The Jovian Project


The price we pay for failing to keep up with the legendary threats of our world would be enslavement or annihilation. To defeat these monsters, we must command monsters of our own. I am Ullander, and this is the culmination of my learnings about Jovians - enormous piloted constructs - in the name of war.

Send feedback to Morvick on Reddit.


The purpose of The Jovian Project is to instill a sense of ownership and mastery in the party who works on their giant magical robots throughout a campaign. It can also help the DM create equally-powerful foes (jovians, monsters, fortresses) with which to challenge players.

Change Log

1.01 - 4/23/18
  • Typo corrections
  • Rebalanced Frame Bonus and Damage Threshold progression
  • Touched up several crystals, signature techniques, modifications, and features for gameplay balance
1.00 - 4/21/18
  • Release of prototype document!

Table of Contents

Art Credits

Links lead to the artists' main gallery pages.

Cover: "Genesis", Suenghee Lee

Part 1: "Confrontation", Patrik Björkström

Part 2: "Master of Golems", Sergey Samarskiy

Part 3: "Create", Antonio Caparo

Part 4: "Steam Robot Advance", Yu Cheng Hong

Back: "Nice To Meet You!", Facundo Diaz

Special Thanks

theDragn, AVestedInterest, ImpossibeardROK, imariaprime



For The DM

This section holds considerations for the DM more than anyone else. These are world-building elements that must be decided early in the campaign. No matter how it is included, jovians will leave a deep footprint on plot and encounter design.


How did the jovian(s) come to be, and how does this affect their nature? The choice here will structure how jovians are introduced to the party in the first place, and how your campaign progresses to allow a jovian to meet foes worthy of its power. Suggestions follow.

Something Built

The jovian is a product of ingenuity and skill, designed for war in the image of its makers. It is most like a vehicle or weapon in these regards.

  • Arms Race: There may be more than these jovians, either in active production or being researched by competitors.
  • Trained Pilots: The inventor or organization which made the jovians has likely offered instruction on their operation to the Pilots.

Something Found

The jovian is a fearsome relic from antiquity and its operation is barely understood. It may be similar to wondrous magical items, or races such as the Warforged.

  • Unusual Power: The jovians may require exotic and strange power sources to continue functioning, hidden deep in ruins or between the Planes.
  • Seeker Pilots: Pilots may have sought out the jovians after learning of their existence, intent on wielding the power themselves.

Something Given

The jovian is timeless - celestial or fiendish in origin - and pilots must be found worthy. It is like a sentient artifact.

  • Cosmic Purpose: The jovians may have a destiny, and require fated pilots to complete divine or unholy tasks.
  • Favored Pilots: A deity or incredible god-like patron may have guided the pilots to their machines and imparted them with knowledge or intuition.

Something Joined

The jovian is a beast or otherworldly creature that was shackled, but can be brought to heel. Treat it as another creature, usually a golem.

  • Moody Symbiote: The jovians may have intelligence and desires all their own, and might cooperate or conflict with the pilots who drive them.
  • Synchronized Pilots: Pilots may have an unusual ability to unite with their jovian and bring about its full combat potential.


After the DM has chosen from the many possible origins of jovians, whether they are a new addition to the campaign or the central focus of the plot, the players must be guided through the process of gaining and maintaining the constructs. This may be a process that the party and the DM works out together much like normal character creation.

For simplicity, follow these steps in order.

1. Finding a Wright

Every jovian needs at least one Wright to service it and make Breakthroughs to advance its power. This is described in Part 3. This Wright could be the inventor of the jovian, a party member who is obsessed with it, or a traveling artificer hired into service.

2. Pick the Crystals

This document presumes that pilots will prefer to operate a custom jovian. These customizations are available as crystals, listed in Part 2 and all described in Part 4 of this document.

3. Select Jovian Anima(s)

There are several variants of each jovian's design focus, or Anima, which will alter some of its features and provide a benefit unique to that jovian which can't be selected by others. This is described in Part 2.

4. Keep it running

A jovian is a living project, and requires attention and funding to bring out its full potential. The Wright(s) will need to repair the jovian and make Breakthroughs. The party will need to acquire plans, items, and hired help (all in Part 3) while piloting their grand machines.

5. Challenge with foes

Wherever the jovians are included in content designed to challenge only player characters, that challenge will often be rendered obsolete. A jovian begins at Grade I roughly balanced to face CR 5 monsters in single combat.

Suggestions follow on how to separate jovian vs character combat, and make each feel rewarding:

  • Colossals. When facing anything other than a jovian, these gargantuan or larger creatures divide damage they suffer by 5, and multiply damage they deal by 5.
  • Dungeon Delving. Content on the surface of the world is tailored to jovians, and content in small spaces like cities or tombs is meant for the usual party dynamic.
  • Mass Combat. Treat a jovian as one full unit in a battle that comprises 16 to 100 troops per unit. Unearthed Arcana: Mass Combat may serve as a starting guide.
  • Siege Weapons. Include a rule that siege weapons deal extra damage or bypass some of a jovian's defenses, making them high-priority targets or encouraging players to face these foes on foot, where the specialized weapon has no advantage.
The Jovian Project

For the DM, continued


The following abbreviations and terms are helpful in describing jovian functions, and they appear frequently.

APL - Average Party Level

A calculation of overall party advancement, and used to determine when the Wright can gain another of their unique perks. Calculated by adding all of the party's player character levels together and dividing by the number of characters, rounding down.


Much of the customization of a jovian is determined by its choice of crystals, which detail the attacks and spells it has, and which useful buffs and passive traits are installed.

DT - Damage Threshold

If the damage dealt to a jovian's hit points does not meet or exceed the Damage Threshold, it is ignored and has no effect. This is determined after all other defenses, such as damage reduction and resistance.

FB - Frame Bonus

This value rises with jovian level and is used to calculate most aspects of jovian performance, including Hit bonus, saving throw DCs, and damage dice count.


Synonymous with "Level", ranges from 1 to 10, providing the construct with new features and crystals at each milestone.


A partition of the jovian's hit points: each one is tracked separately by the pilot. A hull is intact unless it has 0 hit points. Damage and healing can't be shared between hulls.

Mental Ability Score

Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma scores. May also be referenced as "mental score", "mental saving throw", etc. An onboard pilot or specific feature lends the jovian these scores, otherwise it has none. See "Jovian Combat" for more details.

Physical Ability Score

Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution scores. May also be referenced as "physical score", "physical saving throw", etc. These are the only ability scores a jovian begins with or can alter for itself.


The character who normally drives and commands a jovian. While jovians might hold more than one occupant, only one has the title and privileges of being its pilot. This status can be granted by attunement, the jovian's conscious choice, an access key, knowledge that only this character has, or other options as guided by the jovian's Origin.


Alternate Rules

This document may not suit every group as-written, so feel free to use or alter details as required. Some suggested tweaks are listed below.


It's up to the DM's discretion whether to award full experience to the pilots for a creature they use their jovian to kill, but this runs the risk of quickened party advancement. One compromise may be to award half of the experience if the jovian contributed significantly to completing an encounter.

Increasing Grades

Some DMs or groups will find the jovians too expensive, or otherwise that the Breakthrough mechanic needs an artificial cap to govern how quickly jovians can advance. Three ideas follow - in all cases, Breakthrough Attempts would still need to be made when the time came for an upgrade.

Milestone. Certain plot or character events unlock the next grade of jovians, such as defeating a foe who is more powerful than the jovian or stopping the rampaging Tarrasque in a kaiju battle.

Keystone Item. Similar to Milestone, the Keystone method requires that a specific item be found or used in order to allow further upgrades. This could be a power core that limits how long the jovian runs for, or it could be an Index of combat data, or an exhaustive schematic that is found deep within a vault.

Average Party Level. Perhaps the most elegant but limiting option, a jovian can only ever be increased to a grade equal to half of the APL, rounded down.

Normalized Dice

Players operating a jovian may eventually be rolling large quantities of dice for damage. If they do not wish to do so, offer for them to take the averages of dice instead.

Round all final damage values down to the nearest integer.

Dice Normalized
1d4 2.5
1d6 3.5
1d8 4.5
Dice Normalized
1d10 5.5
1d12 6.5
1d20 10.5
The Jovian Project

Jovian Combat

Marching as a giant between the cliffs of a mountain pass, the thunder of footfalls as armies scatter beneath. Taking flight while raining magefire from above, or charging headlong into the embrace of an impossible titan with weapons bared. Jovian combat offers the chance to square up against gargantuan foes with earth-shaking results.

Changes to Combat

A number of changes have been made to jovian combat to make it more intuitive and flexible for players.


Whenever combat occurs in or near a jovian, players roll initiative as usual. Jovians do not roll initiative and crystals which receive no commands through the cockpit will do nothing unless a feature dictates otherwise.

Jovian Size, Scale

Jovians have longer reach with their limbs than most creatures. "Melee Range" is counted as 20 feet away from a jovian, for the purposes of opportunity attacks, touch abilities, grappling, being adjacent, and other comparable moments.

Jovians occupy a 20 by 20 ft square on the battlemap.

Jovian Actions

A pilot in the cockpit may operate the jovian by surrendering their corresponding action type.

Jovian action Required pilot action
Weapon Crystals Uses pilot's full Action
Active Crystals Uses pilot's Bonus action or Reaction
Move the jovian Uses pilot's full Movement
Cockpit Action Specified in jovian stat block
Enter/Exit Cockpit Uses pilot's full Action

Disabled Crystals

The jovian divides its customization options into crystals, and a crystal can be disabled for a number of reasons, most commonly when it takes severe damage. Part 3 details Severe Damage and Disabled crystals.

