The Outlaw

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The Outlaw

The Outlaw
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Confidence... Points Die
1st +2 Confidence Maneuvers, Surefooted 2 d4
2nd +2 Fighting Style 3 d4
3rd +2 Confidence Archetype 4 d4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 d4
5th +3 Extra Attack 6 d6
6th +3 Witty Repartee 7 d6
7th +3 Confidence Archetype Feature 8 d6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 9 d6
9th +4 Invulnerable Confidence 10 d8
10th +4 11 d8
11th +4 Stylish Flourish 12 d8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 13 d8
13th +5 Confidence Archetype Feature 14 d10
14th +5 Braggadocio 15 d10
15th +5 16 d10
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 17 d10
17th +6 Confidence Archetype Feature 18 d12
18th +6 Masterful Maneuvers 19 d12
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 20 d12
20th +6 Unflinching Bravado 20 d12


A masked elf creeps along the manor walls to rescue her love, trapped inside by a dastardly baron. The moment she's noticed, she flings herself onto the banister and slides down, taking out the baron's guards along the way. She lands with grace - her one-liner falling onto deaf ears as her enemies lay lifeless at her feet.

A pirate climbs above wind-filled sails, his grip stable on the mast as his sword whizzes through the air, cutting down his opponents, who fail in their pursuit of him. With his other hand, he lets off a shot from his hand crossbow, taking out the enemy approaching from the ropes.

A quick stepping dwarf laughs gregariously in the middle of the bar fight, swinging off of a wooden chandelier with one hand as she cuts down those below with her handaxe.

Outlaws are daring adventurers who live on the fringes of society. They combine their grandstanding courage, and aptitude with weapons to set themselves apart from other combatants. Outlaws may be boastful, but are also more than willing to prove that their grand claims are rooted in reality.

Unconventional Heroes

Whether good or evil, outlaws have a drive to fight for something. A name, a cause, justice, personal enjoyment, whatever it may be it feeds their desire for attention and thirst for violence.

Occasionally outlaws develop their own code of ethics - defining a new, fitting structure to abide by. Perhaps they believe that wealth is meant to be shared, and that the rich have too much; or that the guards of the realm do little to protect peasantry from threats, and that vigilante justice has been called upon. Belief in law or chaos aside, it's clear that the outlaw does not cease their path for anyone.

Many outlaws have experienced some kind of large shift in their past that lead them to the outskirts of society. They might have been framed for a high crime, perhaps someone they love was done wrong by someone in power, or they were taken for all they had. They may keep this sordid backstory a secret, but it drives them to follow their path, and defines them apart from their simpler bandit counterparts.

Center of Attention

Charismatic souls and performative combatants, outlaws bask in attention, and may find it quite the task to share in the limelight. Outlaws see every combat as a performance, and rarely shy away from dangerous acts so long as someone is watching them take the risk.

Many tales that bards tell of the "renegade hero" are about outlaws, for their stories easily inspire all those who hear them - filled with romance, intrigue, and action.


If you need to make an outlaw quickly, follow these recommendations. First, make Charisma your highest ability score. Then choose Strength if you plan to take the Dread Pirate archetype, and Dexterity otherwise. Then, choose the Folk Hero background.

Creating an Outlaw

As you develop your outlaw, consider what occurrence in their past drove them to shirk normalcy. Did they suffer an injustice, see their fellows downtrodden by the upper crust, or simply read a romantic novel and fall for the heroics?

Additionally, consider the kind of martial training you may have pursued, or who you may have learned your skills from. Were you a soldier, who has since been discharged from service? A duelist who has grown bored of constrained city life? A member of a theives' guild who learned nimble tricks, but who was never able to stay out of sight?

Recall what brought your character into the world and styles of the outlaw, and use that to drive the archetype and maneuvers that they pick up along the way.

