Travelling The Realms

Wilderness Navigation

While navigating the wilderness you'll make two checks. The first is a navigation DC. Succeed and you arrive at your destination, fail and you're lost. Additionally, you'll run into a number of encounters based on the threat of the region as well as other factors.

Determining DC

Navigation DCs

DC Description
None Destination has a clear road, trail, or well marked path leading to it
10 Destination lacks a path but is in open terrain
15 Destination lacks a path but is in dense terrain such as forest or mountains
20 Destination is hidden, with active efforts made to conceal its existence through mundane means
25 Destination is hidden using illusions or other magic
30 Destination is hidden using powerful magic, such as a regional effect that causes a forest’s trees to slowly shift and force characters onto the wrong path.


Adjustment Description
Advantage on navigation check Slow pace
Disadvantage on navigation check Fast pace
Disadvantage on navigation check Characters are currently lost.
+5 DC Foraging for food during travel.
+5 DC Move without rest.
-5 DC Have a reasonably accurate map of the region.
Variable Weather
  • If the party moves at a regular or slow pace, they may choose to move stealthily.
  • Roll a single d20 with proficiency if any character has proficiency in stealth. This is the party stealth check until they're found, or reach their destination. This roll has advantage if the party chooses to use a slow pace.
  • If the party moves at a fast pace, they move can arrive at their destination in half the predicted amount of time but cannot use stealth of forage for food. *I f the party moves without rest, they can arrive at their destination in half the predicted amount of time, however they'll need to make checks to avoid exhaustion. This can be used with a fast pace, reducing the time by half again.
  • Going without food or sleep suffers the normal rules as per your DM, each day.

Navigation Results


Roll 1d6 Result
1 Sunrise
2 Before Noon
3 Afternoon
4 Sunset
5-6 Night

Players may attempt to arrive at a specific time. If they do, add a day to their travels.

Becoming Lost

Roll 1d6 Result
1–4 1d6 miles in a random direction from destination
5–6 After traveling in circles, end 1d6 miles in a random direction from starting point


Danger Level Die Size
An area where civilizations has tamed most corners of the map. 1d10
An area where dangers and civilizations are nearly in balance. 1d8
An area where civilizations requires protection from the dangers of the realm. 1d6
An area where civilizations are either rare or require magical protections. 1d4
  • When the players disembark from their starting location, roll the die above as determined by the danger of the region.
  • If the players are moving at a slow pace, roll twice and use the higher number.
  • If they're moving at a fast pace, roll twice and use the lower number.
  • This determines how many days until the players next experience an encounter. If your map is a small scale, travel time in hours not days, then this number represents hours between encounters instead of days.
  • If the players successfully arrive at their destination before reaching that number, they arrive unaccosted.

Changing Parameters

If the players are lost, or wish to change the parameters of their current trip (for example, changing pace or deciding to forage) they may do so. Have them make a new check and treat the current location as the new start. Re-roll any encounter dice (based on the danger of their current location) and adjust them for the new path.

Steps For Exploring

  • The players decide where they're moving to, the DM notes the Navigation DC.
  • The players decide how they're going there. These options include things like pace, if they'll forage along the way, and even if they'll try to move stealthily.
  • The DM checks the chart or counts hexes to see how many days are between locations.
  • The DM determines the danger level or levels the characters will travel through.
  • The DM rolls when encounters will occur.
  • The players roll their navigation check.
  • The DM runs all encounters that happen between the start and end points (this is best if the DM prepares several of these ahead of time).
  • If the navigation check fails, the DM determines where the players are located instead.
  • If the navigation check succeeds, the DM determines the time of day they arrive.


  • The players are currently located at Merric and want to travel to the Shining Falls. The Navigation DC is 5, because of the Navigation trait, this DC will automatically increased to 10 if it's lower than 10.
  • The players decide to travel at a normal pace and decide to travel stealthily. They roll a 15 for their stealth check, which will oppose the Perception checks of foes they come across.
  • The DM determines there are twelve days.
  • The travel will go through areas dangerous enough to roll encounters 1d6 days apart, but the first check will be 1d10 since they're leaving from a safe area.
  • The DM checks these encounters. Rolling a 6, then a 1, then a 2, then a 6 again. This means there will be encounters on the sixth, seventh, and ninth days of travel but since the next encounter would be after they arrive, that will be the final encounter.
  • Either using already prepared encounters or playing off the cuff, the DM manages these encounters.
  • The player's navigation check resulted in a 9, which is lower than the target of 10.
  • The players are lost, ending 1d6 miles from the target location. The DM informs the players they're around 4 miles away from where they want to be.

