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Cover Art: Viking Victorious, by Rhineville
- Developed over at
- Medieval Melodies
Creature Loot
Whenever I get the chance to play D&D, I think a lot about how my character changes between sessions, and over the course of the campaign. This probably comes from my beginnings as a story gamer - it was expected that you would have some sort of character development over the course of our 6-8 month campaigns.
But there's more than just updating character traits. I like the idea that the appearance of a character changes drastically over the course of their adventures. For magic users, it's fairly obvious. Wizards get zanier, warlocks get corrupted, druids get more plant- or animal-esque, and clerics become more eminently divine. But I think martial characters should change as well, aside from just getting more scars and injuries.
I love the idea of a character who picks the useful bits from the bodies of his fallen foes. Maybe they have a shield crafted from a Bulette shell and a sword that is an Ankheg leg after their fight with the Cult of Elemental Earth. Maybe a cleric gives up their holy symbol when they get the chance to use angel feathers as their magic focus instead.
As for creating the items themselves, I have a few goals while writing the items:
- Number of items found on a creature should approximately equal CR. 1d4 small items can count as a single items, and tattered equipment (see below) doesn't count.
- Make tool proficiencies more useful. Some items can't be used until they are crafted into a workable item by someone trained with the proper equipment.
- Make basic balance considerations - lower CR creatures should give items about equivalent to adventuring gear (PHB pg. 150), while higher CR creatures can give items that are equivalent to or craftable into magic items.
Basic Rules
If a creature dies naturally or its body was found hours or days after death, it is up to the DM what items remain. Some items may have been already stolen, not remain on the creature after death, or have rotted beyond use.
If the players were fighting the creature and killed it in combat, they must make the appropriate check in order to claim the loot.
- Beast/Dragon/Monstrosity/Plant: Nature check
- Giant/Humanoid: Survival check
- Celestial/Fey/Fiend/Undead: Religion check
- Aberration/Construct/Elemental/Ooze: Arcana check
This represents the type of knowledge required to successfully identify the valuable loot on the body.
Loot Claim Check
CR | DC (all items) | DC (half items) |
<5 | 10 | 5 |
6-10 | 15 | 10 |
11-15 | 20 | 15 |
>16 | 25 | 20 |
This represents the PCs ability to gather the items without harming them or hurting themselves. It might be difficult to harvest a demon heart when their blood is like acid and you just stabbed the fell beast a dozen times.
Beasts, Dragons, and Plants also provide a certain amount of rations:
Ration Amounts
Size | Days of Rations (1 person) |
Tiny | 1 |
Small | 1d4 |
Medium | 1d6 |
Large | 2d6 |
Huge | 4d6 |
Gargantuan | 10d6 |
Some items are not usable until they have been crafted into a usable form. The following terms are used throughout the list:
Crafted. A PC or NPC must spend a number of hours equal to the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. The crafter must be proficient in the listed tools. NPCs may charge gold for their services.
Carefully Crafted. A PC or NPC must spend a number of hours equal to two times the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. The crafter must be proficient in the listed tools or be a wizard studying the listed school of magic. NPCs may charge gold for their services.
Mastercraft. Must be created by a PC or NPC who has dedicated themselves to the use of a particular tool or school of magic. For Wizard PCs, this means at least level 11. This is unlikely to be a PC, meaning they may have to carry the loot into a city to get it crafted. The crafter must spend a number of hours equal to 6-10 times the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. NPCs may charge gold for their services.
A CR 0 creature's crafting can be completed in 1 minute, or multiple minutes for careful/master crafting. Another note about a specific crafting style:
Certain items require Alchemist's Supplies to craft. If the item has a beneficial effect OR if the item is from a plant creature, it can also be crafted with proficiency in a Herbalism Kit. If the item has a malignant effect, it can also be crafted with proficiency in a Poisoner's Kit.
Some modifiers that will be applied to certain pieces of loot:
Tattered. This item has been damaged as a result of its owner’s death. You will need to spend gold to repair it, equal to half the cost of a brand-new version of the item. (e.g. a tattered shield would cost 5GP to repair, since a new shield costs 10GP)
Vial. Any item described as a vial must be collected using a flask, vial, bottle, waterskin, or other liquid container. If a container is used to collect multiple different types of liquids, refer to the "Mixing Potions" table (DMG pg. 140)
Treasure Hoard. Roll on the listed Treasure Hoard table (DMG pg. 137-139)
In Lair. These items only appear if the creature is in its lair when it is fought, and the PCs have the time to search the lair after the fight. Depending on the type of lair, the DM may call for additional checks to find this treasure.
Banderhobb (5)
Monstrosity (nature)
Note: Unless the Banderhobb is killed in the Shadowfell, only the Tarry Goo and Wisps of Shadow can be harvested.
- 1d4 Gobs of Tarry Goo. Can be thrown using a non-organic mechanism. Make a ranged weapon attack, without proficiency if you are using an improvised mechanism. On a hit, it sticks to a creature for 3 rounds, dealing 3 (1d6) necrotic damage at the start of the creature's turn. The creature can use its action to safely scrape off the goo.
- 1d4 Wisp of Shadow. Destroyed if exposed to sunlight. 5 of these can be carefully crafted (conjuration) by a spellcaster into a Shadow Crossing, a portal that leads to the Shadowfell. The portal is permanently affixed to the location where it is crafted. 20 of these can be mastercrafted (transmutation) by a spellcaster into a Portable Hole.
- 1 Hag’s Shadow Stone. Contains the soul of an evil creature. Destroying the stone puts the creature’s soul to rest. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Transmutation) who knows a particular dark ritual into a Banderhobb. The Banderhobb has a 50% chance of disobeying non-evil commands.
- 2 Banderhobb Eye. A creature that can cast spells can use the eye to cast Scyring or Find the Path as an action. Casting one spell consumes the eye. When used this way, the range of the spell is limited to 1 mile.
Barghest (4)
Fiend (religion)
- 1d4 Barghest Fangs. Acts as a dagger. If the fang is used to reduce a humanoid creature to 0 hit points, that creature's soul is trapped inside the fang. The soul remains in the fang until the fang is destroyed. While in the fang, any form of revival targeting the soul only has a 50% chance of working.
- 1 Barghest Hide. Acts as a cloak. While wrapped in the cloak, a humanoid creature can use an action to polymorph into a goblin, as per the Polymorph spell. Once the cloak has been used in this manner, it can't do so again until the next dawn.
- 1d4 Barghest Claws. Acts as a dagger. As an action a claw can be crushed by a creature to cast Minor Illusion, centered on the claw. The illusion appears as the creature intended, but with slight changes that indicate a fiendish nature to the image or sound, such as abyssal runes on the image or screams behind the sound.
- 1 Heart of Gehenna. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to the plane of Gehenna instead of the intended destination.
The signature D&D monster for four decades
Death Kiss (10)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1 Death Kiss Eye. Requires attunement. A creature attuned to the eye is aware of any creature that isn't undead or a construct within 30 feet of it, even through walls and floors, as they can sense the blood flowing through their veins. The attuned creature cannot be surprised by these creatures while attuned to the eye. Can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a Sword of Wounding.
- 5 Death Kiss Tentacles. Acts as a whip. 4 Death Kiss Tentacles can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Conjuration) to summon a Spectator to guard a location for 101 years. However, the Spectator loses its Eye Ray action and gains the Death Kiss's Tentacle and Blood Drain Actions.
- 3d4 Vials of Death Kiss Blood: Difficult to handle, deals 5 (1d10) lightning damage per round to any organic material in contact with it. If a spell or magic item requires blood of a particular race to function, Death Kiss Blood counts as blood of that race. Additionally, for spells that require blood as a material component, using Death Kiss Blood allows the spell to be cast as if it were one spell level higher than the slot being used to cast it.
- 2d10 Death Kiss Teeth. 20 teeth act as a bag of caltrops. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into dice that always roll their highest value if they are in contact with blood before being rolled.
Gauth (6)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1 Large Gauth Eye. Requires attunement. A creature attuned to the eye is constantly under the effects of a Detect Magic spell. The attuned creature cannot be surprised by creatures carrying magic items or creatures created by magic, such as undead or constructs. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (Divination) into a Wand of Magic Detection.
- 3 Small Gauth Eyes. Acts as an arcane focus. The eye can cast a particular Gauth ray once per day. The ray is determined randomly by the DM when the Eye is received.
- 1 Vial of Beholder Slime: Acts as Oil of Slipperiness.
- 2 Gauth Tentacles. Acts as a whip. 4 Guath Tentacles can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Conjuration) to summon a Spectator to guard a location for 101 years. However, the Spectator loses its Eye Ray options and gains the Gauth's Devour Magic Ray, Enervation Ray, Pushing Ray, and Sleep Ray.
Gazer (1/2)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1 Gazer Eye. Acts as an arcane focus. The eye can cast a particular Gazer ray once per day. The ray is determined randomly by the DM when the Eye is received.
Bodak (6)
Undead (religion)
- 2 Bodak Eyes. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (evocation) into an Amulet of Withering, which can cast Inflict Wounds (+5 to hit) once per day. When cast this way, the spell has a range of 60 feet. 2 Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Necormancy) into a Poison of the Bodak. A humanoid creature that imbibes the potion must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 21 (6d6) poison damage. If the creature is killed by this damage, it immediately returns as a Bodak. The Bodak is hostile to all living creatures. On a successful save, the creature takes half the poison damage and is not transformed into a Bodak if killed.
- 1 Bodak Hide. Requires attunement. Any creature within 30 feet of the Bodak Hide takes 5 necrotic damage at the start of its turn. Undead, fiends, and the attuned creature are immune to this effect. The attuned creature has this immunity during the 1 hour attunement process, but if the creature abandons the attunement before it is completed, they take necrotic damage equal to the amount they would have taken if they had not been immune to it. If the Bodak Hide is exposed to sunlight, it loses these properties and becomes nonmagical.
- 1 Zombified Hand. Acts as an arcane focus when casting necromancy spells.
- 1 Dessicated Heart of Orcus. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Orcus's layer in the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
Boggle (1/8)
Fey (religion)
- 1 Vial of Boggle Oil. Contains either slippery oil or sticky oil, determined randomly when received.
- Slippery Oil. As an action, you can douse yourself in oil. For 1 minute, until the oil dries, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to escape bonds, squeeze through narrow spaces, and break grapples.
- Sticky Oil. As an action, you can douse yourself in oil. For 1 minute, until the oil dries, you gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to grapple, and any ability check made to hold on to another creature, a surface, or an object. During this time, you can also climb difficult surfaces, including ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Catoblepas (5)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Catoblepas Hide. Acts as a cloak. Any creature other than a Catoblepas that starts its turn within 5 feet of the cloak must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of their next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to the stench for 1 hour.
- 1d4 Catoblepas Hooves. Acts as a hammer. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into 1d6 dice that always roll lower than the average of their faces. 4 of these can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (divination) into Poison of Misfortune. A creature that imbibes the poison must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. During that hour, the first time the creature would roll a natural 20 on a 20-sided die, they treat the roll as if it were a natural 1 instead.
- 1 Catoblepas Tail. Acts as a club. A creature struck by the club must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of the attacker's next turn. Once this property has been used three times, the club loses its magic and becomes a mundane club. While being carried, the club rattles conspicuously, causing disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
- 2 Catoblepas Eyes. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (evocation) into a magical talisman. As an action, a creature can use the talisman to cast Inflict Wounds (+5 to hit), using their melee spell attack to touch the talisman to the target. Once the Talisman successfully casts the spell, it can't be used again until the next dawn
Cave Fisher (3)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Cave Fisher Filament. Acts as 25 feet of rope that is nearly invisible to the naked eye, requiring a DC 15 Perception check to see. 3 of these can be crafted (weaver's tools) into 25 feet of rope that has 5 hit points, requires a DC 18 Strength check to burst, and has the following property: any creature that touches the rope becomes stuck to it. An unwilling creature with speed greater than 0 can make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw to avoid be touched by the rope. Once stuck, a creature must use their action and succeed on a DC 13 Strength check to pull the rope off of themselves.
- 1 Cave Fisher Carapace. Sells for a high price. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into a small but valuable item, worth 5 times as much as its normal cost. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into a pair of gauntlets that ignore the sticky properties of rope made with Cave Fisher Filament.
- 1d6 Vials of Cave Fisher Blood. Acts as strong alcohol. If drunk by a character with levels in the Barbarian class, grants advantage on all Strength checks and Strength saving throws for 10 minutes. Can be carefully crafted (brewer's tools) into an alcoholic beverage that grants advantage on all Strength checks and Strength saving throws for 10 minutes to any creature.
Chitine (1/2)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Heart of Lolth. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Lolth's layer in the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
Choldrith (3)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Web Sac. When held, can cast Web one time before running dry.
- 1 Heart of Lolth. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Lolth's layer in the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 1 Vial of Choldrith Poison. Can be applied to a weapon or a piece of ammunition as an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 poison damage. Additionally, the creature is poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Cranium Rat (0 or 5)
Beast (nature)
- 1 Crainum Rat Brain. If harvested from a Swarm of Cranium Rats, 5 Cranium Rat Brains can be obtained. Eating the brain grants the effects of a Mind Blank spell for 1 minute, though Cranium Rats are able to bypass this effect. 5 of these can be crafted by a spellcaster (Divination) into a Ring of Mind Shielding.