Moving and Being Moved

All jovians are hefty by weight and can leverage great power behind their limbs. When a jovian shoves, pushes, drags, or lifts something, the distance (or weight) is doubled.

When a jovian is made to move against its will, the distance it travels is halved (rounding down to the nearest 5 feet).


Recharge Abilities

The notation “(Recharge X–Y)” means the Pilots can use the ability once and that the ability then has a random chance of recharging. Until the ability recharges it can't be used.

At the beginning of each jovian's turn in combat, roll a d6 for each ability currently recharging. If the roll on a dice is one of the numbers in the notation for a given ability, that jovian regains the use of the ability. The ability also recharges when the Pilots finish a short or long rest.

For example, “Recharge 4–6” means a pilot in the jovian can use the special ability once. Then, at the start of the following round, the jovian regains the use of that ability if it rolls a 4, 5, or 6 on its d6.

Ability Scores

A jovian uses its own physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) plus its Frame Bonus any time an attack, ability, spell, or other effect directly references them. This is also how it calculates hit or damage modifiers.

Conversely, a jovian has no mind of its own unless a feature provides it with one, and so it uses the highest mental statistic from an onboard pilot to make Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

Frame Bonus

There are many cases where the jovian's Frame Bonus (equivalent to its level) will be referenced in attacks, healing abilities, or areas of effect. The notation "[FB+2]d12+5 slashing damage" would indicate that the jovian deals 3d12+5 (or 24) slashing damage with the ability at Grade I, but that damage increases to 12d12+5 (or 83) by Grade X.

Temporary Hit Points

Temporary hit points that jovians gain will benefit from its damage threshold, and are reduced before any hull hit points. Jovians can only gain temporary hit points from their features. These hit points are lost after a rest and they never stack - if a jovian already has temporary hit points when it gains more, it must choose which of the two to keep.

Being Targeted

Pilots sealed in the jovian's cockpit are automatically made the target of any non-damaging hostile spell or ability which requires a mental saving throw. Any other spell, attack, or ability (such as the Sleep or Fireball spells) must target the jovian itself and can't include onboard pilots in their effect.

If a non-damaging ability or spell references a mental score (such as the Command spell) but the jovian has no mind of its own and no onboard pilot, then the ability or spell has no effect.

However, if an ability or spell is damaging and requires a mental saving throw (such as the Vicious Mockery spell), the jovian automatically fails the save.

The Jovian Project



Nimble Jovian Frame

Jovians constructed from a Nimble Frame can generally endure less punishment than the other two weight classes, but it's less often that they must attempt to. Their primary distinction is a sacrifice of Hull integrity for greater speed.

Nimble Jovian Frame
Grade FB DT AC Hull (x4) Features
G.I +1 7 21 30 Crystals, Fade Cloak
G.II +1 9 22 35 Anima Choice
G.III +2 11 23 40 Modification
G.IV +2 13 24 45 Deflection
G.V +3 15 25 50 Anima Feature
G.VI +3 17 26 55 Extra Modification
G.VII +4 19 27 60 Responsiveness
G.VIII +4 21 28 65 Anima Feature
G.IX +5 23 29 70 Extra Modification
G.X +5 25 30 75 Cascade


A jovian made from a nimble frame is proficient in Dexterity saving throws and with every crystal installed on it, and uses its Dexterity modifier to calculate its attack rolls and its Save DC, as well as to determine the number of Active crystals it can use per long rest.

The jovian uses its Frame Bonus in addition to the Proficiency Bonus of its pilot, if they are on board.


The jovian chooses one each of Weapon, Passive, and Active crystals at grade 1. A Nimble jovian gains an additional Weapon crystal at grades 4 and 8, an additional Passive crystal at grades 5 and 10, and an additional Active crystal at grades 2, 7, and 10.

Refer to each section for a list of available crystal choices for Nimble jovians, and refer to Part 4 of this document for a full description of each crystal.

Fade Cloak (Recharge 5-6)

A Pilot in the cockpit can use their bonus action or reaction to cause the jovian to successfully Hide, concealing its presence as if by the Invisibility and Pass Without Trace spells. These effects last until the end of its next turn or until it uses a crystal, and can't be ended prematurely by other means.

Anima Choice

When the jovian is upgraded to grade 2, select either the Nemesis or Vanguard Anima. Each Anima offers a unique benefit at grades 2, 5, and 8.

Modification Choice

When the jovian is upgraded to grade 3, choose a Modification, and an additional one at grades 6 and 9. Refer to Part 4 of this document for a full description of each Modification.


Beginning at grade 4, when the jovian uses Fade Cloak or an Active crystal, it gains temporary hit points equal to its Dexterity score.


Beginning at grade 7, the jovian gains a second Reaction and a second Bonus Action per round.


Upon reaching grade 10, each time the jovian rolls initiative or uses Fade Cloak, it regains 1 Active crystal use.


A jovian's Anima is a driving impulse combined with tweaks to its existing performance, which specializes it for one combat role over others.

Nemesis Anima

Harass your foes one by one, ensuring they fall with sudden and devastating efficiency.


Beginning when you choose this Anima at grade 2, the jovian can designate up to one target it can see within 600 feet with a Sentence until the end of its next turn. The jovian is always aware of the direction to its Sentenced target.

The first time the jovian damages its Sentenced target on a turn, the damage increases by [FB]d6.

Phase Ambush

Beginning at grade 5, if the jovian uses a Weapon crystal to end Fade Cloak, the number of damage dice used by that crystal increases by the jovian's FB.

The Jovian Project

Dire Grudge

Beginning at grade 8, the jovian can use its Action to trigger a powerful signature technique, choosing one from the options below. Once the jovian uses this feature, it can't be used again until the pilot completes a Long rest.

Epicaricacy. Until the end of the jovian's next turn, the jovian repairs an intact Hull by hit points equal to half of the damage dealt to a Sentenced target by any creature.

Unbearable Verdict. Any creature Sentenced by the Jovian must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the target's hit point maximum is reduced by half of its current hit points (to a minimum of 1), and it is knocked prone.

Vanguard Anima

Leverage your speed to close distance and weave among your foes in a deadly dance.


Beginning when you choose this Anima at grade 2, the jovian gains 1 additional Weapon crystal use on its turn if a hostile target is within 40 feet.

The jovian has advantage on an attack roll against a target if at least one of the jovian's allies is within 20 feet of the target and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Beginning at grade 5, when the pilot uses Fade Cloak, the jovian can teleport up to its speed to a location it can see without using any movement.

Into The Breach

Beginning at grade 8, the jovian can use its Action to trigger a powerful signature technique, choosing one from the options below. Once the jovian uses this feature, it can't be used again until the pilot completes a Long rest.

Shadow Brethren. Creatures that the jovian chooses within 80 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the jovian targets them and creates one illusory manifestation next to each creature, visible only to those creatures. A target takes [2FB]d12 psychic damage immediately, and then [2FB]d12 necrotic damage at the start of their next turn.

Tribute of Fury. The jovian targets one adjacent creature and forces it to make a Constitution saving throw. The jovian calculates its own missing hit points and doubles that number, and deals force damage to the target equal to that value on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save.

Crystal Choices

The Wright can change out installed crystals during maintenance by spending 50 gold for each crystal. Duplicate crystals can't be installed to a jovian. Each Crystal's full description is detailed in Part 4.


Weapon Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional selection at grade 4 and grade 8. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Artemis Bow Conjure and fire a mighty bow and its enchanted long-range arrow which penetrates obstacles.
Cable Launcher Restrain and draw power from targets wrapped in these unbreakable cords.
Grand Saber Make broad attacks in a line or cone with an unbreakable blade of light.
Impulse Staff Abandon focus for speed with rapid strikes, gaining velocity as the jovian suffers damage.
Jousting Lance Charge enemies for massive damage after building up momentum.
Shard Burst Shred a nearby area with a thick hail of vorpal shrapnel.
Storm Palm Chain lightning between nearby targets for wide area damage.
Thunder Discus Strike multiple foes in melee or at range with this bladed wheel.
Volcanic Javelin Stab or hurl with this mid-ranged spear weapon that explodes after it hits.

Passive Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional crystal at grade 5 and grade 10. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Agility Roll The jovian dashes when it succeeds on saving throws.
Deft Movement Difficult terrain and restraints do not impede the jovian.
Eyes of the Watcher Grant the jovian and its pilot Blindsight.
Glide Canards The jovian can hover and swim effectively.
Heightened Reflexes Cancel advantage on some incoming attacks.
Mental Shielding Harden the jovian and pilot against illusions and influence.
Severe Criticals The jovian's critical hits hurt more.
Wind Barrier Gain a shield during fast movement.
Avoidance Dive clear of damaging spells or effects.
The Jovian Project

Active Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional selection at grades 2, 7, and 10. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Aggressive Retreat Attack and duck away simultaneously.
Blitz Bolster your offense with additional speed.
Dual Weapons Grab a weapon in each hand.
Headhunter Ensure the next attack hurts severely.
Magic Missile Pod Launch a swarm of seeking darts.
Nullification Halt enemy mages mid-cast.
Perfect Defense Disregard a sloppy attack entirely.
Vision of Doom Wither an enemy's defenses to create an opening.
Wary Stance Maintain vigilance against attacks.


