Chapter 6: Downtime

by Baronbadass

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Chapter 6: Downtime

Chapter 6 | Downtime

Gathering Activities

Action Time Required Check Benefit Cost
Herbalism 1 Wis mod + Herbalism Kit Gather raw materials for alchemy. None
Rendering 1 Int mod + Butchers Kit Harvest viscera from a corpse for building magic items. None
Prospecting 8 Con mod + Miners Kit Search for magic gemstones. None

Crafting Activites

Action Time Required Check Benefit Cost
Alchemy 1 Wis mod + Alchemist Tools Combine raw materials into beneficial mixtures. See below
Gem Socketing 1 Dex mod + Jeweller’s Tools Socket magic yog gems into gear for random magical effects. 25gp
Crafting Magic Item 1 Int mod + Artisan Tools Create powerful magic equipment. 25gp
Crafting Scroll 1 None Create spell scrolls. 25gp
Crafting Mundane Items 1 None Create gear. 10gp

Social Activities

Action Time Required Check Benefit Cost
Recuperating 1 Con mod Advantage to end negative effects. None
Research 8 Int skill Learn useful information about monsters or dungeons. 50gp
Training 8 Int mod helps Gain proficiency in tools or languages. 50gp
Carousing 8 Cha skill Learn adventure rumors. 25/50/100gp
Volunteer 8 Wis skill or Str skill Earn favours & spell discounts. 25gp
Make some money 8 Any 3 skills Try and earn coin. None
Leveling up 8 None Train to attain your next level. 20/40/60/80gp

Downtime Procedure

All players should resolve downtime simultaneously and report results, or perform downtime in-between sessions.

  1. Sell loot and split the gold.
  2. Spend lifestyle expenses for the week.
  3. Determine how you'll spend your 10 watches of downtime.
  4. Resolve downtime activities.
  5. Recharge backpacks and purchase supplies.
  6. Get together at the bar and determine your next adventure.
Lifestyle Cost Downtime Options
Poor 1gp Make Some Money, Leveling Up
Comfortable 10gp Social Activites, Gathering Activities, Crafting Activites
Wealthy 50gp Any
Chapter 6 | Downtime



To the discerning eye, wild
plants have beneficial
properties useful for
alchemy. There are six
types of elements:
earth, water, air,
fire, positive, negative.
Some rare herbs
contain a mixture
of elements.

To collect materials in
the wild you can spend a
watch doing so. Make an
Wisdom check, adding your
proficiency if you have an
Herbalism Kit you’re proficient with.
Having another character assist grants advantage.

The DC for this check depends on the leylines of the area. Idyllic leylines require a DC10 check, where Corrupt, Primal and Mystic leyline require a DC15. On a success, roll on the corresponding column on the Herbalism Results table.

Herbalism Results
d8 Idyllic (DC10) Corrupt (DC15) Primal (DC15) Mystic (DC15)
1 water fire earth air
2 water fire earth air
3 earth water air fire
4 earth water air fire
5 air earth fire water
6 positive negative negative positive
7-8 Special Special Special Special

If you roll 7-8 on above table, roll again on the special results table.

Herbalism Special Results
d8 Idyllic Corrupt Primal Mystic
1-2 water+water fire+fire earth+earth air+air
3 earth+water water+fire earth+air air+fire
4-5 air+water neg+water neg+air pos+fire
6 pos+earth neg+fire neg+earth pos+air
7-8 pos+water neg+neg neg+pos pos+pos


Monster corpses contain exotic and magical components useful for magic item creation.

Character’s can spend a watch butchering a monster. This requires a Wisdom check, adding proficiency if they have a Butcher’s Kit and are proficient with it. They can make the check at advantage when assisted by someone. The difficulty and value of the components depend on the monsters Challenge Rating (CR). See the Extraction Difficulty table. Each monster can only be butchered once.

