Racial Classes: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Guide to Monsterous Players

by Tetsero

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Racial Classes


  • Mind Flayer 3

    • Psionic Commanders 3
    • Hive Mind Colonies 3
    • Hunger of the Mind 3
    • Qualith 3
  • Illithid Traits 3
    • Ability Score Increase 3
    • Age 3
    • Alignment 3
    • Size 3
    • Speed 3
    • Language 3
  • Class Features 4
    • Psionics 4
    • Aberration 5
    • Illithid Hunger 5
    • Psionic Amplification 5
    • Humanoid Talents 6
    • Ability Score Increase 6
    • Telepathic Disguise 6
    • Elder Mind 6
  • Humanoid Talents 6
    • Barbarian Talents 6
    • Bard Talents 6
    • Cleric Talents 7
    • Druid Talents 7
    • Fighter Talents 7
    • Monk Talents 8
    • Paladin Talents 8
    • Ranger Talents 8
    • Rogue Talents 9
    • Sorcerer Talents 9
    • Warlock Talents 10
    • Wizard Talents 10

This page isn't finished yet, you can ignore it. It's a place holder boiz. Sorry for immersion ruining.


The following homebrew content is related to monsters and giving players the opportunity to play special versions of monsters from different manuals. While you read this you may see specific features or modifiers that used to be unique to different creatures. Certain mechanics are not explained in the Players Handbook, but will be explained here.

Remember that this is both a homebrew and a work in progress. If you want to use this in your campaign please remember that your DM has ultimate say to changing abilities within this document in order to create balance in your world.


Monsters are notorious for being able to regenerate their abilities on the successful roll of a d6. These abilities are generally very powerful and somewhat signature to the creature's identity.

How It Works

When you obtain the Recharge ability from a class feature, you will denote that within the ability by putting Recharge (X). The X will be a number or range of numbers.

When it is the start of your turn, you roll 1d6 if you do not have any charges for your ability. If the number is within the displayed Recharge range then you now can use the class feature again.

If you are wondering how recharge is classified, refer to the table below which shows you the power scale of different Recharge abilities.

Recharge Classification
6 Slow
5-6 Normal
4-6 Fast
3-6 Legendary

Mind Flayer

Mind flayers, also called illithids, are the scourge of sentient creatures across countless worlds. Psionic tyrants, slavers, and interdimensional voyagers, they are insidious masterminds that harvest entire races for their own twisted ends. Four tentacles snake from their octopus-like heads, flexing in hungry anticipation when sentient creatures come near.

In eons past, illithids controlled empires that spanned many worlds. They subjugated and consequently warped whole races of humanoid slaves, including the githyanki and githzerai, the grimlocks, and the kuo-toa. Conjoined by a collective consciousness, the illithids hatch plots as far-reaching and evil as their fathomless minds can conceive.

Since the fall of their empires, illithid collectives on the Material Plane have resided in the Underdark.

Psionic Commanders

Mind flayers possess psionic powers that enable them to control the minds of creatures such as troglodytes, grimlocks, quaggoths, and ogres. Illithids prefer to communicate via telepathy and use their telepathy when issuing commands to their thralls.

When an illithid meets strong resistance, it avoids initial combat as it orders its thralls to attack. Like physical extensions of the illithid's thoughts, these thralls interpose themselves between the mind flayer and its foes, sacrificing their lives so that their master can escape.

Hive Mind Colonies

Solitary mind flayers are likely rogues and outcasts. Most illithids belong to a colony of sibling mind flayers devoted to an elder brain- a massive brain-like being that resides in a briny pool near the center of a mind flayer community. From its pool, an elder brain telepathically dictates its desires to each individual mind flayer within 5 miles of it, for it is able to hold multiple mental conversations at once.

Hunger of the Mind

Illithids subsist on the brains of humanoids. The brains provide enzymes, hormones, and psychic energy necessary for their survival. An illithid healthy from a brain-rich diet secretes a thin glaze of mucus that coats its mauve skin.

An illithid experiences euphoria as it devours the brain of a humanoid, along with its memories, personality, and innermost fears. Mind flayers will sometimes harvest a brain rather than devour it, using it as part of some alien experiment or transforming it into an intellect devourer.