Choose any one modification from below at grade 3, and an additional modification at grade 6 and grade 9. When the jovian increases its grade, it may exchange one installed modification for a different one. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Cradling Shadows Gain a protective veil during Fade Cloak. +2 ability score points
Dramatic Entrance Vanguard only. Break from Fade Cloak with a flurry of attacks. +2 ability score points
Echo The Fade Cloak ability is now (Recharge 3-6). +2 ability score points
Escape Artist Attempt to recharge Fade Cloak during nimble movement. +4 ability score points
Icarus Wings Nemesis only. Gain flight at the cost of frailty. +2 ability score points
Olympian Reach All melee Crystal attacks can now be thrown. +4 ability score points
Tenacity Vanguard only. Repair some of a Hull when damaging a target. +4 ability score points
Willful Construct The jovian gains sentience and independence. +2 ability score points
Preservation Unit Teleports, revival, or stasis can protect the pilot. +4 ability score points
Wrath to Spare Nemesis only. Double the sentencing. +4 ability score points

Nimble Jovian Frame

Gargantuan vehicle, any Lawful alignment

  • Armor Class 21 (hull plating)
  • Hull Hit Points 30/30/30/30 (natural armor)
  • Speed 90 ft

18 (+4) 26 (+8) 18 (+4) [Pilot] [Pilot] [Pilot]

  • Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic
  • Damage Resistances nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from any source
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious

Cockpit. The jovian's pilot can experience the world through its senses, and occupants are provided with fresh air and total cover from the outside.

Damage Threshold: 16. Damage to the jovian's Hulls below this value is ignored as being superficial.

Hulls. The jovian's hit points are partitioned into layers around the cockpit and frame, from inner to outer. Outermost hulls receive damage first. Neither damage nor repairs can be split between hulls. Jovians begin with 4 hulls.

Immutable Construction. The jovian is considered a magical artifact, and is immune to any spell or effect which would alter its form or that would destroy it without dealing damage.

Magical Armaments. All damage the jovian deals is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and it adds its Dexterity modifier to all damage dealt.


Unarmed Strike. Pummel a target. Melee attack: 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d8 bludgeoning damage.

Weapon Crystals. The jovian triggers one of its installed and online Weapon crystals.

Patch Hull. The jovian donates up to [FB x 10] of its hit points from an inner Hull to repair an outer one. This can't repair a Hull that has 0 HP, nor may it reduce the donor to 0 HP.

Bonus Actions

Active Crystal. The jovian has a number of Active crystal uses equal to its Dexterity modifier. All expended uses are regained on a rest.

Divert Mana (3/Rest). Make one disabled crystal return to Online status by rerouting energy to it from a currently-online crystal. The donor crystal falls to disabled status.

The Jovian Project

Balanced Jovian Frame

Jovians built from a Balanced Frame put a high focus on consistent performance and reliability. Their primary distinction is an averaged list of stats that afford few weaknesses for an enemy to exploit.

Balanced Jovian Frame
Grade FB DT AC Hull (x4) Features
G.I +1 12 19 40 Crystals, Equilibrium
G.II +1 14 20 45 Anima Choice
G.III +2 16 21 50 Modification
G.IV +2 18 22 55 Reliability
G.V +3 20 23 60 Anima Feature
G.VI +3 22 24 65 Extra Modification
G.VII +4 24 25 70 Severity
G.VIII +4 26 26 75 Anima Feature
G.IX +5 28 27 80 Extra Modification
G.X +5 30 28 85 Serenity


A jovian made from a balanced frame is proficient in Strength saving throws and with every crystal installed on it, and uses its Strength or Dexterity modifier to calculate its attack rolls and its Save DC, as well as to determine the number of Active crystals it can use per long rest.

The jovian uses its Frame Bonus in addition to the Proficiency Bonus of its pilot, if they are on board.


The jovian chooses one each of Weapon, Passive, and Active crystals at grade 1. A Balanced jovian gains an additional Weapon crystal at grade 5 and 10, an additional Passive crystal at grades 2, 7, and 10, and an additional Active crystal at grades 4 and 8.

Refer to each section for a list of available crystal choices for Balanced jovians, and refer to Part 4 of this document for a full description of each crystal.

Equilibrium (Recharge 5-6)

A Pilot in the cockpit can use their bonus action or reaction to gain advantage on an attack roll the jovian makes. Alternatively, impose disadvantage on a saving throw the jovian forces a target to make. Either of these can be done after the result of the roll is known.


Anima Choice

When the jovian is upgraded to grade 2, select either the Paragon or Vanquisher Anima. Each Anima offers a unique benefit at grades 2, 5, and 8.

Modification Choice

When the jovian is upgraded to grade 3, choose a Modification, and an additional one at grades 6 and 9. Refer to Part 4 of this document for a full description of each Modification.


Beginning at grade 4, the jovian is unaffected by Disadvantage on any of its rolls.


Beginning at grade 7, the jovian uses 3d20 and takes the highest roll whenever it has Advantage, and if it imposes Disadvantage on a creature they must use 3d20 and take the lowest roll.


Upon reaching grade 10, each time the pilot uses Equilibrium, it repairs an intact Hull by 2d20 hit points.


A jovian's Anima is a driving impulse combined with tweaks to its existing performance, which specializes it for one combat role over others.

Paragon Anima

Alter the jovian's crystal loadout to always have a suitable response against the tactics of your adversaries.


Beginning when you choose this Anima at grade 2, the jovian gains one unique spare crystal, called a Fractal. This Fractal is separate from the Balanced jovian's normal progression, and does not count against its maximums for Weapon, Passive, or Active crystals.

When the jovian completes a rest, the Fractal can become any one crystal that belongs to any frame (Nimble, Balanced, Heavy) and for any type (Weapon, Passive, Active). It costs no gold or time for the change to occur.

A Fractal can never be disabled by Severe Damage or chosen for the Divert Mana ability.


Beginning at grade 5, after the pilot uses Equilibrium, the jovian can change its Fractal to a different crystal.

The Jovian Project


Beginning at grade 8, the jovian can use its Action to trigger a powerful signature technique, choosing one from the options below. Once the jovian uses this feature, it can't be used again until the pilot completes a Long rest.

Always Prepared. The jovian regains all expended Active crystal uses, and immediately recharges Equilibrium without needing to roll the recharge dice.

Hoard of Crystals. The jovian summons 2 additional Fractals onto itself, which are any appropriate crystal the pilot chooses. These extra Fractals can benefit from Spectrum, and disappear the next time the pilot rests or the jovian receives maintenance.

Vanquisher Anima

Empower the jovian over the course of battle - the longer the struggle, the more certain its victory.

Breaker, Bunker

Beginning when you choose this Anima at grade 2, the jovian gains access to personal buffs known as Breaker and Bunker. The jovian benefits from all accumulated ranks in Breaker and Bunker at the same time. When a pre-requisite is met for the listed buff, it gains a rank as described below.

All ranks in Breaker and Bunker will reset to 0 each time combat ends or if the jovian goes Dormant.

  • Gain a rank in Breaker when the jovian misses an attack or when a hostile creature succeeds its saving throw against the jovian. A rank in Breaker stacks +1 to its Hit modifier and Save DC.
  • Gain a rank in Bunker when the jovian is damaged by an attack or fails a saving throw against a hostile creature. A rank in Bunker stacks +1 to its AC and Saving Throw modifier.

Pure Form

Beginning at grade 5, the jovian gains 1 rank each in Breaker and Bunker after using Equilibrium.


Beginning at grade 8, the jovian can use its Action to trigger a powerful signature technique, choosing one from the options below. Once the jovian uses this feature, it can't be used again until the pilot completes a Long rest.

Perfect Condition. Any hit the jovian scores until the end of its next turn while it has advantage is considered a critical hit. If such a hit naturally rolls as a 20 anyway, double the damage dealt.

Then There Was One. The jovian moves up to its speed for free and targets one creature within 20 feet that it can touch, and forces it to make a Strength saving throw. The target takes damage equal to the jovian's current total hit points on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save. The initial damage dealt is halved if the target has any allies within 60 feet.


Crystal Choices

The Wright can change out installed crystals during maintenance by spending 50 gold for each crystal. Duplicate crystals can't be installed to a jovian. Each Crystal's full description is detailed in Part 4.

Weapon Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional selection at grade 5 and grade 10. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Blastback Cannon Move the jovian and its target away from each other with the force from this cannon.
Eldritch Gaze Gaze at a target and send out searing rays of pain that reveal weaknesses.
Energy Sword Vary the damage dealt for different effects with this versatile sword.
Fumigate Blanket an area with persistent elemental effects that can linger on targets.
Gelatin Throw Trap creatures caught nearby this acid-packed adhesive weapon.
Halberd of the Gate Slash at any who approach you to stop them in their tracks.
Impact Punch Strike a target with magical force to send them flying.
Rending Axe Tear down a target's defenses with this wickedly-shaped blade.
Variable Focus Attack at different speeds and different ranges to remain on the offensive.

