Gunsmith V2.2

by Ynders

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The Gunsmith, v2.2

Echoing through the foggy foothills comes a series of blasts, accompanied by a medley of cries from outside the camp's timber walls. After the screams subside, another bang resounds and the gates creak open, revealing a bloodied dwarf, toting what looks like a handheld cannon.

A half-elf leans out of the clocktower window, peering through her scope into the streets below. The City Watch insignia stamped on the pedestrian's helm resolves itself in her magnifying lens as she releases a shot...

Both of these adventurers are gunsmiths, masters of a new and strange technology at the forefront of warfare. They are capable of controlling the wild and unpredictable forces of combustion to direct strikes of heretofore unknown precision and devastation.

They may be scholars and adventurers brought into a life of adventure by circumstance, to reclaim a lost secret, or rescue an endangered colleague. Or they could be just the opposite; opportunistic adventurers seeking to take advantage of developing technologies to aid in their pursuits.

Quick Wits, Quick Triggers

Most gunsmiths possess a sharp intelligence, as is typically necessary to invent or operate the firearm technologies that are still in their nascent stages. As a result, many are cautious, calculating tacticians. However, others find themselves invigorated with a gun in their hand and a shout on their lips: for these, the firearm awakens a carnal wrath.

Of course, anyone can pick up a gun and pull the trigger. It's not the mere possession of a firearm that defines a gunsmith, but what is done with it.


Weapons Personified

It doesn't take much experience with firearms to know that those who wield them wield an incredible power, and gunsmiths are more aware of this than anyone else. Some find pride in this responsibility, performing flourishes with their weapon and flaunting it in public. Others are more protective of their technology, keeping it hidden and away from the prying hands of those who would misuse it.

Some find gunsmiths' relationship to their weapons jarring; many care for their firearm as it was a favorite child, even going as far as giving it a name.

Creating a Gunsmith

As you create your gunsmith character, consider how they came across their firearm and the characteristics of the weapon. Was it a chance discovery after a long night in the workshop? An ancient magical artifact found deep in a dusty tomb, the secrets of its power lost to time? Was it simply a cannon wrenched off the side of a ship, now toted in your very hands? Does the weapon have a name? An imagined personality, perhaps?

Think about what pulled your character into the adventuring world. Were they performing a field test of their invention, only to be gripped by the awesome power it granted them? Did they steal a valuable heirloom firearm from their employers or compatriots, now on the run and aided by the contraband? Maybe they're just one of many soldiers at the garrison, but they spend your nights tricking out their standard firearm.

Quick Build

You can make a gunsmith quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence or Dexterity should be your highest score, depending upon whether you want to be a careful tactician or if you'd rather shoot first and propose quandaries later. Whichever score you didn't pick should be your next-highest score. Second, choose the guild artisan background.

Class Features

....-.. As a gunsmith, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per gunsmith level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per gunsmith level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, Medium armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: Tinker's tools

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
  • Two simple weapons
  • Tinker's tools
  • (a) Dungeoneer's pack or (b) Explorer's pack


Beginning when you take this class at first level, you have invented a volatile firearm at the forefront of weapons technology.

Firearm Dice. Your firearm is a one-handed ranged weapon that you are proficient with that has the loading and ammunition properties, and a range of 30/60. It has a pool of Firearm Dice, which increase in number as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Gunsmith Features table. At first level, the pool contains 2 dice, which are d6s. Whenever you score a hit with your firearm, you roll all of the dice in the pool to calculate damage. Therefore, at first level, the base damage of your firearm is 2d6 piercing. The increase in damage dice represents both gradual modification and technique improvements.

Wear. If at any time one of the Firearm Dice you roll for damage results in a 1, the weapon has a slight misfire. It deals damage as normal, but the die that rolled a 1 is removed from the pool until you take a long rest, at which point you are assumed to use the downtime to fix up your firearm. You always have at least one die in your pool; at which point rolling a 1 has no effect. On a critical hit, you roll twice the number of dice in your pool, and rolling 1s does not result in any wear.

Repair. During a short rest, you can attempt to repair some of the weapon’s wear. To do so, you expend 5 gp worth of supplies and make an Intelligence check aided by your Tinker’s Tools. If you meet or exceed the repair DC as shown in the damage dice chart (which starts at 16 - see Innovations list), you return one of the dice back to your pool. The mending spell can return one die to a firearm pool when cast.

