Monastic Tradition: Way of the Exploding Fist


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Way of the Exploding Fist

Monks seek personal perfection through contemplation and rigorous training. Some live secluded from anything that might impede their spiritual progress, living entirely apart from the surrounding population, dedicating a whole life to calm meditation and passive contemplation, in order to achieve a perfect self.

But you don't wanna hear about that, adventurer! You want to hear about PUNCHES! AND PECS! AND EXPLOSIONS! I'm here to ask you one question, and one question only: EXPLOSIONS?! If the answer is no, YOU ARE SAD AND I DON'T WANT TO TALK YOU ANYMORE! But if the answer is YES, CONTINUE READING!

Exploding Fist Technique

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, YOU LEARN HOW TO HIT THINGS SO HARD THAT THEY TURN INSIDE OUT! FIGURATIVELY! IT WOULD BE GRUESOME THE OTHER WAY! Your unarmed strikes now deal thunder damage equal to 1 + half your monk level (rounded down). Additionaly, whenever you use flurry of blows, for each attack, you may expend 1 ki point to deal additional thunder damage equal to 1d6. NOW GO AND ONE SHOT TWO SKELETONS WITH ONE PUNCH BECAUSE YOU ARE SO F*CKING MANLY! OR WOMANLY, I DON'T KNOW!

Living Ram

Also at 3rd level, whenever you deal damage to an object with your unarmed strikes, you can expend 1 ki point to double the number on any damage dice that you throw against that object. Additionally, you learn the mend cantrip, and can cast it without needing material components, and gain proficiency with one toolkit of your choice: carpenters tools, masonry kit or blacksmithing tools. DESTRUCTION WITH RESPONSIBILITY!


Thundering Knuckles

Beginning at 6th level, YOU CAN CRACK YOUR KNUCKLES WITH SUCH STRENGTH THAT THE NOISE YOU MAKE COULD POTENTIALLY HURT ANY CREATURE AT YOUR SIDE. You can expend 2 ki points as a bonus action and force every creature in a 10-foot radius around you to make a Constitution saving throw, or suffer 3d6 thunder damage and become deaf until the end of their next turn. A creature that succeeds in its saving throw only takes half damage, doesn't suffer the deafen condition and is immune to the effects of Thundering Knuckles for 24 hours.


You will probably notice that this subclass is LOUD and have an EXCESSIVE USE OF CAPITAL LETTERS and sometimes even use bad words, THAT HAD BEEN CENSORED FOR A SENSIBLE AUDIENCE! Now, this all responds to a motive. Like all my other subclasses, they are based on a theme, rather than trying to feel a niche in the game. This subclass was made with a particular NPC in mind, based on Mr Torgue from the Borderlands series. I will add in another page all the features without any flavor, so it would be easier to read for some fellas. Hope that you like this, and if you want to check out my other subclasses, you can found them in my profile!

Pneumatic Fists

When you reach 11th level, you learn a freaking awesome and ancient technique, THAT ALLOWS YOU TO STRIKE THE FLOOR UNDER YOUR FEET WITH IMPRESSIVE SPEED AND FORCE! As an action, you can hit the floor multiple times to create expansive waves of thunderous power. Every creature in a 5-foot radius (including yourself) must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer thunder damage equal to a number of d6 equal to the number of ki points that you may expend while doing this action, and be pushed 10 feet from you. Constructs do this saving throw with disadvantage. Objects in the perimeter automatically fail the save and suffers double damage. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Beginning at 17th level, YOU ARE NOW A WALKING FORCE OF DESTRUCTION! Whenever you use your Exploding Fist Technique trait, you can now increase the thunder damage dealt by 2d6 for each extra ki point you decide to expend while using the feature, to a maximum of 5 extra ki points. Additionally, constructs now suffer double damage from your Exploding Fist Technique trait, and objects suffers triple damage from your Living Ram trait. NOW GO AND TACKLE A WHOLE CASTLE AND LEVEL IT TO THE GROUND WITH JUST YOUR PUNCHES WHILE DOING A SICK AIR LUTE SOLO!


Way of the Exploding Fist version 1.0

Exploding Fist Technique

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, Your unarmed strikes now deal thunder damage equal to 1 + half your monk level (rounded down). Additionaly, whenever you use flurry of blows, for each attack, you may expend 1 ki point to deal additional thunder damage equal to 1d6.

Living Ram

Also at 3rd level, whenever you deal damage to an object with your unarmed strikes, you can expend 1 ki point to double the number on any damage dice that you throw against that object. Additionally, you learn the mend cantrip, and can cast it without needing material components, and gain proficiency with one toolkit of your choice: carpenters tools, masonry kit or blacksmithing tools.

Thundering Knuckles

Beginning at 6th level, you can expend 2 ki points as a bonus action and force every creature in a 10-foot radius around you to make a Constitution saving throw, or suffer 3d6 thunder damage and become deaf until the end of their next turn. A creature that succeeds in its saving throw only takes half damage, doesn't suffer the deafen condition and is immune to the effects of Thundering Knuckles for 24 hours.

Pneumatic Fists

When you reach 11th level, and as an action, you can hit the floor multiple times to create expansive waves of thunderous power. Every creature in a 5-foot radius (including yourself) must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer thunder damage equal to a number of d6 equal to the number of ki points that you may expend while doing this action, and be pushed 10 feet from you. Constructs do this saving throw with disadvantage. Objects in the perimeter automatically fail the save and suffers double damage. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, you now gain resistance to thunder damage.


Beginning at 17th level, whenever you use your Exploding Fist Technique trait, you can now increase the thunder damage dealt by 2d6 for each extra ki point you decide to expend while using the feature, to a maximum of 5 extra ki points. Additionally, constructs now suffer double damage from your Exploding Fist Technique trait, and objects suffers triple damage from your Living Ram trait.


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