Path of the Dervish

by Levistej

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Path of the Dervish

While most Barbarians embrace the wild power and bloodlust that their rage provides, others seek out a more focused outlet for their melee prowess. Channeling their primal instincts into a trance like state of fluid motion and flashing steel is the embodiment of the Dervish combat style.

The path of the Dervish is as much a way of life as it is a form of combat. It's practitioners often lead a flamboyant lifestyle mixed with a steady need to train and find their true purpose while in a state of trance - using the battlefield as a canvass and their blades as precise tools of art.

Dervish trance

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level you gain proficiency in the Performance skill. Your have advantage on any ability check you make using this skill in order to perform a dance of any sort.

In addition, you can enter a Dervish trance whenever you rage. Provided you aren't encumbered, aren't wearing any armor, holding a shield or wielding a heavy weapon, you may gain the following additional benefits when you enter a rage:

  • You can add you rage damage bonus on melee weapon attacks even when using Dexterity as the attack modifier.
  • You can use the benefits of your Reckless Attack class feature on melee weapon attacks using Dexterity.
  • Attacks of opportunity against you are made at disadvantage.
  • You have advantage on any saving throw or ability check you have to make that would render you grappled or restrained.
  • If you are dual wielding and score a critical hit with a light melee weapon weapon you are holding in one hand, you may immediately use your reaction to attack with a weapon you are holding in your other hand.

Flurry of Motion

Your training has enhanced your mobility to a level where you seemingly walk on thin air.

Beginning at 6th level you gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill and moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement.

Additionally, standing up from prone costs you only 5 feet of movement.

Resonance of Steel

Closing your eyes and whirling your blade in hypnotizing manner, you are able to perceive your surroundings in a supernatural manner.

Starting at 10th level, while you are raging, you gain blindsight within a range of 10 feet.

This ability doesn't function if you are restrained, stunned, paralyzed or incapacitated.



Your trained graceful movement and perfected fluid motions have given you the ability to avoid most blows with a honed precision.

Starting at 14th level and while raging, you may choose to make a Performance check as a free action. The result of this check replaces your Armor Class and the result of any Dexterity saving throw you would have to make until the start of your next turn.

This ability doesn't function if you are restrained, stunned, paralyzed or incapacitated.


Credit for the artwork goes to:

Barbarian Subclass | Path of the Dervish

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