### Iokheira, the First Hunter
##### Legendary longbow (requires attunement)
*Image credit: Wraith*
*Crafted by Chislev, goddess of hunt and nature,*
*this bone carved weapon was gifted to the first*
*humans to venture into wilderness.*
*Imbued with divine power, this weapon grows with*
*it's wielder.*
| Level | Weapon bonus | Feature |
| 0 | 0 | This weapon has +3 to damage and hit rolls against beasts. |
| 3 |0| While attuned, once a day you may cast Animal friendship without expending spellslot. |
| 4 |+1| While attuned this weapon grants darkvision(30ft). |
| 6 |+1| While attuned, this weapon gives you advantage on any checks related to tracking. |
| 9 |+2| While attuned, normally hostile beasts will ignore you and allies within 30ft range unless they or their allies are attacked. |
| 14 |+2| Once a day you can fire normal arrow as Arrow of Slaying of the type of your choosing. |