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# About the project...
So I've been a fan of wakfu ever since its first closed beta and even today I keep on playing.
I've recently started playing DnD and I've decided to try and homebrew most of the now 18 classes of wakfu for DnD 5th edition. I'll focus on the kew parts of each of the classes gameplay and feel based off the wakfu animation but especially the wakfu game, and adapt that unique gameplay to DnD. Since the universe of wakfu is so rich, I'll try to make their own lore fit into the DnD universe as well. This way, instead of being actual races like in Wakfu, they would be classes... or sub-classes to be precise. First I intend to Homebrew them as subclasses as much as possible, as I'm kind of a new player and I think it's better to start off slow to understand the balance instead of creating a whole new class from scratch. However, since I want to capture the freedom of the Wakfu animations, alot of these homebrews, even when completed, will have parts that will be homebrewable, as some elements of gameplay may depend on the DM's chosen setting.
I started out with one of my favorites, the masquerader (Zobal in french. I play wakfu in french so i'm gonna use the french names). The Zobal for example, it would be a monk subclass with homebrewable masks.
Once that is done, building the whole wakfu UNIVERSE would be easier since the classes would become the races, so the only touch to add would be the race bonuses and proficiencies (or make them all Human at first).
I'm planning on tackling the Sadida and Sacrieur next (as subclasses).
> OSAMODAS : (Warlock patron pact of the chain exclusive, eldrich invocation of communicate with beast and voie of the chain master are permanent and use up invocation slots, expend action to let familiar capture beast youre fighting. companion can transform at will + tweak spells to get support based ones for summoned beasts and self transformaition through fusion with it. Pact with the beast dragon, through it convince one beastlord to have priviledged ties with you at higher levels, so you have special affinities with it's descendants. in the end you can gain beast dragon like abilities on top of animal support ones.
## Zobal (Monk subclass) description
The Zobal is a monk with a very peculiar spirituality. He is often perceived as strange or even heretic. A Zobal's masks
hold an incredible value on the usual market, but it is nothing compared to the personnal value it can hold for himself .
The Zobal have their own secluded society with a particular lifestyle and culture that revolve around these divine masks .
Since they are so distant from the modern world, they are usually poorly skilled when it comes to social interactions with
outsiders . They often look lost in their thoughts and most people think they suffer of severe psychological anomalies, as
wearing a divine mask doesn't only give strange and incredible power , but also imposes a personality , a psychological
state that comes from the spirit in the mask . This puts incredible strain on the psyche, and it is said that only the
Zobal have the technique and talent necessary to train and wear these masks without being mentally destroyed . Even then ,
not all the Zobal succeed...
Combat plays a huge part in the mastering of the masks . Therefore, it has a key role in the Zobal society . For those who
choose the path of the mask guardian , their combat ability even defines their social status . To them, combat is a
physical dance with their enemy as well as a mental dance with the mask's spirit . When they fight , they fall in a trance
from which some never wake alive . Their sense of justice is their own: they usually have their own personal motives to
come down to the civilised part of the world , explaining their tendency towards the one of the Neutral alignments (usually
Chaotic) .
When fleshing out the background of your Zobal , it would be wise to at least keep the core values of his people intact ,
as well as think of how well known are the Zobal to the people in your DM's universe , how many masks exist, if they are
craftable, how many monasteries exist and what are the social dynamics between them based on it's people's culture.
## The Zobal's religious background
Malar developped feelings for Shiallia as he saw that she loved all beasts kindly, even the lychanthropes. Malar wanted to
take on a beast form to visit her without his ally gargauth knowing. He asks Lurue's help to create such beast so he could
posess it.
Gargauth hears about it and, in Malar's back, tricks Lurue into betraying him, letting Gargauth and Garagos inbue their
aspects in the Malar's vessel.
Malar meets Shialia, she learns about Malar,and they fall deeply in love. One day, the aspects of Gargauth and Garago
s violently take over Malar, and he rapes Shialia. Deeply hurt, she casts him away, and knowing that he couldnt trust
to keep her safe, Malar accepts to leave her and never come back. From this forbidden union, an outrageously powerful godly
beast was born : The Horned Mollu.
