Aasimar Half-races
In the world of Pulmara, Aasimar are not always born humans. Almost any race can bring forth a blessed child, and as such the statistics for aasimar are not always representative of this mix of celestial and mortal. The rules presented here provide a number of variant options for aasimar born to several non-monstrous races.
Base Aasimar Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2
- Age. Aasimar mature at the same rate as the race they were born to, but can live up to 60 years longer.
- Alignment. Imbued with celestial power, most aasimar are good. Outcast aasimar are most often neutral or even evil.
- Size. Your size is medium.
- Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision. Blessed with a radiant soul, your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
- Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.
- Healing Hands. As an action, you can touch a creature and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
- Light Bearer. You know the light cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
- Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.
- Subrace. Three subraces of aasimar exist: protector aasimar, scourge aasimar, and fallen aasimar. Choose one of them for your character.
Racial Changes
When creating an aasimar, you can choose one of the following variant traits if you wish for the aasimar to be of a race other than human:
- Aarakocra You gain the Flight and Talons traits from the Aarakocra race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits
- Changeling. You gain the Shapechanger trait from the Changeling race. This trait replaces the Healing Hands trait.
- Dragonborn. You gain the Draconic Ancestry and Breath Weapon traits from the Dragonborn race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits
- Dwarf. You gain the Dwarven Resilience and Stonecunning traits from the Dwarf race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits. Additionally, your base walking speed is 25 feet, instead of 30.
- Elf. You gain the Fey Ancestry and Trance traits from the Elf race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits
- Firbolg. You gain the Powerful Build and Speech of Beast and Leaf traits from the Firbolg race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits
- Gnome You gain the Gnome Cunning trait from the Gnome race. This trait replaces the Healing Hands trait. Additonally, your size is small, instead of medium, and your base walking speed is 25 feet, instead of 30.
- Goliath. You gain the Stone's Endurance, Powerful Build, and Mountain Born traits from the Goliath race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.
- Half-Elf. You gain the Fey Ancestry and Skill Versatility traits from the Half-Elf race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.
- Half-Orc. You gain the Menacing and Relentless Endurance traits from the Half-Orc race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.
- Halfling. You gain the Lucky and Halfling Nimbleness traits from the Halfling race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits. Additonally, your size is small, instead of medium, and your base walking speed is 25 feet, instead of 30.
- Kenku. You gain the Mimicry, Kenku Training, and Expert Forgery traits from the Kenku race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.
- Lizardfolk. You gain one of the following pairs of traits from the Lizardfolk race: Swim Speed and Hold Breath, Bite and Natural Armor, or Cunning Artisan and Hunter's Lore. The traits you choose replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.
- Minotaur. You gain the Horns Goring Rush, and Labyrinthine Recall traits from the Minotaur race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.
- Shifter. You gain the Shifting trait and one Shifting Feature from the Shifter race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.
- Tabaxi. You gain the Feline Agility and Cat's Claws traits from the Tabaxi race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.
- Tiefling. Tieflings cannot become Aasimar in Pulmara, as they are an opposite version of one another. Here is where you can find Pulmaran Tieflings
- Triton You gain the Amphibious, Swim Speed, and Emissary of the Depths traits from the Triton race. These traits replace the Healing Hands and Light Bearer traits.

Multiracial Aasimar v1.0
This version of the aasimar variants is a work in progress and in need of review.
All uncredited art is from DMsGuild Free Creators Resources.
A while back a player asked me if he could be an Aasimar that was born to gnomes. I said that sounds dope and asked him if he was gonna be like a big ol' human that the gnomes gave birth to and he and I both said that sounds pretty silly. At the time I just gave him an extra trait and called it a day, but it got me thinking about how Aasimars are born.
Here, much later, is an actual written up version of that idea, making it so that an Aasimar can be born to any race and still retain some of their racial heritage and identity.
Please excuse the use of Pulmara (my setting) in the doc, this is planned to be given to players for an upcoming one-shot in that world.
I hope you enjoy these celestial combinations!
My Other Works:
- Bloodrager and Whirlwind Barbarian Paths
- Spell Rarity System
- Tiefling Subraces for the Lords of the Nine
- Siren and Rusalka monsters
- Thediem, Master of Everything
- The Mechanist subclass for the UA Arteficer
- For Honor subclasses for 5e
- Naeris, The Mythic Dragon Monster
- Tieflings Reimagined
- Trapper Rogue
- Fey-Touched Sorcerer
- Inner Self Monk
- Elemental Barbarian
- Bard College of Doors
- Nomad Class
- Fringe Seeker Rogue
- Way of Balance Monk
- Non-Human Aasimar Variants
- Bard College of Flavor
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