At this point, the DM would start the process over, except the players are now starting 4 miles from the target. The DC is the same, but now it's highly unlikely there will be any encounters since they'll arrive that same day if they're successful.


The North West

Shoreline with Distant Mountains by William Trost Richards, 1886

The High Forest

One of the last remaining great old woods of Faerûn, the high forest is a land full of dangers and long forgotten magics. Within it's depths are many sites of ancient lore, forbidden knowledge, and powerful foes.

Ambient Mood

The high forest is a rough region of coursing rivers, elevations that rise and fall frequently, and everything obscured by the thick overgrown forest encompassing everything.

  • The constant struggle of moving down dells and up hills, with very few flat areas, will make the heroes feel like they cannot keep a good vantage of the lands around them.
  • The forest teems with life: beasts are constantly seen or heard from fluttering birds to running foxes. There is a natural cacophony at all times.
  • There is little to nothing about these woods that one would consider civilized. The few areas one would consider civilized are at the edges of the forest.
  • There is an ever present feeling of being watched, regardless of how deep you go in the forest.
  • Ruins are wide, sprawling things in the forest, thus you can see their presence without ever finding the actual ruins themselves.


While settlements are outnumbered by ruins, at least two are active: Elvenport on the eastern side and Olostin's Hold to the west. However within the forest, there are many hidden refuges for those living there. The Emerald Enclave, Shadoweirs, and numerous elven scouts all protect the land and are quick to stop those who would harm it.

Additionally, many creatures such as gnolls, centaurs, and orcs, all have tribes that dwell within the woods and although they are less likely to have a permanent dwelling, it's not hard to find groups of these creatures within the forest. It's important to remember that all those who live here fight against the other groups to keep their own borders safe.

Ruins and Dungeons

Because of the ancient nature of the wood, there are many ruins to be found within.

  • Old elven fortifications from the earliest of the elven wars. These are often haunted by the ghosts of those who fought in those days.
  • Netherese ruins, particularly around the eastern edge and spreading from the ruins of Karse.
  • All around the outer edge of the forest, it's not uncommon to find abandoned homes of loggers who fell prey to the dangers of the forest or those loggers who cut too greedily.
  • Abandoned orc, goblin, or gnoll camps.
  • Signs of fey revelries, gatherings, or fortifications.

The High Forest Exploration

The forest itself carries with it many dangers, but the threats dwelling within it are numerous. Dragons, fey, orcs, gnolls, goblins, centaurs, and hell-spawned elves are all very real threats to those who would venture within the trees.

The High Forest Summary

Navigation. The constantly shifting elevations makes finding your way difficult. Any navigation DC lower than 10 becomes 10.
Foraging. DC 10; Water is plentiful, and both game and edible vegetation are common.
Special Rules. Natural disasters are likely for such a wide ranging area. Whenever the players take a long rest, roll on the disaster table.


If the characters are seeking a specific location, use the DCs on the table. Characters who become lost need to make a check to navigate to a destination, even with a map or other helpful tool.

Navigation DC
DC Location DC Location
0 Elvenport 5 Zelbross
0 Iyrithue 10 Eldathyn Gate
0 Loudwater 10 Stronghold of the Nine
0 Merric 15 Citadel of the Mists
0 Noanar's Hold 15 Farsilver
0 Olostin's Hold 15 Glaurachyndaar
0 Shadowtop Cathedral 20 Khle'cayre
5 Dancing Falls 20 Teuvaemanthaar
5 Lady's Hand Monastery 25 Fountains of Memory
5 Lothen of the Silver Spires 25 The Sorrowwood
5 Nordahaeril 25 Stone Stand
5 Shining Falls 30 Grandfather Tree
5 Tiselles NA Ruins

For the players to find ruins, they first must be aware of them. This can be from bits of lore they research, ancient maps, word of mouth or from clues gained when the DM rolls for tactical terrain.

Natural Disasters

Parties that rest in the High Forest are likely to come across natural disasters. Whenever the characters complete a long rest here, roll a d20 and consult the table.

