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Cataclysm's Trigger

requires attunement

A strange weapon, similar to a crossbow but with a unique ammunition and blasting mechanism. You can use your action to plant a Wyvernblast, a small mine that detonates if a creature steps on it, dealing 2d6 fire damage.

Properties: Ammunition (300/500), two-handed

Damage: 1d8 piercing

Catastrophe's Light

requires attunement

A strange glaive accompanied by a giant insect. You can use your bonus action to mark a creature, which is then attacked by the insect at the end of your turn. The insect deals 1d8 slashing damage. This weapon has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Properties: Finesse, reach, two-handed

Damage: 2d6 slashing


Decimation Claws

requires attunement

Bladed gauntlets that give off a dangerous energy. When you take the Attack action, you can attack with both gauntlets. You can also use your bonus action to enter a demonic frenzy. For one minute, when you attack a creature, you can also attack a second creature within 5 feet. Once you enter the frenzy, doing so again before taking a long rest inflicts two levels of exhaustion.

Properties: Finesse, light

Damage: 1d6 slashing

Desolation's Overture

requires attunement

A spiked hammer that resembles a drum, this weapon can produce a powerful magical music. You can use your action to play the Overture, allowing one ally within 30 feet to roll 1d12 and add the number rolled to their next attack roll.

Properties: Heavy, two-handed

Damage: 1d12 bludgeoning

Destruction's Fusillade

requires attunement

A weapon visually similar to a crossbow, but with explosive ammunition. As an action, you can load a special ammunition known as Wyvernheart into the Fusillade. When you make a weapon attack with the Fusillade while the Wyvernheart ammunition is loaded, it automatically succeeds. The target and any creature within 5 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 14. On a successful save, the target takes half damage, and any other creature takes no damage. On a failed save, the target takes full damage, and nearby creatures take half damage.

Properties: Ammunition (400/500), heavy, loading, two-handed

Damage: 1d12 piercing

Devastation's Thorns

requires attunement

A blade that resembles a brush, and a shield with sharpened edges, these items cannot be separated. The sword locks into the shield, and if one is more than 5 feet from the other, the sword will teleport into place in the shield. You can use a bonus action to lock the sword into the shield and extend it, transforming it into a greataxe. You can use another bonus action to separate it. The shield has a +1 bonus to AC in addition to its normal bonus to AC.

Properties (Sword and Shield): None

Damage (Sword and Shield): 1d8 slashing

Properties (Axe): Heavy, two-handed

Damage (Axe): 1d12 slashing


Doom's Shaft

requires attunement

A bow with massive thorns resembling teeth, through which the arrows are fired. When making an attack roll with this bow, you can choose to hold the arrow instead of firing it. On your next turn, if your target has not moved more than 5 feet in any direction, your attack roll automatically hits and is considered a critical hit. Once you do this, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Properties: Ammunition (250/400), heavy, two-handed

Damage: 1d10 piercing

Dying Light

requires attunement

This powerful weapon resembles a greataxe in its normal mode, but can transform into a powerful greatsword with a bonus action. While it is in axe form, the weapon has +3 to attack rolls. While it is in sword form, the weapon has +3 to damage rolls.

Properties: Heavy, two-handed

Damage (Axe): 1d12 slashing

Damage (Sword): 2d6 slashing

Eradication Flame

requires attunement

A unique lance accompanied by a powerful shield, the Eradication Flame has two options when you take the Attack action. You can strike with the lance, or unleash a powerful shelling blast. You can shell three times before requiring an action to reload the lance. The shield has a +2 bonus to AC in addition to its normal bonus to AC.

Properties: Heavy

Damage (Lance): 1d10 piercing

Damage (Shell): 2d8 fire

Eradication Vanguard

requires attunement

An axe and shield decorated with spikes, the Eradication Vanguard allows you to take the Use an Object action without stowing or dropping the axe or shield.

Properties: None

Damage: 1d6 slashing


Extermination's Edge

requires attunement

This extremely long blade has jagged spikes along its edge and radiates power. When you deal damage with this blade, it bolsters your spirit. If you deal damage five times within one minute, it gains +1 to attack and damage rolls.

Properties: Finesse, two-handed

Damage: 1d10 slashing

Obliteration's Footfall

requires attunement

This oversized hammer is difficult for any but the strongest to wield. It requires 18 Strength to wield. When wielding, you can choose to use your bonus action to charge the hammer. For one minute, the hammer has +1 to damage rolls.

Properties: Heavy, two-handed

Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning

Perdition's Hand

requires attunement

A fearsome lance accompanied by an exceptional shield. The shield has a +2 bonus to its AC, in addition to the normal bonus to AC. When you attack with the lance, you can choose to charge, moving in a straight line up to your total speed and making a weapon attack against any creature in your path with disadvantage. Additionally, these attacks only deal half the normal damage.

Properties: Heavy

Damage: 1d12 piercing


Purgation's Atrocity

requires attunement

This monstrous axe requires great strength to wield. It requires 16 Strength to use. While it can be used to attack normally, its wielder can also store strength inside the blade, investing their time and power into a much more powerful strike. When you take the Attack action, you can use your bonus action to withhold your attack, and instead charge the blade. You can charge the blade twice. Each level of charge increases the damage of the blade. You cannot move without swinging the sword, and therefore releasing the charge.

Properties: Heavy, two-handed

Damage (Normal): 1d10 slashing

Damage (Charged 1): 2d8 slashing

Damage (Charged 2): 3d6 slashing