On the rare occasion that mind flayers need to write something down, they do so in Qualith. This system of tactile writing (similar to braille) is read by an illithid's tentacles. Qualith is written in four-line stanzas and is so alien in construction that non-illithids must resort to magic to discern its meaning. Though Qualith can be used to keep records, illithids most often use it to mark portals or other surfaces with warnings or instructions.

Illithid Traits

Your mind flayer character has many similarities with others of its own race, but some do have unique characteristics which make them an outcast.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.

Age. They are a simple tadpole for around the first 10 years of their lives, feeding off the energies of the Elder Brain. Then, through a process of ceremorphosis, they are placed into the bodies of enslaved humanoids in order to obtain their more perfect form. In this form they live, showing little to no signs of aging, for an average of 125 years.

Alignment. The species as a whole tend to be lawful evil. They follow a very structured society, being controlled by the Elder Brain at every move and sharing all information among one another. They also believe they are the greatest creatures in all lands and planes. Though they do have an overall agenda of universal domination, they can break free and form their own personality.

Size. Illithids tend to not vary much between themselves and mostly resemble elves and humans in size and stature, though tend to take the shape of whatever humanoid they inhabited during ceremorphosis. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

What Lies Beneath. You have four tentacles on your face that cover a circular, toothy maw. These tentacles together make a natural weapon, along with the toothy maw.
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: On hit, deals 1 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. Additionally, you may attempt to grapple a Medium or smaller creature on a successful hit.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: On hit, deals 1+ your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. Can only attack targets grappled by your Tentacles.

Languages. You know Common, Undercommon, Deep Speech, and Qualith, along with any other languages granted to you by your background.

Class Features

As a Mind Flayer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per mind flayer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per mind flayer level after 1st
Mind Flayer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Psionic
1st +2 Psionics, Aberration, Illithid Hunger 3
2nd +2 Psionic Amplification 3
3rd +2 Illithid Awakening 6
4th +2 Ability Score Increase 6
5th +3 Telepathic Disguise 9
6th +3 Humanoid Talent Feature 9
7th +3 - 12
8th +3 Ability Score Increase 12
9th +4 - 15
10th +4 Humanoid Talent Feature 15
11th +4 - 18
12th +4 Ability Score Increase 18
13th +5 - 21
14th +5 Humanoid Talent Feature 21
15th +5 - 24
16th +5 Ability Score Increase 24
17th +6 - 27
18th +6 Humanoid Talent Feature 27
19th +6 Ability Score Increase 30
20th +6 Elder Mind 30


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
  • Weapons: None
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • (a) leather armor or (b) chain mail


At first level, and every odd level after first, you may upgrade three of your psionic capabilities in order to eventually obtain your most powerful form. Additionally, your tentacles are considered appendages with which you can grapple a creature.

Certain psionic abilities have requirements. You must meet those requirements before taking a rank in that ability. Additionally, you may only take one rank in one ability per level.

When a spell or ability refers to the mind flayer save DC or mind flayer attack modifier, they refer to the following statistics:

mind flayer Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

mind flayer attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier


These psionic talents can modify your tentacles, allowing them to perform better at damaging and grappling.

Psionic Grip

Rank I: When your tentacle attack deals damage to an enemy, you may add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll instead of your Strength modifier. When you choose to do this, the damage is considered psychic.

Rank II: Requires Psionic Grip Rank I. When you make an attack with your tentacles, you may also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength modifier.

Rank III: Requires Psionic Grip Rank II. When you make an attack with your tentacles, once per day, you may add double your proficiency modifier to your attack roll. This feature may be used again after you finish a long rest.

Grip Specialist

Rank I: When your tentacles grapple a target, add your Intelligence modifier to the athletics skill check for the grapple.

Rank II: Requires Grip Specialist Rank I and mind flayer level 11. When a creature is grappled, they are stunned until they succeed an Intelligence saving throw equal to your mind flayer save DC which they make at the end of their turn. You may use this once, regaining the ability after a long rest.

Mind Blast

These psionic talents enable and improve your mind blast, one of the key components to all mind flayers.