Natural Disaster
d20 Result
1 Flash Fire - A DC 12 Perception roll is required to notice the fire long before it reaches your camp. If it gets closer, your survival checks DCs increase by 5 as you need to navigate around the fire. These happen infrequently in the warm dry months as well as occasionally are set by orcs and other malignant forces.
2 Flash Flood - A DC 12 Perception roll is required to notice the flood and prepare for it. Success results in the players escaping the danger. Otherwise use the following:
Players are near a river: make a DC 15 Athletics check to outrun the waters. Failure results in the players being lost.
Players are not near water: The grounds are soaked and begin to shift. A DC 15 Acrobatics check is required. Failure results with falling into the sinkhole (1d6 x 10 feet).
4-8 Dramatic shift in weather within the next 1d6 hours.
9-20   No Natural Disasters


The high forest is filled with trees and hillocks. Thickets and streams. Ruins dot the shadowy ground floor of the forest. Occasionally ancient paths now long overgrown can be found.

Tactical Terrain
%% Description
100% 2d6 + 4 trees.
100% 1d2 - 1 hills.
100% 1d2 steep drops.
50% 1d4 large masses of brambles, roughly 2d6 x 5 feet wide and 1d6 x 5 feet deep each.
50% A slow moving river or stream.
20% Scattered, half destroyed walls.
10% A map, path, or clue to a ruin within the High Forest (roll at random).
5% The ancient treant Turlang, a powerful and hateful creature that despises those who would harm the forest.

Encounters in the high forest are generally rolled in terms of hours. Most of the forest should use 1d8 or 1d6 for encounters, however when around dangerous ruins or races use 1d4.

DC % Location DC % Location
NA 1-3 *Special 10 4-6 Former Myth Adofhaer
10 7-9 Uluvin 15 10-12 Tiru Orindaar
15 13-15 Baerel 15 16-18 Caelpiir
15 19-21 Endless Caverns 15 22-24 Evaliir
15 25-27 Lhuve 15 28-30 Mhilamniir
15 31-33 Morynarth 15 34-36 Reitheillaethor
15 37-39 Shining Falls 15 40-42 Tel'riincaer
20 43-45 Darmaerth 20 46-48 Dlardrageth Armory
20 49-51 Fhaorkerymkilr 20 52-54 Hellgate Keep
20 55-57 Karse 20 58-60 Kerymnaar
20 61-63 Morndinvuddrrin 20 64-66 The Nameless Dungeon
20 67-69 Nithrithyinae 20 70-72 Xammux
25 73-75 Mukerymhuarth 25 76-78 Nar'kerymhoarth
25 79-81 Nithrithvinae's Tomb 25 82-84 Orlgotha
25 85-87 Othrilaenthor 30 88-90 Shilrua
NA 91+ *Special


  • 1-3: Roll again. This is a false lead. If the players follow up on it, they are lost and realize it's a false lead.
  • 91+: Roll twice, gaining clues about both.

When you roll a ruin, add it to the list of places the players can choose to travel. The DC is the navigation check to reach that ruin. Each time they fail to navigate to a ruin, roll 1d10. On a 1, their directions are faulty and remove the location from their known locations.



Random Encounters
d6 Encounter
1-4 One or more creatures
5-6 Special Encounter
Creature Encounters
d20     Encounter
1-2 Ambush: Re roll this encounter and the characters are being tracked by that creature.
3-5 Gnolls
5-6 Orcs
7-9 Goblins
10-13 Friendly NPC's
14 Creatures of the Feywild
15-16 Fey'ri
17-18 Barbarians
19-20 Roll twice: the two groups are in the midst of encountering each other.
Special Encounters
d20 Encounter
1-3 The Beastlord, a malarite leader of barbarians and lycanthropes.
4-6 Chloracridara, an ancient green dragon who lairs in Mhilamniir.
7-9 Drow from house Auzkovyn, runaways from drow society.
10-13 Half Elf Kidnappers, they trade slaves to the Fey'ri (in particular, gold elves)
14-16 Leira, the Lady of Mists, who works in mysterious ways but is never directly confrontational.
17 Imvaernaho, a red dragon who lairs in the Star Mountains.
18 Mistmaster or his apprentices, an illusionist who protects the forest.
19 Morgwais, also known as the Lady of the Wood, has the goal of uniting the elves of the High Forest.
20 Wulgreth, a lich who lairs in Karse. Wants the return of his Karsestone.


