Culture Trait

Once per long rest, you may spend 10 minutes to reduce the amount of Shadow Points that a Miserable ally has by your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).


  • The Hope Undying Culture Trait
  • At least three flaws gained due to Degeneration

You do not suffer penalties to social ability checks due to your degeneration, unless your degeneration flaws would directly impact it.

Natural Stealth

  • Hobbit Race

Creatures of a size larger than you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to find you.

Fade from Sight

  • The Natural Stealth Culture Trait

An amount of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus minus one when no creature can see you, turn Invisible as an action. The Invisibility lasts for 10 minutes or until you move, make an attack, or take damage.


Silent Steps

  • The Fade from Sight Culture Trait

You no longer become visible due to moving when invisible due to the Fade from Sight Culture Trait.

Fair Shot

  • Hobbit Race

You get a +1 bonus to attack rolls with Simple and Improvised ranged weapons.

Stone Slinger

  • The Fair Shot Culture Trait

You use a d6 for the damage die of attacks with Slings and thrown rocks.

In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against a target while using a Sling or a thrown rock, you may Stun the target until the start of your next turn instead of dealing additional damage.

Small Warrior

  • Hobbit Race

You may use 15' of movement move into the space of an adjacent creature of at least one size larger than you, and may even end your turn there.

You score a critical hit with a weapon attack against a creature that you are in the same space as on any roll of 19-20.

Upwards Stabs

  • The Small Warrior Culture Trait

You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that share a space with you.

Peculiar Resilience

  • Hobbit Race

When regaining hit points via expending hit dice, you roll each hit die twice and take the higher result.

Expert Gardener

  • Hobbit Race

You gain proficiency and expertise with Herbalism Kits and other checks made to garden or recall knowledge of plants.

Excellent Chef

  • Hobbit Race
  • Proficiency with Cook'S Utensils

Whenever you take a Short Rest while you have Cook's Utensils, you may make a DC 15 Intelligence check using your proficiency in Cook's Utensils. On a success, each of your companions gain Temporary Hitpoints equal to your Proficiency Bonus that last until they next finish a Short Rest.

Tookish Ancestry

  • Hobbit Race

You gain proficiency with a Martial weapon of your choice.

Inspiring Success

  • The Tookish Ancestry Culture Trait

Once per long rest when you roll a Natural 20 on an attack roll or saving throw, you may have the next d20 roll each ally within 60' of you makes within the next minute be made with advantage.


Brandybuck Ancestry

  • Hobbit Race

You gain proficiency and expertise with water vehicles, and may replace your proficiency with expertise when you make an Athletics check to swim (only if you already have proficiency).

Buckland Militia

  • The Brandybuck Ancestry Culture Trait

Once per long rest, you may, as an action, wake all of your allies within 120' of you. They then each gain 3 temporary hitpoints, which last for 10 minutes, and may use their reaction to immediately stand up and grab a weapon or a shield within 5' of them. When they do so, they may immediately use this culture trait, if they have it.

Hero's Luck

  • Barding

You have advantage on Death saving throws.

Saving Reflexes

  • The Hero's Luck Culture Trait

You receive a +1 bonus to Dexterity saving throws.

Preserving Luck

  • The Saving Reflexes Culture Trait

You receive a +1 bonus to all other Saving throws.

Surviving Grace

  • The Saving Reflexes Culture Trait

Once per short rest when you fail a saving throw, you may choose to succeed instead.

Fierce Shot

  • Barding
  • Proficiency with Long Bows

Once per short rest when you hit with a weapon attack with a Bow, you may cause the hit to become a critical hit.

Lucky Shot

  • The Fierce Shot Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Long Bows

You may use your Fierce Shot trait to turn even a missed attack into a critical hit.

King's Man

  • Barding

You gain proficiency with one of the following weapons of your choice: Broadswords, Longswords, Spears and Great Spears, or Short Bows and Long Bows.

Once per long rest you may use your bonus action to shout a command to a number of allies you can see within 60' of you that can hear you less than or equal to your proficiency bonus. They may each make a weapon attack as a reaction.

You may take this Culture Trait again, however, when you do you so, instead of gaining an additional use of your ability, you gain proficiency in all of the weapons you haven't yet chosen.


Master Fencer

  • The King's Man Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Broadswords

As a reaction to being hit by a melee weapon attack while wielding a finesse melee weapon in one hand and no shield, you may add your proficiency bonus to your AC against the triggering attack.

Master Swordsman

  • The King's Man Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Longswords

When making melee weapon attacks with versatile melee weapons or with melee weapons wielded in one hand, you ignore bonuses to armor class due to Shields or Great Shields.

Master Spearman

  • The King's Man Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Great Spears

When wielding a Spear or Great Spear with two hands, you may treat its reach as 5 ft. greater than its actual reach.

When you hit with an attack using a Spear or Great Spear, you may have the targets speed become 0 ft. until the start of your next turn or until they use an action to end the effect.

Master Archer

  • The King's Man Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Long Bows

As an action you may prepare to fire your bow. If you do, you gain advantage on the next attack roll you make with your bow before the end of your next turn, deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and ignore penalties for attacking at long range.

Woeful Foresight

  • Barding

Whenever you finish a long rest your DM tells you of relevant information regarding adverse circumstances likely to occur during your current adventure.

Kin of the Lakemen

  • Barding

You may take Culture Traits as if you were a Man of Esgaroth, except for the Trader's Savvy and Servants to your House Culture Traits.

Great Strength

  • Beorning

You have advantage on ability checks made to lift or push objects, and are treated as if you are one size larger than your size for determining your carrying capacity.