Class Features

As an Outlaw, you gain the following features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Outlaw level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Outlaw level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: All simple weapons, hand crossbows, rapiers, shortswords, pistols*
  • Tools: Choose one tool from: Navigator's Tools, Thieves' Tools, or a Gaming Set of your choice.

  • Saving Throws: Charisma and Dexterity
  • Skills: Choose three from: Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
Gunpowder and Lead

Before selecting a pistol for starting equipment, or noting a proficiency in pistols, ensure that your DM has approved the use of firearms in this campaign. If you use pistols, use the firearms rules presented in Chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) two daggers or (b) any simple melee weapon
  • (a) a hand crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) a pistol with 10 bullets*
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a mariner's pack
  • (a) navigator's tools (b) thieves' tools or (c) one gaming set
  • Leather armor and a rapier

Alternatively, you may choose to take 4d4x10 (or 90) GP and purchase your own equipment from Chapter 5 (Equipment) of the Player's Handbook.

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Confidence Maneuvers

At 1st level you have a flair for the dramatic that drives performance in combat, as confidence maneuvers. The power of these maneuvers is represented by a number of confidence points you have, determined by your outlaw level as shown in the Confidence Points column of the Outlaw table. You can spend these points to fuel a variety of features in this class.

At this level you know two of these maneuvers: Artful Swordplay, and Distracting Barb. You learn more confidence features as you gain levels in this class.

When you spend a confidence point, it becomes unavailable until you take a short or long rest. When you take a short rest you may spend 10 minutes gathering your courage. If you do, your confidence points are restored.

Some of your confidence features mention your confidence die. At this level, your confidence die is a d4, but increases as you gain levels in this class as shown in the Confidence Die column of the Outlaw table.

Some of your confidence maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier

Maneuvers Known

You know the following maneuvers at 1st level.

Arful Swordplay. When you are unarmored or lightly armored, and you make an attack with a weapon you are proficient in, you may expend 1 confidence point to make an attack as a bonus action with that weapon. If you do, you use your Charisma modifier in place of Strength or Dexterity on your attack and damage rolls for the attack, and you add your confidence die to the damage of this attack.

Distracting Barb. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you may expend 1 confidence point to distract that creature. If the target can hear you, whether or not it understands you, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save the first attack roll before the start of your next turn made against the target by an attacker other than you has advantage.

Maneuvers at Higher Levels

Once when you reach 2nd level, and again at levels 6 and 10 you may choose one of the following maneuvers to add to your known maneuvers. Anytime you gain a level in this class you may choose to replace one of these maneuvers you know with another maneuver from this list.

Acrobat's Riposte. When a creature that you can see misses you with an attack roll you may expend 1 confidence point as a reaction to make a weapon attack against that creature.

Disarming Swipe. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you may expend 1 confidence point to disarm the target. The target must make a Strength saving throw, dropping an object you choose on a failed save. As a bonus action you may expend additional confidence points to knock the dropped item away. For every additional confidence point you spend in this way, you may move the object 5ft. in a line of your choice.

Duelist's Parry. When you are hit by a creature you can see with a melee attack you may spend 1 confidence point as a reaction to reduce the damage you would take by an amount equal to your confidence die + your Charisma modifier. You may spend additional confidence points to repeat this effect, once for each confidence point spent. You may only add your modifier once. If you reduce the damage to 0 in this way, you may make a melee attack against the creature.

Fast-Footed Feint. You may spend 1 confidence point to feint, taking the Dodge action as a bonus action.

Sleek Trip. When you use your movement to travel within 5ft. of a number of creatures not exceeding your Charisma modifier, you may spend 1 confidence point to knock all creatures you pass prone as a bonus action. If the creature is of Large or smaller size it must make a Dexterity saving throw or else be knocked prone. A creature of Huge or larger size automatically succeeds on this saving throw. A creature who fails this saving throw cannot make an opportunity attack against you this turn.


At 1st level you know that the foundation for a good fight is having confidence in where you put your feet. You have an unarmored AC that is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Additionally, you may choose to expend 1 confidence point on your turn to take the Disengage action as a bonus action.