Basic Mind Blast

Rank I: You obtain a mind blast that deals 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier psychic damage in a 20 foot cone once per day which recharges on a long rest. The enemy must make an Intelligence saving throw against your mind flayer save DC, on a success they only suffer half damage.

Empowered Mind Blast

Rank I: Requires Basic Mind Blast. The damage die for Mind Blast is increased to 2d6.

Rank II: Requires Empowered Mind Blast Rank I. The damage dice for Mind Blast is increased to 3d6.

Rank III: Requires Empowered Mind Blast Rank II. The damage dice for Mind Blast is increased to 4d6.

Rank IV: Requires Empowered Mind Blast Rank III. The damage dice for Mind Blast is increased to 5d6.

Rank V: Requires Empowered Mind Blast Rank IV. The damage dice for Mind Blast is increased to 6d6.

Enhanced Mind Blast

Rank I: Requires Basic Mind Blast. The range for Mind Blast is now a 25 foot cone.

Rank II: Requires Enhanced Mind Blast Rank I. The range for Mind Blast is now a 30 foot cone.

Rank III: Requires Enhanced Mind Blast Rank II. The range for Mind Blast is now a 35 foot cone.

Rank IV: Requires Enhanced Mind Blast Rank III. The range for Mind Blast is now a 40 foot cone.

Rank V: Requires Enhanced Mind Blast Rank IV. The range for Mind Blast is now a 45 foot cone.

Enlightened Mind Blast

Rank I: Requires Basic Mind Blast. You now regain use of Mind Blast at the end of a short or long rest.

Rank II: Requires Enlightened Mind Blast Rank I and mind flayer level 7. Your Mind Blast now has the special ability Recharge (6).

Rank III: Requires Enlightened Mind Blast Rank II and mind flayer level 11. Your Mind Blast now has the special ability Recharge (5-6).

Rank IV: Requires Enlightened Mind Blast Rank III and mind flayer level 15. Your Mind Blast now has the special ability Recharge (4-6).

Innate Abilities

These inner abilities of the mind flayer are general abilities that all Illithid are noticed for and will make you more noticeable as a true mind flayer.

Detect Thoughts

Rank I: You may cast detect thoughts once per day. You regain the ability to do this after finishing a long rest.

Rank II: Requires Detect Thoughts Rank I. You may cast detect thoughts once per day. You regain the ability to do this after finishing a short or long rest.

Rank III: Requires Detect Thoughts Rank II. You may cast detect thoughts a number of times each day equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain the ability to do this after finishing a short or long rest.

Rank IV: Requires Detect Thoughts Rank III. When you cast detect thoughts using this feature, it does not require concentration to maintain.

Rank V: Requires Detect Thoughts Rank IV. You may cast detect thoughts at will.



Rank I: You may cast levitate once per day. You regain the ability to do this after finishing a long rest.

Rank II: Requires Levitate Rank I. You may cast levitate once per day. You regain the ability to do this after finishing a short or long rest.

Rank III: Requires Levitate Rank II. You may cast levitate a number of times each day equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain the ability to do this after finishing a short or long rest.

Rank IV: Requires Levitate Rank III. When you cast levitate using this feature, it does not require concentration to maintain.

Rank V: Requires Levitate Rank IV. You may cast levitate at will.

Dominate Monster

Requires Detect Thoughts (3) and 13th-level character

Rank I: Requires Detect Thoughts Rank III and mind flayer level 13. You may cast dominate monster once per day. You regain this ability after you finish a long rest.

Rank II: Requires Dominate Monster Rank I. When you cast dominate monster using this feature, it does not require concentration to maintain.

Rank III: Requires Dominate Monster Rank II. When you cast dominate monster on a creature, it becomes permanent.

Plane Shift

Rank I: Requires Levitate Rank III and mind flayer level 11. You may cast plane shift on yourself only once per day. You regain this ability after finishing a long rest.

Magic Resistance

Rank I: Requires mind flayer level 13. You may choose one ability score from Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. When you make a saving throw against magic or a magical effect with the chosen ability score, you may add your Intelligence modifier to this saving throw.

Rank II: Requires Magic Resistance Rank II and mind flayer level 17. You may choose one ability score that you have not chosen before with this feature, from Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. When you make a saving throw against magic or a magical effect with the chosen ability score, you may add your Intelligence modifier to this saving throw.