It loved Shialia as a mother, and only she could calm it. However, it grew out of Shialia's control, wrecking havoc in
multiple planes of existence. Shialia had never been so angry, sad, powerless and desperate. Lliira, Shialia's best and
oldest friend, begged Tempus to slay the child, but Shialia loved him so much she didnt want to make it dissapear
completely: she plead Tempus to keep his soul. Unfortunately, the beast proved far too great for Tempus to keep it's soul
With the help of Gond, they managed to seal each part in an expertly crafted mask. There was still a risk, as unsupervised,
the masks could potentially reunite one day and reform the beast. Shialia and Malar, in their heavy resentment and anger,
started thinking about reforming the beast to unleash it on Gargauth and his allies as revenge. Hoar intervened, talking
them out of it. There, Shialia learned about Hoars's sense of justice and realised it matched the nature's ways that she
loved so much. It brought her peace. Confident that Gargauth would be punished, they focused on living their love as best
they could and caring for the remnants of their forbidden child the beast known as Horned Mollu.
On Helm's proposition, Shialia, with the help of Tempus, Hoar, Gond and her best and longtime friend Llira, decided to
appoint a selected few around each mask to isolate them and protect them. It is said that when she misses something about
her loved child she visits the mask that holds this shattered part of it's spirit, but she must forever hold back from
reforming it whole.
In the end, some of the top Shialia worshippers, the silent helpers, were appointed by Tempus with help of Helm to be
Shialia and Llira chose their most direct disciples to be caretakers, who also act as cultural and social leaders of the
community : the Nature Ladies.
Hoar and Shialia chose the spiritual leaders (preists) that would make sure that the origins of these people wouldn't be
forgotten, as well as be taught by Gond how to maintain the precious masks. The top preists can receive the great Shialia's
There, the Zobal people were born.
They would all study the history of their people as well as worship Llira, Hoar and above all Shialia and the Horned
They see themselves as Shialia's companions and supporters in her plight. A Zobal usually chooses one of the three paths
and then starts studying and the gods of his path for what he has done for Shialia.
part of it is in pandemonium and tapping into it lets some rules of pandemonium be used by you. You become delusional and
filled with madness as a lingering.
[Realms graph](https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvignette3.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fforgottenrealms%2Fimages%2F7%2F75%2FGreat_Wheel_Cosmology.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20151124005705&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fforgottenrealms.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FGreat_Wheel_cosmology&docid=nB0EHcuYrFv-wM&tbnid=cp6YB1AbZcreSM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiM5fuhwojYAhXh54MKHRp5A94QMwguKAcwBw..i&w=2000&h=2000&safe=off&bih=671&biw=1390&q=d%26d%20astral%20planes%20graph&ved=0ahUKEwiM5fuhwojYAhXh54MKHRp5A94QMwguKAcwBw&iact=mrc&uact=8)
[Inner planes graph](https://www.google.ca/search?q=dnd+5e+planes&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy6IzfzIjYAhWi8oMKHfhzDkMQ_AUICigB&biw=1390&bih=671#imgrc=1-tDQr80FaI_PM:)
[Inner plains explained](https://pandius.com/parquasi.html)
(This lore is heavily inspired by the actual background and state of the Zobal people in both the [Wakfu](https://fr.wikifu.wikia.com/wiki/Zobal/Zobals)
and [Dofus](https://fr.dofus-rp.wikia.com/wiki/Cornu_Mollu?li_source=LI&li_medium=wikia-footer-wiki-rec)
##### inspired by the ankama's wakfu universe
## Notes about the world
Some individuals have a **Divine status**. mecanically, 2 types :
### Divine status
Those with divine status must be 20th level to have the boons.
After reaching divine status boon level, they choose **2 or 3** abilitiy scores that get a +15 modifier. If their initiative roll is under 15, consider their roll an 15 and add their dex.
#### Caster boons
Gain access to spell list of another class they choose.
They choose up to 5 new ritual spells and up to 5 9th level spell or lower of any spell list ; they now know the spells.
They can choose 3 of their known spells that have material consumption and/or gold value which they can
cast without expending these materials if they have a spellcasting focus, and they j know the spell.
Additionally, they can tweak a up to 3 spells in a certain way (must be approved by DM and follow a thematic, mostly done for feel).
#### martial/non casters boon
have a big boost to movement speed and jumping distance (double their movement),
can gain access to up to 5 5th
level spells or lower they choose (they have 4 uses of each per rest, without expending material components),
double their health.
