Ogre Magi

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Truly, I didn't know what to think when I saw it. It was smaller than a normal ogre, but its power was twice that of the others. As it split its attention between casting and crushing with no issue, I escaped as quick as I could, with the rest of my group right behind me. If we wish to study them further we must do so at a distance. Preferably invisible.

---Arwik Farst, A Field Report on Ogre-Magi, Volume: 1

Many have heard tales of ogres with two heads. Some adventurers recount them being as smart as a bag of rocks, together. While others claim that while one can not be the brightest, the other has intelligence that belies his stature.

While tales of their intelligence (or lack thereof) tend to vary wildly, all adventurers agree that Ogre-Magi are fierce opponents, able to wield both might and magic of equal power. Newer adventurers are advised great caution when engaging.

Ogre-Magi and those born of them tend to display less evil tendencies than the rest of their race. Random remote settlements occasionally even claim to have had a descendant of, or even a Ogre-Magi himself help them in a time of need rather than hurt them further.

While all records state the heads tend to bicker amongst themselves, they quickly put aside their squabbles when in the face of danger.... usually.

Tribe or Wanderer

Though smaller than their more average headcount brethren, the few Ogre-Magi seen still living amongst their brethren have had extremely high status. Whether it be as a chief, an advisor, or just one of the top ranked warriors, Ogre-Magi are rarely at the bottom of their group's chain of command.

However, wandering Ogre-Magi have also been seen by groups of adventurers in their travels. Whether this is due to being exiled, or just the Ogre-Magi wishing to travel is unknown, as few have dared ask for fear of the reaction.

Adventure, Magic, or Separation

While Ogre-Magi's reasons for adventuring vary. Most tend to take up the lifestyle as a way to test themselves. The Magi side also tends to enjoy in discussing the arcane with those who understand it's terms. However, occasionally Ogre-Magi wish to be split from their other half, wishing that for once, they're a person of their own merit, rather than just half of a whole.

Ogre-Magi Names

Though few official recordings exist of Ogre-Magi, all show that Ogre-Magi names are a combination of two separate names, each belonging to a head.

Male Names: Arc'Tos, Cho'Gall, Gall'Marsh, Mar'Grum

Female Names: Alti'For, Hal'Shar, Vola'Sin


Ogre magi have a total of 4 attunement slots, with all effects being shared unless an item is head specific. (Such as an amulet or helm)

2 Players 1 Character

Ogre magi was designed and balanced around 2 separate players sharing a single character.

Selecting Stats

Each head has its own mental statistics (intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores), but share physical statistics (strength, dexterity, and constitution). When rolling for stats, players roll their physical statistics together, but their mental statistics separately (nine rolls total) When doing point-buy or standard array, each head selects their ability scores as normal, then averages together their choices for strength, dexterity, and constitution, rounding down odd contributions.

Shared Traits

These traits apply to both heads no matter their class.

Age Though Ogre's rarely die of natural causes, the oldest known ogre was of age 80 when it was slain by a dwarf who'd been hunting it for years. It was just past its prime.

Ability Score Increase Your Constitutione score increases by 2

Speed You have a movement speed of 30 feet.

Size Ogre Magi tend to be 6-7 feet tall. Your size is medium.

Large Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Shared Body. Both Ogre-Magi heads share a single body and act as a single creature with regard to most physical statistics. They share hit points, hit dice, temporary hit points, movement speeds, and armor class, and share strength, dexterity, and constitution ability scores. Any effect or ability that would change one of these attributes (such as gauntlets of ogre power) does so for both heads. Any effect or ability that targets a single creature (such as the hold person or enhance ability: bulls's strength spells) affects both heads of an ogre-magi (though an enhance ability: eagle's spendor would only affect one head).

Split Mind. Though the heads of an ogre-magi share a body, they do not share a mind. Each head of an ogre-magi rolls its own initiative and takes its own turn in combat. Each has its own action, bonus action, interaction, and reaction, but share a single pool of movement (so it is possible that one head may use it all before the other head takes a turn).

Minds at Odds In the thick of battle or when surprised, an ogre-magi's greatest weakness is often its own split nature. You have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. In combat, if either head is surprised, both become surprised.

Head Type. Ogre Magi have 2 separate heads, one that channels its Ogre heritage, and the Magi that prefers to dabble in the arcane.

Actions in combat

Actions such as Dash, Disengage, Dodge, and Hide must be taken by both heads in order to work.

Varient Armor Ruling

If one head is proficient and the other is not, ogre-magi some times where armor on only one half of the body. In this case, AC's are calculated seperate, and the DM flips a coin to decide which side's AC to use for this monsters attack.

Ogre Head

You are in tune with your Ogre heritage and usually settle your disputes with violence and follow a more act first and don't care about questions later attitude. You are more impulsive side of the Ogre Magi.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Alignment. Your heritage is a major part of you. You usually favor a neutral alignment and have a more chaotic tendency which can put you at odds with your Magi side.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.

Ogre Strength Your build allows you to swing a weapon in one hand that other races would take two to use. You can wield two -handed weapons you are proficient with in one hand.

Magi Head

You are the more intelligent and charismatic part of the Ogre Magi. Other than trying to keep the more easily angered part of you under control, you usually take care of most social Interactions

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Alignment. You share the tendancy towards evil from your heritage. You usually favor a neutral alignment and have a more lawful tendancy which can put you at odds with your Ogre side.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Giant, and one other language of your choice.

Unfaltering Spellcraft You have mastered casting spells as your other half does as they please, meaning you gain the following benefits, no matter the situation:

• You have advntage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.

Two-Headed Rulings

Playing a two-headed character can be complicated at times. The following rulings may be helpful to clarify how certain features interact with each other.

Health Your total health is both classes' hit die, and your con mod, only applied once.

Changing Shape. Wildshape, polymorph, and other spells or abilities that cause an ogre-magi to change shape always retain the feature of having two heads, but otherwise function as normal, with each head acting as the creature on its turn for the duration of the effect.

Spells. Discuss spells like haste with your DM before taking it to avoid at-the-table disappointments. While most single-target spells are assumed to effect both, not every spell has been extensivly tested. Creativity is encouraged, but every DM is different.

Part 1 | Races

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