Ammunition. Each time you take a long rest, you can fashion 20 rounds of ammunition for your firearm.

Saving Throws. Some of your gunsmith abilities require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The DC for these saving throws is calculated as follows:

Gunplay save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

The Gunsmith
Level Proficiency Bonus Firearm Pool Features
1st +2 2 Firearm, Innovations
2nd +2 3 Focus
3rd +2 3 Gunplay Archetype
4th +2 3 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 4
6th +3 4 Archetype Feature
7th +3 4 Sturdy Receiver
8th +3 4 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5
10th +4 5 Archetype Feature
11th +4 5 Quick Fix
12th +4 5 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 6
14th +5 6 Archetype Feature
15th +5 6 Alert Focus
16th +5 6 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 7
18th +6 7 Immutable Focus
19th +6 8 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 8 Killshot
Optional: Non-Gunsmiths

Creatures without any levels in the gunsmith class must make an Intelligence skill check when they attempt to use firearms. The result determines the outcome, as shown in this table:

Intelligence Check Result Effect
1 The weapon explodes in their hands, dealing its damage to the user.
2-10 One die is removed from the weapon's pool and it automatically misses.
10-15 One die is removed from the weapon's pool.
16+ The attack is made as normal.


The knowledge you possess of your weapon and its intricacies allows you to use it in ways others cannot, and devise special ideas called Innovations. Innovations may take the form of technological upgrades to the weapon or advances in training that allow you to use it more effectively. Others, namely those granted by the Tinker archetype, don't affect your firearm at all.

Beginning at 1st level, you know 2 Innovations from the list below, and gain additional Innovations as you level up. The number of Innovations you have is equal to the maximum number of dice in your Firearm Pool at any given level. Certain Innovations have prerequisites which must be met before taking that Innovation.

You may want to create an Innovation of your own; consult your DM with your idea and they might translate it into a balanced feature.


You are capable of meshing your experience of the battlefield with your calculating mind to analyze the battlefield and hone in on a single target.

Starting at 2nd level, you can use a bonus action to Focus on a creature you can see for up to 1 minute. While your Focus is active, you can add a bonus to any attack rolls you make against the target with your firearm. This bonus is equal to half your Intelligence modifier, rounded down. Focus ends early if your target dies, you are incapacitated, you target another creature, or you choose to end it as a bonus action. In addition, you must make a concentration check (as if concentrating on a spell) whenever you take damage. See the spellcasting section for more information on concentration checks.

You can use your Focus a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. After a long rest, you regain all uses of your Focus.

Gunplay Archetype

At 3rd level, you choose one element of fighting with your firearm to develop further and focus your studies on. Choose from the Sharpshooter, a long-range combatant who specializes in dealing heavy single-target damage; the Gunslinger, an agile hotshot who makes several attacks; the Tinker, a utilitarian craftsman who uses their downtime to fabricate useful gadgets; or the Commander, a resilient leader who inspires their allies from the fray.

Sturdy Receiver

You’ve tuned your firearm to hold up more effectively after suffering wear. Beginning at 7th level, the minimum number of dice in your Firearm pool at any given time increases to 2.

Quick Fix

Starting at 11th level, you can attempt an impromptu repair of your firearm. As an action, make an Intelligence check using your Tinker's tools. The DC for this check is equal to the normal repair DC + 5. If you succeed the check, one die is returned to your firearm pool as normal. If you fail, your Tinker's tools may break or another die may be removed from your pool (DM's discretion).

Alert Focus

At 15th level, you've trained your reflexes to match your mind's focus in battle, allowing you to steel yourself against your enemies' strikes. You gain advantage on saving throws against effects caused by the target of your Focus, and you gain a +2 bonus to AC against their attacks.

Immutable Focus

At 18th level, nothing can disturb your mind's solid grasp on your quarry. Your Focus can't be broken as a result of taking damage. In addition, whenever you reduce the target of your Focus to zero hit points, you can choose a new target as a free action, without expending another use of Focus. This continues the same use of Focus, so if one minute passes since it began, it ends.


