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IvelDesigns Maps of Mapping: #003

Hey there weary traveler! You are being subjected to my efforts of attempting self improvement as I try to learn cartography. Although it's impossible for a person to go through life without any artistic outlet, I can safely say that I have gone through my 38 years of existence w/o ever putting pen to paper and then sharing it with the world.

Having something to do with good ol' pen & paper seems like a good change of pace. However, I do plan to put each map to the web in a format that a GM of any skill can download and use for their own purposes.

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Other Maps

All of my maps are on GM Binder & Patreon


Usage Inspiration

General Description

This is the first map that I've created with a purpose. In my campaign, the party will eventually need to summit a mountain in search of a single monk who lives atop the mountain. This monk worships a god, and maintains this open air monastery for the god.

The dirt path leading to the grand stairs is made of natural stone and gravel. The stairs and the entire monastery has been crafted out of the granite found in the mountain. It is well crafted and if it were covered from the elements, would have a mirror like finish. However, due to being exposed to the elements at such a high altitude, wind and rain have begun to wear at the stone.

The edge of the monastery and the center section all have a 3 foot tall railing that is 8 inches wide. The alter in the center is nearly 5 feet high.

The cliffs on all sides are very steep and treacherous. There is an abundance of loose rock and traveling around the perimeter of the monastery would be difficult at best.

In my campaign, the reason for the open air structure is because the "god" being worshiped is actually a pair of dragons.