Starting at 5th level your well-placed steps make obstacles a breeze. You ignore difficult terrain. When you reach 10th level, you become quickfooted. You may add double your proficiency modifier when you make a Dexterity saving throw. At 15th level you have achieved perfect form, and cannot be knocked prone.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Confidence Archetype

At 3rd level you have honed your maneuvers and fighting flourishes to your tastes and personality, and now choose an archetype that best emulates your reputation. Choose from the options detailed at the end of this class description. The archetype you choose will grant you features at 3rd level, as well as at 7th, 12th, and 17th levels.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Witty Repartee

At 6th level you have honed your charm to a razor sharp point. When you succeed on a Persuasion or Deception ability check outside of combat, the subject is considered Charmed by you for 1 minute. While charmed by you, the creature views you as a friendly acquaintance. This condition ends if your or your allies do anything harmful to it.

Invulnerable Confidence

At 9th level your force of personality has no equal. Whenever you make a Charisma saving throw, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Stylish Flourish

Starting at 11th level you have personalized your fighting style, enhancing it with a most fitting maneuver. You gain one of the following features, based on the fighting style chosen at 2nd level. If you have more than one fighting style, you may choose one option for a fighting style you know.

Fighting Style Maneuver
Archery Quick Load
Dueling Duelist's Decorum
Two-Weapon... Backhanded Jab

Backhanded Jab. Whenever you make a bonus action attack with an offhand weapon you are proficient in you may add your confidence die to your attack roll. In addition, you may choose to expend 1 confidence point to add a confidence die to the damage of this attack.

Duelist's Decorum. Whenever you hit with a melee weapon attack and there are no other creatures within 5ft. of you or your target you may add your Charisma modifier to the damage, in addition to your normal modifier. Also, you may choose to expend 1 confidence point to make an additional attack against that creature as a bonus action.

Quick Load. Whenever you take the Attack action with a weapon that has the loading property you ignore the loading property on that weapon until the end of your turn. Additionally, when you use a ranged weapon at its long range you may expend 1 confidence point to negate the disadvantage for attacking at long range.


At 14th level you have shown the ability to slough off your failures, and come up on top. Whenever you fail a saving throw you may choose to expend 1 confidence point in order to reroll it and take the second result.

Masterful Maneuver

At 18th level you have become so skilled in your craft, that your confidence truly speaks for your abilities. You have learned one masterful maneuver, which is an improvement over your standard fare. You may choose one of the following maneuvers you know: Distracting Barb, Disarming Swipe, or Sleek Trip. You may change which masterful maneuver you know when you gain a level in this class, as long as you know the original maneuver.

Your masterful maneuvers are much more difficult to evade. The saving throw DC for your masterful maneuvers is calculated as follows:

Masterful Maneuver save DC = 10 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

In addition, when a creature fails a saving throw against the effects of your chosen masterful maneuver you may deal Psychic damage equal to your confidence die plus your Charisma modifier.

Unflinching Bravado

When you reach 20th level in this class your confidence never wavers, not even when all hope appears to be lost. Your Charisma score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24. Additionally, when you roll initiative and have no confidence points available you immediately regain a number of confidence points equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Confidence Archetypes

Outlaws have many features in common, but subtle differences in how they apply their stylish arts in battle. The four confidence archetypes offered show the different ways that the Outlaw can thrive. These options are: the Dread Pirate, the Highwayman, the Musketeer, and the Pimpernel.

Dread Pirate

Dread pirates fearlessly fight out in the open: On the high seas aboard a fast-moving vessel, in a tavern between thick crowds, or even on the streets and rooftops of the city. Dread pirates do not hide themselves, they do not balk at their reputation, instead standing by their questionable title with pride. The dread pirate strikes fear, or wonder, into the hearts of those who hear of their deeds - and usually distaste on the tongue of those standing for law and order.