At 20th level, you’ve gathered enough lore about your adversaries that you know how to best target their vitals. Upon scoring a critical hit against the target of your Focus, you can force them to make a Constitution saving throw versus your Gunplay DC. On a success, they take normal damage. On a failed save, the creature dies if it has fewer than 100 hit points.

Once you use this ability, you must complete a long rest before using it again.

Gunplay Archetypes

Each gunsmith has their own personal style. Some prefer to stay out of the fray, making their moves from the back of the lines or away from the battlefield, where they can pick their targets with precision and execute them with peerless accuracy. Others lead from the front, making shots and taking shots, compensating for their exposed position with a more resilient physique and an encouraging battle shout. Another group will follow the risky path of a Gunslinger, making several attacks but leaving themselves open to others' strikes. A final archetype prefers to develop new technologies than improve their weapon technique: the Tinker.


While other gunsmiths may focus on the improvement of their weapons to fire more often or more accurately, the Commander isn't as focused on dealing damage as they are on withstanding it. Hardy and inspiring, Commanders lead from the front and invigorate their allies with a resounding Warcry.



Starting at 3rd level, you can release an invigorating shout to inspire your allies. As an action, you can Warcry, expending two uses of your Focus to cause up to three allies you choose within 60 feet that can hear you to gain temporary hit points equal to your gunsmith level.


Beginning at 3rd level when you take this archetype, your maximum hit points increase by 3, and you gain 1 additional hit point each time you gain a gunsmith level. In addition, you gain proficiency in heavy armor.

Commander's Charge

Beginning at 6th level, your Warcry inspires your allies to action. Each creature that gains temporary hit points from your Warcry can use their reaction to move up to half their speed. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.


Beginning at 10th level, you possess relentless endurance. You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws, and you have advantage on all saving throws made against effects that would push or pull you along the ground or knock you prone.

Improved Warcry

Beginning at 14th level, you have honed the inspiring effects of your Warcry and can perform it more often. You can now target any number of allies with your Warcry, and allies that choose to move due to your Warcry can also make a single weapon attack as part of their reaction.


The Gunslinger epitomizes the glass cannon - rushing into the fray, they often throw aside caution in exchange for sustained rapid fire. Their strategy is based on one primary principle; the more bullets you pump into your enemies, the faster they die. Some see these warriors as foolhardy, but any Gunslinger would tell you their practice is a fine-tuned art.

Reckless Rapid Fire

You've devised a technique for rapidly reloading so as to fire more often, but doing so inflicts wear on your weapon.

Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, when you make a firearm attack as an action on your turn, you can choose to ignore the weapon's Loading property and make a second attack as a bonus action. However, when you do so, one die is automatically removed from your Firearm Pool after the second attack is made.

Gun Show

As a Gunslinger, your practice involves complex movements and flashy gestures. Beginning at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Performance skill, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any use of the skill involving firearms.


The only thing quicker than your wits is your trigger finger. Beginning at 6th level, as long as you’re not surprised, you can make one firearm attack immediately upon rolling initiative. In addition, you can draw or stow your firearm as a free flourish.

Dual Devastation

The only thing worse than being shot is being shot twice. Starting at 10th level, any creature that you hit with a firearm attack more than once in one round has disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its next turn.


By 14th level, your experience in the thick of battle has brought you the ability to deftly dodge out of the way of certain harmful effects. Whenever you are subjected to a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.


While other gunsmiths may fascinate themselves with fighting in the midst of battle, Sharpshooters turn their focus elsewhere. They find themselves at home not on the front lines, but in siege towers and elevated hideouts, where they can pick off their targets one-by-one with lethal precision.


You can target your enemies with an accuracy that inflicts especially severe wounds. Starting at 3rd level, whenever you hit a creature that is the target of your Focus with a weapon attack, you can expend another use of Focus to make the hit a Headshot, causing it to become a critical hit. Doing so does not end your Focus on that target.


Your area of expertise usually involves firing from an elevated position, so you've developed the skills necessary to get there. Beginning at 3rd level when you take this archetype, you have a climbing speed equal to your normal speed, and climbing doesn't cost extra movement or require a skill check.