Passive Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional crystal at grades 2, 7, and 10. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Aegis March slowly to maintain this moderately-sized shield.
Big Punch Deliver a heavy blow after a wind-up charge.
Devastation Damage resistances don't impede critical hits.
Enchanted Rivets The jovian increases its AC and DT by 2 each.
Mental Shielding Harden the jovian and pilot against illusions and influence.
Peregrine Knee Moving slowly allows for an additional rapid melee strike.
Precision The jovian scores critical hits on attack rolls of 19 or 20.
Quad Arms The jovian prefers to strike rapidly with an extra pair of arms.
Technique Overwhelming success with melee attacks can afford control over the target.
The Jovian Project

Active Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional selection at grade 4 and grade 8. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Annulment Use a reaction to stop a spellcaster's magic before it begins.
Chest Beam Generate and unleash an incredible ray of destructive energy.
Defensive Shell Shoulder through hazards with a quick-acting shield.
Elemental Aspects Briefly add a specific element to all damage dealt.
Flare Blast Attempt to blind and disorient enemies in a chosen area.
Frenzy Use Weapon crystals more frequently until you miss.
Kerberos Chains Paralyze a target and pull them towards you.
Reinforce Buffer against specific damage types for a short time.
Titan's Leap Cross great distances in a single tremendous bound.


Choose any one modification from below at grade 3, and an additional modification at grade 6 and grade 9. When the jovian increases its grade, it may exchange one installed modification for a different one. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Adaptive The Equilibrium ability is now (Recharge 3-6). +2 ability score points
Ascension Vanquisher only. Breaker and Bunker impact damage output. +2 ability score points
Board of Hovering Glide atop a huge summoned board. +4 ability score points
River To My People Donate healing or repairs to a nearby ally in need. +4 ability score points
Dual Fractals Paragon only Double up on the custom crystals. +2 ability score points
Mana Recapture Paragon only Gain shielding and power after severe damage. +4 ability score points
Preservation Unit Teleports, revival, or stasis can protect the pilot. +4 ability score points
Sovereign Vanquisher only. Rolling initiative builds Breaker and Bunker. +4 ability score points
Temperament Momentarily trade offense for defense. +2 ability score points
Willful Construct The jovian gains sentience and independence. +2 ability score points

Balanced Jovian Frame

Gargantuan vehicle, any Lawful alignment

  • Armor Class 19 (hull plating)
  • Hull Hit Points 40/40/40/40 (natural armor)
  • Speed 70 ft

24 (+7) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) [Pilot] [Pilot] [Pilot]

  • Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic
  • Damage Resistances nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from any source
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious

Cockpit. The jovian's pilot can experience the world through its senses, and occupants are provided with fresh air and total cover from the outside.

Damage Threshold: 21. Damage to the jovian's Hulls below this value is ignored as being superficial.

Hulls. The jovian's hit points are partitioned into layers around the cockpit and frame, from inner to outer. Outermost hulls receive damage first. Neither damage nor repairs can be split between hulls. Jovians begin with 4 hulls.

Immutable Construction. The jovian is considered a magical artifact, and is immune to any spell or effect which would alter its form or that would destroy it without dealing damage.

Magical Armaments. All damage the jovian deals is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and it adds its Strength or Dexterity modifier to all damage dealt.


Unarmed Strike. Pummel a target. Melee attack: 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d8 bludgeoning damage.

Weapon Crystals. The jovian triggers one of its installed and online Weapon crystals.

Patch Hull. The jovian donates up to [FB x 10] of its hit points from an inner Hull to repair an outer one. This can't repair a Hull that has 0 HP, nor may it reduce the donor to 0 HP.

Bonus Actions

Active Crystal. The jovian has a number of Active crystal uses equal to its Strength or Dexterity modifier. All expended uses are regained on a rest.

Divert Mana (3/Rest). Make one disabled crystal return to Online status by rerouting energy to it from a currently-online crystal. The donor crystal falls to disabled status.

The Jovian Project

Heavy Jovian Frame

Jovians that are classified as Heavy Frames may be the first ones to engage with a foe, and count on being the last ones standing. Their primary distinctions include tougher hulls and a greater choice of armaments than the Nimble or Balanced frames.

Heavy Jovian Frame
Grade FB DT AC Hull (x4) Features
G.I +1 17 17 50 Runic Wards
G.II +1 19 18 55 Anima Choice
G.III +2 21 19 60 Modification
G.IV +2 23 20 65 Citadel
G.V +3 25 21 70 Anima Feature
G.VI +3 27 22 75 Extra Modification
G.VII +4 29 23 80 Defiance
G.VIII +4 31 24 85 Anima Feature
G.IX +5 33 25 90 Extra Modification
G.X +5 35 26 95 Immortal


A jovian made from a heavy frame is proficient in Constitution saving throws and with every crystal installed on it, and uses its Strength modifier to calculate its attack rolls and its Save DC, as well as to determine the number of Active crystals it can use per long rest.

The jovian uses its Frame Bonus in addition to the Proficiency Bonus of its pilot, if they are on board.


The jovian chooses one each of Weapon, Passive, and Active crystals at grade 1. A Heavy jovian gains an additional Weapon crystal at grades 2, 7, and 10, an additional Passive crystal at grade 4 and 8, and an additional Active crystal at grades 5 and 10.

Refer to each section for a list of available crystal choices for Heavy jovians, and refer to Part 4 of this document for a full description of each crystal.

Runic Wards (Recharge 5-6)

A pilot in the cockpit can use their bonus action or reaction to reduce all damage to the jovian's Hull hit points by its DT until the end of their next turn.


Anima Choice

When the jovian is upgraded to grade 2, select either the Reaver or Warden Anima. Each Anima offers a unique benefit at grades 2, 5, and 8.

Modification Choice

When the jovian is upgraded to grade 3, choose a Modification, and an additional one at grades 6 and 9. Refer to Part 4 of this document for a full description of each Modification.


Beginning at grade 4, the first time a Hull is dropped to 0 hit points after it has received maintenance, it instead drops to 1 hit point and remains intact.


Beginning at grade 7, incoming critical hits against the jovian are treated as critical misses.


Upon reaching grade 10, each time the pilot uses Runic Wards, they can choose to have the jovian gain 50 temporary hit points.


A jovian's Anima is a driving impulse combined with tweaks to its existing performance, which specializes it for one combat role over others.

Reaver Anima

Bring every weapon to bear against the unfortunate enemies who find themselves in opposition of your will.

Tyrant Mode

Beginning when you choose this Anima at grade 2, the jovian can enter or exit Tyrant Mode as a Bonus action.

While in Tyrant Mode, the jovian gains the following traits:

  • Its speed reduces by half of its maximum and it becomes incapable of taking the Dash or Dodge actions.
  • The jovian's crystals may only target creatures and objects that are within a 90-degree cone originating from it. The jovian can reorient the cone once during each of its turns.
  • The jovian can use any two Weapon crystals with an Action instead of just one. This increases to three at grade 5, and four at grade 8.


Beginning at grade 5, while the jovian benefits from Runic Wards, it deals force damage equal to its DT to any creature it can see which deals damage to its Hull hit points.

The Jovian Project


Beginning at grade 8, the jovian can use its Action to trigger a powerful signature technique, choosing one from the options below. Once the jovian uses this feature, it can't be used again until the pilot completes a Long rest.

Solar Flare. The jovian quickly opens a one-way gate on its chest, linked to the nearest star, and targets all creatures in a 20 by 200 ft line originating from itself. Searing light blasts through, and targets must make a Constitution saving throw. Targets take radiant damage equal to the jovian's Constitution modifier x [FB] on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Creatures within 60 feet of a target becomes Blinded until the end of their next turn.

Crushing Void. The jovian stares at a point within 150 feet, and creates a field of intense gravity and emptiness that begins as a 90 ft radius sphere centered on the point. The inside of the sphere is considered difficult terrain and is affected by the Silence spell. Each creature that enters or begins its turn inside the sphere must make a Strength saving throw, and can try to move up to its speed toward the edge of the sphere on a successful save. On a failed save, a target is dragged toward the center by 30 feet.

The field's radius shrinks by 15 feet at the end of each of the jovian's turns. Creatures that enter or begin their turn inside the sphere take [3FB] force damage, plus an additional [FB] necrotic damage for every one of their turns they have already spent inside the sphere.

Warden Anima

Exert control over the battlefield and stand between your allies and all who would wish them harm.


Beginning when you choose this Anima at grade 2, the jovian dons a flat tower shield as big as itself, as if by the Wall of Force spell, that provides up to full cover on one side. This Rampart can be reoriented once on each of the jovian's turns to provide cover from a new direction, and it regenerates at the start of the jovian's turn after being destroyed.

The jovian can make attacks through its own Rampart as if the tower shield were not there.


Beginning at grade 5, while the jovian benefits from Runic Wards, it can choose to become the target of any hostile ranged attack or ranged spell that originates within 60 feet of itself, or which includes a target within 60 feet of itself.



Beginning at grade 8, the jovian can use its Action to trigger a powerful signature technique, choosing one from the options below. Once the jovian uses this feature, it can't be used again until the pilot completes a Long rest.

Gather No Moss. The jovian charges straight in a chosen direction, hunkered low, up to a distance of 200 feet. This movement can't be reduced by effects such as Slow or difficult terrain. If the jovian encounters obstacles, structures, or steep terrain, it tunnels through them by creating a 40-ft high, 20-ft wide passage filled with rubble. Creatures in the path of travel that can't succeed a Dexterity saving throw are bodyslammed, carried along by the jovian as it completes the movement. The jovian can choose to make an Unarmed Strike against a bodyslammed creature for free when it first impacts them during this ability.

Intrepid Resolve. The jovian repairs an intact Hull by [FB] for each hostile creature within 60 feet of it. Creatures of the jovian's choice within 60 feet may apply half of that value in healing or repairs to themselves.

Crystal Choices

The Wright can change out installed crystals during maintenance by spending 50 gold for each crystal. Duplicate crystals can't be installed to a jovian. Each Crystal's full description is detailed in Part 4.