Darkling (1/2)
Fey (religion)
Note: The Darkling's Death Flash destroys almost all items that would be harvested from it.
- 1 Tattered Dagger
Darkling Elder (2)
Fey (religion)
Note: The Darkling Elder's Death Burn destroys almost all items that would be harvested from it.
- 1 Tattered Shortsword
Deep Scion (3)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Battleaxe
- 2 NPC Items. When the Deep Scion dies, its body reverts to that of another NPC. The DM selects two items from an existing NPC, which can be found on the body.
- 1 Token of the Deep. a small shell, underwater plant, or fish skeleton found in the pockets of the Deep Scion's body. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into an amulet that requires attunement. While attuned, a creature can breathe underwater, and has a swim speed equal to their walking speed. Curse. At dawn, the creature attuned to the amulet must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to swim to the creature that created the Deep Scion as if under the effects of a Suggestion spell. If the journey takes longer than 8 hours, the creature may attempt the saving throw again to end the effect after 8 hours.
Babau (4)
Fiend (religion)
- 1 Tattered Spear
- 1 Vial of Foul Ichor. No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
- 1 Demon Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Graz'zt's layer of the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 1d4 Vials of Blood of Graz'zt. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Poison of Graz'zt. The poison is a powder that can be dispersed into an adjacent 5-foot cube as an action. A creature in the space of the powder must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 poison damage and use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from the powder and the creature dispersing it. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and doesn't have to move away.
- 1d2 Babau Eyes. A creature holding an eye can use their action to destroy the eye and cast Ray of Enfeeblement.
Maw Demon (1)
Fiend (religion)
- 1 Vial of Foul Ichor. No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
Shoosuva (8)
Fiend (religion)
- 1 Vial of Foul Ichor. No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
- 1 Demon Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Yeenoghu's layer of the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 1 Vial of Shoosuva Poison. You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or a piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, the target is also paralyzed. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
- 1d4 Demonic Jewelry. No immediate use. Can be crafted by a spellcaster (Transmutation) into valuable materials that can replace 10GP worth of material components in a conjuration spell.
- 1d4 Gnawed Trinkets. Roll on the Trinket table. Any item found is chewed up and useless.
- 1 Shoosuva Tail: Acts as a whip. On a hit, a creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) poison damage, taking half the damage on a success. Once the whip has dealt poison damage three times, it loses this property.
- 1 Shoosuva Hide. acts as a cloak that requires attunement. While attuned, a creature gains resistance to cold damage and immunity to the frightened condition.
- 1d8 Shoosuva Teeth. 20 teeth act as a bag of caltrops. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into dice that roll better if coated in blood (granting advantage on checks made to determine the outcome of the dice).
Devourer (13)
Fiend (religion)
- 2 Vials of Foul Ichor. No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
- 1 Demon Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Orcus' layer of the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 1 Cultists’ Sigil. The signature sigil of a demonic cult. By using the sigil to cast a ritual spell over the course of a number of hours equal to the demon's CR, the particular demon who was holding the sigil can be summoned. The demon will be hostile upon arrival and must be magically contained in order to be bargained with.
- 2d4 Devourer Claws. Acts as a dagger. On a hit, a target takes 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.
- 1d8 Devourer Teeth. 20 teeth act as a bag of caltrops. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into dice.
- 3 Devourer Ribs. Can replace the material components needed for a Magic Jar spell. If you choose to possess a creature while under the effects of the spell, the creature makes their saving throw with disadvantage.
- 1 Devourer Skull. Can be used to cast Soul Cage (XGE pg. 165). The skull is destroyed when the spell ends.
- 2 Devourer Eyes. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into an amulet that requires attunement. An attuned creature is able to detect living creatures within 30 feet by seeing the color of their soul. They can detect souls through barriers, but no thicker than 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead. The attuned creature can still be surprised, but living creatures cannot attempt to hide from the attuned creature within 30 feet of the attuned creature.
Brontosaurus (5)
Beast (nature)
- 3 Dinosaur Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker’s tools) into the equivalent of studded leather armor or a chain shirt.
- 1 Brontosaurus Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Bronotsaurus Strength (equivalent to Hill Giant Strength).
- 1 Brontosaurus Skull. No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (smith’s tools) into the equivalent of Half Plate armor that grants +2 on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
Deinonychus (1)
Beast (nature)
- 1d6 Dinosaur Claw. Acts as a sickle. Can be crafted (smith’s tools) into a handaxe.
Dimetredon (1/4)
Beast (nature)
- 1 Dinosaur Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker’s tools) into the equivalent of studded leather armor or a chain shirt.
Hadrosaurus (1/4)
Beast (nature)
- 1 Dinosaur Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker’s tools) into the equivalent of studded leather armor or a chain shirt.
Quetzalcoatalus (2)
Beast (nature)
- 2 Quetzalcoatlus Wings. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker’s tools) into hide armor or leather armor.
Stegosaurus (4)
Beast (nature)
- 2 Dinosaur Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker’s tools) into the equivalent of studded leather armor or a chain shirt.
- 2d4 Dinosaur Fins. Acts as a shield. Can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into Half-plate or plate armor.
Velociraptor (1/4)
Beast (nature)
- 1 Dinosaur Claw. Acts as a sickle. Can be crafted (smith’s tools) into a handaxe.
Draegloth (7)
Fiend (religion)
- 2 Vials of Foul Ichor. No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a potion of poison immunity. When consumed, grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition for 1 hour, and heals any poisons currently affecting the creature.
- 1 Cultists’ Sigil. The signature sigil of a demonic cult. By using the sigil to cast a ritual spell over the course of a number of hours equal to the demon's CR, the particular demon who was holding the sigil can be summoned. The demon will be hostile upon arrival and must be magically contained in order to be bargained with.
- 1 Demon Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Lolth's layer of the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 2d4 Draegloth Claws. Acts as a handaxe. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Poison of Confusion (when consumed, casts confusion on the creature).
- 1d2 Eyes of the Draegloth. A creature holding an eye can use their action to destroy the eye and cast Darkness, centered on itself.
Firenewt Warrior (1/2)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Scimitar
- 1 Tattered Chain Shirt
- 1 Tattered Shield
- 1 Firenewt Fire Gland. As an action, a creature can squeeze the Fire Gland through a torch or other open flame. The liquid inside ignites as it passes through the flame, targeting a creature within 10 feet of the gland. The target must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This property can be used once before the Fire Gland dries up.
Giant Strider (1)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Giant Strider Fire Sac. As an action, a creature can light the Fire Sac with a torch or other open flame, and throw it at a point within 60 feet. When it hit the ground, the sac bursts, spreading fire within a 10-foot radius. Each creature in the area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners, and it ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried. Using the Fire Sac in this way destroys it.
Firenewt Warlock of Imix (1)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Morningstar
- 1 Firenewt Fire Gland. As an action, a creature can squeeze the Fire Gland through a torch or other open flame. The liquid inside ignites as it passes through the flame, targeting a creature within 10 feet of the gland. The target must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This property can be used once before the Fire Gland dries up.
- 1 Staff of Imix. Requires attunement. The staff has 3 charges. A creature attuned to the staff can use it as an Arcane Focus, and can expend 1 charge to cast Burning Hands (Save DC 12) from the staff. The staff regains 1d4-1 charges each day at dawn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the staff, they must make a DC 12 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when they expend a charge from the staff. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to a charge being expended. On a failed save, an Aspect of Imix (using the stats of a Fire Elemental) appears to the attuned creature, offering fiery power in exchange for servitude. If Imix is turned down, he becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If his offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Fiend Patron subclass.
Flail Snail (3)
Elemental (arcana)
- 1 Flail Snail Shell. No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into 3 Antimagic Shields. The Shields are under the effect of an Antimagic Shell spell for 30 days. Once the time passes, they become mundane shields, though they can be further mastercrafted by a spellcaster (abjuration) into a beautiful Spellguard Shield. Can also be mastercrafted (weaver's tools) into a Robe of Scintillating Colors.
- 1d6-1 Flail Snail Eyestalks. Acts as a mace. Three of these can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into a magic Flail +1.
- 1d4 Shards of Hardened Flail Snail Slime. Highly valuable, glass-like substance. A shard can be sold for 100gp.
Froghemoth (10)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Froghemoth Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into Studded Leather Armor or Scale Mail that requires attunement. An attuned creature gains resistance to fire and lightning damage, but if the creature takes lightning damage, it acts as if under the effects of a Slow spell until the end of its next turn.
- 2d2 Froghemoth Tentacles. Acts as a whip that deals 1d8 damage on a hit and has the heavy property.
- 1 Froghemoth Tongue. Acts as a whip with a range of 30 feet. On a hit, the target is grappled and must make a DC 18 strength saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker can choose to pull the target into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of them.
- 3 Froghemoth Eyes. No Immediate use. Can be crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Darkvision (grants Darkvision out to 60 feet for 1 hour).
- 1 Froghemoth Stomach. Acts as a tent that is immune to acid damage. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a cloak that grants resistance to acid damage to a creature wearing it.
- 2d4 Vials of Froghemoth Slime. Acts as Oil of Slipperiness
Cloud Giant Smiling One (11)
Giant (survival)
- 1 Tattered Morningstar. 2 times the size of a normal morningstar and 8 times the weight.
- 3d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 1 Pouch of Gold. Contains 2d6 x 100 GP.
- 1 Set of Fine Robes. Worth 1,000 GP.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes. No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Cloud Giant Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Cloud Giant Strength.
- 1 Smiling Giant Mask. Requires attunement. An attuned creature can use the mask to cast Disguise Self at will. They can also use an action to cast Polymorph, targeting themselves only. Once the spell has been cast, the mask cannot cast Polymorph again until the next dawn.
- 1 Holy Symbol of Memnor. Can be used as a Holy Symbol by clerics of Memnor. Cloud Giants who see a creature bearing this object are less trusting of the creature, giving it disadvantage on Charisma checks made to influence the giant.
Fire Giant Dreadnought (14)
Giant (survival)
- 4d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 2 Sets of Smith’s Tools. 2 times the size and 8 times the weight of a normal set.
- 1 Set of Fire Giant Plate Armor. Acts as 8 sets of Tattered Plate Armor.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes. No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Fire Giant Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Fire Giant Strength.
- 2 Spiked Giant Shields. 2 times the size and 8 times the weight of a normal shield. A creature with a Strength Score of 20 or higher can wield the shield with two hands. In addition to the normal benefits of a shield, the creature can use their action to make a single special melee attack. On a hit, the shield deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage, 1d6 piercing damage, and 1d6 fire damage. If the creature has the Extra Attack feature, they cannot benefit from it while attacking with the shield in this way.
- 1 Pair of Fire Giant Greaves. 2 times the size and 8 times the weight of a normal set. Together, the pair can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a set of Plate Armor that requires attunement, and grants resistance to fire damage.
- 1 Fire Giant Dreadnought Helm. 2 times the size and 8 times the weight of a normal helm. Can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a set of Plate Armor that requires attunement, and grants resistance to fire damage.
Frost Giant Everlasting One (12)
Giant (survival)
- 1 Tattered Greataxe. 2 times the size of a normal greataxe and 8 times the weight.
- 2d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 2d4 Tattered Armor Pieces. The DM selects various pieces of armor, weapons, or (for higher rank Frost Giants) dragon bones that make up the Giant’s armor.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes. No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Frost Giant Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Frost Giant Strength.
- 1d4-1 (minimum 1) Frost Giant Everlasting One Heads. While a head or item crafted from a head is held, the bearer has advantage on Charisma checks made to influence Frost Giants, and disadvantage on Charisma checks made to influence Trolls. A head can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a helm or shield that requires attunement. An attuned creature gains +1 to AC (if the item is a shield, this is in addition to the normal +2). Curse. While attuned, the creature is ravenously hungry. Each day in the wilderness, they must consume four times the normal amount of rations to stay alive. Each day in a town requires 2 GP to support their eating habits. If they go one day without meeting this requirement, they immediately gain one level of exhaustion and begin starving (PHB pg. 185).
- 3d4 Hunks of Troll Meat. Can be consumed as rations. When eaten, the user must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 8 hours. If a creature eats two half-chunks instead of one full chunk, the remainder of the two chunks regrows into two full chunks in 24 hours. This property doesn’t work (and the Constitution saving throw isn’t required) if the meat is cooked or cured.
Mouth of Grolantor (6)
Giant (survival)
- 1d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 1d4 Giant’s Toes: No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Hill Giant Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Hill Giant Strength.
- 1 Stomach of Grolantor. No immediate effect. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (transmutation) into a Bag of Holding.
Stone Giant Dreamwalker (10)
Giant (survival)
- 1 Tattered Greatclub. 2 times the size of a normal greatclub and 8 times the weight.
- 2d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 1d4 Artistic Stones. Worth 100 GP each due to the intricate sculpture.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes. No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Stone Giant Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Stone Giant Strength.
- 1 Hand of the Dreamwalker. Difficult to handle, must be carried within a stone container or by a stone creature. When the hand touches a non-stone creature or object, it begins to turn to stone. The radius of objects turned to stone increases by 5 feet each round up to a maximum radius of 30 feet. A creature within the area of stone at the start of its turn is affected by a Flesh to Stone (Save DC 17) spell. However, the creature cannot end the spell by successful saving throws as long as they are within the radius of stone. Objects and creatures that aren't in physical contact with the hand or stone created by the hand are immune to these effects. After the hand has been in one place for 1 hour, it and the area around it become nonmagical stone.