Eagle Eye

Your eyes are trained to a degree only experienced snipers can achieve. Beginning at 6th level, you can add twice your proficiency modifier to any Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Your unparalleled awareness of your surroundings allows you to react quickly to enemies entering your line of sight. Beginning at 10th level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to enter Overwatch until your next turn. While in Overwatch, you can use your reaction to make a firearm attack against an enemy within your weapon's range that enters your line of sight after being hidden from you.



The thrill of bringing down your enemies provides you with a surge of mental clarity. Beginning at 14th level, whenever you reduce a creature to zero hit points, you regain one use of your Focus.


Tinkers, more than any other gunsmiths, prioritize the value of invention and creativity. While a Sharpshooter aims to inflict damage with surgical precision, a Commander stands at the front lines taking heavy fire, and a Gunslinger runs into the fray to fire off a rapid salvo of bullets, the Tinker feels at home in a workshop among tools and inventions.


Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your mind has a greater capacity for invention. You have access to an expanded list of Innovations (see list below) and can choose one additional Innovation immediately. You gain additional Innovations again at 10th and 18th levels.


As a Tinker, you possess broad knowledge from all subjects. Beginning at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two additional artisan's tools of your choice and learn one additional language.


At 6th level, each time you take a long rest, you can switch out one of your Innovations for another, losing all products of the previous Innovation.

If your new Innovation causes an effect or produces something during a long rest, you do not gain it until the next long rest. If you lose an Innovation that is a prerequisite to another, you lose that Innovation as well.

Superior Focus

By 10th level, your sharp wit and keen knowledge allows you to strike with unerring precision. The bonus to attack rolls granted by your Focus increases to become equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Reliable Repair

Beginning at 14th level, whenever you successfully repair your firearm during a short rest or through the use of your Quick Fix feature, you can return two dice, rather than one, to your pool.


Though it composes a great portion of their prowess, a gunsmith is more than just their firearm. As a rule, they possess an unparalleled capacity for invention and creativity. These inventions are made manifest in Innovations, which represent technological creations as well as improvements in technique and skill. The Innovations available to you are listed here in alphabetical order, with the exception of closely related Innovations, which are placed adjacent to each other.

Improved Receiver

Prerequisite: 5th level

You improve the basic design of your firearm, increasing the size of the dice used in your Firearm pool. This affects your repair DC as shown in the table below. You can take this Innovation multiple times; each time, you move one more row down the column.

Times this Innovation Taken Die Repair DC
0 (default) d6 16
1 d8 18
2 d10 20
3 d12 22


Prerequisite: Tinker

You can cast identify and one other 1st-level ritual spell you choose from the Wizard list as rituals without using material components. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Alchemist's Glue

You have one vial of a superstrong fastening paste which you can refill every long rest. One vial of the glue bonds any two objects weighing up to 100 pounds each, and the objects can only be separated by a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check or magical means. Because of their many complex moving parts, this solution has no effect on firearms.

Alchemist's Grease

You have one vial of slippery grease which you can refill every long rest. One vial of grease can be spread in a total area of 100 square feet (four squares or hexes). The covered area becomes difficult terrain and any creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. After 1 minute outside its vial, the grease dries up and disappears.

Healing Salve

You have one vial of healing solution which you can refill every short rest. A creature that drinks the salve as a bonus action regains 1d4 + 4 hit points. The salve has no effect on constructs or undead.

Truth Serum

Prerequisite: Tinker, proficiency in Alchemist's Supplies

You have one vial of a solution that forces its users to speak the truth, which you can refill every long rest. A creature that drinks every drop of the vial must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be unable to tell a deliberate lie for one minute.


Prerequisite: Tinker; proficiency in Alchemist's Supplies; Alchemist's Glue, Alchemist's Grease, Healing Salve, or Truth Serum

You specialize in the creation of alchemical solutions, improving their formulae and the rate at which you can fabricate them. All Innovations you have that are listed in the Prerequisites above gain the following features:

  • You can create a number of vials of each solution equal to your Intelligence modifier when you take a long rest.
  • The DC of each effect requiring a saving throw or skill check increases by 2.


Incompatible with Blunderbuss.

Your firearm becomes two-handed and its range changes to 120/240.


You affix a shortened melee weapon of your choice to the end of your firearm. With this bayonet, you can make a single Strength or Dexterity-based melee weapon attack as a bonus action. The bayonet, which you are proficient with, has a 5-foot reach and deals 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. This damage increases to 1d8 if your firearm has the two-handed property.