Weapon Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional selection at grades 2, 7, and 10. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Arctic Breath The jovian exhales a frigid blast of wind, briefly slowing foes.
Blackiron Arbalest Loose a harpoon of enchanted self-propelled steel that impales as it flies.
Destruction Knuckles Land a punch and then detonate magic out the fist, with explosive results.
Gaze of Eons The jovian looks out at all it has yet to rule, and carves a warpath with its eyes.
Jettison Hammer Conjure a bludgeoning weapon almost as big as the jovian, and get swinging.
Kingbreaker Summon and wield a massive sword that deals more damage to the healthy.
Magic Missile Repeater The jovian launches a swarm of seeking bolts from its shoulders.
Meteor Rain Lob bewitched stones high and far, which then rain hellfire down below.
Polybolos Trade power and impact for a steady, rhythmic assault using giant bolts.
The Jovian Project

Passive Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional crystal at grade 4 and grade 8. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Armor Mesh The jovian protects itself from the elements and conditions.
Awareness The pilot and jovian seem to always anticipate combat.
Compound Knees Powerful joints keep the jovian standing and fighting.
Cushioned Plates The jovian increases its DT by its Frame Bonus.
Mental Shielding Harden the jovian and pilot against illusions and influence.
Rebound Scales The jovian gains a small, constantly-refreshing shield.
Reflexive Barrier Emergency protection in the event of severe damage.
Salvo Fire smaller projectiles, but dozens more of them each fight.
Steadied Aim The jovian may not move fast, but its weapons reach far.

Active Crystals

Choose any one from below at grade 1, and an additional selection at grade 5 and grade 10. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Demoralize Weaken a target's ability to deal damage.
Deposing Grasp Grapple a foe and hit things with them, in a true demonstration of dominance.
Encouragement Grant some extra shielding to nearby allies, ensuring they will carry on.
Flying Fist If the enemy will not go to the jovian's fist, the jovian's fist will go to them.
Guarded Assault Hold back some power from a Weapon crystal to refresh the jovian's defenses.
Rhino Charge Charge and ram a target for high damage.
Seeking Pulses The jovian can fight with its eyes closed. Useful for when it needs to.
Summoning Curse Punish your enemy's cowardice by bringing them to your midst.
Urgency The jovian can force Runic Wards to recharge without rolling the recharge dice.


Choose any one modification from below at grade 3, and an additional modification at grade 6 and grade 9. When the jovian increases its grade, it may exchange one installed modification for a different one. See Part 4 to read the full descriptions.

Name Brief Summary
Answerer Warden only. Rampart reflects spells and attacks. +2 ability score points
Battle Standards Inspire nearby allies with images of victory. +4 ability score points
Bombard Reaver only. Attack more during Tyrant Mode. +2 ability score points
Bulkhead The jovian is weighed down by more armor. +2 ability score points
Contempt The Runic Wards ability is now (Recharge 3-6). +2 ability score points
Dominion Reaver only. Tyrant Mode guards against critical failure. +4 ability score points
Phalanx Warden only. Briefly offer the Rampart's protection to allies. +4 ability score points
Stalwart Regain the use of any Disabled crystals during Runic Wards. +4 ability score points
Preservation Unit Teleports, revival, or stasis can protect the pilot. +4 ability score points
Willful Construct The jovian gains sentience and independence. +2 ability score points
The Jovian Project

Heavy Jovian Frame

Gargantuan vehicle, any Lawful alignment

  • Armor Class 17 (hull plating)
  • Hull Hit Points 50/50/50/50 (natural armor)
  • Speed 50 ft

26 (+8) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) [Pilot] [Pilot] [Pilot]

  • Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic
  • Damage Resistances nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from any source
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious

Cockpit. The jovian's pilot can experience the world through its senses, and occupants are provided with fresh air and total cover from the outside.

Damage Threshold: 26. Damage to the jovian's Hulls below this value is ignored as being superficial.

Hulls. The jovian's hit points are partitioned into layers around the cockpit and frame, from inner to outer. Outermost hulls receive damage first. Neither damage nor repairs can be split between hulls. Jovians begin with 4 hulls.

Immutable Construction. The jovian is considered a magical artifact, and is immune to any spell or effect which would alter its form or that would destroy it without dealing damage.

Magical Armaments. All damage the jovian deals is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and it adds its Strength modifier to all damage dealt.


Unarmed Strike. Pummel a target. Melee attack: 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d8 bludgeoning damage.

Weapon Crystals. The jovian triggers one of its installed and online Weapon crystals.

Patch Hull. The jovian donates up to [FB x 10] of its hit points from an inner Hull to repair an outer one. This can't repair a Hull that has 0 HP, nor may it reduce the donor to 0 HP.

Bonus Actions

Active Crystal. The jovian has a number of Active crystal uses equal to its Strength modifier. All expended uses are regained on a rest.

Divert Mana (3/Rest). Make one disabled crystal return to Online status by rerouting energy to it from a currently-online crystal. The donor crystal falls to disabled status.

The Jovian Project




Every jovian needs a good Wright to bring out its full potential. While an NPC is a good candidate for the job, a player character (or several) may be elected to be their jovian's Wright and could remain an active member of the party. One Wright can service multiple jovians.

Note On Economy

The prices contained here are suggestions. There may be a special merchant or artificer who trades for the exotic components needed in jovians, or breakthroughs and maintenance can't happen except for inside a magical workshop.

DM discretion reigns supreme on how to balance the party's access to jovian repairs and upgrades.

Wright Perks

A Wright gains perks as Average Party Level rises. At APL 2, a helpful noncombatant called a journeyman (Commoner, MM 345) finds and stows away somewhere in the jovian's frame when not needed. Maintenance times are halved when you're working with at least one journeyman. A Wright may choose further benefits at APL 5, 8, 11, and 14.


You can choose to Overwork your journeymen. Reroll a single Breakthrough Check during an Attempt by Overworking all journeymen who take orders from you. Journeymen can do nothing else and provide no further benefit until they've rested 24 hours.


Up to three journeymen will take orders from you. Each journeyman assisting you during Maintenance allows you to repair an additional Hull hit point per gold spent, to a maximum of 5 HP per 1 gold.


You can rebuild any destroyed jovian if you have access to at least its cockpit and a journeyman is assisting you. The base time and cost to rebuild equals 10x what it would take to restore the jovian from 0 hit points. During the rebuild, you can perform a Breakthrough Check at no cost - on a success, you find that you have upgraded the jovian by 1 grade, up to Grade X.

Unsung Hero

During combat, if a journeyman is stowed inside a jovian's frame, they can restore hit points to one of its intact Hulls equal to twice its Patch Hull ability, but then the hazards of the jovian's internals kill them. No more journeymen will sacrifice themselves until they retrieve and hold a funeral for their fallen friend.



Wrights become proficient in and make a specialized skill check known as a Breakthrough. They choose one of five ability scores to derive their skill from, as shown below.

Wright Style Breakthrough Skill
Percussive Strength Modifier + Proficiency
Crafty Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency
Analytical Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency
Innovative Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency
Confident Charisma Modifier + Proficiency

This skill check may not benefit from boosts such as Help, Expertise, or a rogue's Reliable Talent feature.

Grade Breakthrough DC Attempt Cost
Grade I
Grade II DC 17 200 gp
Grade III DC 18 300 gp
Grade IV DC 19 400 gp
Grade V DC 20 500 gp
Grade VI DC 21 600 gp
Grade VII DC 22 700 gp
Grade VIII DC 23 800 gp
Grade IX DC 24 900 gp
Grade X DC 25 1000 gp

Daily Attempts

A Wright must spend an uninterrupted Long Rest installing components equal in value to the gold listed for the grade of the jovian they are trying to upgrade to, as shown on the table above. A Wright can make only one Breakthrough Attempt each dawn.

At the end of the 8 hours, the Wright makes a series of Breakthrough Checks against the DC listed next to the grade the jovian is trying to attain. If they accumulate three successes before three failures, the Breakthrough is a success and the jovian advances in grade. The successes and failures don't need to be consecutive, keep track of both until the Wright collects three of a kind. Otherwise, they must repeat their expenses and attempts the next day.

A jovian can only be improved one grade at a time.

Multiple Jovians

If the Wright is upgrading more than one jovian of the same grade, they spend the gold for each jovian but only need to make one set of Breakthrough Checks for the group.

The Jovian Project

Severe Damage

Follow the instructions here to determine the extent of severe damage to the jovian.

  • Hull Breach: If a hull is dropped to 0 hit points, roll once for Severe Damage.

  • Critical Hit: If the jovian suffers a critical hit, it makes a concentration check against the final damage received. On a failed save, roll once for Severe Damage.

  • Critical Breach: If a hull was brought to 0 hit points by a critical hit, roll once for Severe Damage on a successful concentration check, and roll twice for Severe Damage on a failed concentration check.

Primer on Concentration Checks

Concentration checks are special Constitution saving throws normally made to maintain focus on a spell when the caster receives damage, but are used here to determine the jovian's hull integrity against critical hits.

The Save DC of any concentration check is 10 or half of the triggering damage (rounded down), whichever is higher.

Rolling for Severe Damage

A 1d4 is rolled each time the jovian takes Severe Damage. When this happens, a category of crystals will be randomly chosen based on the table below.

1d4 Damage
1 Weapon crystal
2 Passive crystal
3 Active crystal
4 Cockpit

Disabled Crystals

On a Severe Damage roll of 1, 2, or 3, the pilot or party who owns the affected jovian chooses one of the online installed crystals in the corresponding category and disables it.