3 Captain's Aptitude, Dishonest Maneuvers
7 Dreadful Movement
13 Elusive
17 Fearsome Reputation

Captain's Aptitude

Starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill if you did not already have it, and in Waterborne vehicles. In addition, when you make an attack with an Improvised Weapon you are considered proficient with it, and you use your confidence die in place of the normal damage die for the improvised weapon.

Dishonest Maneuvers

When you select this archetype at 3rd level you learn additional maneuvers that may not be permitted in a fair man's fight - but you have no qualms over using every tool at your disposal. At this level you learn two of the following maneuvers, and you learn 1 additional maneuver at level 8, and again at level 15. The maneuvers from this feature do not count against your maneuvers known. Anytime you gain a level in this class you may choose to replace one dishonest maneuver you know with another maneuver from this list.

When you gain the Masterful Maneuver feature in the outlaw class you may choose: blinding sand, deft tug, goading wit, improviser's grit, or underhanded feint instead of the ones presented in the outlaw class description.

Blinding Sand. When you are within 5ft. of a creature you may expend 1 confidence point as a bonus action to attempt to blind your opponent with sand, dirt, or a similar grainy substance you have on hand. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or else be Blinded until the end of their next turn. You may expend additional confidence points to extend the duration of this effect. For every 2 confidence points spent in this way, the duration increases by 1 round.

Deft Tug. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack you may expend 1 confidence point to force your target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save you may roll a confidence die. The target takes Piercing damage equal to the result, and is Grappled by you.

Goading Wit. As a bonus action on your turn you may expend 1 confidence point to throw an insulting barb at a target who can see, and hear you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save the creature is Charmed by you until the end of its next turn. A Charmed creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to perform any action other than the Attack action targeting you. On a failed save it loses its action. You may expend additional confidence points to extend the duration of this effect. For every 2 confidence points spent in this way, the duration increases by 1 round.

Grappler's Lock. When you attempt to Grapple a target you may choose to expend 1 confidence point in order to add your confidence die to your Strength (Athletics) check. Additionally you may expend 1 confidence point when contesting a grapple as a reaction, or to escape a grapple as an action on your turn. When you do, you may add your confidence die to your Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) ability check.

Improviser's Grit. When you attack with an improvised weapon you may expend 1 confidence point to appear monstrously intimidating. If you do, you may replace your Strength or Dexterity modifier on the attack with your Charisma (Intimidation). On a successful hit the target must make a Wisdom saving throw or else be Frightened by you until the end of its next turn. You may expend additional confidence points to extend the duration of this effect. For every 2 confidence points spent in this way, the duration increases by 1 round.

Underhanded Feint. When you make a weapon attack against a creature you can see you may expend 1 confidence point to hit them where it hurts the most. You may declare use of this feature after you roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll is a success. On a hit, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or else take additional damage equal to your confidence die, and be knocked prone if they are a Medium or smaller creature.

Dreadful Movement

At 7th level you find yourself more easily working around difficult obstacles. You may choose one of the following options.

In the Rigging

You are an excellent climber, even when coping with the rough and unpredictable movement that comes with traveling by land, air, or sea. Your climb speed is equal to your walking speed, and you do not receive disadvantage when attacking or defending for being mid-climb.

In the Waves

You are an impressive swimmer, even in rough waters, and you know that a target that move swiftly in water is a target that is difficult to strike. Your swim speed is equal to your walking speed, and you have a +1 bonus to your AC while in a body of water at least five times your size.


At 13th level you know that your reputation precedes you, which isn't always a good thing. You know you must remain ever vigilant. You gain a +5 bonus to your Passive Perception. In addition, when a creature you can see has advantage on an attack roll against you, you may use your reaction and spend 1 confidence point to negate that advantage.

Fearsome Reputation

When you reach 17th level your name has become known and feared, and you carry yourself in such a way that makes you naturally intimidating. Whenever you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check you may add double your proficiency modifier to the check.