Incompatible with Rifle.

Your firearm becomes two-handed, its range changes to a 15-foot cone, and its firing mode changes: Rather than you making an attack roll, all creatures in the firing cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw versus your Gunplay DC or take the damage of your dice pool. On a successful save, creatures take no damage. Creatures targeted by your Focus have disadvantage on this saving throw.

Improved Blunderbuss

Prerequisite: Blunderbuss.

Creatures who succeed their saving throws against your blunderbuss take half damage, and any creature that rolls a natural 1 on their saving throw takes double damage.

Narrowed Blunderbuss

Prerequisite: Blunderbuss.

The firing mode of your blunderbuss changes to a 30-foot line.

Concussive Chamber

Incompatible with Suppressor

Whenever you fire your weapon, all creatures within 20 feet must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 thunder damage and become deafened for one minute. When you take this Innovation, you can create three sets of ear protection. Creatures who wear the protection automatically succeed their saving throws against this effect.

The damage dealt by this Innovation increases along with the increase granted by the Improved Receiver Innovation, so the damage die is always the same as your firearm’s.

Favored Target

Choose one creature type (such as ooze, construct, or plant) or two types of humanoids (such as dwarves and orcs, or gnolls and half-elves). While one such creature is the target of your Focus, you can add your Intelligence modifier to damage rolls on that target.


Prerequisite: Tinker archetype

Your normal speed increases by 5, and you fall half as fast, becoming immune to falling damage.



Prerequisite: 9th level

You attach a compact flamethrower to the barrel of your firearm. With it, you can use a bonus action on your turn to let out a puff of flame, forcing all creatures in a 10-foot line to succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 fire damage, taking half as much damage on a success. Alternatively, you can use your action to hold a sustained burst of fire, engulfing a 15-foot cone in flame until your next turn. All creatures who enter the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 fire damage, taking half damage on a success.


Prerequisite: Tinker archetype

You create a flaregun, a ranged weapon with the Loading and Ammunition properties and a range of 30/60. On a hit, the weapon deals 1d6 fire damage and burns brightly, granting advantage on attack rolls against the target for 1 minute. The flare is intended to be launched into the sky, where it is bright enough to signal allies within 15 miles during the daytime, or 25 miles during the night. You can create 1 flare each long rest.


You have two flashbombs which you can recreate during a long rest. The bombs have a range of 30 feet. When they are thrown as an action, all creatures within 40 feet who can see the bomb must either use their reaction to shield their eyes or make a Constitution saving throw versus your Gunplay DC (the thrower of the bomb averts their eyes as part of the action). On a failed save, they take 1d4 radiant damage and are blinded for one round. On a successful saving throw, creatures are unaffected.


You have two powderbombs which you can recreate during a long rest. The bombs have a range of 30 feet. When they are thrown as an action, all creatures within a 10 foot radius of the bomb must make a Dexterity saving throw versus your Gunplay DC or take 3d6 fire damage, taking half as much on a successful save.


You have two smokebombs which you can recreate during a long rest. The bombs have a range of 20 feet. When they are thrown as an action, a cloud of smoke billows out of them in a 10-foot radius. The smoke blocks visibility, and any creatures within the smoke are heavily obscured from those outside of it. The smoke is dispelled after 1 minute or by a strong wind.


You have two thunderbombs which you can recreate during a long rest. The bombs have a range of 30 feet. When they are thrown as an action, all creatures within 30 feet who can hear the bomb must either use their reaction to cover their ears a Constitution saving throw versus your Gunplay DC. On a failed saving throw, they take 1d8 thunder damage and are deafened for one minute. On a success, creatures are unaffected.


Prerequisite: Powderbomb, Flashbomb, Thunderbomb, or Smokebomb

You specialize in the production of handheld bombs, improving their designs and your technique for throwing them. All Innovations listed in the Prerequisites above gain the following features:

  • Throwing range is increased to 60 feet.
  • All bombs can be thrown as a bonus action.
  • You can craft a number of each bomb equal to your Intelligence modifier when you take a long rest.

Firearm Master

Prerequisite: 5th level

Whenever you hit with your firearm, you can choose to reroll the damage roll once, and you must use the new result.


