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IvelDesigns Maps of Mapping: #002

Hey there weary traveler! You are being subjected to my efforts of attempting self improvement as I try to learn cartography. Although it's impossible for a person to go through life without any artistic outlet, I can safely say that I have gone through my 38 years of existence w/o ever putting pen to paper and then sharing it with the world.

Having something to do with good ol' pen & paper seems like a good change of pace. However, I do plan to put each map to the web in a format that a GM of any skill can download and use for their own purposes.

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All of my maps are on GM Binder & Patreon


Usage Inspiration

This crypt was created out of some of the finest stone in the region. Primarily made of a dark gray granite, it has been polished to a near glass smooth finish. Additionally, the floor has marble accents throughout in a very intricate pattern.

The entire area is grand in nature. The halls are all 10' wide with 15' ceilings, the two side chambers have 15' ceilings, and the main burial chamber has a ceiling that is 25' high.

Each of the three pools are filled with some of the purest water in the land. Water is pumped from a well that is over 200' deep located to the north of the crypt. Some say this water has healing properties.

The secret door off of the chamber can be unlocked by a small button found on the status between the two alters. The hall leading from this door is fairly narrow, and appears to be hardly used. The room at the end of the hall contains a centuries old library.

The secret door off of the southern chamber opens up into a small natural cave. This cave is fairly dry and mundane. The room that it leads to however, is not. Matching the fit and finish of the main crypt, and adorned with a large wooden table crafted from a 500 year old Red Oak tree trunk. If one were to guess, this room would make for a great poker room for the local nobles.