Savage Warrior

  • The Great Strength Culture Virtue

Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee attack, you deal an additional 2d6 damage of the same type.

Bear's Resilience

  • The Great Strength Culture Virtue

At the beginning of your turn while you are wearing no armor, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to half your Constitution modifier, rounded up (min 1).


Beorning's Hide

  • The Bear's Resilience Culture Virtue

While you are wearing no armor, you have resistance to non-magical Piercing damage.

Hide of Iron

  • The Beorning's Hide Culture Virtue

While you are wearing no armor, you have immunity to non-magical Piercing damage and resistance to non-magical Slashing damage.

Bear's Stamina

  • The Bear's Resilience Culture Virtue

While you are wearing no armor, you have advantage on constitution ability checks and on saving throws against exhaustion.


  • Beorning
  • Proficiency with Cook's Utensils

As long as you have access to Cook's Utensils, you and your allies may ignore your first level of exhaustion.

Healer's Honey

  • The Honey-Cakes Culture Virtue

Whenever you or one of your allies would regain hitpoints while resting while you have access to Cook's Utensils, you each regain additional hitpoints equal to half of your proficiency bonus, rounded up.

Tongue of Beasts

  • Beorning

You can communicate with natural beasts, such as wolves, dogs, bears, and bees.

Keeper of Beasts

  • The Tongue of Beasts Culture Trait

A number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus you may cast the Animal Friendship spell, using Wisdom as your spellcasting ability.

Master of Beasts

  • The Keeper of Beasts Culture Trait

A number of times per long rest equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) you may cast the Beast Bond spell.

Lord of Beasts

  • The Master of Beasts Culture Trait

Once per long rest you may cast the Dominate Beast spell, using Wisdom as your spellcasting ability.

Freer of Beasts

  • The Lord of Beasts Culture Trait

Once per long rest you may cast the Awaken spell on a beast that is already charmed by you without expending material components. When you do so, you gain one level of Exhaustion.



  • The Keeper of Beasts Culture Trait

When using the Animal Friendship, Beast Bond, or Dominate Beast spell gained from the Keeper of Beasts, Master of Beasts, or Lord of Beasts Culture Trait respectively, you may target a Swarm of Bees or other similar insects instead of a single animal.

Lore of Beasts

  • The Tongue of Beasts Culture Trait

A number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, you may cast Locate Animals or Plants, though may only use it to locate animals.

Spirit Walker

  • Beorning

Once per long rest while you are sleeping you may have your consciousness depart from your body in the form of a fully-grown bear that is visible to others and leaves tracsk. While in bear form, you make ability checks as normal, but if you would attack, take damage, or suffer a level of exhaustion, you instead take 1d8 Psychic damage and wake up.


  • The Spirit Walker Culture Trait

Once per short rest you may, as an action, gain 15 temporary hitpoints for the next hour. While you have these temporary hitpoints, your unarmed strikes deal 2d4 base damage.

Lesser Skinchanger

  • The Skinshifter Culture Trait

When you use your Skinshifter ability, you may, instead, turn into a Black Bear as per the Druid's Wildshape feature. However, you use your own Dexterity modifier and add your own Strength modifier to your Bear forms Strength Score.


  • The Lesser Skinchanger Culture Trait

You turn into a Brown Bear instead.

Greater Skinchanger

  • The Skinchanger Culture Trait

You turn into a Cave Bear instead.

Druidic Skills

  • The Spirit Walker Culture Trait
  • The Master of Beasts Culture Trait

You can multiclass into Druid (Land), however you have a limited spell list do not gain the Wild Shape feature.

Instead, once you reach the second level of the Druid Class over the course of 10 days of downtime you may tame a beast companion that you would be able to change into. It acts as your servant, has Intelligence 8, and obeys all of your commands.

Enemies of the Mountainfolk

  • Beorning

You gain a Climb speed equal to your speed.

Whenever you hit a Dwarf or an Orc-Kind with a melee weapon attack, you deal additional damage equal to your Proficiency bonus.


  • Beorning

You gain Darkvision out to 120'


Vengeful Wrath

  • Beorning

While you have less than half your hitpoints you have advantage on attack rolls and your critical hit range increases by two. However, enemies have advantage on attack rolls against you.

Sense the Unseen

  • Dúnedain

You are automatically aware of the presence of ghosts, shades, and wraiths of any kind within 120' of you.

Lore of the Unseen

  • The Sense the Unseen Culture Trait

Once you are aware of a haunting, you may make Investigation checks to further determine the nature of the haunting.

Strength of Will

  • Dúnedain

You have advantage on all mental saving throws against effects caused by Undead and Fiends.

Light Among Men

  • The Strength of Will Culture Trait

If you succeed on a mental saving throw against an effect caused by an Undead or Fiend by five or more, you may choose up to two allies within 60' of you and cause them to automatically succeed on the saving throw.

Bane of the Shadow

  • The Sense the Unseen Culture Trait
  • The Strength of Will Culture Trait

Your weapon attacks against Undead and Fiends count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances or immunities, and you deal an additional 1d4 Radiant damage whenever you hit an Undead or Fiend with a weapon attack.

Endurance of the Dúnedain

  • Dúnedain

Once per short rest when you are reduced to 0 hitpoints but not killed outright, you are reduced to 1 hitpoint instead.

Danger Sense

  • Dúnedain

Whenever you would be surprised, you may make a DC 15 Dexterity (Perception) check. On a success, you are not surprised.