Prerequisite: Tinker archetype

You fashion a grapplegun, a ranged weapon with the Loading property and a range of 30/60. On a hit, the weapon deals 1d6 piercing damage and the hook is lodged in your target. If your target is a creature, you can then make opposing Strength (Athletics) checks with your target. If you succeed, the target is pulled 10 feet closer towards you, and if the target succeeds, the hook is removed.

If your target is an object less than 20 pounds not being worn or carried, you can pull it 20 feet closer to you. If your target is an anchored object or surface, such as a wall, you can make a DC 15 Athletics check to pull yourself 20 feet closer to it.

Mechanical Armor

Prerequisite: Tinker archetype; proficiency in Smith's Tools

You smith a set of mechanically-enhanced armor. This armor, which you are proficient in, is equivalent to a set of plate armor without the Strength requirement. While you wear it, your Strength score increases by 2.

Melee Training

You gain proficiency with martial weapons. In addition, you can add your Focus bonus to any melee attack rolls you make against the target of your Focus.

Piercing Rounds

Your firearm bypasses resistance to its damage type, and immunity to its damage type is treated as resistance. If you take this Innovation a second time, immunity is

Point Blank

You have advantage on firearm attacks versus targets within 5 feet of you. If you're using the Blunderbuss Innovation, targets within 5 feet have disadvantage on their saving throw.

Repulsive Shots

Any creature you hit with your firearm attack is pushed 10 feet in a straight line away from you, being stopped if they encounter a solid object or other creature. In addition, if you score a critical hit on a creature, you can cause them to fall prone.

Shielded Barrel

Prerequisite: Blunderbuss or Rifle.

You gain a +2 bonus to AC while wielding your firearm.

Stopping Power

Any creature you hit with a firearm attack has their speed halved until the end of their next turn. In addition, if you score a critical hit on a creature, you can cause them to fall prone.


Your firearm is quieted to the point that only those within 10 feet of you can hear your shots, and creatures hit by your attacks no longer automatically discover you. Instead, you can make a Dexterity (Stealth) check contested by their Wisdom (Perception) check. If you succeed, you remain hidden.

Telescopic Sight

You can use a bonus action on your turn to look through a a magnifying sight, canceling out any single instance of disadvantage on an attack roll with your firearm. In addition, you can make out small details from a distance while looking through the sight, and have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight while you do so.

Tiny Servant

Prerequisite: Tinker archetype, proficiency with Smith's Tools

You engineer a tiny construct that takes any shape you wish, and has the statistics of the construct created by the Tiny Servant spell. As a bonus action, you can command the construct to perform a general or specific action if it is within 120 feet of you. This construct can be repaired to its full hit points during a long rest. If it is destroyed, you must expend 30 gold worth of metal and tiny gears to recreate it.

Tiny Servant

Tiny construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 10 (4d4)
  • Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

4 (-3) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 2 (-4) 10 (0) 1 (-5)

  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
  • Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10
  • Languages


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Mechanical Beast

Prerequisites: Tinker; Tiny Servant; 5th level

You improve the design of your mechanical ally. This construct takes the place of the prerequisite Tiny servant and has the statistics of any beast with a CR of 1/4 of or lower, with the following changes:

  • It is a construct.
  • Its size is Small.
  • It inherits the Armor Class, Damage Immunities, Condition Immunities, and Senses from the Tiny Servant.
  • If it has a Multiattack feature, it loses it.

Clockwork Companion

Prerequisites: Tinker; Tiny Servant; Mechanical Beast; 9th level

You perfect the design of your mechanical ally. This construct takes the place of the prerequisite Mechanical Beast and has the statistics of any humanoid with a CR of 2 or lower, with the following changes:

  • It is a construct.
  • Its size is Medium.
  • It inherits the Armor Class, Damage Immunities, Condition Immunities, and Senses from the Tiny Servant.
  • It can speak Common and one additional language of your choice.
  • If it has the Multiattack or Spellcasting features, it loses them.
  • It has a personality you choose.
  • It has an ability score array of 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 5. These scores can be assigned as you choose.
  • It is proficient in two skills of your choice, using your proficiency modifier.
  • You or the DM can choose to roleplay the construct.
Created by
  • Thompson "Ynders" Moser
Art Credit

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