In addition, during the Initiative phase of combat when you are not surprised you may roll a Charisma (Intimidation) check as a free action. All enemies who can see or hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to the result of that ability check, or else be Stunned. A creature who has been Stunned must make this saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending this condition on a success. The DC of this saving throw decreases by 1 at the end of each of your turns.


The thieves and brigands who prey on travelers are known as highwaymen - whether or not they're actually men. Many merchants and nobles may fear highwaymen, recounting stories of them and taking precautions against falling victim to the outlaw's blade. The poor on the other hand speak of highwaymen with reverence, occasionally calling them "the knights of the road."

3 Distant Traveler, Roadster's Maneuvers
7 Highway Mount
13 Honor Among Allies
17 Highway Ambush

Distant Traveler

At 3rd level you gain proficiency in medium armor, land vehicles, and the Handle Animal skill. In addition, while traveling on a mount or using a land vehicle that you control, you and that mount or vehicle can travel twice the distance in the same amount of time with no penalty for exhaustion.

Roadster's Maneuvers

When you select this archetype at 3rd level you learn the maneuvers of the traveling bandits and highway brigands. As this sour lot is rarely ever found alone, many of the roadster's maneuvers rely on, or assist a friendly face. At this level you learn two of the following maneuvers. You learn 1 additional maneuver at level 8, and again at level 15. The maneuvers from this feature do not count against your maneuvers known. Anytime you gain a level in this class you may choose to replace one roadster's maneuver you know with another maneuver from this list.

When you gain the Masterful Maneuver feature in the outlaw class you may choose Pommel Aid instead of the ones presented in the outlaw class description.

Dashing Shot. When you take the Dash action you may expend 1 confidence point to take a bonus action attack against a target that enters your range while moving. You may expend additional confidence points to make a more lethal shot. If you spend 2 additional confidence points in this way you may add your confidence die to the damage of a hit.

Gallows Humor. During a short rest you may spend 1 confidence point to perk up your allies. If you do, roll your confidence die. You and any friendly creatures that can hear and understand you who regain hit points by the end of the short rest, also gain hit points equal to the result of your roll, plus your Charisma modifier.

Inspiring Stance. When you successfully hit a creature with a weapon attack you may expend 1 confidence point to strike a pose as a bonus action. If you do, any ally within 30ft. of you who can see you may add your Charisma modifier to their next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made before the end of your next turn. You may expend additional confidence points to further inspire your allies. For every additional confidence point you spend you may choose one ally that you can see within 30ft. of you who is affected by this maneuver. The chosen target may also roll your confidence die when they use the other benefits of this maneuver.

Point Blank Shot. When you make a ranged attack within 5ft. of hostile creature you may expend 1 confidence point to negate the disadvantage for attacking at close range. You may expend additional confidence points to make a more lethal shot. If you spend 2 additional confidence points in this way you may add your confidence die to the damage of a successful attack.

Pommel Aid. When your movement would bring you within 5ft. of an ally that is the same size as you or larger or your mount, you may expend 1 confidence point to attack a creature within 15ft. of the chosen ally or mount, launching yourself off of them. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, or else you hit with your chosen weapon, dealing additional damage equal to your confidence die. After your attack, you are in a space within 5ft. of the target, and engaged in combat. You may expend additional confidence points to avoid engaging with the enemy. For every 1 confidence point that you spend in this way you may tumble an additional 5ft. away from the target in a straight line.

Sleight Handed Slice. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack you may expend 1 confidence point to make a Sleight of Hand check to pickpocket the target as a free action, contested by the target's Perception check.

Highway Mount

At 7th level, you have become a great threat while riding a mount. While you are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you have advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls against any unmounted creature smaller than your mount.

In addition, through random happenstance, from a commoner you aided, by stealing it, or some other method, you have obtained a reasonable, quality mount for the area your party is traveling in.