Butchering Difficulty
DC = (5+CR) Result
Less than DC Receive a ration.
Equal or beat DC Receive 1 component.
Butchering Results
Monster CR Component Gained
0-1 Mundanum component
2-5 Fundamentum component
6-15 Arcanum component
16-21 Occultum component
21+ Divinitum component
Chapter 6 | Downtime


Throughout the world run magic leylines. When they cross veins of ore, they infuse the stones with magic. The stones have a will of their own, and tend to avoid notice. Prospectors who are tenacious and have a bit of luck can find them.

Characters can spend a watch prospecting an area, making a Constitution check, adding proficiency if they have Miner's Kit and are proficient with it. They make this check at advantage when assisted. The DC for this check depends on the rarity of vein (DM's choice, see Vein Rarity table)

On a success, roll on the Vein Results table, adding the bonus corresponding with the rarity of vein you were prospecting. On a failure, your find nothing of worth. Either way, veins greater than common are exhausted after this point.

The DM determiens the type of vein available. A rule of thumb is that common veins are the default, though Tier 2 character

Vein Rarity
Vein Type DC Bonus
Common 10 +0
Uncommon 14 +4
Rare 18 +8
Very Rare 20 +12
Legendary 25 +20
Vein Results
2d4 Result
2-5 5d4 gp worth of raw material.
6-9 Yog mundanum. Contains random common modular enchantment
10-13 Yog fundamentum. Contains random uncommon modular enchantment
14-17 Yog arcanum. Contains random rare modular enchantment
18-21 Yog occultum. Contains random very rare modular enchantment
22+ Yog divinitum. Contains a random legendary enchantment
Chapter 6 | Downtime



Combining ingredients gained through herbalism yield powerful mixtures.

When starting a project decide if this project is a bomb or potion. From then on, you can spend 0gp and a watch working on the project, making 25g of progress when you have access to Alchemist Tools, or 50gp of progress when assisted. Special herbs (one's containing two elements) only count as one herb when costing the project and determining the project's completion DC.

If the project is complete, the player makes an Wisdom check and adds their proficiency if they are proficient with Alchemist Tools. Having another character assist you grants advantage to this check.

On a success, the project is complete. On a failure, you were unsuccessful but can try again by spending another watch immediately or at some later time. On a natural 1, there is a mishap and the project is ruined.

Project Difficulty & Cost

Ingredients Value Watches (alone) DC to Complete
2 50gp 2 10
3 75gp 3 12
4 100gp 4 14
5 125gp 5 16
6 150gp 6 18
7 175gp 7 20


Bombs either have contact effects or area effects. Contact effects apply on a successful hit vs target AC. Effects requiring a saving throw apply when that particular saving throw is failed. For example, a creature affected by a bomb with a Dexterity and Constitution saving throw must make a                                          save for each. A creature affected by a                                               bomb with 2 Dexterity saving                                                                 to avoid both effects.

Element Mixes for Bombs
Mix Bomb Effect
Earth+Earth 10ft area. Save Dexterity DC10 or take 1d4 piercing damage. Targets wearing leather armor take double damage from this attack.
Air+Air Contact. Deal 1d4 lightning damage. Targets wearing metal armor takes double damage from this attack.
Fire+Fire Contact. Deal 1d4 fire damage. Unattended objects are ignited.
Water+Water Release a gel that sticks to target. Any effects that deal damage continue to deal damage until the target uses its action to remove the gel.
Pos Increase the area of effect by 10ft. Contact effects change to an 10ft area and DC10 Dexterity check to avoid.
Nega Increase save DC's by 2 for area effects and add +2 damage to each contact effect.
Earth+Air 10ft Area. Target makes a DC10 Constitution check or falls unconscious for 1 minute, until it takes damage or until another creature spends an action to shake it awake.
Air+Water Contact. Deal 1d4 cold damage. Reduce target speed by 10ft for the next round.
Water+Fire Contact. Deal 1d6 poison damage.
Air+Fire 10ft area fills with thick smoke for 1d4 rounds. Until it dissipates, the area is lightly obscured.
Earth+Fire Increase the dice size for each effect. (1d1>1d3>1d4>1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6>2d8)
Earth+Water 10ft area. Targets make DC10 Constitution check or take 1d4 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute.
Using Bombs