Foresight of Númenor

  • The Danger Sense Culture Trait

An amount of times per long rest equal to your Wisdom modifier (min 1), you may cast the Augury spell non-magically without expending material components.


  • Dúnedain
  • Not the Raised in Gondor Culture Trait

You may gain the Elven Accuracy Culture Trait, as well as traits further along its line. Furthermore, you gain proficiency in Perception and the benefits of the Telescopic Vision Culture Trait.


Elf-Kin's Magic

  • The Elf-Kin Culture Trait

You gain the benefits of the Elven Sorcery Culture Trait.

Sterner than Steel

  • Dúnedain

You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws against Corruption.

Royal Lineage

  • Dúnedain
  • Not the Raised in Gondor Culture Trait

You gain Expertise in History.

Once per long rest you may utilize your heritage in order to gain an audience with a local Lord or Noble.

Noble's Connections

  • The Royal Lineage Culture Trait

Once per long rest you may utilize your heritage in order to gain advantage on any social ability checks made when interacting with a given individual, as long as that individual respects the legacy of the Dúnedain or of Númenor.

Royalty Revealed

  • The Royal Lineage Culture Trait

Once per long rest you may, as an action, reveal your lineage during combat. Each ally within 60' of you gains temporary hitpoints equal to twice your Charisma modifier (min 1) for 1 minute, and each agent of the shadow within 60' of you must make a DC 8 + Prof + Cha Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute.

Knowledge of Magecraft

  • Dúnedain
  • Proficiency in Arcana

A total of an amount of times equal to your either your Wisdom (Arcana) or Intelligence (Arcana) bonus (your choice) you may cast either the Identify or Detect Magic spells.

Arcane Interference

  • The Knowledge of Magecraft Culture Trait
  • Level four or greater

You may use two uses of your Knowledge of Magecraft Culture Trait to cast Dispel Magic, and may use three uses to cast Counterspell. Use Wisdom or Intelligence (Your choice) as your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Mystic Herblore

  • Dúnedain

Once per long rest you may cast the Goodberry spell over the course of 10 minutes as a non-magical ability, however the duration throughout which the berries maintain potency is increased to 3 days. You may only have one set of Goodberries at any given time.

Mystic Knowledge

  • The Mystic Herblore Culture Trait

An amount of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus you may cast Locate Animals or Plants.

Rain of Arrows

  • Dúnedain

Whenever you hit a creature with a ranged attack, your allies have advantage on ranged attacks against that creature and each other creature within 5' of you until the start of your next turn.

Raised in Gondor

  • Dúnedain
  • Not the Elf-Kin Culture Trait
  • Not the Royal Lineage Culture Trait

You may gain culture traits as if you were a Man of Gondor, and you gain proficiency in Shields, Spears, and Longswords.

Guild Bowman

  • Man of Esgaroth

Your ranged attack rolls with bows deal +1 damage.

You double both your short and long range when using a bow.

Raised on Long Lake

  • Man of Esgaroth

You gain proficiency and expertise with Sea Vehicles

Experienced Swimmer

  • The Raised on Long Lake Culture Trait

You gain a Swim Speed equal to two thirds your walking speed.

You may use your Dexterity instead of Strength on any Strength (Athletics) Check made to swim.

Master Swimmer

  • The Experienced Swimmer Culture Trait

You may hold your breath for an additional number of seconds equal to thirty times your proficiency bonus.

You gain a Swim Speed equal to your speed.

Treasure Diver

  • The Master Swimmer Culture Trait

You gain Darkvision out to 90' when underwater.

You may swim straight downwards at twice your normal swimming speed.

Boat Legs

  • The Raised on Long Lake Culture Trait

You have advantage on all checks and saving throws made to maintain balance.

Rope Mastery

  • The Raised on Long Lake Culture Trait
  • Proficiency in Sleight of Hand

When you spend at least 1 minute tying a knot you tie it in such a manner that you can untie it over the course of an action but any other creature must spend three actions untying it and must succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) check.

Furthermore, for a creature to slip out of one of these knots, they must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.

Net Fighter

  • The Rope Mastery Culture Trait
  • Proficiency with Nets

You do not suffer disadvantage for attacking with a Net against a target that is within 5' of you.

Additionally, when you throw a Net the DC for the Strength check required to escape it increases to 15.


Servants to your House

  • Man of Esgaroth

You have a servant, who may have any of the occupations listed below. The servant uses the statistics of a commoner, and grants you proficiency and a +2 bonus in a skill or tool based on the servants occupation. You are only granted this bonus if the servant is able to assist you. Your servants are willing to provide other tasks for you, such as carrying your gear or other items. Your servant speaks Westron and Dalian.

Your servant will accompany you into dangerous locales, but is not willing to die for you. If you abuse your servant enough, they will leave you.

If your servant dies, you do not gain a new one.

You may take this Virtue any number of times, though may only have a number of servants less or equal to your Charisma bonus (min 1) at any given time.

Occupation Skill/Tool
Artisan One tool of your choice as long as the tool costs 10 GP or less and isn't Calligrapher's tools
Beast Handler Animal Handling
Guide Survival
Pilot Sea Vehicles
Sage Your choice of Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, or Shadow-Lore
Scribe Calligrapher's Tools
Translator One language of your choice
Valet Traditions
Wagoner Land Vehicles

Trader's Savvy

  • Man of Esgaroth

You have advantage on all Charisma ability checks involved in direct negotiations with another party.