Consult with your DM on the best way for you to have obtained your mount, and what kind of mount you have been able to obtain.

Honor Among Allies

At 13th level you have attuned your senses not only to danger at your heels, but encroaching upon your allies. Any ally within 5ft. of you that you can see cannot have an AC lower than your's. In addition, when an ally within 5ft. of you would be hit by an attack you may expend 1 confidence point as a reaction to make a contested attack roll. If you succeed, the attack is negated.

Highway Ambush

When you reach 17th level your blade is at its sharpest, and your skills are nigh unmatched. Once when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack while hidden and not engaged in combat you may expend any number of confidence points to increase the lethality of your attack. For every confidence point spent this way you may roll your confidence die, adding the result to the damage rolled. If this attack would deal damage equal to 1/2 the creature's maximum hit points or greater, the creature is instantly killed. If this attack would not deal at least that much damage, all extra damage is instead negated entirely. You may choose how many confidence points to spend after you roll, but before the DM determines if this feature was a success. Use of this feature is restored on the completion of a long rest.


At one time having served as a dragoon, soldier, or other member of some military or organized band, this outlaw has since come to dissolution with their past for some personal, or political reason - but they have kept their skills honed and ready. With the outlaw's flourishes, these learned skills have become elevated over the typical soldier. Now, the musketeer is an independent fighter with the training of a true professional.

When you choose this archetype, consult with your DM on the inclusion of firearms or explosives. If the world does not contain such technology, use the alternate versions of features provided.

3 Tools of the Soldier, Dragoon's Maneuvers
7 Eagle Eye
13 All for One
17 One for All

Tools of the Soldier

Starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency with Tinker's Tools, explosives, and firearms. Follow the rules for firearms and explosives described in Chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Alternatively, you may gain proficiency in all martial ranged weapons, one martial melee weapon of your choice, and one set of tools of your choice.

Dragoon's Maneuvers

When you select this archetype at 3rd level you have combined your professional training with your more style-centered moves. At this level you learn two of the following maneuvers. You learn 1 additional maneuver at level 8, and again at level 15. The maneuvers from this feature do not count against your maneuvers known. Anytime you gain a level in this class you may choose to replace one dragoon's maneuver you know with another maneuver from this list.

When you gain the Masterful Maneuver feature in the outlaw class you may choose Disarming Shot or Threatening Graze instead of the ones presented in the outlaw class description.

Border Shift. When you make a weapon attack you may expend 1 confidence point to change your equipped weapon with a lightning-fast switch. You may then make an attack as a bonus action with the newly equipped weapon, adding your confidence die to the attack roll.

Commanding Gesture. As a bonus action on your turn you may expend 1 confidence point to give a silent command to an ally who can see you within 60ft.. The chosen ally may immediately take one special action, adding your Charisma modifier to any attack roll or ability check they make. A special action granted by this feature may be used to make one weapon attack, cast one cantrip as if they were a 1st level caster, make an ability check, or take the dash or dodge action.

Disarming Shot. When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack you may expend 1 confidence point to force the target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save you may choose an object the target is holding, which is blown a number of feet away in the direction of your shot equal to 5 times your Charisma modifier. You may expend additional confidence points to make a more lethal shot. If you spend 2 additional confidence points in this way you may add your confidence die to the damage of a successful attack.

Quick Draw. When a creature that you can see at least 10ft. away from you targets you or an ally, you may expend 1 confidence point to make a contested attack roll, negating the attack on a success. You may expend 1 additional confidence point to deal damage on a success. If you spend 2 additional confidence points you may deal damage equal to your confidence die on a success.

Ricochet. When you attack an enemy that has cover and that you know the location of you may expend 1 confidence point. If you do, you may choose one hard object or surface within range of your weapon and make an attack roll using the target's AC without cover. On a hit, you hit the target. If the target has 3/4 cover, you must roll to hit two consecutive hard objects or surfaces, and roll to hit three if the target has full cover. You may expend additional confidence points to decrease the difficulty of the shot. For each confidence point you spend in this way you may remove one attack, to a minimum of one.