If the pilot/party and DM are in agreement, then the DM makes this choice for them or rolls for the damaged crystal randomly.

If there are no more online crystals in the rolled category to disable, the jovian takes 1d6-1 damage to the outermost intact hull, instead - this damage bypasses its DT, and might result in further Severe Damage.

Injured Pilots

On a Severe Damage roll of 4, a cockpit malfunction deals 1d6-1 unresistable damage to each of the jovian's occupants, plus an additional 1d6-1 per crystal that is currently disabled.

If there are no occupants in the jovian, it takes 1d6-1 damage to the outermost intact hull, instead - this damage bypasses its DT, and might result in further Severe Damage.



Wrights are capable of performing maintenance on the jovian. All installed crystals must be restored to Online and all hulls must be repaired to full hit points before a Wright can make a Breakthrough attempt to improve the jovian's grade.

Broken Hulls

Since a jovian can't easily self-repair Hulls, it is mainly up to Wrights to restore the war machine to full function. For every 2 hull hit points being repaired, a Wright requires 1 gold and 1 minute of maintenance downtime. This is cumulative with the cost of repairing Disabled crystals, and can be done during the same session.


Wrights can repair one of a jovian's Hulls for free, though they still must spend the time in maintenance. A jovian can only benefit from this once per day.

Disabled Crystals

Wrights can restore Disabled crystals as a special repair session. For every Disabled crystal being brought back into function, it costs 50 gold in materials and 1 hour of downtime. This procedure does not restore any hit points to the jovian's hulls. This information is summarized below in the Jovian Items section.


Dormant is a state where the jovian can't move or take actions, and none of its crystals function. It is only aware of the inside of the cockpit. The jovian might collapse to prone or stand immobile, depending on the situation - Modifications and innate features remain functional while Dormant.

Several things can lead to the dormant state.

  • The jovian loses all of its Hull hit points to damage
  • The jovian uses an ability that causes it to go Dormant
  • The jovian lacks autonomy and the pilot is absent, unconscious, or dead
  • The cockpit is destroyed, ejected, or deprived of a custom power source


If the jovian is at 0 hit points and then takes its full count of hit points in damage during this Dormant state, it is destroyed. Under such conditions, the DM may rule that the wreckage can be salvaged for some of its crystals, some valuable components needed to increase its grade, its Cockpit, or other items that would support an effort to rebuild the jovian.

The Jovian Project

Jovian Items


The Breakthrough DCs for the current grade are lowered by 3 if a Wright reads this rare or coveted document. More rare or sophisticated blueprints may offer higher bonuses. Multiple blueprints do not stack benefits.

Grant Funding

The pilots have garnered the favor of a politician, tycoon, or some other benefactor who is interested in the jovians' continued development, helping to cover some expenses. Until a jovian increases its grade, the gold costs for Breakthrough Attempts are halved.

Restore Hulls

A Wright can repair a jovian during maintenance, including to repair a Hull from 0 hit points. For every 2 hit points being restored, it costs 1 gold in materials and 1 minute of focused downtime where the Wright is in physical contact with the jovian. All maintenance times and costs are cumulative.

Restore Crystals

Wrights can fix crystals disabled by severe damage during maintenance, returning them to operation. It takes 1 hour and 50 gold worth of materials to fix each disabled crystal. All maintenance times and costs are cumulative.


Upgraded Cockpit

A Wright must spend a short rest and 50 gold to add each upgrade. A cockpit may have as many upgrades as equals half the jovian's Frame Bonus (rounding up).

Comfy Seats

Long rests take 4 hours and Short rests take 30 minutes for occupants in the jovian.

Cup Holder

A container placed here will never spill, nor will its liquid spoil or change temperature.

Fast Hatch

Entering or exiting requires the pilot's choice of half their Speed, Bonus action, or Action.

Goodberry Planter

This spunky plant grows a handful of morsels each day as if by the Goodberry spell.


Touch this to restore up to a level 5 spell slot at the cost of 1 level of exhaustion.


A Medium-sized companion may stay in the cockpit and get the same benefits as the pilot.


The jovian ignores anyone that its pilot has not given full cockpit permissions to.


Occupants take only half of the damage from any Severe Damage the jovian receives.

Weapon Rack

Up to 3 weapons, tools, or items can be stored here, ready to be used with a reaction.

The Jovian Project



Weapon Crystals

Weapon crystals often have conditional effects that can improve their lethality. While activating a Weapon crystal takes an Action, the jovian may sometimes be allowed the chance to activate more than one at a time.

Arctic Breath

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength Modifier

Creatures in a 40 ft cone must make a Constitution saving throw or take [3FB+1]d6 cold damage and become affected by the Slow spell until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and is not slowed.

Artemis Bow

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Dexterity Modifier

Ranged Weapon Attack: range 600/2400 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d12 piercing damage.

The 10-foot long projectile from this weapon will penetrate through 10 feet of nonmagical material including other creatures, without losing damage or velocity, allowing it to breach castle walls or bunkers.

Blackiron Arbalest

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength Modifier

The jovian picks a point that it can see within 360 feet, and fires a huge harpoon at the point. Creatures along the flight path must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the projectile veers slightly toward them as if it were a magic missile, and they become impaled and carried along with it as it continues its flight. Up to 5 creatures can be impaled this way.

When a creature is impaled they suffer [2FB]d10 piercing damage. The harpoon imbeds itself in the ground at the point the jovian chose or otherwise into the first surface it encounters. Targets impaled on the harpoon are restrained there, and must succeed a Strength saving throw to escape. When they do, they suffer [FB]d10 slashing damage from heavy bleeding.

Blastback Cannon

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Ranged Weapon Attack: range 240/1200 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d6 thunder damage.

If the target is within this attack's Long range when struck, they are knocked Prone. Additionally, if the target is within this attack's Normal range when struck, they are also shoved away from the jovian until they are 240 feet away from the jovian or until they encounter an obstacle - the travel is treated as a fall for the purposes of additional damage when they land against a surface.

After the attack is made, hit or miss, the jovian is shoved 40 feet away from the target.

Cable Launcher

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Dexterity Modifier

Uncoil and send out adamantine cords to a creature, object, or structure up to 180 feet away: a target must make a Strength saving throw. Targets take [2FB+1]d8 bludgeoning damage and are restrained on a failed save, or take half as much damage and are not restrained on a successful save.

A restrained target has its hit point maximum reduced by the jovian's Dexterity modifier at the start of each of the jovian's turns. The jovian gains an equal number of temporary hit points when this happens.

Destruction Knuckles

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Strength Modifier

Melee Spell Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [FB]d8 bludgeoning damage and [2FB+1]d8 fire damage.

If the hit connects, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target's hit point maximum reduces by the fire damage it took from the crystal.

Energy Sword

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Choose one of the two effects below for this Weapon crystal.

Crosscut: Melee Spell Attack: reach 20 ft., one target, two attacks. Hit: [2FB+1]d8 radiant damage.

Lunge: Melee Spell Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d8 radiant damage. As part of this attack, the jovian can jump up to 60 feet in a straight line, ignoring difficult terrain and gaps or pits that are along its path of travel.

Eldritch Gaze

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Stare down a target within 450 feet and force them to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, they take [3FB+2]d10 psychic damage and the jovian learns one of these four things about the target: A damage vulnerability, a condition immunity, a damage resistance, or a damage immunity.

The DM decides which pieces of information the Eldritch Gaze reveals, but they must reveal something from that list, declaring there is nothing to learn if such is the case. On a successful save, the target takes half of the damage and does not reveal any weaknesses.

The Jovian Project


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Creatures within a 10 by 60 ft line originating from the jovian must make a Wisdom saving throw as a torrent of elemental energy launches forth from the jovian. Choose one of the effects below for this Weapon crystal. A target takes the full damage and is subjected to the effect's condition on a failed save, and it takes half damage and does not suffer the condition on a successful save.

Scorch: A target is dealt [4FB]d8 fire damage and becomes frightened of the jovian until the end of its next turn.

Freeze: A target is dealt [2FB+2]d6 cold damage and can only use either an Action, or its Bonus action and movement, until the end of its next turn.

Numb: A target is dealt [3FB+1]d6 lightning damage and can't use its reaction until the end of their next turn.

Toxify: A target is dealt [2FB+2]d8 necrotic damage and is then afflicted with the Poisoned condition until the end of their next turn.

Gaze of Eons

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength Modifier

The jovian glances about the battlefield, briefly tearing open the primordial void as it does. It creates 4 lines with dimensions 5 ft by 20 ft, in any orientation desired, so long as the furthest point of any line is no more than 180 ft from the jovian. Creatures touching or within a line must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, targets take [FB]d10 lightning and [FBd10] necrotic damage. They take half as much damage on a successful save.

Gelatin Throw

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Fling either a Black Pudding (MM p.241) or a Gelatinous Cube (MM p.242) at a surface or unoccupied space within 180 feet. Any creature beneath or within 10 feet to where the Ooze lands must make a Strength saving throw or become Restrained and take [2FB]d10 acid damage. The Ooze takes its turn on Initiative Count 10 and acts in accordance with its nature. At the start of the jovian's next turn or when the Ooze dies, the Ooze explodes in a shower of hardening slime. Each creature within 20 feet of the Cube when it explodes is paralyzed in place as their limbs become immobile, and they take [FB+3]d10 acid damage.

Creatures remain paralyzed until they take any combination of 30 fire, cold, or thunder damage to shatter the hardened slime.