To use a bomb with area effect, choose a point to aim for within 60 feet that will center the explosion.
To use a bomb with contact, make an improvised ranged attack against your targets AC, with a range of 20/60ft.
If a bomb has both area and contact effects, you must make an improvised ranged attack against your targets AC, with a range of 20/60ft. If you hit, the target is subject to contact effects and must save against area effects. If you miss, the subject must only save vs area effects.


Potion effects are outlined below. When combining potion effects, durations remain 1 round but identical effects stack and individual effects are applied individually.

Using Potions

To ingest a potion, it requires an bonus action. It's impossible to feed potions to unconscious creatures.

Chapter 6 | Downtime
Element Mixes for Potions
Mix Potion Effect
Earth+Earth Gain 1d4+1 temporary hp.
Air+Air For 1 round, gain 1d4 x 5ft speed.
Fire+Fire For 1 round, you can unleash a 5ft cone of fire as an action, targets make a DC10 saving throw or take 1d4 fire damage.
Water+Water For 1 round, your affected by 1d1 of the following effects (your choice): (a) pass thru other creatures as though difficult terrain, (b) pass thru wooden objects as though difficult terrain, (c) attacks made against you are at disadvantage. Ending your turn inside creatures or objects pushes you to nearest open space, dealing 1d10 force damage.
Pos Heal 1d4+1 hp.
Nega Take 1d4 poison damage or subtract a 1d4 of healing effects from a potion. This potion repeats its effects next round or doubles its current duration.
Earth+Air For 1 round, your Wisdom or Constitution score changes to 10 and increases by 1d2.
Air+Water For 1 round, your skin becomes charged. Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 lightning damage and those who grapple you take 1d6 lightning damage.
Water+Fire For 1 round, your Charisma or Intelligence score changes to 10 and increases by 1d2.
Fire+Air Increase all dice sizes by 1. (1d1>1d2>1d4>1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6)
Earth+Fire For 1 round, your Strength or Dexterity score changes to 10 and increases by 1d2.
Earth+Water For 1 round, your affected by 1d1 of the following (your choice): Feather Fall, Water Walk, Alter Self, Invisibility

Gem Socketing

Yog gems can be socketed into gear to enchant them. A gem cannot be placed on gear that is already magical. A character can only wield 3 socketed pieces of gear at once.

Characters may spend a watch working on a gem socketing project. They spend 25gp on materials and make 25gp of progress or spend 50gp in materials to make 50gp of progress when assisted by someone.

Gem Cutting Table

Type Value Watches (alone) DC
Common 25 gp 1 10
Uncommon 100 gp 4 15
Rare 1,000 gp 40 20
Very Rare 10,000 gp 400 25
Legendary 100,000 gp 4,000 30

When the project is complete the character attempts a Dexterity check, plus proficiency if the character is proficient with Jeweler’s Tools. Another character assisting grants advantage.

On a success, the gem is socketed into a piece of equipment and imbues the equipment with a random magical effect from the Modular Magic Items table, except the item has no attunement requirements. On failure, the gem is not socketed but can be attempted later. On a natural 1 the gem is ruined.

Crafting Magic Item

Players may attempt to craft magic items of their own design.

Players may spend a watch working on a magic item project. They need to have an object to enchant and Artisan Tools to perform the work. They spend 25gp on materials and make 25gp of progress or spend 50gp in materials to make 50gp of progress when assisted by someone.

All magic items created with Modular Magic Items rules require attunement.