Threatening Graze. When you make an attack roll you may expend 1 confidence point to threaten, instead of injure. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or else be Charmed by you until the end of its next turn. Damage dealt by this attack is non-lethal. You may expend additional confidence points to extend the duration of this effect. For every 2 confidence points spent in this way, the duration increases by 1 round.

Eagle Eye

At 7th level you have become a master shot, ignoring the limits of physics. The normal and long ranges of ranged weapons you use are doubled. In addition, when you make a Perception check that relies on sight you may add double your proficiency bonus to the check.

All for One

At 13th level you have mastered yourself and have the true patience of a gunslinger. As an action on your turn you may declare a target that you can see within 60ft. of you your Mark. For 1 minute you gain a bonus on all attack rolls to hit that target, against any saving throws made for effects or spells caused by the target, and on Survival and Perception checks made to find that target. That bonus is equal to your Charisma modifier.

While you have a creature marked you may expend 1 confidence point after hitting it with an attack to add your confidence die to the damage.

This effect ends if the creature dies or becomes unconscious; or if you are charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, stunned, are knocked unconscious. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all uses of this feature when you complete a long rest.

One for All

When you reach 17th level you have learned how best to benefit from those who fight by your side. Whenever you have an ally within 5ft. of you who is not incapacitated you may add your confidence die to your ranged attack and damage rolls. In addition, when you perform the Help action in combat and your ally succeeds on the aided check, you may flip a coin. On a result of heads, you regain 1 confidence point.


The Pimpernel is an outlaw with powerful ideals, and a desire for justice... Or more simply: a desire for anonymity. Idealistic or not, the pimpernel wanders fearless into the maw of danger, protected by their bravado.

The Pimpernel takes on an alter ego to protect themselves and those close to them, and this alter ego is a character that is sure to become known not only to bards - but to the villains of the world. Thankfully, the Pimpernel is a skilled combatant capable of impressive feats, and able to take on many challenges.

3 Alter Ego, Heroic Maneuvers
7 Quick Change
13 Lucky Break
17 Household Name

Alter Ego

Starting at 3rd level you develop a costumed alter ego. All creatures that are not aware of your disguise believe you and your alter ego are two different people, and have disadvantage on any attempts to discern your true identity. In addition, you gain proficiency with the Deception skill if you do not already have it, and the Disguise Kit.

If a nearby creature ever discerns your true identity, you can expend 1 confidence point to make a Deception check that adds your confidence die, forcing the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to your check. If the target fails, they no longer believe that you and your secret identity are one and the same, perhaps thinking they were mistaken in comparing the two of you.

Heroic Maneuvers

When you select this archetype at 3rd level you have embraced the daring-do of the pimpernel's most dramatic actions. At this level you learn two of the following maneuvers. You learn 1 additional maneuver at level 8, and again at level 15. The maneuvers from this feature do not count against your maneuvers known. Anytime you gain a level in this class you may choose to replace one heroic maneuver you know with another maneuver from this list.

When you gain the Masterful Maneuver feature in the outlaw class you may choose Dramatic Entrance instead of the ones presented in the outlaw class description.

The pimpernel can only use these features while disguised as their costumed alter-ego, to preserve their secret identity.

Act of Valor. When you make an Athletics or Acrobatics ability check you may expend 1 confidence point to add your confidence die to the result of that check.

Bounding Strides. When you would high or long jump you may expend 1 confidence point, doubling your normal jump distance and height for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). In addition, if you fall while under the effects of this maneuver you may use your reaction to reduce your falling damage by 10ft. times your Charisma modifier (minimum 10 feet).

Deus Ex Maneuver. When you are hit by an attack you may expend 2 confidence points as a reaction to disengage and move 10ft.. If you do and break line of sight with your movement, you may make a Stealth check to hide.