- 2 Eyes of the Dreamwalker. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (Enchantment) into Eyes of Charming.
Storm Giant Quintessent (16)
Giant (survival)
- 4d4 Items in a Giant's Bag.
- 1 Pouch of Gold. Contains 4d6 x 100 GP.
- 1 Set of Fine Robes. Worth 1,000 GP.
- 1 Set of Storm Giant Scale Mail. Acts as 27 sets of Tattered Scale Mail.
- 1d10 Beard Hairs of the Storm Giant. Can be used as the material component to any spell causing lightning or thunder damage. 5 of these can be mastercrafted (evocation) by a spellcaster into a Wand of Lightning Bolts.
- 1 Prophetic Totem. Appears to be a Crystal Ball, Mirror, or some other item used to seek omens and prophecies. Can be used as an arcane focus for Divination spells, and negates the need for material components costing up to 1,000 GP.
- 2d4 Giant’s Toes. No immediate use. Sought as trophies by hunters and heroes, and can be sold for a good price to collectors or admirers.
- 1 Storm Giant Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Storm Giant Strength.
- 1 Lightning Sword. Acts as a Flame Tongue greatsword that deals lightning damage instead of fire damage.
- 2 Motes of Elemental Air. Appears as a tiny puff of cloud. If held in the hand and blown upon, casts Fog Cloud centered on the mote. Can be used as the material component of a Commune spell to contact a deity in the Elemental Plane of Air. Using either of these abilities destroys the mote.
- 1 Heart of Wind. Identical to a Mote of Elemental Air, and can be used for the same purposes. In addition to its other properties, it can be mastercrafted (conjuration) by a spellcaster into a portal to the Elemental Plane of Air. The portal is stationary in the location it is crafted.
Girallon (4)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Girallon Hide. Acts as a trophy for hunters and trappers. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into two thick coats that grant resistance to cold damage when worn. In extreme heat (DMG pg. 110), a creature wearing the coat rolls Constitution saving throws to avoid exhaustion with disadvantage.
- 2d4 Girallon Fangs. Acts as a dagger.
- 1d4 Girallon Hands. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into a grappling hook.
Flind (9)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Set of Chain Mail
- 1 Heavy Skull of Madness. No immediate use. Can be crafted (smith's tools) into a magical flail. A creature hit by the flail must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must make a melee attack against a random target within its reach on its next turn. If it has no targets within its reach even after moving, it loses its action on that turn.
- 1 Heavy Skull of Pain. No immediate use. Can be crafted (smith's tools) into a magical flail. A creature hit by the flail takes an additional 18 (4d8) psychic damage.
- 1 Heavy Skull of Paralysis. No immediate use. Can be crafted (smith's tools) into a magical flail. A creature hit by the flail must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
- 1d4 Gnawed Trinkets. Roll on the Trinket table. Any item found is chewed up and useless.
- 2 Days of Rations
- 2d4 Demonic Jewelry. No immediate use. Can be crafted (transmutation) by a spellcaster into valuable materials that can replace 10GP worth of material components in a conjuration spell.
- 1 Demon Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Yeenoghu’s layer in the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 1 Flind Skull. Within 10 feet of the skull, creatures have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and disadvantage on all other Charisma checks. The skull can be attuned to. An attuned creature gains the benefit of a Sanctuary spell (DC 14) when a Gnoll attempts to harm it. A Gnoll that passes its saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
Gnoll Flesh Gnawer (1)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Shortsword
- 1 Tattered Set of Studded Leather Armor
- 1d4 Gnawed Trinkets. Roll on the Trinket table. Any item found is chewed up and useless.
- 2 Days of Rations
Gnoll Hunter (1/2)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Spear
- 1 Tattered Longbow
- 1 Tattered Set of Leather Armor
- 1d4 Gnawed Trinkets. Roll on the Trinket table. Any item found is chewed up and useless.
Gnoll Witherling (1/4)
Undead (religion)
- 1 Tattered Club
- 2d4 Demonic Jewelry. No immediate use. Can be crafted (transmutation) by a spellcaster into valuable materials that can replace 10GP worth of material components in a conjuration spell.
Grung (1/4)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Vial of Grung Poison. Loses potency 1 minute after being exposed to air. Can be smeared on an object. A creature that touches the poison with their exposed skin must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned for 1 minute, and can repeat its saving throw on its turn to end the effect if it is no longer in contact with the poison.
Grung Elite Warrior (2)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Tattered Shortbow
- 1 Vial of Grung Poison. Loses potency 1 minute after being exposed to air. Can be smeared on an object. A creature that touches the poison with their exposed skin must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned for 1 minute, and can repeat its saving throw on its turn to end the effect if it is no longer in contact with the poison.
- 1 Grung Warrior Head. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a horn that makes a mesmerizing chirring noise. Each non-Grung humanoid and beast within 15 feet of the horn when it is blown and that can hear the horn must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn.
Grung Wilding (1)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Tattered Shortbow
- 1 Vial of Grung Poison. Loses potency 1 minute after being exposed to air. Can be smeared on an object. A creature that touches the poison with their exposed skin must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned for 1 minute, and can repeat its saving throw on its turn to end the effect if it is no longer in contact with the poison.
- 1 Druidic Focus
Guard Drake (2)
Dragon (nature)
- 2d10 Dragon Scales. No immediate use. 25 of these can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a shield that grants resistance to the type of damage related to the Guard Drake's color while in use.
Annis Hag (6)
Fey (religion)
- 2d4 Annis Hag Fingers. When consumed, casts Disguise Self on the user. If a creature removes their own fingers and stitches 10 Annis Hag Fingers to their hands, they gain a Crushing Grasp melee attack that deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit, and they can cast Disguise Self once per day. Humanoids and Fey who see the creature's newly-fingered hands are more likely to be hostile to the creature.
- 2 Iron Tokens. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (divination) into a single Sending Stone. In order to function properly, both Iron Tokens must be crafted in this manner.
- 1 Set of Humanskin Clothing. Made of several of the Annis Hag's recent victims, can be used to identify them if they had unique markings such as tattoos or birthmarks. Can be used as a component to a Necromancy spell, replacing 500 GP worth of material components.
- 1 Weird Magic Item. A grotesque trinket chosen by the DM. By consuming, destroying, or using up the trinket, the holder can cast a spell (also chosen by the DM) at 3rd level. Hags generally generally use their Weird Magic Items as a last resort, and they often contain spells that allow the hag to retreat or escape.
- In Coven: 2 Additional Weird Magic Items
Bheur Hag (7)
Fey (religion)
- 2d4 Bheur Hag Fingers. When crushed, casts Ray of Frost emanating from the finger. If a creature removes their own fingers and stitches 10 Bheur Hag Fingers to their hands, they gain a Claw melee attack that deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 cold damage on a hit, and they can cast Ray of Frost at will. Humanoids and Fey who see the creature's newly-fingered hands are more likely to be hostile to the creature.
- 1 Greystaff. The Greystaff alerts all Bheur Hags within 10 miles of its presence, and that it has fallen into the hands of a non-Hag. If a creature has replaced their fingers with those of a Bheur hag, they can attune to the staff and use it as if it were a Staff of Frost.
- 1 Bheur Hag Skull. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into a helm that requires attunement. The attuned creature gains resistance to cold damage, can move across and climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check, and can move through difficult terrain composed of ice and snow without using extra movement. Curse. Whenever a creature dies within 5 feet of the attuned creature, the attuned creature must use their next action to feat upon the corpse. Each creature within 60 feet of the corpse that can see this action must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. While frightened in this way, a creature is incapacitated, can't understand what others say, can't read, and speaks only in gibberish. The DM controls their movement, which is erratic. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
- 1 Bheur Hag Heart. If buried, the area within 1 mile of the heart becomes colder, as if under the effect of a Control Weather spell. As long as the heart is buried, the Temperature lowers one stage every 24 hours until it is arctic cold. This does not affect precipitation or wind, but any storm is likely to become a blizzard within the area. Within the 1 mile radius, a Detect Magic spell will lead to the location where the Heart is buried.
- 2 Weird Magic Items. A grotesque trinket chosen by the DM. By consuming, destroying, or using up the trinket, the holder can cast a spell (also chosen by the DM) at 4th level. Hags generally generally use their Weird Magic Items as a last resort, and they often contain spells that allow the hag to retreat or escape.
- In Coven: 2 Additional Weird Magic Items
Hobgoblin Devastator (4)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Quarterstaff
- 1 Tattered Set of Studded Leather Armor
- 1d2 Hobgoblin Ears. No immediate use. Acts as a trophy for bounty hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Strong Hobgoblin Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a potion of Nomog-Geaya. For 1 minute, the user gains the ability to deal an extra 10 (3d6) damage to a creature they hit with a weapon attack if the creature is within 5 feet of an ally of the user.
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random evocation spell of 3rd level or lower that can be copied by a wizard.
Hobgoblin Iron Shadow (2)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1d10 Darts
- 1d2 Hobgoblin Ears. No immediate use. Acts as a trophy for bounty hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Devil Mask. While worn, a creature has advantage on intimidation checks made against non-fiends. However, lawful NPCs may attack the creature on sight, for its association with devils.
Ki-Rin (12)
Celestial (religion)
- 1 Ki-Rin Horn. Acts as a magical +3 shortsword that requires attunement by a good creature. An attuned creature gains telepathy out to 120 feet and can cast Gaseous Form at will. If the creature successfully hits an evil-aligned creature with the horn as a melee attack, the attuned creature can choose to cast Banishment on the creauture, concentrating on the spell as normal. Once the horn has cast this spell, it cannot do so again until the next dawn.
- 2 Ki-Rin Pelt. Acts as a blanket that casts Calm Emotions on its user, preventing nightmares. Can be mastercrafted (leatherworker's tools) into magical +3 studded leather armor that requires attunement by a good creature. An attuned creature gains advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical abilities. Additionally, while attuned, the creature can use a bonus action to move up to half their speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
- 4d10 Strands of Hair from a Ki-Rin's Mane. A single hair can be fed to a dying creature as an action to stabilize them. 10 unbroken strands can be mastercrafted (weaver's tools) into a bowstring. A creature struck by an arrow shot from a bow strung with this bowstring is the Dismissal effect of a Dispel Good and Evil spell (save DC 17), provided the creature is of a type that would normally be affected by the spell. 60 unbroken strands can be mastercrafted (weaver's tools) into a shimmering cloak that requires attunement. An attuned creature can cast Wind Walk, Freedom of Movement, and Etherealness from the cloak, targeting only themselves. Once each spell has been cast once, it cannot be cast again until the next dawn.
- 1d10 Ki-Rin Scales. Can act as a Holy Symbol for cleric and paladin spells. Can be used to replace 10 GP worth of material components of a transmutation spell.
- 2d2 Ki-Rin Hooves. Acts as a hammer. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into 1d6 dice. If the dice are rolled as a pair, they will always roll a total of 7. Can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Supreme Healing.
- 1 Heart of the Ki-Rin. Can be used to replace all material components required by a True Resurrection spell.
- 1d2 Eyes of the Ki-Rin. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (divination) into a Gem of Seeing.
Kobold Dragonshield (1)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Spear
- 1 Tattered Shield
- 1 Tattered set of Leather Armor
- 1d4 Dragon Scales. No immediate use. 25 of these can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a shield that grants resistance to the type of damage related to the Kobold's master's color while in use.
Kobold Inventor (1/4)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Kobold Invention. Roll 1d4 to determine which of the Kobold Inventor's items survived the combat.
- Acid. as in the Player's Handbook (pg. 148)
- Alchemist's Fire. as in the Player's Handbook (pg. 148)
- Green Slime Pot. A creature can use its action to make an improvised ranged weapon attack with the Green Slime Pot, with a range of 5/20 feet. On a hit, the target is covered in Green Slime DMG pg. 105). Otherwise, the pot breaks and green slime covers a 5-foot-square section of wall or floor within 5 feet of the target.
- Rot Grub Pot. A creature can use its action to make an improvised ranged weapon attack with the Rot Grub Pot, with a range of 5/20 feet. On a hit, a Swarm of Rot Grubs (VGtM pg. 208) emerges in the space of the target and remains a hazard in that square. On a miss, the Swarm of Rot Grubs instead emerges in an unoccupied square within 5 feet of the target.
Kobold Scale Sorcerer (1)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1d4 Dragon Scales. No immediate use. 25 of these can be mastercrafted (smith's tools) into a shield that grants resistance to the type of damage related to the Kobold's master's color while in use.
- 1 Draconic Arcane Focus
Korred (7)
Fey (religion)
- 1 Korred's Greatclub. Acts as a magic greatclub. If a creature wielding the greatclub scores a critical hit while in direct contact with the ground, they can roll one of the greatclub's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
- 1 Korred-Hair Rope. Acts as 50 feet of surprisingly resilient rope. The rope has AC 20 and 20 hit points.
- 3d10 Strands of Korred Hair. When harvested, must be cut from the Korred's head with an object. The Strands of hair magically transform into the same material used to cut it. Most of the time this renders the hair useless, but a single strand is worth the equivalent of 10 coins if cut with a copper, silver, electrum, gold, or platinum object.
- 1 Pair of Iron Shears. When used to cut Korred-Hair Rope, these shears automatically hit and deal 10 damage. For all other materials, they act as normal shears.