Assured Supply

  • The Trader's Savvy Culture Trait

Choose one of the following goods:

  • Herbs, Potions, and Salves
  • Melee Weapons
  • Ranged Weapons
  • Light Armor
  • Medium Armor
  • Heavy Armor
  • Adventuring Gear
  • Food
  • Wine
  • Art Objects
  • Boats
  • Metal
  • Gemstones
  • Artisan's Tools

As long as you spend at least 10 days of downtime in Laketown, you are able to find a seller willing to provide you with goods of this type at only half the price.

You may take this Culture Trait any number of times, choosing a different type of good each time.

Regular Shipments

  • The Trader's Savvy Culture Trait

At the start of every spring and fall you may choose to expend from 5-15 GP. Then, at the end of that season roll a d8 on the following table to determine how much money you gain:

Result Money
1 No money
2 An amount of money equaling half the amount you spent
3 An amount of money equaling three-quarters the amount you spent.
4-6 An amount of money equaling the amount you spent
7-8 An amount of money equaling one-and-a-half times the amount you spent.

If you would roll an 8, you may have your DM give you an amount equaling the amount you spent and give you some sort of unique exotic item. The DM determines the item, and does not tell you what it will be before giving it to you.


Global Traveler

  • The Trader's Savvy Culture Trait

You learn two languages, other than Khuzdul, of your choice. In addition to the Vale of Anduin Tongue, Sindarin, and Quenya, you may learn any of the following languages:

Adûnaic: The language of the ancient Númenóreans, and a distant ancestor of Westron.

Balchoth: The language of the Wainriders, an Easterling tribe famed for their use of wagons, chariots, and cavalry.

Black Speech: The language of the Enemy and His servants.

Dorwinric: A combination of Sindarin and the Vale of Anduin Tongue, as well as unique words, that is spoken in Dorwinion, a kingdom of both Elves and Men.

Dunlending: The language of the Dunlendings, the men of Dunland, a realm to the north of Rohan that once extended throughout Rohan and southern Rhovanion.

Haladian: The language of the Haladin, one of the ancient noble houses that is now extinct, as well as of the Drúedain, a tribe of Edain that dwell in the Drúadan Forest in Gondor.

Haradric: The language of the Haradrim, a group of snake-worshipping Southrons who dwell in the deserts below Gondor.

Khandish: The language of the Variags, one of the many Easterling tribes who dwell even further south than Mordor.

Lossoth: The language of the Lossoth, a tribe that dwells in the ice to the north of the world.

Morwaithi: The language of the Morwaith, a confederacy of tribes who dwell far to the south of Middle Earth.

Rhûnic: The common tongue of Rhûn, and the tongue of the Golden Easterlings, a group of several Easterling kingdoms united into a single empire.

Umbaran; A descendant of Adûnaic that is spoken by the Black Númenóreans, as well as those area of Harad they dominate.

You may take this feat any number of times, gaining new languages each time.

Foreign Diplomat

  • The Global Traveler Culture Trait

You do not suffer disadvantage on Traditions checks when interacting with members of a culture you are not familiar with.

Merchant Prince

  • The Trader's Savvy Culture Trait

You can pass yourself off an Aristocrat, Noble, or Super-Wealthy merchant by spending 5 GP upfront and at least 6 SP per day for at least 10 days to maintain the appearance of nobility.

Hardened by Dragonfire

  • Man of Esgaroth

Once per short rest you may, as a reaction or bonus action, gain resistance to fire damage for 1 minute.


  • Man of Esgaroth
  • Proficiency with Shields

As a bonus action you may make an attack with a Shield or Great Shield you are proficient with. Do not add your ability modifier to the damage roll of the attack, unless you have the Dual Wielder fighting style.

Shields deal 1d4 Bludgeoning damage, and Great Shields deal 1d6 Bludgeoning damage. On a hit, the target is pushed 5' away from you, and if the hit was with a Great Shield they must also make a Strength saving throw (vs. 8 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus) or be knocked prone.

Over Dangerous Leagues

  • Man of Gondor

The first time between each Long Rest or Short Rest in a "Safe Location" that you would gain a level of exhaustion, you do not gain that level of exhaustion.


Martial Training

  • Man of Gondor

Choose one type of non-exotic armor or shield and one type of non-exotic weapon to gain proficiency in.

Grim Warrior

  • Man of Gondor

You do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls due to the Miserable condition, unless the amount of Shadow points you have exceeds your Wisdom score by 5 or more.

Rallying Cry

  • Man of Gondor

A number of times per long rest equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1) you may, as an action, shout commands, give a speech, blow a horn, raise a standard, or perform some other action to inspire your allies within 60' of you. Each ally inspired in this manner has advantage on the next attack roll they make before the end of combat.

You cannot use your Rallying Cry while you are under the effects of the Frightened or Miserable conditions.

Onward to Battle

  • The Rallying Cry Culture Trait

When you use your Rallying Cry you may instead have each affected ally is cured of the Frigthened condition

Encourage to Valor

  • The Rallying Cry Culture Trait

When you use your Rallying Cry you may instead have each affected ally gain 7 temporary hitpoints which last until the end of combat.


  • The Rallying Cry Culture Trait

When you use your Rallying Cry you may instead have each affected ally use their reaction to move up to 15' without provoking opportunity attacks.

Inspire to Assault

  • The Rallying Cry Culture Trait

When you use your Rallying Cry you may instead have up to three affected allies use their reaction to make a weapon attack.

Words of Encouragement

  • The Rallying Cry Culture Trait

When you use your Rallying Cry you may instead have each affected ally be cured of the Miserable condition for the duration of combat.

Rouse to Savagery

  • The Rallying Cry Culture Trait

When you use your Rallying Cry you may instead have each affected ally add their Strength modifier an additional time to the damage roll of their next attack this turn.