Dramatic Entrance. When you are hidden you may expend 1 confidence point to make a dramatic entrance as a bonus action. Any foe who can see you must make a Wisdom saving throw or else be charmed by you until the end of their next turn. You may expend additional confidence points to extend the duration of this effect. For every 2 confidence points spent in this way, the duration increases by 1 round.

Heroic Reflexes. When you or an ally within 5ft. of you are attacked and you have already used your reaction this round, you may expend 1 confidence point to roll a d4, referring to the Heroic Reflexes table for the result. You may expend 1 additional confidence point to reroll this result, but must take the new roll.

Masked Emotions. When you make a saving throw against being Frightened, Charmed, or Stunned you may use your reaction to expend 1 confidence point to add your confidence die to the saving throw. You may declare use of this feature after you roll, but before the DM determines whether the saving throw is a success or failure.

Heroic Reflexes
d4 Result
1 The maneuver fails.
2 The attacker has disadvantage.
3 You add your Charisma modifier to the target's AC.
4 You make a contested attack roll with an equipped weapon. This maneuver fails if the attacker is not in range.

Quick Change

When you reach 7th level you are able to swiftly change between your alter ego and secret identity. When you succeed on a Dexterity (Stealth) check made to hide, you may immediately switch between your identities. In addition, any time you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check you may expend 1 confidence point to add your confidence die to the result of the check.

Lucky Break

At 13th level it's become clear to you that luck is just as important as skill - and you're one lucky devil. When you fail an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you may use your reaction to reroll the result, taking the new result. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, recovering all uses on the completion of a long rest.

Household Name

At 17th level your alter-ego has acquired an impressive reputation, and the sight of your heroic form or mere insignia is enough to fill eyes with amazement. Whenever you make a Charisma (Deception) check while as your alter ego you may add double your proficiency modifier.

In addition, during the Initiative phase of combat when you are not surprised as your alter ego, you may roll a Charisma (Deception) check as a free action. All enemies who can see or hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to the result of that ability check, or else be Charmed. A creature charmed by this effect views you as a friendly acquaintance. A creature who has been charmed must make this saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending this condition on a success. This condition ends early if you or your allies harm a creature charmed by this effect. The DC of this saving throw decreases by 1 at the end of each of your turns.

Become the Harlequin Hero

Since the Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle in 1883 and the Scarlet Pimpernel by Emma Orczy in 1905 there has been a certain romance ascribed to those who live outside of society's rules. While you can achieve this through flavor and roleplaying in D&D 5th Edition, there was something 'missing' in all of the recreations I tried to build.

It helps that there are so few martial classes in 5th edition, too.

Now take on the Charisma and daring-do, and go rescue someone from a baron!

Cover Art: Shen Fei

Be the party face.

Perform special combat maneuvers.

Live forever in the stories of bards.

The Outlaw.


Version: 3.1 (04/05/18) Made by MellieDM in the GMBinder.


Art used is placeholder. Credits (in order of appearance):

  • SBraithwaite (DeviantArt)
  • Hawk (ArtStation)
  • Shen Fei (ArtStation)
  • Unknown (???)
  • Patriartis (DeviantArt)
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Randy Vargas (Legend of the Cryptids)

If you know the source of an unknown image, please get in touch with me.

Final art will be purchased or commissioned with full rights prior to publication on the DMsGuild.

Revision Notes
  • Adjusted the regeneration of confidence points.
  • New capstone. Not as underwhelming now.
  • Various small adjustments to maneuvers for balancing. Massive overhaul to Sleek Trip and Commander's Gesture.
  • Surefooted adjusted to include unarmored AC.
  • Stylish Flourish now a full feature (not maneuver) with resource based bonuses.
  • Dread Pirate no longer has choice of land or water vehicle, to avoid stepping on Highwayman toes.
  • General balancing to prevent the class from losing steam by tier 3.

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