Hunters of the forest, the gnolls here are a plague. It seems like no sooner than a group manages to eradicate one camp when another crops up.

d6      Activity
1 Gnolls are resting after a battle. The battlefield is strewn with dead bodies (roll creature encounters to see what creature lost) and the gnolls are lethargic from eating. Their perception is at disadvantage against noticing hidden creatures or ambushes.
2-4 Gnolls on the hunt. 2d4 Hyenas, 1d8 Gnolls, 1d4 - 2 Pack Lords and a 50% chance for a Fang of Yeenoghu.
5-6 Gnoll warband camping. 3d6 Hyenas, 2d8 Gnolls, 1d6 Pack Lords, 1d4 Fangs of Yeenoghu.


There are three tribes of orc that can be found in the high forest. The orcs of this region are brutal, but have no ideas of gathering their forces or pushing conquest.

1d6 Tribe
1-2 Orcs of the Red Claw Tribe
3-4 Orcs of the Blue Feather Tribe
5-6 Orcs of the Many-Arrows Tribe

Diplomatic actions with tribes other than the Many-Arrows tribe suffer disadvantage. Orcs of that tribe are likely to start encounters as "indifferent" to characters unless they show signs of hostility.

Orc Encounter
Number of Orcs Type of Orcs
2d8 Orc
1d3 - 1 Orog
50% Chance Eye of Gruumsh
1 Orc Warchief
1d6 Activity
1 Taking down or setting up camp. Half all orcs (rounding down)
2-3 Scouts hunting. Half all orcs (rounding down)
4-6 Warband on the move


As with all regions that possess goblins, their activities are usually centered around their numbers and organization. If they're committing to fighting, they're likely led by Hobgoblins. If they're harassing, they have large numbers but no leadership. In smaller pockets, they're nuisances but they might provide helpful information.

Goblin Leadership
1d6 Leadership
1-4 None (Goblin goal is automatically presumed to be a 5-6)
5 Goblin Boss
6 Tougher Creature

If you roll a tougher creature, roll below to figure out what sort of creature might be leading the goblins.

Tough Creature
1d8 Creature
1-5 Hobgoblin (50% chance for a blue nose)
6 Giant. Roll 1d6 (1-2: Ettin, 3-4: Ogre, 5-6: Hill Giant)
7 Infernal Creature such as a Barlgura, Cambion, or Barbed Devil.
8 Orcs
Goblin Goals
1d6 Goal
1 Infiltrating a camp of another creature from the encounter table and stealing their stuff. (Roll for victim)
2 Ambushing wandering adventurers.
3 Accumulating an army by conscripting creatures of the forest.
4 Burning sections of the woods (forest fire 100% chance)
5-6 Defending their own settlement.

Friendly NPC

The forest isn't only inhabited by savage humanoids, demonic fey, and horrific plant monsters. Many races live in the forest, and many factions operate openly and secretively here.

1d6 Type of Friendly NPC
1-2 Individual
3-6 Group

These individuals are likely from one of the settlements around the High Forest and not representatives of any faction. As always, it's up to your DM to determine the nature of this encounter.

1d8 Friendly NPC
1-2 Elf (Wood or Wild Elf)
3 Centaur
4 Many-Arrows Orc
5 Human
6 Half-Elf
7 Half-Orc
8 Halfling
1d10 Friendly Group
1 Merchants from the Silver Marches travelling through the woods.
2 Gildenfire, a helpful gold dragon and druid of Mielikki. Assists others who want to help the forest.
3 Bloodaxes, a mercenary group from Sundabar. They help travellers through the woods and if found are likely on a job.
4 The Council Of Wood, an elven group dedicated to establishing a new elf capital within the woods.
5 Emerald Enclave, tending to the various parts of the woods. Are always helpful to those who respect nature.
6 Druids of the Tall Trees. While not friendly, they hold off aggressive actions unless provoked. They will escort lost folk out of the woods.
7 High Forest Scouts, wood elves dedicated to protecting Turlang and the Grandfather Tree.
8 Knights of the Unicorn, an order that follows Lurue. They seek peaceful coexistence with the fey of the woods.
9 Shadoweirs, half-elf rangers and druids that are at war with dwarves who seek ironwood trees.
10 Tree Ghost Barbarians, a tribe of barbarians that dedicate their lives to protecting the Grandfather Tree.