Grand Saber

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Dexterity Modifier

Each creature within a 10 by 60 ft line or within a 40 ft cone (your choice) that originates from the jovian must make a Dexterity saving throw. Targets take [2FB+1]d10 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save.


Halberd of the Gate

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 40 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d12 slashing damage.

Targets struck by this attack must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength or Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, a target's speed falls to 0 and it loses its reaction until the end of its next turn.

Impact Punch

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d8 bludgeoning damage.

A target damaged by this attack must succeed a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength or Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, the target takes [FB]d12 force damage and is shoved back a number of feet equal to the jovian's Strength modifier multiplied by 5.

Impulse Staff

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 40 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d10 bludgeoning damage.

If the jovian has advantage on attack rolls when it uses this Weapon crystal, it may forgo the advantage for that roll to make an additional Impulse Staff attack against the target as part of the same action. This can be done only once each time Impulse Staff is used.

Jettison Hammer

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength Modifier

Target a 20 ft cube which is no more than 10 feet away from the jovian. Creatures inside the cube must make a Constitution saving throw as the hammer is brought down with a gale of force. On a failed save, targets are pushed away from the jovian by 60 feet and they take [2FB+2]d12 thunder damage. If a target fails its saving throw by 5 or more, it is also knocked prone. If a target fails its saving throw by 10 or more, the damage it receives from this ability is doubled and it becomes stunned until it receives further damage or it receives magical healing.

Jousting Lance

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 60 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d8 piercing damage.

As part of using this crystal, the jovian can expend any amount of its speed to move in a straight line towards a creature before the attack, dealing [2FB] extra damage for every 20 feet traveled.

The Jovian Project


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Strength Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+1]d12 slashing damage.

If the target has more than half of its hit points, add 3d12 radiant damage to each swing.

Magic Missile Repeater

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Create [FB+2] glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of the jovian's choice that it can see within 240 feet. A dart deals 1d4+FB force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously and can be directed to hit one creature or several.

Meteor Rain

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength Modifier

Conjured flaming stones plummet to the ground from four different skyward points the jovian can see within range. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered below each point the jovian chooses must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature that does not have line of sight to the point of origin above it is unaffected. A target takes [FB]d4 fire damage and [FB]d4 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The areas can saturate, stacking damage if the spheres overlap.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Strength Modifier

Ranged Weapon Attack: range 240/600 ft., three targets. Hit: [FB+2]d6 piercing damage.

Each projectile splinters inside the target it hits. Creatures within 5 feet of a target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength modifier), suffering the same damage as the primary target on a failed save and half of that damage on a successful save.

Rending Axe

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Melee Weapon Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [2FB+2]d12 slashing damage.

A target struck by this attack suffers a penalty of -2 AC. This effect stacks intensity and remains until the target or another creature uses their action to restore the target's defenses, clearing the penalty.

Shard Burst

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Dexterity Modifier

A canister is launched to a point the jovian chooses within 60 feet that explodes into a hail of magic shrapnel. Each creature in a 15-foot radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes [3FB+1]d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Storm Palm

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Save DC = 8 + Pilot Proficiency + FB + Dexterity Modifier

Create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of the jovian's choice that it can see within 90 feet. [FB+2] bolts then leap from that target to as many as [FB+2] other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts.

A target must make a Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 4d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Thunder Discus

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Dexterity Modifier

Choose one of the following uses for this attack.

Melee Spell Attack: reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: [3FB+1]d10 thunder damage. If this attack hits, you may repeat it once against the same target.

Ranged Spell Attack range 80/360 ft., three targets. Hit [2FB]d10 thunder damage. Targets are struck one at a time beginning with those closest to the jovian. This attack can hit creatures that the jovian can't see, as long as the Discus can fly in a straight line between the targets.

Both versions of this attack emit a booming sound with every hit, audible up to 300 feet away.

Variable Focus

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Choose one of the following effects for this Weapon crystal.

Spray: Ranged Spell Attack: range 120 ft., three targets, one attack each. Hit: [2FB+1]d10 cold damage.

Burst: Ranged Spell Attack: range 360 ft., one target, two attacks. Hit: [2FB+2]d8 cold damage.

Bolt: Ranged Spell Attack: range 1200 ft., one target, one attack. Hit: [2FB+3]d6 cold damage.

Volcanic Javelin

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Attack = FB + Pilot Proficiency + Dexterity Modifier

Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: reach 20 ft. or range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: [3FB+2]d8 piercing damage in melee or [2FB+2]d8 piercing damage at range.

Once the Volcanic Javelin has impaled a creature or a surface, the spearhead explodes. Creatures within 10 feet of the target or impact point must make a Dexterity saving throw. They ignite on a failed save, taking [2+FB]d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns until they or another creature uses an Action to extinguish the flames. A creature impaled by Volcanic Javelin automatically fails its save against the explosion effect.

The Jovian Project

Passive Crystals

Passive crystals offer the jovian benefits that can be conditional, always present, or which otherwise augment another function such as attacks or resistances.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian can conjure this shield to gain three-quarters cover from a direction of its choice at the end of any turn where it moved less than half of its speed. The Aegis lasts until the start of the jovian's next turn.

Agility Roll

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian may Dash for free when it succeeds on a saving throw.

Armor Mesh

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian gains resistance to one damage type of its choice, immunity to one damage type of its choice, and proficiency in Strength saving throws.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

When the jovian is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian and its onboard Pilot have advantage on Initiative Rolls, and can't be surprised.

Big Punch

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Any hit the jovian scores with Unarmed Strike after moving at least its full speed on a turn will become a critical hit.

Compound Knees

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian becomes immune to fall damage and has advantage on saves against being knocked prone.

Cushioned Plates

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases its DT by its Constitution modifier.

Deft Movement

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian is unaffected by difficult terrain, and it has advantage on any save to resist being moved against its will, or to avoid or escape the Restrained condition.



Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Critical hits by the jovian disregard any damage resistance they encounter.

Enchanted Rivets

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases its AC and DT by 2 each.

Eyes of the Watcher

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian gains Blindsight out to 300 feet, and it provides the same benefit to its pilot while they are in the cockpit.

Glide Canards

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian gains hovering, and a swim speed equal to double its base speed.

Heightened Reflexes

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

If a creature makes an attack against the jovian that has advantage, cancel that advantage and force the attack to be made normally. This can only be done once on each creature's turn.

Mental Shielding

Prerequisite: Any Jovian

Onboard pilots add the jovian's FB to their mental saving throws. The jovian gains immunity to the Charmed condition.

Peregrine Knee

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian may deliver an Unarmed Strike for free at the end of any of its turns where it moved less than half of its speed.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian scores critical hits on attack rolls of 19 or 20.

Quad Arms

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

When the jovian makes a melee attack, it halves the number of damage dice (rounding up) but doubles the number of attacks made.

Rebound Scales

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian gains temporary hit points equal to its Frame Bonus at the start of each of its turns.

Reflexive Barrier

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

When a Hull is reduced to 0 hit points, the jovian gains [DT+FB] temporary hit points.

The Jovian Project


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

When the jovian makes a ranged attack or casts a ranged spell with a crystal, it halves the number of damage dice (rounding up) but doubles the number of attacks made.

Severe Criticals

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

When the jovian scores a critical hit, it rolls triple the number of damage dice, instead of double.

Steadied Aim

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian doubles the normal and long ranges on its ranged Weapon crystal attacks. Spells (including line spells) also reach twice as far.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Whenever the jovian succeeds on a melee attack roll by 5 or more, it can choose to push the target 30 feet, knock it prone, or grapple it.

Wind Barrier

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

If the jovian moves at least twice its base speed on this turn, it gains [2FB+2]d4 temporary hit points until the start of its next turn.

The Jovian Project

Active crystals

Active crystals represent short-term buffs, utilities, or defenses. Some can also deal bursts of damage, or are able to be used with a Reaction instead of a Bonus action.

Aggressive Retreat

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian makes one Unarmed Strike against each hostile target adjacent to it and then Disengages.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Use this crystal as a Reaction to target a creature within 300 ft that has begun to cast a spell. The creature is affected by Counterspell, whose spell level equals 5 + half of FB (rounding up). A target interrupted by this receives force damage equal to the jovian's Spell Save DC.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian's base speed increases by 60 feet until it fails to deal damage to a hostile creature on its turn.

Chest Beam

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Open a small eye-like aperture on the jovian which evokes a thin beam of energy. Creatures within a 5x100 ft must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, targets take [2FB+2]d12 fire damage and lower their hit point maximum by the damage they took. On a successful save, targets are unharmed.

Defensive Shell

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian conjures temporary hit points onto itself equal to its Constitution score + its FB.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

This crystal can be used as a reaction to target a creature within 90 ft of the jovian and force it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save target's reduces its damage by [2FB] every time it rolls for damage until the end of the jovian's next turn.


Deposing Grasp

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Attempt to grapple a target larger than Medium: on a success, the target is held overhead and restrained, during which time the only Action the jovian may perform is to Swing the creature or set the creature down.

Swing: Each creature in a cube originating from the jovian must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes full damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Objects and structures in the cube as well as the grappled creature always takes the full damage of this ability.

Refer to the table below for the size of the cube and the amount of damage dealt.

Size Cube Damage
Large 10 ft x 10 ft [FB+1]d8 bludgeoning
Huge 15 ft x 15 ft [2FB+2]d10 bludgeoning
Gargantuan 20 ft x 20 ft [3FB+3]d12 bludgeoning

Dual Weapons

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

When the jovian uses a Weapon crystal to make a melee attack this turn, double the number of attacks made with that crystal.