Goading Shouts

  • The Rallying Cry Culture Trait

When you use your Rallying Cry you may instead have each enemy within 60' of you have disadvantage on their next attack roll against a creature other than you this combat.


Frightening Display

  • The Goading Shouts Culture Trait

When you use your Rallying Cry you may instead have each enemy within 60' of you make a Wisdom saving throw against 8 + Cha + Prof or be frightened of you for 1 minute or until a creature other than you deals damage to them.

Piercing Sight

  • Man of Gondor

An amount of times per long rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus you may, over the course of 3 rounds of watching the creature, force a Humanoid or Beast other than an Elf or Dwarf to make a DC 8 + Prof + Wis Wisdom Saving throw. On a failure, you gain insights about the creature, its reasoning, its emotional state, and/or large things looming over its thoughts.

Whether the creature fails or succeeds, it knows that something is amiss and feels discomforted. Furthermore, you may not use this ability on that creature again until you finish a long rest.

Discreet Watching

  • The Piercing Sight Culture Trait

A creature affected by your Piercing Sight does not know that it is affected.

Shield Fence

  • Man of Gondor
  • Proficiency with Shields or Great Shields

As long as you have at least one ally that is wielding a Great Shield or Shield within 5' of you, and you are wielding a Great Shield or Shield, you gain an additional +1 bonus to AC.

Tower Guard

  • Man of Gondor

While you are fighting with a martial melee weapon that is not light, whenever a creature enters your reach you may use your reaction to make an Attack of Opportunity against them.

Staunch-Hearted Warriors

  • Man of Gondor

You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws made in combat.

Scholar of Minas Tirith

  • Man of Gondor
  • Proficiency in History

You gain expertise in History, learn Adûnaic, and gain advantage on History checks made to recall information about the history of Arnor, Gondor, or Númenor.

Ancient Lore

  • The Scholar of Minas Tirith Culture Trait
  • Proficiency in Religion and Arcana

You gain expertise in Religion and in Arcana.

Fragments of Lost Knowledge

  • The Ancient Lore Culture Trait

You may spend 10 days of downtime doing research to non-magically cast the Legend Lore spell.


Secrets of Ages Past

  • The Fragments of Lost Knowledge Culture Trait

You may cast the Identify spell at will.

The Lost Art

  • The Secrets of Ages Past Culture Trait

You may multiclass into the Wizard class, though may only choose spells from a limited spell list.

Temptation of Sorcery

  • The The Lost Art Culture Trait

You may learn the following additional spells. However, learning one of these spells counts as a Misdeed worthy of 3 Shadow Points, and when you cast one of these spells you must make a Wisdom saving throw vs. 10 + the spells level. On a failed saving throw, you gain 1 Shadow Point.

  • Greenflame Blade
  • Fire Bolt
  • Toll the Dead
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Shadow Blade
  • Animate Dead
  • Fireball
  • Flame Arrows
  • Summon Lesser Demons
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Evard's Black Tentacles
  • Fabricate
  • Summon Greater Demon
  • Wall of Fire
  • Creation
  • Danse Macabre
  • Enervation
  • Immolation
  • Negative Energy Flood
  • Create Undead
  • Investiture of Flame
  • Magic Jar
  • Soul Cage
  • Delayed Blast Fireball
  • Finger of Death
  • Symbol
  • Incendiary Cloud
  • Power Word Kill

Born in the Saddle

  • Man of Rohan

You have advantage and expertise in Animal Handling checks when dealing with horses.

Fast Rider

  • The Born in the Saddle Culture Trait

As a bonus action you may increase the speed of a horse you are mounting by 10' until the start of your next turn.

Rider in the Night

  • The Born in the Saddle Culture Trait
  • Proficient in Stealth

When mounted on a horse, you may have your mount use your proficiency in Stealth

Expert Jouster

  • The Born in the Saddle Culture Trait

As a reaction to being knocked off your horse, you may attempt a DC 15 Dexterity (Animal Handling) check (with advantage and expertise due to the Born in the Saddle Feature) in order to prevent yourself from being knocked off.

When you, while mounted on a horse, move at least 10' towards a target before hitting it with a melee weapon attack with a Spear, Great Spear, or Lance you are proficient in, the target must make a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus) or be knocked prone.

Knight of the Riddermark

  • The Expert Jouster Culture Trait

Whenever you, while mounted on a horse, make a melee attack using a weapon you are proficient with against a creature that is smaller than your mount, your crit range increases by 3.

Horse Archery

  • The Knight of the Riddermark Culture Trait

You get a +2 bonus to damage rolls of ranged attacks made while mounted on a horse.

Blades of the Riddemark

  • The Knight of the Riddermark Culture Trait

When you, while mounted on a horse, move at least 10' towards a target before hitting with a melee weapon attack with a Longsword, Broadsword, or Battle Axe, you deal an additional 1d4 damage of the proper type.


  • The Knight of the Riddermark Culture Trait

While wielding a Shield or Great Shield you are proficient with and mounted on a horse you receive an additional +1 bonus to AC.

Master of Doom

  • Man of Rohan

When you finish a long rest you may lower your Wisdom score by an amount up to your proficiency bonus. For each point by which you lower your Wisdom score, you gain 5 temporary hitpoints that last until you finish a long rest.

Fateful Last Stand

  • The Master of Doom Culture Trait

When you drop to 0 hitpoints, you may instead drop to 1 hitpoint and gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1) multiplied by your level. While you have these temporary hitpoints, you have advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws.

