Secret of Bone Hill (Genesys (Terrinoth) Conversion)


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Secret of Bone Hill

Genesys Conversion

The Secret of Bone Hill


In 1981, TSR released L1 - The Secret of Bone Hill for their 1st edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons RPG. Written by Lenard "Len" Lakofka, the module took heroes to the Lendore Isles and the fishing village of Restenford. As there was no real set story to the module, it served more as a setting for the village and the surrounding region.

This conversion takes the village and transplants it into the Empire of Lorimor. Situated northwest of Redwater, at the northwestern point of the Satyal woods, Restenford serves as a "jumping off point" to the entirety of Lorimor, and the Torue Albes to the north. There will also more of a focus on creating more of a storyline to begin heroes adventures in the area.


All references to Lendore Isles, Bone Hill and material from the original modules copyright Lenard Lakofka. No challenge or infringement is intended. This is simply an effort to spread the word about the original module and it's sequels.


Cover Art: Bill Willingham from cover of original module
Restenford Overview: Unknown
Ruined Guardpost Maps: Cisticola (Gary) at DeviantART

Secret of
Bone Hill

Part 1: The Guardpost

You have have found yourselves in the village of Restenford on the Lorimor coast. The reasons why you are in the village vary. Whether you have been seeking knowledge, a person, or a quiet place to rest and recover from previous hardships. Over the past week, you have gotten to know the village and its inhabitants.

Like you expected, it is a peaceful fishing village and very calm and relaxed. However, you've also heard various rumors and stories that make you believe that there is something dark and dangerous just under the surface, waiting to be revealed.

Late in the afternoon, all of you were gathered in the common room of Falco's tavern when the serving girl came in and told Falco that she couldn't work because her daughter had been bitten by a giant rat near the old guardhouse. Falco cursed like only a dwarf could, and asked if you wanted free drinks, room and board for a week. "I personally am tired of these vermin running through town spreading disease and attacking our kids and animals. You take care at least of the bunch near the old burned guardhouse, and I'll cover your stay for the next week."

That was good enough for you, so you've ventured out to the ruins of the building where the girl was bitten, and are starting your cleanup.

Ruined Building

Approaching the guardpost, it's obvious that there was a fire in the area in the not too distant past.The building itself is a two story building, showing signs of collapse in various areas both on the upper and lower levels. Trees surrounding the building are showing scorching and missing leaves facing the building although a few of them here and there are growing new leaves.

Approaching the front of the building, the heaviest damage seems to be on the left-hand side, where the remains of a chimney stand. An Average (dd) Vigilance check reveals that most of the holes in the walls were made by people getting out of the building.


An Average (dd) Survival check (or a Hard (ddd) Vigilance check) reveals tracks from multiple Giant Rats entering and leaving the ruined building.

Upper Level

Ruined Building - Upper Level

The upper level of the guardpost was used for the guard barracks and the armory.

Area 1: Situated above the common area of the lower level, the barracks housed the quards in a relatively spacious area. Much of the floor to this room as well as the outside corridor is damaged due to the fire and subsequent evacuation. Remnants of six cots can be found scattered about as well as empty footlockers.

Nothing of value remains here.

Area 2: With few windows and other openings, this room served as the armory for the guards. Close inspection reveals that most of the charring and destruction in this room came from spilled lantern oil and alcohols (broken barrels of each can be found among the remnants of the room)

Secret of
Bone Hill

Lower Level

Ruined Building - Lower Level

Area 1: Kitchen

Area 2: Common Room

Area 3: Library

Area 4: Public Room

Area 5: This room was the bedroom for the Captain of the guard. A bed, table, chairs and a four drawer chest are all burned, broken and scattered about the room. A Hard (ddd) Vigilance check or Average (dd) Skulduggery check reveals what's left of a needle trap on the lower drawer of the chest.

Secret of
Bone Hill

Secret of
Bone Hill

Adversary Summary

Here you will find a listing of the statblocks for all the adversaries encountered throughout the module. While they are also listed in the area where they are encountered, this is provided as a summary reference that can be printed out (if desired) seperately from the rest of the module.

Rat Swarm (Rival)

A squirming, roiling mass of squeaking rats draws closer, teeth flashing and claws scratching everything in its path. The entire swarm acts as a single being, each creature attacking in perfect concert like a terrible wave of death.

1 2 1 1 1 1
1 20 0 0

Skills: Brawl 1, Coordination 2.
Talents: Finesse
Abilities: Silhouette 2, Swarm (halve the damage dealt to the swarm before applying soak, unless the weapon has the Blast or Burn quality [regardless of whether the quality is activated]),
Equipment: Claws and bite (Agility; Damage 1; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 3, may spend aa to inflict 3 strain).

Giant Rat (Rival)

This filthy rat is the size of a small dog. It has a coat of coarse fur, a long and scabby tail, and two glittering eyes.

2 3 1 2 1 1
2 12 1 1

Skills: Brawl 1, Stealth 1
Talents: None


Abilities: diseased (enemies who are wounded by a giant rat must make a Hard (dd) Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental or suffer 2 additional wounds, and must check again on their next turn if the check generates d.

If this second check fails, the enemy has become diseased and must upgrade the difficulty of any following Agility or Resilience checks until cured by a Hard (dd) Medicine check or magical healing.).
Equipment: Claws and bite (Agility; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 3, may spend aa to inflict 3 strain).

Secret of
Bone Hill

Handout 1 - Overview of Restenford

Restenford - Overview

Handout 2 - Ruined Guardpost (Lower Level)

Ruined Guardpost - L1

Handout 3 - Ruined Guardpost (Upper Level)

Ruined Guardpost - L2

Based on the TSR module "L1: The Secret of Bone Hill" for AD&D 1st edition's Greyhawk campaign setting

Produced by TSR and published in 1981 for 1st Edition AD&D, L1: The Secret Of Bone Hill (Written by Lenard "Len" Lakofka) took heroes to the Lendore Isles and the fishing village of Restenford.

This conversion brings Restenford into the Realms of Terrinoth setting for Genesys. THe contents are not a direct conversion, but a "Spiritual" one.

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