Magic Item Crafting Time and Cost

Item Rarity Cost Components Required Watches (alone) DC
Common 50 gp 1 mundane 2 10
Uncommon 200 gp 1 fundamentum 8 15
Rare 2,000 gp 3 arcanum 80 20
Very rare 20,000 gp 4 occultum 800 25
Legendary 100,000 gp 5 divinitum 4,000 30
Chapter 6 | Downtime

Completion Requirements

If the project is complete, the player must expend a number of components based on the items rarity. They then make three Intelligence + Artisan Tools checks, with advantage if they have assistance. This will determine the level of success of the project.

Project Results

# of Sucesses Results
0 The project has failed, 1/2 of the value is salvageable along with the components.
1 Limited effectiveness, unintended drawbacks.
2 Limited effectiveness, can evolve.
3 Full effectiveness.

When a weapon can evolve, it must be in your possession and witness the following amounts of XP to reach full effectiveness.

XP Witness Requirements

Type XP
Common 25 xp
Uncommon 100 xp
Rare 1,000 xp
Very rare 10,000 xp
Legendary 50,000 xp

Available Properties By Rarity

Rarity Property 1 Property 2 Property 3
Common Item Common - -
Uncommon Item Uncommon Uncommon -
Rare Item Rare Rare -
Very Rare Item Very Rare Rare Uncommon
Legendary Item Legendary Very Rare Rare

Item Properties

It's up to the DM to determine if an item can have a particular property. For example, a character probably can't add Armor I property twice to a Rare armor, and that character cannot add the Weapon II property to an armor.

Common Properties
d50 Description
1 Concentrating for a minute, you can determine the time and date.
2 Insects within 60ft avoid you.
3 By listening closely, the item can tell you everything it saw in the last minute.
4 This object can leave behind a oily black smoke for 10 minutes once per day, recharging at dusk.
5 This item appears ethereal and slightly translucent at the edges, giving off white wisps.
6 This item appears to be part of a living creature, made of sinew and bone.
7 This item gives off light bright light in 5ft and dim light in 5ft, but only in the complete dark.
8 You can don or doff armor as an action.
9 This item becomes a spell focus.
10 You make no noise breathing while holding this item.
11 This item counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities.
12 This item will continue to move 5ft/round towards the last person to polish and clean it when they shout "Come!"
System Credit

Modular magic system entirely lifted from City & Wild

More Common Properties
d50 Description
13 With the command word "Stay" this item will remain in space where it was held, though force greater than 5lb will cause it to move.
14 Choose a creature type. This item glows softly when that creature type is within 100ft.
15 By concentrating over a short rest, this item can transform into a tattoo on the users body. As a bonus action, you can revert the tattoo back into its item form.
16 This item can store one tiny item without taking up inventory slots.
17 Increases your speed by 5ft when nothing can see you.
18 Glows when a storm is approaching, intensity denotes storm strength.
19 Once per day, gain darkvision for a minute. Recharges at dusk.
20 Focus to see and hear from the object's perspective.
21 Perpetually drips blood.
22 At creation, a map appears on this item that leads to greater treasure.
23 When this item is placed on the ground, creatures within 5ft deal 1 additional damage on attacks.
24 Anyone but the creator of this item must make a DC10 Charisma check to pick it up.
25 If 10 gp are laid on this item during a short rest, the money is consumed and the item deals one additional damage until the next long rest.
26 When the bearer strikes a critical hit, creatures within 5ft of the struck target must make a DC10 Strength save or be knocked prone.
27 At creation, choose a skill. The wielder of this item gets +1 to that skill as long as they are untrained in it.
28 This item cannot be detected by the Detect Magic spell unless the caster touches this item.
29 As a bonus action, this item transforms into a raven and flies to any point within 50 miles the wielder designates, and has visited previously. It then reverts to its true form.
30 When this item is placed on the ground, a ten foot square around it freezes and becomes difficult terrain.
31 When the wielder takes the Aid Another action, they can move an additional 10ft.
32 Any effect that would move the bearer is reduced by 5ft.
33 This item turns invisible until it moves or is moved (includes worn gear).
34 While wielded, ranged attacks have 5ft greater range.
35 When this item is placed on the ground, it spins to point towards any dimensional crossings within 20 miles.
d50 Description
36 The bearer of this item is tracked at disadvantage.
37 The bearer of this item gains a keen nose and can track by scent.
38 The bearer of this item can use reaction to reduce falling damage by 1d12.
39 This item whispers advice and grants +1 to discovering hidden locations.
40 This item whispers advice and grants +1 to navigation checks.
41 This item senses clean water and grants +1 to survival checks.
42 With the command word "Stick!" this item adheres to whatever its touching for 24 hours, requiring a DC13 Strength check to remove.
43 Increase your weapons critical hit range by 1.
44 Treat any 1's rolled on damage dice as 2's.
45 Resist 1 damage when hit.
46 This item appears to be made of molten metal.
47 Perpetually hums, intensifies the faster it moves.
48 By focusing for 1 minute, you immediately expend a hit dice. Works once per day, recharging at dawn.
49 This item appears to be made entirely out of vines, roots and leaves.
50 This item becomes crystalline in appearance.
Chapter 6 | Downtime
Chapter 6 | Downtime