Feywild Inhabitant

Having crossed at a planar convergence, the creature in question is here for their own purposes, by accident, or by the will of their masters.

d4 Feywild Inhabitant
1 Dryad
2 Pixie
3 Sprite
4 Satyr
d6 Goal
1 Return a stolen artifact to the feywild.
2 Their patron has sent them to kill a creature. Roll on special encounters to determine who.
3 A dangerous beast has escaped a zoo and fled to the material plane.
4 Accidentally ended up here, wants to return home.
5 Seeks party goers for the next revelry.
6 Wants to open a permanent gate to the High Forest.


The Fey'ri hold a unique position in the High Forest. In ancient times, gold elves introduced fiendish blood into their families in a move to gain power. Over time, these families rose and fell, and at one point there was an army of Fey'ri stationed in Hellgate Keep. These days, such creatures are happy to have their own personal goals instead of working together.

d10 Fey'ri Encountered
1-6 Fey'ri Noble with 2d6 Orc slaves. 50% chance of an Orog slave as well.
7 Two Fey'ri Nobles, with 1d8 hobgoblin slaves and 2d6 goblin slaves.
8 Four Fey'ri Nobles, on a hunt for intelligent prey.
9 Two Fey'ri Nobles, 2d6 wood elf slavers, searching for gold elves.
10 A Fey'ri Noble and a Marilith


Barbarians in the High Forest come from a few different clans. The Uthgardt and the Tree Ghost barbarians are the two most tribes one is most likely to encounter. Generally, these barbarians are within the woods for a specific purpose.

1d6 Tribe
1-4 Uthgardt
5-6 Tree Ghost

Tree Ghost barbarians, when encountered away from the Grandfather Tree, are typically on a mission to protect the tree.

Fey'ri Noble

Medium, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 58 (7d8 + 30)
  • Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.

12 (+1) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 17 (+3)

  • Skills Arcana +3
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned, Sleep
  • Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
  • Languages Common, Abyssal, Elven
  • Challenge 4 (2300 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The Fey'ri Noble's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At Will: Fire Bolt, Minor Illusion

3/day: Charm Person, Silent Image

1/day: Invisibility, Suggestion

Shapechange. As an action, the Fey'ri Noble can shift between their standard form (a bronze skinned elf with huge bat-like wings and a long pointed tail) to any humanoid form of their size and weight.


Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Uthgardt Barbarians
d6 Goal
1 Seeking to pay homage at an ancestral mound.
2 Looking for retribution against an evil force of the forest.
3 Hunting for food within the forest.
4 On a spiritual journey of discovery.
5 In a battle rage, with no idea where they are. Their only drive is to kill every living thing they see.
6 Warband looking to battle and loot.

Roll 1d20. On a roll of 10 or more, there are 3d6 Berserkers. Less than 10 means a solitary Berserker was found.



An old elven village that was beset by demonfey in the past. Modern elves avoid it due to superstition about elven souls passing through draw the attention of demons.


A once prosperous merchant city, the ruins are now hunting grounds for dangerous predators with a taste for intelligent prey.

Citadel of the Mists

A lonely tower ascending from a perpetually misty area, inhabited by a powerful illusionist and ally to the Moonstars.

Dancing Falls

A 300 foot tall waterfall, the base of which is surrounded by plants that can only be found at that pool. Many fey use it as a meeting location, and as such it's well guarded against intruders both magically and via mundane methods, when such gatherings occur.


An old elven ruin and often used as a staging ground for demonfey operations.

Dlardrageth Armory

Once, a grand armory that used by the fey'ri. Now it simply sits as a nearly empty vault, treasures long since plundered.

Eldathyn Gate

A grove tended by the faithful of Eldath, a nearly supernatural garden and portal to the outer realms if rumors are to be believed.


What was once a grand port for the elves, is now a ramshackle village. Since falling to fey'ri long ago, wood elves have reclaimed it although much of it remains dangerously undisovered.

Endless Caverns

A series of magically sealed tunnels that descend towards a dwarven city filled with cursed undead as well as connections to the underdark.