These temporary hitpoints last until combat ends. When you lose these temporary hitpoints you immediately die.

Old Songs and Children's Tales

  • Man of Rohan

An amount of times per long rest equal to your Wisdom modifier, when you hear a name or see a sight you may have your DM make an Intelligence check using your proficiency for you in secret. Depending on the result, you learn lore relating to the name or sight, usually in the form of song or rhyme. If your result is 5 or lower, you recall subtly false information. If your result is 6-10, you recall obviously false or no information. If your result is 11-15, you recall true but not necessarily useful information. If your result is 16 or higher, you recall relevant, albeit cryptic, information.


  • Man of Rohan

You have an esquire, who may have any of the occupations listed below. The esquire uses the statistics of a Guard and speaks Westron and the Vale of Anduin Tongue.

Your esquire will accompany you into dangerous locales, and is willing to die for you. Your esquire will not lead you due to abuse, however whenever you abuse your esquire you gain 2 Shadow points and they gain 1 Shadow point.

If your esquire dies, you do not gain a new one. Furthermore, if they die due to a foolish mistake or abuse on your part, you gain 3 Shadow points and your reputation is forever tainted amongst the people of Rohan.

Joy and Merriment

  • Man of Rohan
  • Proficiency in Performance

Whenever you finish a long rest, you may have a number of allies of yours up to your Charisma modifier, other than you, lose one Temporary Shadow Point (but not permanent shadow points). A creature can only lose one shadow point due to this feature every year.


Mighty Spear-Thrower

  • Man of Rohan

You do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls made with Spears and Javelins at long range, and increase the damage die by one size.

Hunter's Resolve

  • Woodman

Once per long rest you may, as a bonus action, choose any number of hit dice. Then, you spend those hit dice, regaining hit points as normal.

Hunter's Stamina

  • The Hunter's Resolve Culture Trait

When you use your Hunter's Resolve you are cured of one level of exhaustion.

Hunter's Skill

  • The Hunter's Resolve Culture Trait

When you use your Hunter's Resolve, you have advantage on all weapon attack rolls for the next minute or until you hit with a weapon attack and the next time you hit with a weapon attack within 1 minute the hit is automatically a critical hit.

Hunter's Pursuit

  • The Hunter's Resolve Culture Trait

When you use your Hunter's Resilience your speed increases by 10 ft for the next minute.

Hunter's Resilience

  • The Hunter's Resolve Culture Trait

When you use your Hunter's Resilience you gain resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.

Staunching Song

  • Woodman

An amount of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, you may, over the course of 10 minutes of resting, sing an ancient song with healing power.

You and each of your allies that is resting with you may regain hitpoints as if they had spent a hit die, without expending any hit dice.

Experienced Traveler

  • Woodman

You may choose either Mountains, Lakes, Plains, Swamps, Hills, or the Sea. Any of your Culture Traits that only work in or near forests work in or near that terrain type as well.

You may take this Culture Trait any number of times. Each time, choose a new type of terrain.

Signs of Beasts and Birds

  • Woodman

While in or within a few miles of a forest you have a +5 bonus to Initiative rolls and to your passive Perception score.


Fragrant Weeds

  • Woodman
  • Proficiency in Herbalism Kits

As long as you are in a forest, you can gather enough herbs to allow one creature to ignore a single level of exhaustion. The herbs lose their potency after 1 hour. If the creature stops taking the herbs, they suffer the effects of the exhaustion after 1 day.

Herbal Remedies

  • The Fragrant Weeds Culture Trait
  • Proficiency in Medicine

Once per long rest while in a forest you may spend 10 minutes gathering herbs in order to prepare a concoction. The concoction loses its potency after 1 hour.

A creature that imbibes the concoction is cured of a single poison effect of your choice, and has advantage on all saving throws against poison for 24 hours.

Healing Herbs

  • The Herbal Remedies Culture Trait

Your Herbal Remedies also cause any creature that consumes them to regain hitpoints equal to 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency in Medicine.

Woodman's Poison

  • The Fragrant Weeds Culture Trait
  • Proficiency in the Poisoner's Kit

Once per long rest while in a forest you may spend 10 minutes gathering herbs in order to prepare a poison. The poison can be applied to a slashing or piercing weapon or to up to three pieces of ammunition, or can be put into food or drink. The poison loses potency after 7 days.

Any creature who is affected by the poison must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 poison damage and suffer from the poison condition for 1 minute.

Natural Stimulants

  • The Fragrant Weeds Culture Trait

Once per long rest while in a forest you may spend 10 minutes gathering herbs in order to prepare a potion. The potion can be drunk as an action, and loses potency after 7 days.

Any creature who drinks the potion gains 5 temporary hitpoints (which last for 1 minute) and gains + 5 ft. of movement speed and advantage on Strength and Dexterity ability checks, as well as on attack rolls for the next minute. Then, the creature immediately gains one level of exhaustion and takes 2d4 Poison damage.

Hound of Mirkwood

  • Woodman

You are accompanied in your travels by a Hound of Mirkwood, which is loyal to you and your allies. It understands the Vale of Anduin Tongue, and almost always obeys your commands.

The hound cannot take the Attack action unless you use your action to command it to do so.

The hound uses the statistics of a Wolf, except for as listed above and that its hitpoints are equal to 4 times your level instead of their normal value, it uses your proficiency bonus instead of its own, has no hit die of its own (instead regaining hitpoints whenever you expend hit die), and adds your proficiency bonus to its AC and damage rolls.