Uncommon Properties
d10 Property Description
1 Ability Increase I Increase an Ability Score to 16
2 Charges I The item has 3 charges (DC 11). It regains
1d3 expended charges daily at dawn
3 Damage I The item deals an extra 1d4 damage
4 Movement I The item grants a climbing or swimming
speed equal to the walking speed
5 Permaspell I You can cast one cantrip at will (DC 11)
6 Skill I The item grants a +5 bonus to one skill
7 Slayer I The item deals an extra 2d6 damage against
a specific creature type
8 Spell I You can cast a spell at 3rd level once per long rest (DC 11)
9 Vampiric I On a critical hit, you regain 1 hitpoint
10 Weapon I You gain a +1 bonus on attacks and damage rolls
Rare Properties
1d20 Property Description
1 Ability Increase II Increase an Ability Score to 18
2 Armor I The item grants you +1 AC
3 Charges II The item has 5 charges (DC 13). It regains
1d4 expended charges daily at dawn
4 Damage II The item deals an extra 1d6 damage
More Rare Properties
1d20 Property Description
5 Defense I Damage that you take from one damage
type is reduced by 3 (minimum 1)
6 Light II The item shed bright light in a 40-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet
7 Permaspell II You can cast one 1st-level spell at will (DC 13)
8 Returning The item has the thrown property (20/60)
and it flies to your hand after attacking
9 Sentinel II This item grants advantage on initiative checks and makes you immune to the suprised condition.
10 Skill II The item grants advantage to one skill check
11 Slayer II The item deals an extra 3d6 damage
against a specific creature type
12 Spell II You can cast a spell at 6th level once per long rest (DC 13)
13 Vampiric II On a critical hit, you regain hitpoints
equal to half the damage dealt (minimum 1)
14 Weapon II You gain a +2 bonus on attacks and damage rolls
15+ roll again

Chapter 6 | Downtime
Very Rare Properties
d10 Property Description
1 Ability Increase III Increase an Ability Score to 20
2 Armor II The item grants you +2 AC
3 Charges III The item has 7 charges (DC 15). It regains
1d6 expended charges daily at dawn
4 Damage III The item deals an extra 1d8 damage
5 Defense II You gain resistance against one damage type
6 Light III The item shed bright light in a 80-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 80 feet
7 Permaspell II You can cast one 2nd-level spell at will (DC 15)
8 Spell III You can cast a spell at 7th level once per long rest (DC 15)
9 Vampiric III On a hit, you regain hitpoints equal to
half the damage dealt (minimum 1)
10 Weapon III You gain a +3 bonus on attacks and damage rolls
Chapter 6 | Downtime
Legendary Properties
d8 Property Description
1 Ability Increase IV Increase an Ability Score to 22
2 Armor III The item grants you +3 AC
3 Charges IV The item has 9 charges (DC 17). It regains
1d6+2 expended charges daily at dawn
4 Damage IV The item deals an extra 1d10 damage
5 Defense III You gain immunity against one damage type
6 Permaspell III You can cast one 3rd-level spell at will (DC 17)
7 Spell IV You can cast a spell at 8th level once per long rest (DC 17)
8 roll again
Spells and Charges

If an item has the charges or spell properties, the creator must decide which spell they want to add when creating the item. The spell must be cast into the item, expending any needed material components.