- 1 Heart of Stone. Appears as a rock that glows dimly. If dropped or thrown to the ground as an improvised weapon, the ground becomes mud as if it had cast Grease centered on the mote. Can be used as the material component of a Commune spell to contact a deity in the Elemental Plane of Earth. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (conjuration) into a portal to the Elemental Plane of Earth. The portal is stationary in the location it is crafted. Using the Heart for any of these effects destroys the Heart.
Leucrotta (3)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1d4 Leucrotta Hooves. Acts as a hammer. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Rampage. When consumed, if the user reduces another creature to 0 hit points, it can use a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a melee attack. The effect of the potion ends after 1 minute, or if the creature hasn't attacked or taken damage since the beginning of their last turn.
- 1 Demon Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Yeenoghu’s layer in the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
- 1 Leucrotta Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a set of leather armor that requires attunement. An attuned creature can speak, read, and write Abyssal, and has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Meenlock (2)
Fey (religion)
- 1d2 Meenlock Claws. Acts as a dagger. On a hit, a creature must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once the dagger has paralyzed a creature, it loses this property.
- 1 Meenlock Heart. Any beast or humanoid that starts its turn within 10 feet of the Meenlock Heart must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the Heart until the start of the creature's next turn. Can be carefully crafted (Alchemist's Supplies) into a Potion of Shadow Teleportation. A creature who drinks the potion gains the ability to teleport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of them, provided both the creature's current space and its destination are in dim light or darkness. The effect lasts 10 minutes.
Mind Flayers
Alhoon (10)
Undead (religion)
- 2d2 Mind Flayer Tentacles. Can be consumed as an action to grant a creature Telepathy out to 120 feet for 1 hour.
- 1 Mind Flayer Brain. Can be communicated with telepathically if the brain is kept preserved in fluid. While preserved this way, the brain can use its Mind Blast ability. Can be carefully crafted (divination) by a spellcaster into a grotesque Helm of Telepathy.
- 2 Mind Flayer Eyes. Can be destroyed to cast Detect Thoughts (save DC 16). When cast this way, the spell does not require concentration, but can only be used to detect thinking creatures as described in the spell, not to read their thoughts.
- 1 Undead Mind Flayer Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is sent to the intended destination, but also transported 1d10 years into the past.
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random spell of 5th level or lower that can be copied by a wizard.
- 1 Periapt of Mind Trapping. This item cannot be found with the Alhoon unless the check made to loot the body was a 30 or higher. At the DM's discretion, this loot may simply be a clue to the Periapt's true location, not the Periapt itself. A creature holding the Periapt has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws against the Alhoons that created it, and those Alhoons suffer disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws made against the creature. In addition, the Periapt contains 2d4 trapped souls. A creature can communicate with the souls and the Alhoons telepathically while it is holding the Periapt. It can't prevent communication from Alhoons but can choose to silence the trapped souls. The Periapt has AC of 19 and 10 hit points. Destroying the Periapt kills all souls and Alhoons associated with it.
- 1d4 Healing Potions
Illithilich (22)
Undead (religion)
- 2d2 Mind Flayer Tentacles. Can be consumed as an action to grant a creature Telepathy out to 120 feet for 1 hour.
- 1 Illithilich Skull. Requires attunement. Can be used as an arcane focus and grants an attuned creature resistance to cold, lightning, necrotic, and poison damage. After 1d10 days, the skull reforms into the Illithilich with full Hp and abilities. If the Phylactery is destroyed, this item crumbles into useless dust.
- 1 Phylactery. This item is not found with the Illithilich unless the check made to loot the body was a 30 or higher. At the DM's discretion, this loot may simply be a clue to the phylactery's true location, not the phylactery itself. No immediate use. If not destroyed, the Illithilich reforms after 1d10 days.
- 2d6 Bones of the Illithilich. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (Necromancy) into a Potion of Turn Resistance (an undead creature who consumes or is doused in this potion gains advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead for 1 hour).
- 1 Left Hand of the Illithilich. Acts as an improvised melee weapon. On a hit, a target takes 10 (3d6) cold damage and must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
- 1 Tome of Darkness. Incomprehensible to those who are not Wizards. A month of study will yield a method to become a Lich. This allows a wizard to create or obtain a Phylactery and a Potion of Transformation. Additionally, the method requires the ability to cast Imprisonment to transfer the Wizard's soul into the Phylactery. A PC that is turned into a Lich becomes an Evil NPC under the DM's control. The details of the ritual will vary from book to book, but may involve any of the following:
- Forming a pact with a Fiend, Evil God, or Dark Power
- Ritual Sacrifice or Murder
- Using Material Components gained only by killing Celestials
- Being a master (14th level or higher) in the School of Necromancy
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 3 Uncommon Magic Items. Chosen by the DM. An Illithilich keeps these curiosities to study, not to use, and they do not affect the Illithilich's CR.
- 2 Rare Magic Items: Chosen by the DM. An Illithilich keeps these curiosities to study, not to use, and they do not affect the Illithilich's CR.
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 2 random spells of 5th level or lower that can be copied by a wizard.
- 4d4 Skill Books. Contains knowledge concerning a certain skill and topic that the Illithilich was interested in. For example: History (Underdark Civilizations). Using the book for 5 minutes is equivalent to rolling a 15 on the related skill.
- 2 Flasks of Alchemist's Fire
Elder Brain (14)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1d4 Elder Brain Tentacles. Can be consumed as an action to grant a creature Telepathy out to 5 miles for 1 hour.
- 2 Elder Brain Frontal Lobes. Can be destroyed to cast Dominate Monster (save DC 18). When cast this way, in addition to issuing telepathic commands, you can read the creature's thoughts as if it failed a Wisdom saving throw against a Detect Thoughts spell.
- 2 Elder Brain Temporal Lobes. Can be destroyed to cast Detect Thoughts (save DC 18). When cast this way, the spell does not require concentration, but can only be used to detect thinking creatures as described in the spell, not to read their thoughts. Additionally, the range of the spell increases to 5 miles.
- 2 Elder Brain Occipital Lobes. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Superior Blindsight, which grants Blindsight out to 120 feet for 1 hour.
- 2 Elder Brain Parietal Lobes. While holding the Parietal Lobe, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the lobe may shift. This consumes the lobe.
- 1 Elder Brain Stem. No immediate use. Can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (divination) into a Wand of Mind Blank, which requires attunement. The wand has 3 charges. As an action, an attuned creature can expend 1 charge to cast Mind Blank, touching the tip of the wand to the target of the spell. The wand regains 1 charge daily at dawn. If the last charge is expended, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand melts into useless ichor.
- 1 Elder Brain Hippocampus. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (divination) into an Amulet of Improved Mind Reading, which requires attunement. While attuned to the amulet, a creature can cast Detect Thoughts (save DC 18) using the amulet. While they are reading a creature's thoughts, they learn the target's emotional state and reasoning in addition to its surface thoughts. Additionally, as an action, the creature can make a Charisma (Deception) check to trick the target into thinking they believe an idea or feel a certain emotion. The target contests this attempt with a Wisdom (Insight) check. If the contest is successful, the target believes the deception for 1 hour or until evidence of the lie is presented to the target. If the target wins the contest, they are immediately aware their thoughts are being read, and can choose to use its reaction to make an Intelligence check contested by the creature's Intelligence check. If the target succeeds, the spell ends. Once the amulet has been used in this way three times, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.
- 1 Elder Brain Amygdala. Can be communicated with telepathically if the brain is kept preserved in fluid. While preserved this way, the brain can use its Mind Blast ability. Can be carefully crafted (divination) by a spellcaster into a grotesque Helm of Telepathy. If crafted this way, the Helm of Telepathy uses 18 for its DC when it casts spells.
- 1d4 Hunks of Elder Brain Cerebrum. Can be destroyed to cast Levitate as an action. When cast this way, the spell can only target the creature that destroyed the Cerebrum.
- 1 Elder Brain Cerebellum. Can be communicated with telepathically if the cerebellum is kept preserved in fluid. As an action, a creature with telepathy can make an Intelligence (Investigation) check contested by the Elder Brain's Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, the creature learns the location every creature within 5 miles of the cerebellum that has an Intelligence score of 4 or higher, and the Intelligence scores of those creatures. Creatures protected by a Mind Blank or Nondetection spell cannot be detected in this matter. Whether the contest succeeds or fails, the creature cannot attempt the contest again until 24 hour have elapsed.
Ulitharid (9)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1 Tattered Breastplate Armor
- 3d2 Ulitharid Tentacles. Can be consumed as an action to grant a creature Telepathy out to 2 miles for 1 hour.
- 1 Ulitharid Brain. Can be communicated with telepathically if the brain is kept preserved in fluid. While preserved this way, the brain can use its Mind Blast ability. Can be carefully crafted (divination) by a spellcaster into a grotesque Helm of Telepathy. If crafted this way, the Helm of Telepathy uses 17 for its DC when it casts spells. If attached to an Extractor Staff and placed in the ichor of a dead Ulitharid, the brain grows into an Elder Brain in 2d4 days.
- 2 Ulitharid Eyes. Can be destroyed to cast Detect Thoughts (save DC 17). When cast this way, the spell does not require concentration, but can only be used to detect thinking creatures as described in the spell, not to read their thoughts. Additionally, the range of the spell increases to 2 miles.
- 1 Ulitharid Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart.
- 1 Extractor Staff. Acts as a magical quarterstaff. If used to attack an incapacitated Ulitharid, it can be attached to the Ulitharid's skull instead of dealing damage. When attached, the Ulitharid is reduced to 0 hit points and dissolves into ichor. The Ulitharid's brain is the only part that survives this process, and is attached to the staff. If placed in the ichor of a dead Ulitharid, the brain grows into an Elder Brain in 2d4 days.
- 1 Ulitharid Cerebellum. Can be communicated with telepathically if the cerebellum is kept preserved in fluid. As an action, a creature with telepathy can make an Intelligence (Investigation) check contested by the Ulitharid's Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, the creature learns the location of the nearest Elder Brain that the Ulitharid has connected to as a psionic hub. Whether the contest succeeds or fails, the creature cannot attempt the contest again until 24 hour have elapsed.
Mindwitness (5)
Aberration (arcana)
- 2d2 Mindwitness Tentacles. Can be consumed as an action to grant a creature Telepathy out to 600 feet for 1 hour.
- 1 Mindwitness Brain. Can be communicated with telepathically if the brain is kept preserved in fluid. While preserved this way, the brain can use its Telepathic Hub ability. Can be carefully crafted (divination) by a spellcaster into a grotesque Helm of Telepathy.
- 2 Mindwitness Eyes. Acts as an arcane focus. An eye can cast a particular beholder ray once per day. The ray is chosen randomly by the DM upon receiving the eye.
Morkoth (11)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1 Morkoth Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be mastercrafted (leatherworker's tools) into a Cloak of Spell Reflection, which requires attunement. When the attuned creature succeeds on a saving throw against a spell that targets only the attuned creature, or a spell attack misses it, the creature can use its reaction to reflect a spell at another creature (including the spellcaster) within 120 feet of it. The spell targets the chosen creature instead of the attuned creature. If the spell forced a saving throw, the creature rolls its own save. If the spell was an attack, the attack roll is rerolled against the chosen creature.
- 2 Morkoth Eyes. Can be destroyed to cast Compulsion (save DC 17). When cast this way, the spell does not require concentration, and the direction of movement must be towards the spellcaster.
- 1d4 Morkoth Tentacles. Acts as a whip and an Arcane Focus.
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random spell of 5th level or lower that can be copied by a wizard.
- 3 Uncommon Magic Items. Chosen by the DM. A Morkoth keeps these items for its collection, not to use, and they do not affect the Morkoth's CR.
- 2 Rare Magic Items. Chosen by the DM. A Morkoth keeps these items for its collection, not to use, and they do not affect the Morkoth's CR.
- 1 Very Rare Magic Item. Chosen by the DM. A Morkoth keeps this item for its collection, not to use, and it does not affect the Morkoth's CR.
- In Lair: 1d100 Common Magic Items (Use Xanathar's Guide pg. 136-140)
Neogi Hatchling (1/8)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1 Vial of Neogi Poison. You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or a piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the condition on itself on a success.
Neogi (3)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1d4 Vials of Neogi Poison. You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or a piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the condition on itself on a success.
- 1 Neogi Heart. Can be destroyed as an action to cast Suggestion without using a spell slot or material components. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (Enchantment) into an Amulet of Improved Suggestion, which requires attunement. When an attuned creature casts the Suggestion spell, they can choose to extend the duration of the spell to 24 hours. When cast this way, the spell does not require concentration. Once the spell has been cast this way, the attuned creature cannot alter a Suggestion spell in this way for the next 7 days.
- 1d10 Trade Goods. Consists of 1 pound of a Trade Good with a value of at least 1 gp per pound. This is selected from the Trade Goods table (PHB pg. 156) by the DM.
Neogi Master (4)
Aberration (arcana)
- 1d8 Vials of Neogi Poison. You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or a piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the condition on itself on a success.
- 1 Neogi Heart. Can be destroyed as an action to cast Suggestion without using a spell slot or material components. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (Enchantment) into an Amulet of Improved Suggestion, which requires attunement. When an attuned creature casts the Suggestion spell, they can choose to extend the duration of the spell to 24 hours. When cast this way, the spell does not require concentration. Once the spell has been cast this way, the attuned creature cannot alter a Suggestion spell in this way for the next 7 days.