Elemental Aspects

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Until the jovian receives Maintenance, its pilot takes a rest, or this ability is used again, the jovian can choose between Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Radiant damage. All of the jovian's attacks and spells deal +FB of the chosen damage type.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Until the end of the jovian's next turn, when creatures of its choice within 60 feet heal, repair, or gain temporary hit points, they gain additional temporary hit points equal to the jovian's AC.

Flare Blast

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Each creature in a 30-foot radius centered on a point the jovian chooses within 240 feet must make a Constitution saving throw as a brilliant mote of light blooms. On a failed save, targets are affected by the Confusion spell until they receive damage. On a successful save, targets are Blinded until the end of their next turns.

Flying Fist

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Briefly detach the jovian's arms at each elbow and send them at a target, performing the next melee attack with an extra 100 feet of reach. If the attack hits, it is a critical hit.

The Jovian Project


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian gains 1 Weapon crystal use on each of its turns. This lasts until it fails to damage a creature on its turn or until combat ends.

Guarded Assault

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian deals half damage with the next Weapon crystal it uses until the start of its next turn. It gains temporary hit points equal to the damage it dealt with the weakened Weapon crystal.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The next Weapon crystal used by the jovian before the end of its next turn will deal maximum damage.

Kerberos Chains

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

Create a chain of shadows that is thrown at a creature up to 300 feet away: a target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target is paralyzed and takes [2FB+3]d10 psychic damage on a failed save, or takes half as much damage and is not paralyzed on a successful save.

A target paralyzed by Kerberos Chains can be yanked toward the jovian a distance equal to 50 feet multiplied by the how many size categories smaller it is than the jovian (example, Huge is 1 size smaller, but Large is 2). Doing so ends the paralyzed condition.

Magic Missile Pod

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Create [3FB] glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of the jovian's choice that it can see within 240 feet. A dart deals 1d4+FB force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously and can be directed to hit one creature or several.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Use this crystal as a reaction if a hostile creature within 240 feet attempts to cast a spell. The jovian may use Counterspell against the target, with a spell slot equal to 4 plus half of the FB.

Perfect Defense

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

Use this crystal as a reaction when an enemy hits the jovian using an attack made at disadvantage. Ignore the triggering attack.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian gains one of the following benefits until it uses this crystal again, until it falls Dormant, until it receives Maintenance, or until its pilot takes a rest.

Bolster: The jovian gains resistance to one damage type and immunity to one condition of its choice.

Buffer: The jovian gains immunity to one damage type of its choice.

Rhino Charge

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian targets a creature within 50 feet and charges straight at them. The jovian makes a powerful uppercut against the target, who must make a Dexterity saving throw to dodge the strike. On a failed save, the jovian deals bludgeoning damage to the target equal to the number of feet it traveled as part of this ability to reach the target. The target is then shoved back an equal number of feet as the jovian just traveled, and falls prone.

Seeking Pulses

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

Until combat ends, the jovian knows the terrain layout and the exact location of any creature within 60 feet of it.

Summoning Curse

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian targets a creature it can see within 240 feet and forces them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target is teleported to an unoccupied spot of the jovian's choosing within 40 feet.

Titan's Leap

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian can move at least 40 feet straight along the ground and then continue its travel in an incredible long jump, clearing a horizontal distance in feet equal to [FB+5] times its Strength or Dexterity score.

Alternatively, the jovian can move at least 40 feet straight along the ground and then continue its travel in a skyward high jump, rising vertically a number of feet equal to [FB+1] times its Strength or Dexterity modifier.

If the jovian does not move 40 feet before either type of jump, it can only leap half the calculated distance. After the jovian lands, creatures within 40 feet of it are knocked prone and structures in that range take [3FB] bludgeoning damage.

Vision of Doom

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian can target a creature within 240 feet and declare one damage immunity or damage resistance: if the target has the named immunity or resistance, it is suppressed until the start of the jovian's next turn.

Wary Stance

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian Dodges, and increases its AC by 5 until it receives any damage. Repeated uses of this crystal do not stack AC increases.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian can force Runic Wards to recharge without rolling the recharge dice.

The Jovian Project


Modifications alter how the jovian functions in a more fundamental way - they can't be disabled by Severe Damage (see Part 3). They represent complex alterations, and provide a certain number of ability score points to the jovian that can be allocated by the pilot as desired. A jovian's ability scores can't be increased above 30 using modifications.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The Equilibrium ability is now (Recharge 3-6).


Prerequisite: Warden Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

Any ranged attack or line spell that is blocked by the Rampart can be redirected to a target of the jovian's choosing, as if the jovian used the redirected ability. The Rampart must be partially or fully covering the jovian from the new target.


Prerequisite: Vanquisher Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

Each rank in Breaker also increases the jovian's damage modifier by +2, and each rank in Bunker also increases the jovian's Damage Threshold by +2.

Battle Standards

Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian is draped in symbolic barding and flags which bear sigils of power and resolve. When pilots or their allies are within 120 feet of the jovian and can see it, they have advantage on Wisdom, Charisma, and Death saving throws, as well as advantage on the first attack roll they make each turn.

Board of Hovering

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian can use half of its speed to summon and ride atop a huge board which hovers a minimum of 10 feet from the ground. While on the Board, the jovian can travel double its full speed for free, but only horizontally in a straight line. The Board can be dismissed as a Free action.


Prerequisite: Reaver Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

While in Tyrant Mode, the jovian gains an additional Weapon crystal use on its turn.



Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian gains a fifth Hull, but its speed reduces by 10 feet.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The Runic Wards ability is now (Recharge 3-6).

Cradling Shadows

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

Any damage the jovian suffers during Fade Cloak is delayed until the ability ends. While Fade Cloak is active, any repairs to the jovian's Hull hit points are doubled.


Prerequisite: Reaver Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

While in Tyrant Mode, if the jovian rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack, treat it as a 20.

Dramatic Entrance

Prerequisite: Vanguard Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

When Fade Cloak ends, the jovian can use one Weapon crystal for each creature up to 3 within 40 feet of it, for free.

Dual Fractals

Prerequisite: Paragon Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian gains a second Fractal to use, which has all the benefits and flexibility of the first one.


Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The Fade Cloak ability is now (Recharge 3-6).

Escape Artist

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

When the jovian takes the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge actions, it may immediately roll Fade Cloak's recharge dice and use the ability if the recharge succeeds.

Icarus Wings

Prerequisite: Nemesis Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian gains flying equal to its maximum speed. The jovian's DT is suppressed while it is airborne, becoming 0.

The Jovian Project

Mana Recapture

Prerequisite: Paragon Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

Each time one of the jovian's crystals becomes Disabled due to severe damage, the jovian gains [5FB] temporary hit points until the end of its next turn. When these temporary hit points are lost or replaced, the jovian regains 1 expended Active crystal use.

Olympian Reach

Prerequisite: Nimble Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian grants the Thrown property to all of its melee Weapon crystals that require an attack roll. The range on the thrown versions becomes 80/240 ft.


Prerequisite: Warden Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian can choose to destroy its Rampart as a reaction in order to allow creatures of its choice within 60 feet, except itself, to ignore the next attack or spell that would damage them. This lasts until the jovian's Rampart reforms on its next turn.

Preservation Unit

Prerequisite: Any Jovian

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

When this Unit is installed, the pilot may choose one of the following 3 options intended to safeguard their own life. It takes 50 gold and an hour of maintenance to change the selection.

Emergency Teleport. A pilot in the cockpit can use their reaction to cast Dimension Door, with the alteration that this effect can transport all occupants of the cockpit along with the pilot.

Revival Vat. The pilot can deposit a parcel of their flesh into a special container embedded inside the cockpit that slowly grows a new body for them, as if by the Clone spell.

Stasis Field. Creatures are affected by the Sequester spell while inside the cockpit and resting or unconscious. Occupants can wake under preset conditions chosen by the pilot.

River To My People

Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian can choose to redirect any healing, repairs, or temporary hit points meant for itself onto a creature of its choice that is in the cockpit or that it can touch within 20 feet.



Prerequisite: Vanquisher Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian gains a rank each in Breaker and Bunker when initiative is rolled.


Prerequisite: Heavy Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

While the jovian benefits from Runic Wards, it may use all of its installed crystals as if they were Online, regardless of whether or not they are Disabled.


Prerequisite: Balanced Frame

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian can forgo the Advantage it has on any roll in order to gain temporary hit points equal to its Damage Threshold.


Prerequisite: Vanguard Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The first time the jovian damages a hostile target on its turn, it repairs an intact Hull by [FB] hit points.

Willful Construct

Prerequisite: Any Jovian

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 2.

The jovian can take its turn without any Pilot intervention, but it can't use Fade Cloak, nor does it benefit from its pilot's Proficiency Bonus while acting on its own. If the jovian's pilot does not give it instructions, it will defend its Pilot and then otherwise defend itself.

Wrath to Spare

Prerequisite: Nemesis Anima

The jovian increases one of its physical ability scores by 4, or two of them by 2.

The jovian may designate up to two targets at a time to be Sentenced.

The Jovian Project

We Dig

Giant Robots

Whether you love mecha anime like Big-O or Gundam, pure action like in Pacific Rim and Megas XLR, or if it's the idea of punching Tiamat square in the jaws with a Megazord that gets you excited, you have found good company. Please enjoy The Jovian Project, a mech homebrew intended for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition!

The Jovian Project