For items with the Spell property, a character can choose only one spell to add. The spell level is determined by the property rarity. For example, an item that have the Spell III property with the lightning bolt spell, that spell will be casted as a 7th-level spell every time a character uses it.

For items with charges, each charge equals to 1 spell slot level. For example, expending 1 charge allows the character to cast a 1st-level spell the item have, and expending 5 charges allows the character to cast a 5th-level spell the item have. An item can cast various spells. The number of spells and the spell level an item can have is determined by the rarity of the property, as shown in the following table.

Charges & Spell Selection
Property Maximum Number of Spells Selected Maximum Spell Level
Charges I 1 1st
Charges II 2 3rd
Charges III 3 5th
Charges IV 4 6th
Chapter 6 | Downtime

Scribe Scroll

You may spend a watch and 25gp to make 25gp worth of progress on scribing the scroll, or spend 50gp and 50gp of progress when assisted. Once the project is complete, someone must cast the desired spell onto the scroll. Your scroll is then ready.

Spell Scroll Time and Effort

Level Gold Effort Time (if done alone)
Cantrip 15 gp 1 watch
1st 25 gp 1 watch
2nd 125 gp 3 watches
3rd 250 gp 20 watches
4th 1,250 gp 50 watches
5th 2,500 gp 100 watches
6th 7,500 gp 300 watches
7th 12,500 gp 500 watches
8th 25,000 gp 1,000 watches
9th 10,000 gp 5,000 watches

Crafting Mundane Items

You can spend a watch working on mundane equipment as long as you have Artisan Tools. You spend 10gp worth of material making 25gp of progress on your project. At the end of the project, you have a completed item. The materials must be available (in town) or you must have packed supplies at camp. Up to 1,000gp of supplies can be stored in an inventory slot.

Chapter 6 | Downtime
Chapter 6 | Downtime

Social Downtime


You spend time recovering. You recieve one inspiration and can roll at advantage to end any curse, disease or injury.


You spend 8 watches and 50gp researching a particular topic. At the end, make an Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Religion) check.

For every additional 25gp you spend, you get +1 to the check.

d20 Result
1-5 Roll on research mishap
6-10 Learn common lore
11-20 Learn esoteric lore
21+ Learn secret lore

Research Results

If you learn common lore you can discover points of interest or general history of a person/place.

If you learn esoteric lore you can learn what magic items, traps or secret entrances might exist at a point of interest, or what motivations/behaviours a particular type of creature would have.

If you learn secret lore you can discover one piece of a monster stat line (hp, ac, legendary actions, resistances, vulnerabilities, special attacks) or any details about a point of interest.

Research Mishaps

1d6 Result
1 If you had known the book was cursed, you'd have never opened it.
2 You accidentally damage a rare book.
3 Your prying has angered a faction.
4 You find a secret code left in an old tome.
5 You uncover secret lore, but a thief steals it.
6 You uncovered secret lore, but only by promising to complete a dangerous task in return.


You spend 8 watches training in a tool or language, spending 50gp. You need to spend 80 watches training, minus 8 watches per point of Intelligence bonus. At the end of this training, you gain proficiency in that tool or language.


You party and learn rumors. Spend 8 watches and either 25gp, 50gp or 100gp. At the end of week, make a Charisma (Persuasion) check.

Check Result Outcome
1-5 Roll on the carousing mishap
6+ Success! roll on Carousing results

Carousing Results

If you suceeded, roll 1d6, adding +2 if you spent 50gp and +5 if you spent 100gp.