- 2d10 Trade Goods. Consists of 1 pound of a Trade Good with a value of at least 1 gp per pound. This is selected from the Trade Goods table (PHB pg. 156) by the DM.
- 1 Arcane Focus
Neothelid (13)
Aberration (arcana)
- 4 Neothelid Tentacles. Acts as a whip. Can be crafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Mind Reading with a Save DC of 16.
- 1 Neothelid Stomach. Acts as a tent that has immunity to acid damage. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into 2 sets of leather armor that grants resistance to acid damage when worn.
- 2d4 Hunks of Neothelid Brain Matter. Can be destroyed to cast Levitate as an action. When cast this way, the spell can only target the creature that destroyed the Brain Matter.
- 3 Neothelid Hides: Acts as a blanket. Can be mastercrafted (leatherworker's tools) into the equivalent of Chain Mail armor which requires attunement. A creature wearing the armor can use an action to cast Detect Thoughts (save DC 16). When cast this way, the spell does not require concentration, but can only be used to detect thinking creatures as described in the spell, not to read their thoughts. Additionally, the range of the spell is increased to 1 mile. Once the armor has cast this spell, it cannot do so again until the next dawn.
- 2d4 Vials of Neothelid Acid. As an action, can be splashed onto a target within 5 feet or thrown up to 20 feet as a ranged improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 18 (5d6) acid damage.
- 1 Neothelid Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll a d20. On a 1, the bearer is subjected to the effects of a Feeblemind (Save DC 16) spell, and has disadvantage on the saving throw.
Nilbog (1)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Fool's Scepter. acts as a comical mace
- 1 Tattered Shortbow
- 1 Tattered Set of Leather Armor
- 1d2 Goblin Ears. No immediate use. Acts as a trophy for bounty hunters and adventurers.
- 1 Nilbog Spirit. Cannot be looted unless the Nilbog dies within a Magic Circle or area under a Hallow effect.
Orc Blade of Ilneval (4)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Longsword
- 1d4 Javelins
- 1 Tattered Chain Mail Armor
- 1 Tattered Shield
- 2 Orc Trophies (VGtM pg. 90)
- 1 Orc Holy Symbol of Ilneval. Acts as a Holy Symbol. Requires attunement by an Orc or Half-Orc. As an action, a creature wielding the Holy Symbol can give a command. Up to three creatures within 120 feet of the attuned creature may use their reaction to make one weapon attack. Once this feature has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
- 1 Orc Map of Conquest. Details settlements and caravans recently raided, and lists at least three that were soon to be attacked. May contain the territory of other Orc tribes.
Orc Claw of Luthic (2)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Set of Hide Armor
- 1 Holy Symbol of Luthic. Acts as a Holy Symbol. An Orc or Half-Orc devoted to Luthic may use their action to cast Warding Bond, targeting a cave bear or an Orc child. Once the spell has been cast, the amulet cannot be used this way again until the next dawn.
- 1d4 Claws of Luthic: Acts as a dagger that deals no damage to Orc children.
Orc Hand of Yurtrus (2)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Set of Hide Armor
- 1 Holy Symbol of Yurtrus. Acts as a Holy Symbol. An Orc of Half Orc devoted to Yurtrus may use this Holy Symbol to cast Cleric spells without need for a verbal component.
- 1d2 White Skin Gloves. A non-elf creature wearing the glove may use its action to cast Inflict Wounds. Once cast this way, the glove becomes nonmagical. If the glove contains tattoos or birthmarks, can be used to identify the original owner of the skin.
Orc Nurtured One of Yurtrus (1/2)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1d4 Vials of Yurtrus' Ichor. A creature that ingests the ichor must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the condition on itself on a success. While poisoned by this effect, a creature can't regain hit points.
Orc Red Fang of Shargaas (3)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Scimitar
- 1d10 Darts
- 1 Tattered Set of Studded Leather Armor
- 1 Orc Trophy (VGtM pg. 90)
- 1d2 Eyes of Shargaas. Can be consumed as an action. For 1 hour after consuming an eye, a creature with darkvision can see in magical darkness. This has no effect on a creature without darkvision.
- 1 Holy Symbol of Shargaas. Acts as a Holy Symbol. An Orc of Half Orc devoted to Shargaas may use this Holy Symbol to cast Darkness as an action, without requiring a spell slot or material components. Once the spell has been cast, it cannot be cast again until the next dawn.
Tanarukk (5)
Fiend (religion)
- 1 Tattered Greatsword
- 1 Tanaruuk Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be mastercrafted into the equivalent of Chain Shirt armor that requires attunement. An attuned creature gains resistance to fire and poison damage.
- 3 Orc Trophies (VGtM pg. 90)
- 1 Demon Heart. While holding the heart, it can be used to cast Plane Shift as a ritual. Only the creature holding the heart may shift. This consumes the heart. When the spell is cast, roll 1d20. On a 1, the bearer is shifted to Baphomet's layer of the Abyss instead of the intended destination.
Quickling (1)
Fey (religion)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Quickling Heart. Can be consumed as an action. A creature that consumes the heart has its speed increased by 30 feet, and is under the effect of a Blur spell (which doesn't require concentration) for 1 minute. At the end of this time, the creature ages 2d10 years.
Redcap (3)
Fey (religion)
- 1 Tattered Sickle
- 1 Set of Iron Boots. The boots have the heavy property. A creature wearing the boots can make a weapon attack using their Strength modifier. The creature is proficient in this attack. The boots deal 1d10 bludgeoning damage on a hit.
- 1 Red Cap. Requires attunement. An attuned creature is considered one size larger when grappling, and if the creature is small, they may use heavy weapons without penalty. Curse. The cap is covered in blood, which must be replenished. If the cap is not coated in fresh blood at least once every three days, it vanishes. If a creature is attuned to the cap, the creature disappears into the Feywild.
- 1 Redcap Head: If spoken to, speaks the name of the creature responsible for creating it. After it does so, it melts into blood.
Sea Spawn (1)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Token of the Deep. a small shell, underwater plant, or fish skeleton found in the pockets of the Sea Spawn's body. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into an amulet that requires attunement. While attuned, a creature can breathe underwater, and has a swim speed equal to their walking speed. Curse. At dawn, the creature attuned to the amulet must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to swim to the creature that created the Sea Spawn as if under the effects of a Suggestion spell. If the journey takes longer than 8 hours, the creature may attempt the saving throw again to end the effect after 8 hours.
Shadow Mastiff (2)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1d4 Wisp of Shadow. Destroyed if exposed to sunlight. 5 of these can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (conjuration) into a Shadow Crossing, a portal that leads to the Shadowfell. The portal is permanently affixed to the location where it is crafted. 20 of these can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Transmutation) into a Portable Hole.
- 1 Heart of the Shadow Mastiff. Can be carefully crafted (Alchemist's Supplies) into a Potion of Shadow Teleportation. A creature who drinks the potion gains the ability to teleport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of them, provided both the creature's current space and its destination are in dim light or darkness. The effect lasts 10 minutes.
Slithering Tracker (3)
Ooze (arcana)
- 3 Vials of Slithering Liquid. A creature that ingests this liquid must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 5 (1d10) necrotic damage at the start of its turns and is unable to breathe unless it can breathe water. On each of its turn, it can repeat the saving throw to end the effect.
Spawn of Kyuss (5)
Undead (religion)
- 1 Zombified Hand. Acts as an arcane focus when casting Necromancy spells.
- 4 Worms of Kyuss. Can be used as a ranged weapon with a range of 10/30. On a hit, the worm attaches to the target's skin. The worm is a Tiny undead with AC 6, 1 hit point, a 2 (-4) in every ability score, and a speed of 1 foot. While on the target's skin, the worm can be killed by normal means or scraped off using an action. Otherwise, the worm burrows under the target's skin at the end of the target's next turn, dealing 1 piercing damage to it. At the end of each of its turns thereafter, the target takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage per worm infesting it (maximum of 10d6). A worm-infested target dies if it drops to 0 hit points, then rises 10 minutes later as a Spawn of Kyuss. If a worm-infested creature is targeted by an effect that cures disease or removes a curse, all the worms infesting it wither away.
Tlincalli (5)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Tattered Longsword
- 1 Spiked Chain. Acts as a whip that deals 1d6 piercing damage on a hit. A Medium or smaller creature hit by the spiked chain must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be grappled.
- 1 Tlincalli Shell. Acts as a shield. Can be crafted (smith's tools) into Breastplate armor.
- 1 Tlincalli Stinger. Acts as a shortsword. Due to the thin channel running through the center of the Stinger, if the Stinger is coated in Injury poison, a target affected by the poison has disadvantage on their saving throw against the poison.
- 1d4 Vials of Tlincalli Venom. You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or a piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, the target is also paralyzed. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
- 1d10 Scavenged Tattered Weapons. Chosen by the DM, these weapons are made from metal stolen from other weapons and armor.
Trapper (3)
Monstrosity (nature)
- 1 Trapper Outer Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a cloak that grants advantage on stealth checks if the creature is motionless and pressed up against a ceiling, wall, or floor. A creature on the floor is considered prone.
- 1 Trapper Inner Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a set of gloves and boots. A creature wearing the gloves has advantage on saving throws made to avoid being disarmed. A creature wearing the boots has advantage on saving throws made to avoid effects that would move the creature against its will. A creature wearing the gloves and the boots can climb on difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
- 1d10 Trinkets. Roll on PHB pg. 160. Leftovers from a previous meal.
Vargouille (1)
Fiend (religion)
- 1 Vargouille Head. A humanoid that kisses the head must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or become cursed. If the creature is unwilling, they cannot be forced to kiss the head without first being incapacitated. The cursed creature loses 1 point of Charisma after each hour, as its head takes on fiendish aspects. The curse doesn't advance while the target is in sunlight or the area of a daylight spell. When the cursed creature's Charisma becomes 2, it dies, and its head tears from its body and becomes a new vargouille. Casting remove curse, greater restoration, or a similar spell on the target before the transformation is complete can end the curse. Doing so undoes the changes made to the target by the curse.
Vegepygmy (1/4)
Plant (nature)
- 1 Tattered Sling
- 1d4 Twigs. Can be used as kindling.
Vegepygmy Chief (2)
Plant (nature)
- 1 Tattered Spear
- 1d4 Twigs. Can be used as kindling.
- Regenerating Root. Acts as a Druidic Focus. A druid using the focus may cast Cure Wounds without using a spell slot. Once this property has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.
- 1 Vial of Spores. The spores are a powder that can be dispersed into an adjacent 5-foot cube as an action. A creature in the space of the spores must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. While poisoned this way, a target takes 9 (2d8) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Thorny (1)
Plant (nature)
- 1d4 Twigs. Can be used as kindling.
- 1 Regenerating Root. Acts as a Druidic Focus. A druid using the focus may cast Cure Wounds without using a spell slot. Once this property has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Wood Woad (5)
Plant (nature)
- 1 Wood Woad Club. Acts as a magical club that deals 2d4 bludgeoning damage on a hit.
- 1 Wood Woad Shield. Acts as both a shield and a druidic focus.
- 1 Wood Woad Heart. A creature holding the heart can use 10 feet of its movement to step magically into one living tree within 5 feet of it and emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of it that it can see, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be large or bigger.
- 1 Wood Woad Hide. Acts as the equivalent of half-plate armor. A creature wearing the armor has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in terrain with ample obscuring plant life. It retains disadvantage on any other dexterity (Stealth) checks.
- 1d4 Branches. Acts as a club. Can be crafted (woodcarver's tools) into a staff.
Xvart (1/8)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Shortsword
- 1 Tattered Sling
- 1 Tattered Set of Leather Armor
- 1 Xvart Tongue. Can be consumed as an action to cast Speak with Animals on the user. When cast this way, the spell only affects bats, rats, giant bats, and giant rats.
Xvart Warlock of Raxivort (1)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Scimitar
- 1 Xvart Tongue. Can be consumed as an action to cast Speak with Animals on the user. When cast this way, the spell only affects bats, rats, giant bats, and giant rats.
- 1 Sigil of Raxivort. Requires attunement. A creature attuned to the sigil can take the Disengage action as a bonus action. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the sigil, they must make a DC 11 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest. On a failed save, an Aspect of Raxivort (using the stats of a Xvart Warlock of Raxivort) appears to the attuned creature, offering fiendish power in exchange for servitude. If Raxivort is turned down, he becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If his offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Fiend Patron subclass.
Yeth Hound (4)
Fey (religion)
- 1d4 Yeth Hound Teeth. 20 teeth act as a bag of caltrops. A set of caltrops consisting of at least 10 Yeth Hound Teeth deals an additional 14 (4d6) psychic damage to a target if they are frightened.
- 1 Yeth Hound Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be mastercrafted (leatherworker's tools) into hide armor that requires attunement. A creature attuned to the armor gains resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons.
- 1 Yeth Hound Heart. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (evocation) into an Amulet of Dark Etherealness, which requires attunement. An attuned creature in the Border Ethereal can use its action to return to the material plane. Curse. An attuned creature that starts its turn in sunlight is transported to the Ethereal Plane. While the sun shines on the spot from which the attuned creature vanished, it remains in the Deep Ethereal. After the sun has set that day, the creature can return to the Border Ethereal at the same spot. The creature is visible on the Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, but it can't affect or be affected by anything on the other plane.