If the hound dies, you may spend 40 days of downtime in and around Mirkwood acquiring and bonding with an already trained hound, or may spend 180 days of downtime in and around Mirkwood raising and training one yourself.

Hound's Support

  • The Hound of Mirkwood Culture Trait

Choose either Intimidation, Investigation, Insight, Performance, or Perception. While you have your hound with you, you have advantage on ability checks using that skill, and may add your proficiency bonus to rolls using that skill (potentially in addition to either proficiency or expertise.)

You may take this Trait any number of times, choosing a different skill each time.

Independent Combat

  • The Hound of Mirkwood Culture Trait

Your hound may make attacks independent of you using your action to command it to do so, though has disadvantage on attack rolls when doing so.

Warrior's Hound

  • The Hound of Mirkwood Culture Trait

Your hound no longer suffers disadvantage on attack rolls for attacking without you using your action to command it.

Sky High Archery

  • Woodman

An amount of times per short rest equal to your proficiency bonus when you make a ranged attack you may choose not to suffer advantage for making the attack at long range.

When you do so, and the attack hits a flying creature, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against 10 or half the damage dealt (whichever is higher) or be knocked prone.

Cultural Starting Equipment

A large part of your starting equipment is determined by your culture. Your starting wealth is determined by your culture, and you are also granted several options of starting items due to your culture. Each culture, the starting wealth they grant, and the starting equipment choices are listed below.

Dwarves of Erebor

A Dwarf of Erebor starts with 36 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A gold piece from Smaug's horde.
  • A magically forged wind up toy in the form of an animal of your choice.
  • A gold ring.
  • A small ruby.
  • A fur lined cloak.
  • A steel forge hammer inlaid with gold.
  • Twenty pitons.

Dwarves of the Iron Hills

A Dwarf of the Iron Hills starts with 30 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A flask of dwarven spirits.
  • A set of masons tools.
  • A battleaxe forged entirely of steel (including the haft).
  • A pickaxe
  • A bullseye lantern
  • A mattock
  • A saddle made for riding a boar

Elves of Mirkwood

An Elf of Mirkwood starts with 10 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A short bow studded with bronze.
  • A bronze dagger with silver filigree.
  • A musical instrument of your choice.
  • An herbalism kit.
  • A bottle of wine from dorwinion.
  • 200' of hemp rope.
  • A silver necklace with a quartz crystal.

Elves of Lindon

An Elf of Lindon starts with 24 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A glowing blue crystal.
  • A musical instrument of your choice.
  • A steel spear with mithril filigree.
  • Ten arrows coated in silver.
  • A silver ring.
  • An ancient bronze helmet.
  • A gem studded drinking horn.

Elves of Rivendell

An Elf of Rivendell starts with 15 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A star chart.
  • A map of Imladris and the surrounding area.
  • A book on elven history.
  • A long bow carved with patterns of leaves.
  • A vial of Miruvor.
  • A spear that has been carved from a single branch.
  • A dining set of crystal bowls, cups, and plates and mithril cutlery.

Elves of Lórien

An Elf of Lórien starts with 10 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A piece of Lembas.
  • A mallorn Longbow.
  • A bundle of rare flowers from Lothlórien.
  • A silk cloak.
  • A 75' silk rope.
  • A statuette of an elven god carved from mallorn.
  • Two identical daggers with bronze filigree and emerald pommels.


A Hobbit starts with 20 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A fine walking stick.
  • An pipe and pipeweed.
  • A journal, ink, and quills.
  • Fancy pots and pans of dwarven make.
  • A seemingly limitless supply of hankerchiefs.
  • 7 particularly smooth pebbles.
  • A sling made of silk and satin.


A Barding starts with 20 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A bottle of dwarven wine.
  • A magically forged wind up toy in the form of a raven that can fly.
  • An amulet of a raven's feather.
  • A scale from Smaug.
  • A silver comb.
  • 20 ebony arrows fletched with raven feathers.
  • 5 servings of cram.


A Beorning starts with 10 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • An ancient dagger.
  • A bundle of honey cakes.
  • A flask of mead.
  • A silver whistle.
  • A necklace of orc teeth.
  • A scimitar stolen reclaimed from an orc.
  • A javelin tipped with bear claws.


A Dúnadan starts with 10 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • An Arnorian shortsword.
  • A Númenórean signet ring.
  • A pipe and pipeweed.
  • An herbalism kit.
  • A shortbow that you crafted as a child.
  • A camouflaged cloak.
  • An out of date map of trails and safe-houses throughout Eriador.

Men of Esgaroth

A Man of Esgaroth starts with 30 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A gaming set or pack of playing cards.
  • A bottle of wine from Dorwinion.
  • A fur lined cloak.
  • A long bow.
  • 1d4-1 gold pieces.
  • A random item available to Dwarves of Erebor other than a "fur lined cloak."
  • A random item available to Elves of Mirkwood other than a "bottle of wine from Dorwinion."

Men of Gondor

A Man of Gondor starts with 20 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A horn.
  • A whetstone.
  • A brooch showing the white tree.
  • Ink and parchment.
  • A signet ring of a Gondorian noble.
  • Smith's tools.
  • Black silk robes with silver tassles.

Men of Rohan

A Man of Rohan starts with a Riding Horse. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A drinking horn.
  • An ornate bronze helmet.
  • An antique and named sword that has been in your family for generations.
  • A chess set.
  • A bronze arm band.
  • A spear tipped with a horn.
  • A cask of ale.