1d6 Results
1-2 You learn a common rumor, like the location of well known points of interest or the movement of bandit groups.
3-4 You learn a juicy rumor, like location of monster lairs or well-paying jobs that just came up.
5-8 You learn fantastic rumors, like faction plans or the location of treasure laden points of interest.
9+ You learn something you weren't supposed to, like the next steps of secret plots or otherwordly points of interest. Knowing this info may come with hostile attention.

Carousing Mishaps

If you've had a mishap, roll this table. Add +2 if you spent 50gp and +5 if you spent 100gp

1d6 Results
1-2 You have a fuzzy memory of doing something illegal.
3-4 Everyone in town calls you by an embarrasing nickname, and won't say why.
5-6 After a few drinks, you swore to pursue a dangerous quest publically.
7-8 You agreed to take on a noble's debts.
9-10 You've angered someone powerful and been challenged to a duel.
11+ Surprise! You're married. Gain a threatened marriage relationship.


You volunteer your time around town and earn favours from factions. Spend 25gp in donations and make a Wisdom (Medicine) or Strength (Athletics) check and consult the Volunteer Results table to determine what happens. Favours manifest themselves as one time non-dangerous assistance, like information, 1/4 goods discounts and loans up to 500gp. Earning spellcasting discounts affect divine and arcane spells, as long as their is someone local who can cast those spells.

For every additional 25gp you spend on this check get +2 to the check.

Volunteer Results

Check Result Outcome
1-5 Volunteer mishap
6-10 You earn one favour from a townsfolk.
11-20 Earn one favour from an faction.
21+ Discount in spellcasting services.
Chapter 6 | Downtime

Volunteer Mishaps

If you've had a mishap, roll on the volunteer mishap table

1d6 Result
1 A disease spreads or a building collapsed despite your efforts.
2 You efforts have angered a local spellcaster or government.
3 Local faction smear your name for giving away free work.
4 Another faction sabotages your efforts.
5 Someone in desperate need emplores you to help.
6 A secret sect of a local faction offers you membership, for a price.

Make Some Money

You've got skills, and skills make money. This activity includes things like: high stakes gambling, planning & executing a heist, pit fighting, playing music for nobility, assisting with magical research. Imagine it, and you can do it.

Explain how your making money and choose 3 different skills that suit the narrative. Make skill checks with each. The DC for each of the checks is 5 + 2d10; generate a separate DC for each one. You can also choose to make an weapon attack roll or Constitution check, adding the max roll of your largest sized hit dice to the result, instead of one of the mentioned skill checks.

You can also choose to gamble any amount of money on this activity to try and earn more. You do this gamble before you make any rolls.

Make Some Money Results

Successes Result
0 No gains, roll on mishap
1 Gain 50gp and the money you gambled.
2 Gain 50gp and 1.5 the money you gambled.
3 Gain 100gp and twice the amount of money you gambled.

Make some money mishaps

If you've had a mishap, roll on the Make Some Money mishap table.

1d6 Result
1 Someone feels cheated and plans revenge.
2 Your activities have attracted local crime lords, who want a piece.
3 Your activities have offended local nobility or celebrities.
4 Someone is impressed with your skills and wants to hire you for a dangerous and related job.
5 Word has spread you have coin. Everyone wants a handout.
6 Someone approaches you with a risky proposition, and they need capital.

Leveling up

Leveling up requires 8 watches spent in meditation, training, tutelage and sparring.

Art Credits
Page Credit
2 Tibor Sulyok, Zionka
3 TavenerScholar
4 xBadmedicinex
5 JuliaTar , Eva Widermann
6 Gerak
7 Bethesda
8 CarlosTorreblanca, Martial Grisé
9 DMG artists [Emi Tanji, Bree Heiss, Trish Yochum or Barry Craig]
10 Joel Thomas , Masao Nagashima
Concept Inspiration
Crafting System City & Wild
Social Downtime XgtE

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