An elven city that was raised off the ground, clinging to the treetops. It has since been ransacked and nearly destroyed, thanks to the dragons of the woods.



A military fortress once used by the sun elves in their crown wars. It's changed ownerships a dozen times or so in the last few decades but a dangerous ruin remains mostly intact below.


A wood elf city now turned to decaying ruins. A particularly beautiful sight, thanks to tall cathedrals that are integrated into the canopy.

Former Myth Adofhaer

A blasted crater nearly half a mile across. The center of city that used to stand proudly in the forest is long destroyed, but under the surface ancient ruins wait discovery.

Fountains of Memory

Situated high on the mountain plateaus, caves with magical divining pools all reflect the history of Faerûn and how it relates to the viewer.


A walled garden city, walls bleached white and surrounded in elegant gold trim. A beautiful city built upon the ruins of older beautiful cities. A decomposing mythal protects the region magically.

Grandfather Tree

A singular living (although not self aware) entity, one of the oldest in all of the world, the grandfather tree is the heart of the forest. If in danger, the tree will shift the forest to prevent these evils from escaping their fate.

Hellgate Keep

A prison designed to hold elves and orcs that have been bred with demons, watched over by the treant Turlang and his allies.


Once an elven mine, it has since been sealed and trapped by the duergar that have taken up residence there.


An ancient elven city, now lair to one of the most powerful liches in all the realms.


An abandoned, although still mostly intact, elven settlement from after the days of the crown wars.


A village of Aarakocra that lives within the Star Mounts. The mountain was chosen for it's impenetrable nature, requiring flight to approach.

Lady's Hand Monastery

An order dedicated to Loviatar, nestled in the nether mountains. They aren't an active force but they are quite dangerous for their devotion to the Lady of Pain and their possession of many Netherese magics.


One of the most ruined of all the ancient elven cities, an evil miasma is woven into the very grounds, making this a very very dangerous place.

Lothen of the Silver Spires

One of the first elven cities in the high forest, it was long ago overrun and ransacked by the largest swarm of orcs they had ever seen.


A human village where zhentarim prey on the merchants who pass through by ensuring heavy taxation and a government locked into corrupt ideals.


A walled village of humans that most caravans will stop at for protection on their way to the sword coast.


The first of the elven cities that fell after the demonic armies of Hellgate Keep attempted conquest, it recently has become a nest for a green dragon and her wyrmlings.


Formerly, a very strong and secure dwarven fort. Now it is a living tomb, where the dwarves who once lived there are now dead but frozen in place the moment they died.


Another elven city that managed to go mostly undamaged in the decades it's been overrun. Morynarth stands as a commonly used base of operations for raiders as the crumbling structures are quite dangerous.


The ruins of an elven settlement that fell to demons. While most buildings and structures are unrecognizable, a desecrated temple to the Seldarine still stands as an unholy wayfinder for demons.


One of the final sites of battle between elves and demonfey, the ruins are warded with powerful magic that keeps the fey'ri contained within.

Nithrithvinae's Tomb

A crypt protected by ghosts and other undead, this is where the leaders of the Sharrven empire now rest.



The seat of power for the Sharrven empire, now turned to rubble and entirely unrecognizable.

Noanar's Hold

A fashionable locale for nobles of the sword coast to base their hunts out of, it now holds a more sinister reputation from those who return.


A small yet strong wood elf settlement, protected by a militia of clerics and rangers all dedicated to Corellon. Their isolated location makes for much riches for merchants selling nonluxury goods, if you're willing to risk the trip.

Olostin's Hold

A human walled keep that boasts many farmers and tradesmen. Although those living in the keep are quick to stop others from chopping down living trees.


A gold elf city built into the treetops, the city is based around the formerly famous Moon Glade. Most well known for having portals to all the various elven realms, these portals have since been silenced after the spellplague.


This ruin used to be the primary burial site for wood elves of the realm, now it's simply a dangerously trapped grave where few have ever visited.


The ruins of a wood elf city, any passing through feel eyes watching them. This isn't far from the truth, as many elves have returned to re-establish a base here.

Shadowtop Cathedral

A ruin well protected and hidden by magic, Shadowtop Cathedral is the central location for the Emerald Enclave working in the high forest.