#### Motivation behind building divine status
Careful for thematic. Appereance may be affectd. they can also have other defining feature/ability or legendary
action (even before the boons at level 20). can give them feats or the such...
FLAVOR BEFORE POWER; can gradually grow into full divine status
make a divine status for each of the twelve gods? or for each class?
City of Krosmag, religious capital, home to the new cult, religion that popped (new gods if you'd like)
Sadi forest, huge forest said to be home to a strange people
Pandala, land of the drunken sun
Sepala Desert
### NPCs:
Tiva (Feca humaine new god divine status)
Talpé (petite seemingly human sadida grisatre et stoic)
Momille (enfant seemingly human sadida new god status peau pale beige cheveux rose avec tulipe dans cheveux, yeux bleu pale.
peut *sap* la force de qqun qu'elle touche)
Brelande (sadida archdruid, un peu comme reine sadida)
Pandou (bear person pandawa new god divine status)
Silv (elf Sadida Old god divine status qui habite et guard Sadi forest)
Kral (dwarf feca new god divine status traveller)
Goultrude (Demi orc fair skin big dreads iop old god divine status)
### degrees of adaptation
loosely adapted : the languages (dwarven, orcish...) are not based on the DnD races, but rather by the DnD classes.
For races that grant you languages you choose, you convert the languages with the table of race=>class.
For more simplicity, everybody speaks common and the language granted by their class. The division of the people is not really made by race : they all mingle together just fine. The factions is what seperates people (with different beleifs and way of life).
adapted : on top of the previous, race doesnt determine your appearance : you faction does. Essentially, the races as they are in DnD 5e determine what sets you appart from other people from your faction. In a sense, your faction become your race, and the DnD 5e races are only characteristics that you choose to have.
highly adapted: you don't pick a dnd 5e race : instead, your faction determines your race features. on top of that,
Note: the more loosely adapted you are, the more the players will have freedom in their decisions and originality.
### Races (languages, every script is different. They all speak common too.)
#### Languages
- Osamodas --> Draconic (tiefliungs and dragonborns)
- Cra --> Elven (elves)
- Feca --> Common
- Iop --> Orc
- Sram --> thieves cant
- Xelor --> gnomish
- Sadida --> Druidic
- Eniripisa -->Halfling
- Pandawa --> Common
- Sacrieur --> Common
- Zobal --> druidic dialect
- Eliatrope --> Deep speech
- Ecaflip --> Tabaxi
- Enutrof --> Undercommon
- ShuShu --> Abyssal, some Infernal
(- Gods --> Celestial)??
### Magic
Magic in this universe is made by harnessing an energy known as Wakfu (the life granting energy) and it,s opposite, Stasis (energy of destruction). They both flow constantly in this pocket universe; their harmony takes the form of a cycle, which grants the world as it is known a certain stability.
### ShuShu
The shushu regroups all demons. The lesser ones that tried to infiltrate the material plane can be found sealed into sentient objects or weapons. The Order of the
ShuShu guardians take it upon themselves to find such objects and guard them. In the process, they often use these objects, making their life a sometimes endless
struggle to bend the demon to the bearer's will so it can lend it's power to the guardian. You can come up with particular boons or look up the cultist boons in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. Depending on the sealed deamon's strengh, you can adjust the modifier modifications and accessible boons. Note that through a ShuShu guardian's carreer, the guardian will grow closer to the sealed demon, making the gains grow. This means that when you choose the accessible boons and maximum stat modifiers, you decide the END point of the guardian. The guardian unlocks the rest through time and most importantly RolePlay.
#### Enutrof (A faire)
Dwarfs and humans can be enutrofs.
Live in mountains and canyons, large mines and forgeries, house the rarest and most expensive metals. Their god is a hoarder, so they tend to be culturally quite selfish, but it's not even out of selfishness... it's innate and idealistic. In the same way, they recognise what isn't theirs and respect that to the utmost. That's also why they are great merchants: exchange and buying is the only true and respectable way to acquire things, unless you find the material, dig it out and make it yourself!
#### Steamers (Waiting on artificer)
humans and gnomes (mostly artificers) and the warforged created by them.
Said to venerate the one and only octopodas, the ruler of krakens. little is known of them. They are the only explorers and rulers of the world under the ocean.
