Circle of Unity

by Groggen2

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Circle of Unity

Druids who are members of the Circle of Unity use their knowledge of symbiotic behaviors in nature, combined with their experience with rituals and magic, to create groups that become something truly greater than the individuals they consist of.

Grove Group

Beginning at 2nd level, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to bond with two creatures of your choosing. This bond is suppressed if one of you is charmed, but otherwise lasts until your bondmate dies or you perform this ritual again. You can bond with three creatures starting at 6th level, and four creatures at 14th level.

In order to reap the benefits from the bond, you must be within a certain range of a bondmate. This range is referred to as soul range, and for the Unity druid the range is 15 feet.

Group Rituals

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn how to perform rituals as a group, accessing magic and dividing the effort of casting between you and your bondmates.

When performing a ritual as a group, you or a bondmate can cast any spell with the ritual tag that is on the spell list of either you or one of your bondmates, even if neither of you have it prepared. If the spell has only one target, its number of targets become equal to the number of participating bondmates instead.

Shared Magic

Also at 2nd level, you and your bondmates learn how to share your knowledge and prowess. During a long rest, you and your bondmates can perform a 1-hour ritual where each of you can choose a spell of 1st through 5th level that you know. When this ritual is done, until the end of your nest long rest, each of you treats the chosen spells as spells known that are prepared but don't count against the number of spells you can prepare. These spells count as belonging to the caster's class, regardless of the class of the characters who contributed them. After casting a spell learned this way, you can't cast it again until you've finished a long rest.


Natural Balance

Starting at 6th level, you can perform a group ritual while resting to restore balance to the grove group's magical energy. During a short rest, a minimum of two participants recover expended spell slots. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your druid level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, during this ritual, you or a bondmate can replace the chosen spells for your Shared Magic feature.

Shared Shelter

Starting at 10th level, your grove group is so familiar with each other's magic that you have an edge when avoiding any ill effects from it. When you or a bondmate casts a spell, bondmates within soul range automatically succeed on saving throws against the spell, and don't suffer Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration because of it.

Wondrous Growth

At 14th level, you and your bondmates gain an understanding of how two flowers can grow from a single seed. When you or a bondmate casts a spell from your Shared Magic feature, one bondmate within soul range can use a reaction to cast the same spell. Once this feature has been used, you must finish a short or long rest before it can be used again.

Circle of Unity | Groggen2


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