- 1 Yeth Hound Head. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a Yeth Hound Horn. A creature holding the horn can use its action to blow the horn. Each hostile creature within 300 feet of the horn that can hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of the horn blower's next turn or until the horn is destroyed. The horn has AC 13 and 5 hit points. A frightened creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of the horn must use all its movement on that turn to get as far from the hound as possible, must finish its move before taking an action, and must take the most direct route possible, even if hazards lie that way. A target that successfully saves is immune to the horn's effects for the next 24 hours.
Yuan-Ti Anathema (12)
Monstrosity (survival)
- 4d4 Snake Skin. No immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a pouch or carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a water skin.
- 4 Fangs of the Yuan-Ti. Acts as a dagger that deals an additional 7 (2d6) poison damage on a hit. Acts as a trophy for rangers and adventurers.
- 1 Immortal Heart of the Reptile God. Requires attunement. While attuned, a creature gains advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of the attuned creature must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the attuned creature. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. Curse. While attuned to the heart, a creature slowly becomes corrupted by the Reptile gods. Each day at dawn, they must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. If the saving throw is a failure, the curse advances in the order below. If the attunement is ended by a remove Curse spell or similar magic, all effects of the curse end immediately.
- Scales begin to cover the creature.
- The creature's movement speed increases by 10 feet.
- The creature can only subsist on meat and eggs, no other food.
- The creature's alignment becomes Neutral Evil, and they become an NPC controlled by the DM.
- 3d6 Vials of Yuan-Ti Blood. A creature that ingests the blood must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way, the creature is immune to poison damage, and cannot be poisoned by any other effect. Any poisons currently affecting the creature are suppressed until the effects of this poison wear off.
Yuan-Ti Broodguard (2)
Monstrosity (survival)
- 1d4 Snake Skin. No immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a pouch or carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a water skin.
- 1 Vial of Broodguard Blood. No immediate use. 5 of these can be mastercrafted (alchemist's supplies) into a Potion of Broodguard Transformation. A humanoid that drinks the potion must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is incapacitated for 1d6 + 6 days, and slowly transforms into a Yuan-Ti Broodguard over that time. On a success, the creature takes 14 (4d6) poison damage and isn't otherwise affected. A spell such as lesser restoration or remove curse can end the transformation process at any time before it runs its course. After the process is complete, only a wish spell can reverse the effect.
Yuan-Ti Mind Whisperer (4)
Monstrosity (survival)
- 1 Tattered Scimitar
- 1 Snake Skin. No immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a pouch or carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a water skin.
- 1 Fang of the Yuan-Ti. Acts as a dagger that deals an additional 7 (2d6) poison damage on a hit. Acts as a trophy for rangers and adventurers.
- 1d4 Vials of Yuan-Ti Blood. A creature that ingests the blood must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way, the creature is immune to poison damage, and cannot be poisoned by any other effect. Any poisons currently affecting the creature are suppressed until the effects of this poison wear off.
- 1 Sigil of Sseth. Requires attunement. A creature attuned to the sigil can choose to deal an extra 3d10 psychic damage when they hit with a melee attack. Once this ability has been used twice, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the sigil, they must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest, or when they choose to deal psychic damage with the amulet. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the psychic damage being dealt. On a failed save, an Aspect of Sseth (using the stats of a Yuan-Ti Mind Whisperer) appears to the attuned creature, offering fiendish power in exchange for servitude. If Sseth is turned down, he becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If his offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Fiend Patron subclass.
Yuan-Ti Nightmare Speaker (4)
Monstrosity (survival)
- 1 Tattered Scimitar
- 1d4 Snake Skin. No immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a pouch or carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a water skin.
- 1 Fang of the Yuan-Ti. Acts as a dagger that deals an additional 7 (2d6) poison damage on a hit. Acts as a trophy for rangers and adventurers.
- 1d4 Vials of Yuan-Ti Blood. A creature that ingests the blood must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way, the creature is immune to poison damage, and cannot be poisoned by any other effect. Any poisons currently affecting the creature are suppressed until the effects of this poison wear off.
- 1 Sigil of Dendar. Requires attunement. A creature attuned to the sigil can choose to deal an extra 3d10 necrotic damage when they hit with a melee attack. Once this ability has been used twice, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the sigil, they must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest, or when they choose to deal necrotic damage with the amulet. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the necrotic damage being dealt. On a failed save, an Aspect of Dendar (using the stats of a Yuan-Ti Nightmare Speaker) appears to the attuned creature, offering otherworldly power in exchange for servitude. If Dendar is turned down, he becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If his offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Old One Patron subclass.
Yuan-Ti Pit Master (5)
Monstrosity (survival)
- 1 Tattered Scimitar
- 2d4 Snake Skin. No immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a pouch or carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a water skin.
- 1 Fang of the Yuan-Ti. Acts as a dagger that deals an additional 7 (2d6) poison damage on a hit. Acts as a trophy for rangers and adventurers.
- 1d4 Vials of Yuan-Ti Blood. A creature that ingests the blood must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way, the creature is immune to poison damage, and cannot be poisoned by any other effect. Any poisons currently affecting the creature are suppressed until the effects of this poison wear off.
- 1 Sigil of Merrshaulk. Requires attunement. A creature attuned to the sigil can choose to deal an extra 3d10 poison damage when they hit with a melee attack. Once this ability has been used twice, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the sigil, they must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest, or when they choose to deal poison damage with the amulet. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the poison damage being dealt. On a failed save, an Aspect of Merrshaulk (using the stats of a Yuan-Ti Pit Master) appears to the attuned creature, offering strange power in exchange for servitude. If Merrshaulk is turned down, he becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If his offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Archfey Patron subclass.
Appendix I: Beasts
Aurochs (2)
Beast (nature)
- 1 Aurochs Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a cloak that grants resistance to cold damage.
- 1d2 Aurochs Horns. Acts as a handaxe.
Cow (1/4)
Beast (nature)
- 1 Cow Hide. Acts as a blanket. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a cloak that grants resistance to cold damage.
Dolphin (1/8)
Beast (nature)
- 1 Dolphin Hide. No immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a pouch or carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a water skin.
Swarm of Rot Grubs (1/2)
Beast (nature)
- 1d4 Rot Grubs. Difficult to handle, requires thick gloves or tongs. On the start of a creature's turn, if they are in contact with the Rot Grub, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage per Rot Grub in contact with it as the Rot Grubs burrow into their skin. Applying fire to the bite wound before the end of the creature's next turn deals 1 fire damage to the creature and kills that Rot Grub. After this time, the Rot Grub is too far under the skin to be burned. If a creature infested by Rot Grubs ends its turn with 0 hit points, it dies as the rot grubs burrow into its heart and kill it. Any effect that cures disease kills all rot grubs infesting the creature.
Appendix II: NPCs
Abjurer (9)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Quarterstaff
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 2d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random abjuration spell of 3rd level or less that can be copied by a Wizard.
- 1 Flask of Alchemist's Fire
- 1 Potion of Greater Healing
- 1 Horn of Silent Alarm (XGtE pg. 137)
Apprentice Wizard (1/4)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random spell of 1st level that can be copied by a Wizard.
Archdruid (12)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Scimitar
- 1 Tattered Set of Hide Armor
- 1 Tattered Shield
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 2d4 Tribal Tokens. A small totem that can act as a druidic focus.
- 1 Leyline Map. A map detailing places of great magical power in the surrounding area.
- 1 Keepsake. A trinket or memorandum hinting at the Archdruid's history or life.
- 1 Leafy Cloak. No immediate use. Can be crafted (weaver's tools) into a cloak that grants advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in leafy terrain.
- 3 Vials of Archdruid Blood. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (Alchemist's Supplies) into a Potion of Polymorph (allows the user to change shape as though they had cast the Polymorph spell).
- 3d4 Forest Trinkets. Small nature-related items (such as acorns or leaves) with a touch of mystery. Roll on the Trinket table (PHB pg. 160) for inspiration.
Archer (3)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Shortsword
- 1 Tattered Longbow
- 1 Tattered Set of Studded Leather Armor
- 1d20 Arrows
- 1 Archery Training Book. If a creature spends 5 minutes studying the book, they may add 1d10 to their next attack or damage roll with a longbow or shortbow within the next 10 minutes. Once a creature has gained this benefit, they cannot do so until they have completed a long rest.
- 1 Keepsake. A trinket or memorandum hinting at the Archer's history or life.
Bard (2)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Shortsword
- 1 Tattered Shortbow
- 1 Tattered Chain Shirt
- 1 Instrument. Of fine make.
- 1 Songbook. Contains 1 Bard Spell of 2nd level or lower. A Bard can spend a long rest memorizing the spell, replacing one of their known spells with the new spell.
Blackguard (8)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Glaive
- 1 Tattered Shortbow
- 1 Tattered Set of Plate Armor
- 1 Lord's Disgraced Crest. A small token of the ruling lord which can prove fealty to the land. However, the crest has been defaced, and has no benefit.
- 1 Holy Symbol
- 1d2 Warrior's Marks. A scrap of skin with a tattoo on it that can be used to prove the identity of a foe.
- 3d4 Trophies of the Innocent. Roll on the Trinket table (PHB pg. 160). Each of these items belong to a victim of the Blackguard, and some may be identifiable.
- 1 Keepsake. A trinket or memorandum hinting at the Blackguard's history or life.
- 1 Demon's Sigil. A gift to the Blackguard by fiendish powers. A creature can use the sigil to cast Summon Greater Demon (XGtE) as a ritual. Once used this way, the sigil is destroyed.
Champion (9)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Greatsword
- 1 Tattered Light Crossbow
- 1 Tattered Set of Plate Armor
- 1d2 Warrior's Marks. A scrap of skin with a tattoo on it that can be used to prove the identity of a foe.
- 1 Lord's Crest. A small token of the ruling lord which can prove fealty to the land, and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others that the owner of the crest is associated with the ruling lord.
- 1 Shield of Glory. Acts as a shield. Displays the symbol of a wealthy patron or lord who the Champion serves, and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others that the owner of the shield is associated with the symbol's owner.
- 5 Admirer's Tokens. A trinket from a person who wished to thank the Champion for their service.
- 1 Keepsake. A trinket or memorandum hinting at the Champion's history or life.
Conjurer (6)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 1d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random conjuration spell of 3rd level or less that can be copied by a Wizard.
- 1 Pipe of Smoke Monsters (XGtE pg. 138)
Diviner (8)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Quarterstaff
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 1d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 2d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random divination spell of 3rd level or less that can be copied by a Wizard.
- 1 Flask of Alchemist's Fire
- 1 Orb of Direction (XGtE pg. 138)
Enchanter (5)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Quarterstaff
- 1d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random enchantment spell of 3rd level or less that can be copied by a Wizard.
- 1 Wand of Smiles (XGtE pg. 140)
Evoker (9)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Quarterstaff
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 2d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random evocation spell of 3rd level or less that can be copied by a Wizard.
- 2 Flasks of Alchemist's Fire
- 1 Wand of Pyrotechnics (XGtE pg. 140)
Illusionist (3)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Quarterstaff
- 1d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random illusion spell of 3rd level or less that can be copied by a Wizard.
- 1 Set of Boots of False Tracks (XGtE pg. 136)
Kraken Priest (5)
Humanoid (survival)
- 2 Token of the Deep. a small shell, underwater plant, or fish skeleton found in the pockets of the Kraken Priest's body. Can be carefully crafted (jeweler's tools) into an amulet that requires attunement. While attuned, a creature can breathe underwater, and has a swim speed equal to their walking speed. Curse. At dawn, the creature attuned to the amulet must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to swim to the creature that the Kraken Priest served as if under the effects of a Suggestion spell. If the journey takes longer than 8 hours, the creature may attempt the saving throw again to end the effect after 8 hours.
- 1 Head of the Kraken Priest. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a horn. A creature can use their action to blow the horn, which is audible within 300 feet. The user of the horn chooses any number of creatures within range, who must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
- 2 NPC Items. Before the Kraken Priest took its vows, it was another NPC. The DM selects two items from an existing NPC, which can be found on the body.
Martial Arts Adept (3)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1d10 Darts
- 1 Monastery Map. A map that marks the location of a nearby monastery where the Martial Arts Adept completed their training.
- 1 Set of Simple Robes. Acts as common clothing. Grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others that the wearer is a part of the monastic order associated with the robes.
Master Thief (5)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Shortsword
- 1 Tattered Light Crossbow
- 1 Tattered Set of Studded Leather Armor
- 1 Set of Thieves' Tools
- 1 Dark Cloak. Signifies the rank of Master Thief, highly valued by bounty hunters and guards. Grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to convince others that the wearer is a Master Thief.
- 1 Bandit Code. A password or symbol that allows entrance into certain circles.
- 1 Contact List. A list of places to hide out or find work in the closest civilization.
- 1 Bag of Treasure. Contains muffled pockets, allowing treasure to be transported silently. Holds up to 600 GP, contains 1d6 x 100 GP when found.
Necromancer (9)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 2d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random necromancy spell of 3rd level or less that can be copied by a Wizard.