#### Huppermage
The wizards of this world are known as hupermage. A single academy is known, and usually people come to it to learn and become huppermages aka wizards). Innate wizards are extremely rare as the means and ressources required to study magic in that way
are exclusive property of the huppermage order.
#### Osamodas (A faire)
dragborns and tieflings can be osamodas.
#### Ouignak
### Classes
#### Cra
Elves and humans can be Cra. They are all fighters, and are renowned archers. Their weapon of prize are their Bow of Eladrin Archery, which is common among their
warriors (Almost exclusively arcane archers). One can become an eladrin through ceremonial, religious practices that grant it the *touch of cra's arrow*, an they an
then participate in the blessing ritual of the bows, granting it it's special properties. Their people also have prized bow crafters/wood carvers. Requiring a very
special magic sensitive wood to craft, the cra are very close to the sadida kingdom.
#### Ecaflip
Cat people or he like (tabaxi) are ecaflip. Very guided by their beleifs and religion, they tend to be free travelers or adventurers. Their shrines can be found in any
big city.
#### Eniripisa
Usually human or arackoraT
he grand people known for their knowledge of medicine and healing as well as their great and developed alchemy, Eniripisa cities are great places of study for those
who are interested in these domains. They value the health of all living people, and are driven by religious belief, although they do not necessarily express it
vividly. Many consider them as chosen by life domain gods.
#### Eliatropes
Humans and halflings can be eliatropes; they are the only warlocks who exist per say. They are very few and little is known about them or their past; they are said to
be the last of a very ancient civilization that vanished leaving little trace of it's passage.
#### Feca
Usually humans,
Feca adore having something to protect. when they do, they make it their life's work to assure safety. This drives most of them to become
land owners, farmers or village leaders. Paladins can be found, but they usually become clerics of protection domain gods.
#### Iop
Humans and half orcs can be iop.
They are a proud people, not known to be clever but very martially efficient. Usually Samurai, some can also be battlemasters, champions or cavaliers. These fighters
have a grand order of knights and are culturally known for their martial prowess. They live for the fight. They have a great code of honor that many think of as simple
minded and somewhat ridiculous; they follow that code to protect their very humility and pride.
#### Pandawa
Bearfolk can be pandawa. They live secluded and their villages form a big community. There is one big monastery, used for regular festivities usually. They produce the
most high end and renowned alcohol of the continent; their culture thrives and lives off of it. very tradiionalistic but free thinkers, unified in their cultural
#### Sacrieur
Goliaths, Orcs, Half orcs, and rarely humans become sacrieur.
pain is an inherent part of their culture, getting hurt isn't seen as bad and sometimes is even a form of worship. This leads them to having peculiar cultural habits.
Their culture favors violence, although it is not blind violence. More precisely, Sacrieur culture favors sacrifice of one's flesh and blood. Spectating such acts
brings them pleasure not because they are cruel in nature, but rather because most of the time, they would like to go through such suffering themselves. Good at heart
and feerless, the sacrieur people are usually nomads or inhabit cities that let them partake in their cultural festivities. Many perceive them as uncivilised,
grotesque and violent people, but they truly hae a deep emotional culture.
#### Sram and roublards
Humans, tieflings nd goblins can be Sram.
Lawless and full of subtle violence and drowning in corruption, the sram cities are usually riddled with thieves and swindlers. Technically, it's not their cities, but
a Sram guild might take it over. rogues of all kinds are found amongst them. Those amongst them who favor sabotage, guns and tinkering bombs are known as roublards
(aka gunslingers).
#### Sadida
Firbolg, Elves and eladrin can be Sadida. they are all druids (almost exclusively root druids, especially higher up in hierarchy). They value unity with nature and the
respect of it's boundaries; hence, they very rarely use animal shapes, and will usually use plant based magic and dolls. Their kingdom is a huge dense and vast forest,
which holds alot of unique vegetation not found anywhere else. It has a strong, traditionalistic culture. Their people have a strong sense of duty and freedom, and are
very loyal and unified.
#### Xelor
Humans and gnomes can be Xelor. They are a people advanced in technology and harnessing of comic wakfu and stasis, and their kingdom is obsessed with time magic. The
only sorcerers per say, usually time sorcery. their cities are foll of cogs and have a high time managing culture and lifestyle.
#### Zobal
Humans and half elves can be Zobal.
Very little is known of them. Apparently, there was and still is (?) only 1 village of zobal, secluded in an unknown place.