Rank I: You have telepathy up to 30 feet. This may be used to send your thoughts out to any number of creatures within 30 feet which includes verbal components for spells.

Rank II: Requires Telepathic Rank I. Your telepathy range is increased to 60 feet.

Rank III: Requires Telepathic Rank II. Your telepathy range is increased to 120 feet.


You are absolutely horrible in appearance and do not understand the customs of creatures. Any humanoid of CR 1/2 or lower must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw when they see you or be frightened of you for 1 minute or until you are out of sight. Additionally, you have disadvantage on Intelligence (insight) checks against non-aberration creatures.

Illithid Hunger

You must feed on humanoid brains in order to keep your body and mind sustained. At first level, once each month, you must consume one brain or suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence skill checks and cannot access any psionic abilities.

In order to remove this penalty, you must consume one brain and wait 1 hour.

The damage with your bite attack before adding your Strength modifier is multiplied by your character level. In addition, if that creature is incapacitated then the damage before adding your Strength modifier is changed to 1d12. Finally, if the creature is unconscious, the critical damage is multiplied by 10 instead of 2.

If the damage from the bite attack drops the target's health to 0, or if the target already has 0 health for some reason but is not outright dead, the target's skull is pierced. You begin to suck out the brain, and this process takes 1 minute. During this process, you are in pure euphoria and treated as Stunned.

Psionic Amplification

Starting at 2nd level, when you consume a brain, you obtain special powers and abilities which you may reuse.

If you have consumed a brain within the last month, you may recall the euphoria and allow your body to be consumed with pure psychic energy. You choose one ability which is then amplified beyond its normal capabilities for 1 minute. At levels 6, 12, and 18 you may choose an additional amplified ability when using this feature.

You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier. This recharges every long rest. You may instead use this feature to recall any information that any consumed brain from within the last month was contained inside.

Psionic Amplification Table
Ability Effect
Amplify Damage Increase Mind Blast damage die to d8
Amplify Hold Add 2 to your grapple and stun DC
Amplfy Area Change the mind blast to a sphere around you
Amplify Resistance You gain advantage to magical damage and effects

Illithid Awakening

At 3rd level, you have achieved a state of which other illithids could only dream, if they could dream. Choose one of the following from the table.

Illithid Awakening List
Class Description
Arcanist Generally looked down upon by other mind flayers, you decided to take the mantle of the mage and dedicate a portion of your mind to the arcane arts.
True Flayer You decide to take the name flayer a little more literal. You utilize brutal methods to accomplish your goals.
Psionic Master Your mind is the pinnacle of all other illithids. Your previous Elder Brain desired your mind above all others to join it.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Telepathic Disguise

From 5th level onward, you are disguised in the minds of all creatures with an intelligence of 4 or above. You appear as a very indistinguishable humanoid, but, on a successful Intelligence (investigation) check against your mind flayer save DC, you are revealed to them to be a mind flayer as your illusion fails. Any creatures with an intelligence of 20 or higher are not affected by this mind trick. This ability can be selective, and you may enable or disable it per person as long as they have not seen your true form within the past 24 hours.

The aberration fear ability from the mind flayer class is disabled against creatures who see you unless you choose to drop the disguise for said creature or they succeed in making the investigation check.

Elder Mind

At 20th level, you are all but the greatest mind in the universe. Your mind is one of the rarest forms of Illithid around. You are a mobile Elder Brain in all fashions. Your Intelligence score increases by 4 and its maximum value is now 30. Once per year you must consume another Illithid's brain or you lose this ability until you consume the brain of a mind flayer. When you consume another hive's Elder Brain, you gain control of that hive. As long as you continue to consume mind flayer brains, you can no longer die from age.

Illithid Awakenings

Here you will find more detailed descriptions for all illithid awakenings you may possible learn as a mind flayer.


You felt the raw power of arcane energy and have, against others wills, decided it is at least equal to psionic energy.

Psionic Spellcasting

At 3rd level, your mind becomes a focal point for your arcane energy. Your tentacles may be used for somatic components and you do not need to speak any verbal components, but you must be able to think the verbal components.