- 1 Flask of Alchemist's Fire
- 1 Wisp of Shadow. Destroyed if exposed to sunlight. 5 of these can be carefully crafted by a spellcaster (conjuration) into a Shadow Crossing, a portal that leads to the Shadowfell. The portal is permanently affixed to the location where it is crafted. 20 of these can be mastercrafted by a spellcaster (Transmutation) into a Portable Hole.
- 1d4 Beads of Nourishment (XGtE pg. 136)
Swashbuckler (3)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Tattered Rapier
- 1 Tattered Set of Leather Armor
- 1 Treasure Map. A map that marks the supposed location of a nearby treasure trove.
- 1 Spyglass
- 1 Sailor's Log. A book that marks a ship's passage and encounters. Could contain information about nearby ports, islands, other ships, or rumors.
Transmuter (5)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Quarterstaff
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 1d4 Healing Potions
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Spellbook. Contains 1 random transmutation spell of 3rd level or less that can be copied by a Wizard.
- 1 Clothes of Mending (XGtE pg.137)
War Priest (9)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Maul
- 1 Tattered Set of Plate Armor
- 1 Holy Book: Of the War Priest's order
- 1 Holy Symbol
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 1d2 Warrior's Marks. A scrap of skin with a tattoo on it that can be used to prove the identity of a foe.
- 1 Shield of Glory. Acts as a shield. Displays the symbol of a wealthy patron or church that the War Priest serves, and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others that the owner of the shield is associated with the symbol's owner.
- 3 Admirer's Tokens. A trinket from a person who wished to thank the Champion for their service.
- 1 Keepsake. A trinket or memorandum hinting at the War Priest's history or life.
Warlock of the Archfey (4)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Cloak of the Archfey. Requires attunement. An attuned creature can use their reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space they can see. The creature remains invisible until the start of its next turn or until it attacks, makes a damage roll, or casts a spell. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the cloak, they must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when they use the cloak's ability. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the cloak's ability. On a failed save, a vision of an Archfey (an illusion without stats) appears to the attuned creature, offering mystical power in exchange for servitude. If they are turned down, the Archfey becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If their offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Archfey Patron subclass.
Warlock of the Fiend (7)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Mace
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 2d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Flask of Alchemist's Fire
- 1 Amulet of the Fiend. Requires attunement. When the attuned creature makes an ability check or saving throw, it can add a d10 to the roll. It can do this after the roll is made but before any of the roll's effects occur. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the amulet, they must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when they use the amulet's ability. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the amulet's ability. On a failed save, a vision of a Fiend (an illusion without stats) appears to the attuned creature, offering fiery power in exchange for servitude. If they are turned down, the Fiend becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If their offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Fiend Patron subclass.
Warlock of the Great Old One (6)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Dagger
- 1 Spellcasting Component Pouch
- 2d4 Healing Potions
- 1 Arcane Focus
- 1d4 Books (useless)
- 1 Mask of the Great Old One. Requires attunement. At the start of the attuned creature's turn, the attuned creature can designate any number of creatures within 5 feet of it. Those creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 10 (3d6) psychic damage, provided the attuned creature isn't incapacitated. Once used, this ability can't be used again until the attuned creature takes a short or long rest. Curse. While a creature is attuned to the mask, they must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw at the end of each long rest and when they use the mask's ability. This saving throw is rolled with disadvantage if made due to the mask's ability. On a failed save, a vision of a Great Old One (an illusion without stats) appears to the attuned creature, offering ancient power in exchange for servitude. If they are turned down, the Great Old One becomes an enemy of the creature for the rest of their mortal life. If their offer is accepted, the character's next level must be a level in the Warlock Class, using the Great Old One Patron subclass.
Warlord (12)
Humanoid (survival)
- 1 Tattered Greatsword
- 1 Tattered Shortbow
- 1 Tattered Set of Plate Armor
- 2d4 Warrior's Marks. A scrap of skin with a tattoo on it that can be used to prove the identity of a foe.
- 1 Warlord's Crest. A small token of the warlord which can prove their identity, and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others that the owner of the crest is, in fact, the warlord.
- 1 Shield of Glory. Acts as a shield. Displays the symbol of the warlord and grants advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to convince others that the owner of the shield is associated with the warlord.
- 5 Admirer's Tokens. A trinket from a person who wished to thank the Warlord for their service.
- 2 Keepsakes. A trinket or memorandum hinting at the Warlord's history or life.
- 1 Conqueror's Map. A map marking recent conquests and outlining strategies for future war campaigns.
Appendix III: Crafting Index
- Cyclops Eye (careful)
- Shambling Mound Root-Stem (master)
- Heart of the Tarrasque (master)
- Vampire Heart (master)
- Heart of the Yugoloth (master)
Abjuration (VGM)
- Flail Snail Shell (master)
Alchemist’s Supplies/Herbalism Kit
- Aarakocra Feathers
- Vial of Ectoplasm
- Banshee
- Demilich
- Shadow Demon
- Ghost
- Specter
- Will-o'-wisp
- Wraith
- Basilisk Stomach (master)
- Death Tyrant Skull (careful)
- Strong Bugbear Heart
- Cambion Horns
- Centaur Hooves
- Chimera Claws
- Cloaker Blood
- Cloaker Eyes
- Cyclops Heart (careful)
- Demilich Teeth (careful)
- Foul Ichor (master)
- Jackalwere
- Barlgura Tusks (careful)
- Glabrezu Claws (careful)
- Goristro Horns (master)
- Hezrou Spines (master)
- Demon Snake Tail (master)
- Lizardfolk King/Queen
- Marilith Head (master)
- Vrock Eyes
- Demon Spider Legs (master)
- Erinyes Feathers (master)
- Imp Wings (master)
- Doppelganger Brain (careful)
- Motes of Shadow (master)
- Black Dragon Tail (master)
- Blue Dragon Tail (master)
- Green Dragon Tail (master)
- Red Dragon Tail (master)
- White Dragon Tail (master)
- Ancient Brass Dragon Sleep Salve(master)
- Ancient Bronze Dragon Repulsion Salve(master)
- Ancient Copper Dragon Slowing Salve(master)
- Ancient Gold Dragon Weakening Salve(master)
- Ancient Silver Dragon Paralyzing Salve(master)
- Drider Legs
- Drider Eyes
- Dryad Heart (master)
- Duergar Head (careful)
- Duergar Head (master)
- Eye of the Empyrean (master)
- Ettin Heart (careful)
- Motes of Green Flame
- Fomorian Stomach Lining (careful)
- Cloud Giant Heart (careful)
- Fire Giant Heart (careful)
- Frost Giant Heart (careful)
- Hill Giant Heart (careful)
- Stone Giant Heart (careful)
- Storm Giant Heart (careful)
- Gorgon Stomach (master)
- Grell Beak (careful)
- Hell Hound Teeth (careful)
- Strong Hobgoblin Heart (careful)
- Kraken Eyes (master)
- Lizardfolk Heart of Semuanya (careful)
- Minotaur Horns (master)
- Minotaur Skeleton
- Heart of the Mummy (master)
- Naga Bones
- Nothic Eye (careful)
- Oni Eyes (master)
- Ochre Jelly (careful)
- Orc Left Eye of Fury
- Orc War Chief’s Head (careful)
- Adult Remorhaz Heat Gland (master)
- Young Remorhaz Heat Gland (master)
- Remorhaz Antennae (careful)
- Roper Eye
- Roper Eye (careful)
- Sahuagin Fin
- Sahuagin Baron Heart (master)
- Shambling Mound Vines
- Eyes of the Sphinx (master)
- Gullet of the Tarrasque (master)
- Tarrasque Stomach Acid (master)
- Claws of the Tarrasque (master)
- Troll Blood (careful)
- Umber Hulk Antennae (careful)
- Unicorn Hooves (master)
- Arcanaloth Eyes (master)
- Rhino Horn (careful)
Alchemist’s Supplies/Herbalism Kit (VGM)
- Brontosaurus Heart (careful)
- Froghemoth Eyes
- Ki-Rin Hooves (master)
- Leucrotta hooves (careful)
- Meenlock Heart (careful)
- Elder Brain Occipital Lobes (careful)
- Neothelid Tentacles
- Heart of the Shadow Mastiff
- Archdruid Blood (careful)
Alchemist’s Supplies/Poisoner’s Kit
- Aboleth Mucous (careful)
- Ankheg Acid
- Cockatrice Venom (careful)
- Barlgura Tusks (careful)
- Glabrezu Claws (careful)
- Hezrou Stench Glands (careful)
- Ancient Black Dragon Acid Pouch (master)
- Ancient Blue Dragon Lightning Organ (master)
- Ancient Green Dragon Poison Lung (master)
- Ancient Red Dragon Fire Sac (master)
- Ancient White Dragon Ice Gland (master)
- Brass Dragon Tail (master)
- Ancient Brass Dragon Fire Sac (master)
- Bronze Dragon Tail (master)
- Ancient Bronze Dragon Lightning Organ (master)
- Copper Dragon Tail (master)
- Ancient Copper Dragon Acid Pouch (master)
- Gold Dragon Tail (master)
- Ancient Gold Dragon Fire Sac (master)
- Silver Dragon Tail (master)
- Ancient Silver Dragon Ice Gland (master)
- Flumph Tentacles
- Eyes of the Mummy Lord (master)
- Vampire Dust (careful)
- Vampire Fangs (master)
- Giant Wasp
Alchemist’s Supplies/Poisoner’s Kit (VGM)
- Vials of Blood of Graz'zt (careful)
- Draegloth Claws (careful)
- Broodguard Blood (careful)
Brewer’s Supplies
- Gas Spore Malt (careful)
- Shrieker Malt (careful)
- Violet Fungus Malt (careful)
- Myconid Malt (careful)
- Sovereign Malt (careful)
Brewer's Supplies (VGM)
- Cave Fisher Blood (careful)
Calligrapher’s Supplies
- Drider Spinneret
- Griffon Feathers
- Harpy Feathers
- Hippogriff Feathers
- Kenku Feathers
- Owlbear Feathers
- Pegasus Feathers
- Peryton Feathers
- Stirge Stinger
- Blood Hawk Feathers
- Eagle Feathers
- Snake Feathers
- Giant Eagle Feathers
- Giant Owl Feathers
- Giant Vulture Feathers
- Hawk Feathers
- Owl Feathers
- Raven Feathers
- Vulture Feathers
Carpenter’s Tools
- Hands of the Empyrean (careful)
- Kraken Skull (master)
- Kraken Ribcage (master)
- Purple Worm Teeth (careful)
- Tail of the Tarrasque (master)
- Horns of the Tarrasque (master)
- Azer Heart (careful)
- Beholder Eyestalks (master)
- Kraken Hearts (master)
- Sphinx Feathers (master)
- Heart of the Androsphinx (master)
- Ribcage of the Tarrasque (master)
- Wisp of Shadow (careful)
- Shadow
- Vampire
- Wight
- Wraith
Conjuration (VGM)
- Death Kiss Tentacle (master)
- Gauth Tentacle (master)
- Wisp of Shadow (careful)
- Banderhobb
- Shadow Mastiff
- Necromancer
Cook’s Utensils
- Remorhaz Legs (careful)
- Slaad Liver (careful)
- Tail of the Tarrasque (master)
- Shark Fin
- Mind Flayer Brain (careful)
- Nothic Eye (master)
- Otyugh Eyestalk (careful)
- Rakshasa Hands (master)
- Roc Heart (careful)
- Heart of the Gynosphinx (master)
- Eyes of the Tarrasque (master)
- Vampire Hand (careful)
- Xorn Eye
- Nycaloth Horns (careful)
Divination (VGM)
- Gauth Eye (careful)
- Catoblepas Hooves (master)
- Cranium Rat Brain
- Iron Tokens (careful)
- Eyes of the Ki-Rin (careful)
- Elder Brain Stem (master)
- Elder Brain Hippocampus (careful)
- Elder Brain Amygdala (careful)
- Ulitharid Brain (careful)
- Mindwitness Brain (careful)
- Nalfeshnee Tusks (careful)
- Horns of the Tarrasque (master)
- Umber Hulk Eyes (careful)
- Vampire Eyes (careful)
Enchantment (VGM)
- Eyes of the Dreamwalker (careful)
- Neogi Heart (careful)
- Dragon Turtle Steam Organ (master)
- Heart of Wind (master)
- Air Elemental
- Invisible Stalker
- Heart of Stone (master)
- Earth Elemental
- Galeb Duhr
- Xorn
- Heart of Fire (master)
- Fire Elemental
- Heart of Waves (master)
- Water Elemental
- Water Weird
