Magical Item: Bow of Eladrin Archery

by Kokolokoli

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Bow of Eladrin Archery

Weapon (longbow) , Rare (requires attunement by an Arcane Archer)

Picture credit: Skyrim Game's Ebony Bow

This ebony, silver lined self mending bow is said to be designed by the Seldarine themselves. It rests in the shape of a delicately decorated bow grip. When activated by it's attuned user, the bow unfolds from it, and a bow string springs into existence from it's tips. Imbued with eladrin magic, any damage this bow suffers is magically repaired over the course of a few seconds.

You can activate the bow grip (no action required) to make the full bow grow out of it's ends instantly. This magical bow grants a +1 to your Arcane Shot save DC and a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with it. While atuned to it, you gain two extra uses of your Arcane Shot feature.

This magic bow has 2 charges. You can expend a charge when you use your Arcane Shot feature. When you do, you can apply an arcane shot of your choice from the Arcane Archer's Arcane Shot options list to the arrow, even if you haven't learned it.

The bow regains all expended charges when you finish a short or long rest.

More Magical Arrows

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