At 3rd level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the arcanist spell list. You learn additional sorcerer cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Arcanist Spells Known table.

Spell Slots

The Sorcerer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these sorcerer spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know four 1st-level spells of your choice from the arcanist spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Arcanist Spells Known table shows when you learn more arcanist spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the sorcerer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the arcanist spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your arcanist spells. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an arcanist spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Your saving throw DC is equal to your mind flayer save DC. Your attack roll modifier is equal to your mind flayer attack modifier.

Spellcasting Focus

Your mind is considered an arcane focus for your arcanist spells.

Arcanist Spells Known
Level Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
3 3 4 2 - - - -
6 3 6 3 2 - - -
10 4 8 4 3 2 - -
14 4 10 4 3 3 2 -
18 5 12 4 3 3 3 2

Arcane Fullness

At 6th level, you may utilize your spells in order to satiate your need for humanoid brains. If you go one month without consuming brains then you may expend a number of spell slots equal to your mind flayer level to not suffer any penalties. You may continue to do this indefinitely until you consume another brain. This does not let you gain any benefits from Psionic Amplification.

Psionic Overcharge

At 10th level, you can learn spells of 6th and 7th level from the arcanist spell list. You may cast one of each per day by expending a total value of spell slots equal to 2 times the spells level.

At 18th level, you can learn 8th and 9th level spells from the arcanist spell list and cast them in the same way once per day. Your 6th and 7th level spells become twice per day at level 18.

If you learn a ritual spell and cast it as a ritual, and that spell happens to be of 6th level or higher, you must expend a spell slot total equal to its level in order to ritual cast the spell.

Psionic Concentration

At 14th level, you are able to hold your mind on multiple thoughts at once.

When you are holding concentration on a spell, then cast a spell that requires concentration, you maintain concentration on the previous spell as well for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. This may only be used once and the ability to use this feature is regained at the end of a long rest.

True Flayer

You embrace the name of Mind Flayer and dedicate yourself to the strength for which all other creatures fear you.

Tentacle Growth

At 3rd level, you grow two extra tentacles. Your Tentacle natural weapon now has a damage die equal to 1d6. Additionally, you may make an attack with your tentacles as a bonus action.

Extra Attack

At 6th level, you learn much finer controls with your tentacles and may make two attacks when you take the attack action.

Mind Flay

At 10th level, you extract brains with extra efficiency. You are no longer stunned while feeding on brains and instead are considered grappled. Additionally, once per day, your enemy must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw when you attack them with your bite. The target takes an additional 8d12 piercing damage or half as much on a success. You may use this feature again after finishing a long rest.

Wicked Deception

At 14th level, you gain advantage on all Charisma (deception) checks against humanoids. In addition, you gain proficiency in intimidation. If you already have proficiency then you can add twice your proficiency modifier to any rolls.

Strength of the Illithids

At 18th level, whenever you use your Strength modifier for a skill check or saving throw, you may also add your Intelligence modifier.

Psionic Master

Your mind becomes the pinnacle of all illithid. You dedicate yourself to empowering your own psionics.

Greater Mind Blast

At 3rd level, when you use your Mind Blast, you may instead have it be a 60 foot line that is 5 feet wide. Any Ranks in Enhanced Mind Blast add 15 feet to the range instead of the usual 5 feet of range.

Psionic Allies

At 6th level, when you use your Mind Blast, you may choose to not damage any of them if they happen to be within the range of your Mind Blast.

Mind Shielding

At 10th level, when you make a Wisdom saving throw to see if you succeed negating the charming effects of a spell, you may choose to automatically succeed before you roll. You may not use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Reaching Mind

At 14th level, once per day, you may choose a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier. If they are willing, they create a telepathic mind link that allows all of you to communicate every thought telepathically with one another. Every thought filters through you and you may, if you choose, manipulate the words being said to suit your own needs to provide a direct transcription to any other recipients.

You may also do this to a single unwilling creature, in addition to the other creatures, who must make a Wisdom saving throw based on your mind flayer save DC. If they fail then their mind is invaded and you may consistently communicate with them and have them communicate with you.


True Mind Blast

At 18th level your Mind Blast becomes stronger than any other illithid's mind. You have access to an additional rank in Empower, Enhance, and Enlighten Mind Blast.