- Beard Hairs of the Storm Giant (master)
- Mummy Lord Dust (master)
Evocation (VGM)
- Bodak Eye (careful)
- Catoblepas Eye (careful)
- Korred Heart (master)
- Yeth Hound Heart (careful)
- Cloaker Wing (master)
- Displacer Beast Paws (careful)
- Arcanaloth Hide (master)
Jeweler’s Tools
- Aboleth Teeth (careful)
- Death Knight Bones
- Goristro Teeth (careful)
- Devil Eyes (master)
- Devil Teeth (careful)
- Blue Dragon Eyes (master)
- Red Dragon Eyes (master)
- Gold Dragon Eyes (master)
- Silver Dragon Eyes (master)
- Dragon Turtle Eyes (master)
- Fomorian Evil Eye (careful)
- Hell Hound Teeth (careful)
- Manticore Teeth (careful)
- Nightmare Hooves (careful)
- Pegasus Hooves (careful)
- Rakshasa Fangs (careful)
- Rakshasa Eyes (master)
- Roper Teeth (careful)
- Red Slaad Claws (master)
- Troll Teeth (careful)
- Ultroloth Eyes (master)
- Crocodile Teeth (careful)
- Hooves (careful)
- Elephant Toes (careful)
- Tusks (careful)
- Giant Crab Claw (master)
- Giant Scorpion Claw (master)
- Shark Teeth (careful)
- Killer Whale Teeth (careful)
- Mammoth Tusks (careful)
- Polar Bear Teeth (careful)
- Winter Wolf Teeth (careful)
Jeweler’s Tools (VGM)
- Death Kiss Teeth (careful)
- Cave Fisher Carapace (careful)
- Token of the Deep (careful)
- Deep Scion
- Sea Spawn
- Kraken Priest
- Shoosuva Teeth (careful)
- Devourer Teeth (careful)
- Devourer Eyes (careful)
- Ki-Rin Hooves (careful)
Leatherworker’s Tools
- Aboleth Tail (careful)
- Aboleth Hide (master)
- Aboleth’s Bladder (master)
- Behir Hide (master)
- Behir Tail (careful)
- Spectator Hide (master)
- Bullywug Bladder
- Cambion Wing (master)
- Cloaker Head (careful)
- Couatl Hide (careful)
- Chasme Head (careful)
- Goristro Hide (master)
- Nalfeshnee Hide (master)
- Vrock Hide (master)
- Barbed Devil Hide (careful)
- Bone Devil Hide (master)
- Bone Devil Wings (careful)
- Pit Fiend Hide (master)
- Dinosaur Hide (careful)
- Plesiosaurus Bladder
- Tattered Pteranodon Wings (careful)
- Displacer Beast Tentacles (master)
- Displacer Beast Hide (master)
- Black Dragon Wing (master)
- Black Dragon Hide (master)
- Blue Dragon Wing (master)
- Blue Dragon Hide (master)
- Green Dragon Wing (master)
- Green Dragon Hide (master)
- Red Dragon Wing (master)
- Red Dragon Hide (master)
- White Dragon Wing (master)
- White Dragon Hide (master)
- Brass Dragon Wing (master)
- Brass Dragon Hide (master)
- Bronze Dragon Wing (master)
- Bronze Dragon Hide (master)
- Copper Dragon Wing (master)
- Copper Dragon Hide (master)
- Gold Dragon Wing (master)
- Gold Dragon Hide (master)
- Silver Dragon Wing (master)
- Silver Dragon Hide (master)
- Dragon Turtle Hide (master)
- Hands of the Empyrean (careful)
- Faerie Dragon Wings (master)
- Deep Gnome Hide
- Grick Hide
- Grimlock Hide
- Hell Hound Hide (careful)
- Hippogriff Pelt
- Hippogriff Pelt (careful)
- Hydra Heads (careful)
- Kraken Hide (careful)
- Kuo-Toa Hide (careful)
- Lizardfolk Hide (careful)
- Manticore Wings
- Merfolk Hide (careful)
- Merrow Hide (careful)
- Minotaur Hide
- Owlbear Hide
- Piercer Hide
- Purple Worm Stomach Lining
- Purple Worm Stomach Lining (careful)
- Quaggoth Hide (careful)
- Rakshasa Pelt (master)
- Remorhaz Stomach
- Remorhaz Stomach (careful)
- Roc Feathers (master)
- Roper Hide (careful)
- Hand of a Sahuagin Baron (careful)
- Salamander Hide (master)
- Death Slaad Hide (master)
- Throat of the Sphinx (careful)
- Sphinx Pelt (careful)
- Succubus/Incubus Wings (careful)
- Gullet of the Tarrasque (master)
- Unicorn Pelt (master)
- Wyvern Wings (master)
- Yeti Hide
- Yeti Throat
- Snake Skin
- Yuan-Ti
- Snake Skin (careful)
- Yuan-Ti
- Nycaloth Wings (careful)
- Ape Hide
- Baboon Pelt
- Baboon Pelt (careful)
- Bat Pelt
- Bat Pelt (careful)
- Black Bear Hide
- Blink Dog Hide
- Boar Hide
- Wereboar
- Brown Bear Hide (careful)
- Werebear
- Camel Hide
- Cat Pelt
- Cat Pelt (careful)
- Death Dog Hide (careful)
- Deer Pelt
- Deer Pelt (careful)
- Dire Wolf Hide (careful)
- Elephant Hide (careful)
- Giant Ape Hide (careful)
- Giant Ape Fangs
- Giant Badger Hide
- Giant Bat Hide
- Giant Boar Hide (careful)
- Crocodile Hide (careful)
- Giant Elk Hide
- Giant Goat Hide
- Giant Hyena Hide (careful)
- Poisonous Snake Skin
- Poisonous Snake Skin (careful)
- Giant Rat Hide
- Giant Weasel
- Goat Pelt
- Goat Pelt (careful)
- Hyena Pelt
- Hyena Pelt (careful)
- Jackal Pelt
- Jackal Pelt (careful)
- Killer Whale Hide (careful)
- Lion Hide (careful)
- Mammoth Hide (careful)
- Mastiff Hide
- Mule Hide
- Panther Hide
- Polar Bear Hide (careful)
- Pony Hide
- Pony Hide (careful)
- Rat Pelt
- Wererat
- Rat Pelt (careful)
- Rhino Hide (careful)
- Horse Hide
- Horse Hide (careful)
- Tiger Hide (careful)
- Weretiger
- Weasel Pelt
- Weasel Pelt (careful)
- Winter Wolf Pelt (careful)
- Wolf Hide
- Werewolf
- Worg Hide
Leatherworker’s Tools (VGM)
- Quetzalcoatalus Wings (careful)
- Froghemoth Stomach (careful)
- Frost Giant Everlasting One Heads (careful)
- Girallon Hide (careful)
- Grung Warrior Head (careful)
- Ki-Rin Pelt (master)
- Leucrotta Hide (careful)
- Morkoth Hide (master)
- Neothelid Stomach (careful)
- Neothelid Hide (master)
- Trapper Outer Hide
- Trapper Inner Hide (careful)
- Yeth Hound Hide (master)
- Yeth Hound Head (careful)
- Aurochs Hide (careful)
- Cow Hide (careful)
- Dolphin Hide
- Dolphin Hide (careful)
- Head of the Kraken Priest (careful)
Mason’s Tools
- Gargoyle Wings (master)
- Kraken Ribcage (master)
- Ribcage of the Tarrasque (master)
- Bones of the Lich (careful)
- Revenant Heart (careful)
- Ribcage of the Tarrasque (master)
Necromancy (VGM)
- Bodak Eye (master)
- Bones of the Illithilich (careful)
Smith’s Tools
- Aboleth Tentacles (master)
- Ankheg Claw (careful)
- Basilisk Fang
- Behir Claws (master)
- Behir Fangs
- Beholder Eye (master)
- Bulette Head Plate (careful)
- Bulette Claws
- Chuul Carapace (careful)
- Chuul Pincers (master)
- Glabrezu Carapace (master)
- Bone Devil Skull (master)
- Ice Devil Carapace (master)
- Pit Fiend Head (master)
- Spined Devil Spines (careful)
- Dinosaur Claw
- Knobbed Tail (carefully)
- Triceratops Horns (careful)
- Tyrannosaurus Skull (master)
- Ancient Black Dragon Skull (master)
- Black Dragon Claws (master)
- Black Dragon Scales (master)
- Ancient Black Dragon Horns (master)
- Adult Black Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Black Dragon Horns (master)
- Ancient Blue Dragon Skull (master)
- Blue Dragon Claws (master)
- Blue Dragon Scales (master)
- Ancient Blue Dragon Horn (master)
- Adult Blue Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Blue Dragon Horn (master)
- Ancient Green Dragon Skull (master)
- Green Dragon Claws (master)
- Green Dragon Scales (master)
- Green Dragon Spines (master)
- Adult Green Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Red Dragon Skull (master)
- Red Dragon Claws (master)
- Red Dragon Scales (master)
- Ancient Red Dragon Horns (master)
- Adult Red Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Red Dragon Horns (master)
- Young Red Dragon Horns (master)
- Ancient White Dragon Skull (master)
- White Dragon Claws (master)
- White Dragon Scales (master)
- Ancient White Dragon Frond (master)
- Adult White Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult White Dragon Frond (master)
- Ancient Brass Dragon Skull (master)
- Brass Dragon Claws (master)
- Brass Dragon Scales (master)
- Ancient Brass Dragon Frill (master)
- Adult Brass Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Brass Dragon Frill (master)
- Ancient Bronze Dragon Skull (master)
- Bronze Dragon Claws (master)
- Bronze Dragon Scales (master)
- Ancient Bronze Dragon Horns (master)
- Adult Bronze Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Bronze Dragon Horns (master)
- Young Bronze Dragon Horns (master)
- Ancient Copper Dragon Skull (master)
- Copper Dragon Claws (master)
- Copper Dragon Scales (master)
- Ancient Copper Dragon Frond (master)
- Adult Copper Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Copper Dragon Frond (master)
- Ancient Gold Dragon Skull (master)
- Gold Dragon Claws (master)
- Gold Dragon Scales (master)
- Gold Dragon Fins (master)
- Adult Gold Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Silver Dragon Skull (master)
- Silver Dragon Claws (master)
- Silver Dragon Scales (master)
- Silver Dragon Fins (master)
- Adult Silver Dragon Skull (master)
- Dragon Turtle Claws (master)
- Dragon Turtle Shell Fragments (master)
- Titan’s Skull (master)
- Gorgon Hide (master)
- Gorgon Skull (careful)
- Grick Beak (careful)
- Hook Horror Carapace (careful)
- Kraken Scales (master)
- Naga Scales (careful)
- Nothic Claws (master)
- Purple Worm Teeth (careful)
- Purple Worm Scales (master)
- Adult Remorhaz Carapace
- Young Remorhaz Carapace
- Roc Beak (careful)
- Sahuagin Baron Head (careful)
- Bones of the Tarrasque (master)
- Scales of the Tarrasque (master)
- Teeth of the Tarrasque (master)
- Umber Hulk Claws (careful)
- Umber Hulk Carapace (careful)
- Wyvern Scales (master)
- Mezzoloth Shell (careful)
- Giant Ape Skull (careful)
- Death Kiss Eye (master)
- Cave Fisher Carapace (careful)
- Brontosaurus Skull (master)
- Dinosaur Fins (master)
- Flail Snail Shell (master)
- Flail Snail Eyestalks (careful)
- Froghemoth Hide (careful)
- Pair of Fire Giant Greaves (master)
- Fire Giant Dreadnought Helm (master)
- Girallon Hands (careful)
- Heavy Skull of Madness
- Heavy Skull of Pain
- Heavy Skull of Paralysis
- Bheur Hag Skull (careful)
- Tlincalli Shell
Tinker’s Tools
- Cog of Primus (master)
- Gyro of Primus (master)
- Animate Carpet Patch (master)
- Dracolich Bone (master)
- Demonic Jewelry
- Clumps of Golem Clay (master)
- Flesh Golem Limbs (master)
- Hunks of Golem Iron (master)
- Golem Stones (master)
- Homunculus Clay (careful)
- Mandrake Root (careful)
- Hydra Heart (master)
- Medusa Heart (master)
- Ogre Heart (master)
- Otyugh Stomach (careful)
- Rakshasa Tongue (master)
- Roc Eye (careful)
- Hag’s Soul Stone (careful)
- Wisp of Shadow (master)
- Shadow
- Vampire
- Wight
- Succubus/Incubus Heart (master)
- Skull of the Tarrasque (master)
- Yeti Eyes (careful)
Transmutation (VGM)
- Hag's Shadow Stone (master)
- Stomach of Grolantor (careful)
- Wisp of Shadow (master)
- Banderhobb
- Shadow Mastiff
- Necromancer
Weaver’s Tools
- Bulette Tendon (careful)
- Divine Hair
- Mane of the Sphinx (master)
- Strands of Hair from a Unicorn’s Mane (master)
Weaver's Tools (VGM)
- Cave Fisher Filament
- Flail Snail Shell (master)
- Strands of Hair from a Ki-Rin's Mane (master)
- Leafy Cloak
Woodcarver’s Tools
- Ancient Black Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Black Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Blue Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Blue Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Green Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Green Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Red Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Red Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient White Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult White Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Brass Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Brass Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Bronze Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Bronze Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Copper Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Copper Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Gold Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Gold Dragon Skull (master)
- Ancient Silver Dragon Skull (master)
- Adult Silver Dragon Skull (master)
- Griffon Feathers (careful)
- Hippogriff Feathers (careful)
- Kenku Feathers (careful)
- Kraken Teeth (careful)
- Owlbear Feathers (careful)
- Pegasus Feathers (careful)
- Peryton Feathers (careful)
- Satyr’s Horn (careful)
- Skull of the Tarrasque (master)
- Branches
- Treant
- Awakened Tree
- Blood Hawk Feathers
- Eagle Feathers (careful)
- Snake Feathers (careful)
- Giant Eagle Feathers (careful)
- Giant Eagle Feathers (careful)
- Giant Vulture Feathers (careful)
- Hawk Feathers (careful)
- Owl Feathers (careful)
- Raven Feathers (careful)
- Vulture Feathers (careful)
Woodcarver’s Tools (VGM)
- Branches
- Wood Woad