A Woodman starts with 5 Silver Pieces. Furthermore, they select three items from those below:

  • A hunting trap.
  • A decorative leather armband.
  • A hand-carved gaming set.
  • An herbalism kit.
  • A basket of berries.
  • Three doses of white water lilies.
  • A warg-skin coat.

Class Starting Equipment

Each class provides certain starting equipment. The classes found in the Player's Handbook have their normal Player's Handbook starting equipment. The Wanderer uses the starting equipment of a Ranger. Scholar and Warden starting equipment is detailed below.


  • A leather jerkin
  • A simple weapon of your choice
  • A set of artisan's tools of your choice
  • A scholar's pack


  • A martial weapon of your choice
  • A leather corslet
  • (a) a shield or (b) a simple weapon on your choice
  • (a) a short bow and quiver of 20 arrows or (b) 3 javelins or hand axes
  • (a) a diplomat's pack or (b) an explorer's pack


Armor Cost AC Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Leather jerkin 10s 11 + Dex modifier - - 10 lb.
Leather corslet 45s 12 + Dex modifier - - 13 lb.
Medium Armor
Hide 10s 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) - - 12 lb.
Corslet of Mail 50s 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) - - 20 lb.
Scale hauberk 60s 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) - Disadvantage 45 lb.
Heavy Armor
Ring mail 40s 14 - Disadvantage 40 lb.
Heavy Mail 75s 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 55 lb.
Shield 10s +2 - Disadvantage 6 lb.
Great Shield 30s +4 Str 15 Disadvantage 35 lb.
Weapons Cost Weight Stats
Simple Melee
Club 25c 2 lb. Club
Dagger 2s 1 lb. Dagger
Great Club 75c 10 lb. Great Club
Hand-Axe 5s 2 lb. Hand Axe
Hammer 2s 2 lb. Light Hammer
Javelin 2s 2 lb. Javelin
Mace 4s 4 lb. Mace
Staff 5s 4 lb. Quarterstaff
Spear 3s 3 lb. Spear
Simple Ranged
Short Bow 25s 2 lb. Short Bow
Sling 25c - Sling
Martial Melee
Battle Axe 10s 4 lb. Battle Axe
Broadsword 30s 3 lb. Rapier
Great Axe 30s 7 lb. Great Axe
Great Spear 20s 9 lb. Pike
Long Sword 40s 3 lb. Long Sword
Mattock 20s 8 lb. Great Sword
Short Sword 10s 2 lb. Short Sword
Warhammer 15s 2 lb. Warhammer
Martial Ranged
Long Bow 50s 3 lb. Long Bow
Exotic Melee
Glaive - 6 lb. Glaive
Halberd - 6 lb. Halberd
Weapons (Cont.) Cost Weight Stats
Heavy Scimitar - 6 lb. Great Sword
Scimitar - 3 lb. Scimitar
Exotic Ranged
Hand Crossbow - 3 lb. Hand Crossbow
Crossbow - 18 lb. Heavy Crossbow
Other Items Cost Weight
Dwarven Toy 2g 1 lb.
Firework 1g -
Hagweed 40s -
Kingcup 30s -
Reedmace 20s -
Shadow-Thorn 25s -
Water Lily (Red) 3g -
Water Lily (White) 20s -

Dwarven Toy

The children of Durin and their apprentices are able to craft toys that they enchant with magic. The toys have the statistics of any item of your choice that can be created via the Enchanted Toy Smith Culture Trait.


Fireworks are small explosives created by the fireworkers of Dale, who were taught the art by Gandalf in ages past. 1d4 rounds after being lit, the firework fires, potentially shooting forwards and then causing an explosion of colors, light, and sound.

If a Firework is doused in water, it has a 50% chance of becoming a dud. Whether it is a dud is not determined until it is lit. A dud does not go off.


Hagweed is a floating plant found in ponds of still water in verdant carpets of minute green leaves.

If a creature drinks a potion made from Hagweed, they have advantage on all saving throws against Corruption for 1 week.


Kingcups are bright yellow flowers that appear in early spring and are associated with luck in many rural communities.

You can make a necklace of kingcups which has mystical properties for the first 1d4+1 days after its creation (rolled in secret by the DM). While wearing the necklace, you effected by the benefits of the Hobbit's Halfling Luck feature.


Reedmace is a tall grass with long leaves that is found especially within the vicinity of the Long Lake.

A salve of reedmace applied to wounds allows a character to immediately recover 2 Hit Dice, one of which they may immediately expend.


Shadow-thorn is a dark black lichen that grows in small clumps on trees within the depths of Mirkwood and Fangorn Forest.

A character who drinks a shadow-thorn potion gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour.


A beautiful floating plant with oval leaves and white (or very rarely red) flowers, the water-lily is found wherever the Forest River or River Running slow their courses in winding loops, except for under the shadow of Mirkwood.

A drink prepared with white-waterlilies causes the drinker to automatically regain the full value of any Hit Die they spend until the end of their next short rest.

A drink prepared with red water-lilies causes a character to deal +2 damage on all melee weapon attacks for the next hour.



Middle Earth

Middle Earth is one of the most famous adventure settings of all time, and the stories told their were the inspiration for much of modern fantasy, including Dungeons and Dragons.

Within the pages of this book you will find rules for playing as a character in a campaign set in Middle Earth. Use these rules to create your character, and then join the fight to reclaim Arda from the forces of the shadow.

Cover Art: Donato Giancola

Back Cover: J. J. Peabody

A DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules expansion for use with the fifth edition Player's Handbook, Sword Cost Adventurer's Guide, and Xanathar's Guide to Everything as well as Cubicle 7's Adventures in Middle Earth Players Guide.


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