Empowered Mind Blast Rank VI: Requires Empowered Mind Blast Rank V. The damage dice for Mind Blast is increased to 8d6.

Enhanced Mind Blast Rank VI: Requires Enhanced Mind Blast Rank V. The range for Mind Blast is now a 50 foot cone.

Enlightened Mind Blast Rank V: Requires Enlightened Mind Blast Rank IV. Your Mind Blast now has the special ability Recharge (3-6).

You also gain 1 additional Psionic point which may be used only on one of these three abilities granted by True Mind Blast.

Arcanist Spell List

  • Blade Ward
  • Chill Touch
  • Eldritch Blast
  • Fire Bolt
  • Infestation
  • Mage Hand
  • Minor Illusion
  • Spare the Dying
  • Toll the Dead
  • True Strike
  • Vicious Mockery
  • Arms of Hadar
  • Cause Fear
  • Chaos Bolt
  • Charm Person
  • Command
  • Detect Magic
  • Disguise Self
  • Dissonant Whispers
  • False Life
  • Find Familiar
  • Hex
  • Identify
  • Illusory Script
  • Inflict Wounds
  • Mage Armor
  • Magic Missile
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Shield
  • Silent Image
  • Sleep
  • Unseen Servant
  • Witch Bolt
  • Alter Self
  • Arcane Lock
  • Blindness/Deafness
  • Blur
  • Calm Emotions
  • Crown of Madness
  • Darkness
  • Enthrall
  • Hold Person
  • Invisibility
  • Lesser Restoration
  • Locate Animals or Plants
  • Locate Object
  • Magic Mouth
  • Mind Spike
  • Mirror Image
  • Misty Step
  • Phantasmal Force
  • See Invisibility
  • Shadow Blade
  • Silence
  • Suggestion
  • Zone of Truth
  • Bestow Curse
  • Blink
  • Clairvoyance
  • Counterspell
  • Dispel Magic
  • Fear
  • Fireball
  • Fly
  • Haste
  • Hypnotic Pattern
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Major Image
  • Remove Curse
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Water Breathing
  • Arcane Eye
  • Banishment
  • Blight
  • Charm Monster
  • Confusion
  • Death Ward
  • Dimension Door
  • Dominate Beast
  • Evard's Black Tentacles
  • Greater Invisibility
  • Hallucinatory Terrain
  • Locate Creature
  • Phantasmal Killer
  • Polymorph
  • Sickening Radiance
  • Antilife Shell
  • Cone of Cold
  • Contagion
  • Creation
  • Dominate Person
  • Dream
  • Enervation
  • Far Step
  • Geas
  • Greater Restoration
  • Hold Monster
  • Mislead
  • Modify Memory
  • Negative Energy Flood
  • Planar Binding
  • Seeming
  • Synaptic Static
  • Telekinesis
  • Teleportation Circle

Frequently Asked Questions

How exactly does picking a Psionic work?
Let's say you are now level 11 and want to take Plane Shift. It requires 3 points into Levitate Rank III, however you currently only have Levitate Rank II. Because allocating points happens all at once and not one at a time, until the moment you lock in the points, you are treated as having Levitate Rank II even if you have Levitate Rank III as an intended selection. You cannot put your point into a prerequisite and the skill that requires said prerequisite during the same level.

So at level 1 I can dump all points into Telepathic, and have 120 feet of it, right?
No, because of the prerequisite rule!

Can I utilize just the race or just the class?
You can, but I don't suggest it. By not taking the race you lose access to Qualith, which a few of the subclasses rely on. You also do not have the facial features of an illithid so you don't have tentacles or a grinding maw, but still suffer from the negative class effects such as Aberration and Illithid Hunger (from which you also can't get the bonus damage).




Racial classes, such as the mind flayer, are meant to be used completely and wholly on their own. Their balance does not consider multi classing or feat uses. When you desire to use this, make sure you have a talk with your GM to see if they want to try this experimental homebrew within your campaign. It adds an extra layer of story that will make the initial gameplay much more difficult.

This document was created by Tetsero while using content from the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

Cover Art: Deligaris - Mind Flayer, ©Deligaris

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“Racial Classes is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.”