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Arondight, The Unfading Light Of The Lake

A Light that shines from the lake. A creature standing, meditating on the surface of the water, waiting for the "perfect knight" to appear before her to share her ideals and happiness with. Those who have met this Celestial woman and gained her trust will feel fulfilled with this strange but fateful encounter. To the average man it would seem quite a bizarre encounter, however there is a purpose to these encounters for the Celestial, for she seeks a worthy soul, a vessel in other words, to carry out her ideals to those who would ruin the beauty of a peaceful world. Only one such person can gain the Celestials true love and ideals for the world. That one person, preferably a knight of some form, will be blessed and rewarded with a sword forged alongside an even migthier sword, by the beings "above". A golden and white sword, its crossguard is forged with gold. A cross emblazoned onto the golden crossguard and fuller that seems to be perfectly merged, and above the cross, a script that glows royal blue that describe the swords current legacy and an unreadable chant. The grip wrapped in royal blue with gold stitchings, and the construction of the blade ends with a golden spiked pommel. This sword is a perfect representation of the peacefulness and ferociousness of water. This sword is to become an extension of a proud knights honor or a proud adventurer's best friend. When the name of this sword is heard, a calm occurs before a mighty storm. When the chant is discovered, an ever-glowing light shall shine the user's darkest hour. It is a sword of radiant good. It is the sword of the lake. This is Arondight.


  • Weapon: +1 Greatsword, Legendary, considered magical, Requires attunement.

Arondight is a Weapon of Legacy with abilities that can be unlocked as its wielder completes certain tasks. Arondight has a Minor Legacy, a Moderate Legacy, and a Greater Legacy. The Minor Legacy must be completed before the Moderate, and the Moderate before the Greater if the wielder is to unlock Arondight's full potential.

Minor Legacy

The proud user sets off to explore the world to protect an everlasting or everfading peace while still contemplating about their conflicting feelings for such a heavy responsibility. Upon searching to get their feelings sorted out, enemies will try to oppose the user and their job. If the user helps to defeat an opposing creature who visibly disrupts the peace, without a shadow of a doubt, of a challenge rating of CR7 or higher, the user will not only find a new found courage to fight for peace, Arondight will start acending towards new heights.

  • As long as the sword is on the user's person, Arondight will bestow the user the ability to walk on liquid surfaces as if it were a solid surface. The sword also grants the user the ability to breath underwater and a swim speed equal to their movement speed.

Moderate Legacy

With an ideal in tow, the user sets of with his allies to new lands and cultures to distribute or enforce the peace. Eventually however, your actions will lead you to dark and foreign lands that the concept of peace can no longer reach. While in these lands of dark or unholy lands, if the user helps to eliminate an opposing group that plan to invade peaceful and civilized lands on the material plane with a challenge rating of 13 or higher, Arondight shall start releasing it's chains in reaction to the users accomplishments and realizations.

  • Arondight becomes a +2 Greatsword and grants the user resistance to slashing damage. Once per turn, when you score a critical hit with Arondight, you can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with Arondight.

Greater Legacy

After many ordeals,conflict after conflict for the sake of a Celestial's ideals, the user is backed up against a corner. The user questions wether or not he may have stepped into a boundry that he/she shouldnt have with no way back. However, when things seem at their worst, the light of the lake will glow ever brighter in the user's darkest hour. The user must find and defeat his "Alter-self"of a CR of 20 or higher, with or without the help of his/her allies. By successfully slaying the doubts and sorrow of the Alter in battle, the user has finally reached their conclusion, and in realization Arondight's Chant becomes readable to the user and Arondight true radiance can finally be reached, Ascending to become the Exalted Arondight.

  • Exalted Arondight becomes a +3 Greatsword and Arondight bestows the user access to the very soul of the weapon, Unfading Limiter: Overflowing Arondight.

Unfading Limiter: Overflowing Arondight

Once During battle, the user can use their bonus action to concentrate and chant Exalted Arondight's script to unseal the swords true potential. Exalted Arondight bestows the user additional bonus features for 1 hour:

  • A critical of 18-20.
  • Once per turn, if you roll a 15 or lower on an attack roll, or a critical failure, you can re roll the attack.
  • Advantage on athletics and acrobatics checks.

Additionally, upon sucessfully releasing the swords limiter, the user can use their action within 5 feet of a creature to unleash Exalted Arondight's true blade, a shining bright blue light called Overflowing Strike.

When a creature is struck by Overflowing Strike, the creature must make a constitution saving throw against Arondight's save DC of 18. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d10 radiant damage + Arondight's damage die, and for one round players have advantage when making a weapon or ranged attack against the creature. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and players do not get advantage on weapon attacks against the creature.

  • Overflowing Strike can only be used once per long rest.
  • You can only use Unfading Limiter: Overflowing Arondight once per long rest.

Arondight's Chant

"Reaching out to the farthest end. Crossing beyond our boundaries. O distant King on the far side, witness this light!"

"Overflow, Arondight!"

Creators Notes

CR and Progression of a Legacy Weapon is completely modifiable by the DM if he or she so desires for the purpose of not derailing their campaign.

  • Zekus720