Protected by a powerful spell preventing non-elves from entering, the soaring spires of Shilrua still stand today. A tragically beautiful gold and silver monument to the elves.

Shining Falls

While the impressive 120 ft tall waterfall is beautiful, the true wonder of the Shining Falls is the ancient tower warded against evil at the top of the falls. It is here that a village of halflings have settled down, utilizing the terrain and magics for protection.

Stone Stand

A barbarian holy site protected with many charms and wards against invaders, the area consists of a cutting from the grandfather tree surrounded by a series of mounds.

Stronghold of the Nine

A dwarven stronghold turned dungeons and named for the nine adventurers that raided it in the past. In recent years, a druid has taken up residency here and started laying down protective magics.


A former metropolis combining the architectural and philisophical designs from elven, dwarven, gnomish, and many other sources. Today, these ruins are relatively safe and sought after for their mithral mines.


Razed by demons, this wood elf city turned ruins is now inhabited by the Druids of the Tall Trees. These druids are generally helpful to travellers, providing them shelter or guiding their way through the forest.

The Halls of Four Ghosts

Four dwarven ghosts, the former lords of this crumbling dwarven hold, guard the paths between the surface world and the underdark.

The Nameless Dungeon

Also known as the sleeping citadel, this underground fortress sits at the base of a stone bluff. Most recently, it was chosen to hold a contingent of fey'ri and tanarukk warriors but those forces were defeated.

The Sorrowwood

A refuge protected with both illusions and mundane misdirection, the Sorrowwood has a special spiritual connection to those who visit, giving them visions of the people and events of the past.

Tiru Orindaar

Fey'ri laid waste to this Sharrven fortress, but failed to find the hidden tunnels below, leaving much of the city left to be rediscovered.


A human settlement living a quiet and simple life within the forest. Their borders are small, they only take what they need, and in general their presence goes largely unwatched thanks to the trust placed upon them by the other guardians of the woods.


A strong farming town now ruined and turned into the nesting lair of a shadow dragon and the hordes of undead it has raised.



A dungeon that was once a dwarven stronghold, in the years past it has long become a flooded and sinking structure.


A slowly dwindling village on the outskirts of the forest. What was once a thriving community of artisans has suffered from the dangers of frontier life.

North West

  • The High Forest
  • Icewind Dale
  • Mithral Hall
  • Neverwinter
  • The Silver Marches
  • The Sword Coast
  • Waterdeep


  • Anauroch
  • The Dalelands
  • The Moonsea
  • The Ride
  • The Vast

North East

  • Damara
  • The Great Dale
  • Impiltur
  • The Hordelands
  • Narfell
  • Rashemen
  • Thesk
  • Vaasa


  • Amn
  • Baldur's Gate
  • Calimshan
  • Evereska
  • Lantan
  • The moonshae Isles
  • The Nelanther Isles
  • Nimbral
  • Tethyr
  • The Western Heartlands


  • Chondath
  • Cormyr
  • The Dragon Coast
  • Hlondeth
  • The Pirate Isles
  • Sembia
  • Sespech
  • Turmish
  • The Shining Plains


  • Aglarond
  • Altumbel
  • Chessenta
  • Chondalwood
  • High Imaskar
  • Mulhorand
  • Murghôm
  • Okoth
  • Thay
  • Tymanther
  • Unther

South West

  • Chult
  • Lapaliiya
  • Samarach
  • Tashalar
  • Thindol


  • The Border Kingdoms
  • Dambrath
  • The Great Rift
  • Halruaa
  • The Lake of Steam
  • The Shaar

South East

  • The Shining Lands
  • Lurien
  • Ulgarth
  • The Utter East
  • Veldorn


  • The Northdark
  • Old Shanatar
  • The Buried Realms
  • The Firelands
  • The Serpent Deeps
  • Tharsuldeep
  • Great Bhaerynden
  • The Darklands
  • The Earthroot
  • The Glimmersea
  • The Deep Wastes




Cover Art: Francesco Foschi - A winter landscape with travellers by a river, 1780

Using exploration rules that move in a direction away from direct hex crawling, turn your weeks long travel into only a few checks to ensure you can get on with the adventure.

This supplement provides the information to help your DM determine what features, locations, and foes can be found in the various regions of the Forgotten Realms.




For use with the fifth edition Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master's Guide