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Pandm's Custom Races

Sylvari (Guild Wars 2)

  • I. Live life well and fully, and waste nothing.

  • II. Do not fear difficulty. Hard ground makes stronger roots.

  • III. The only lasting peace is the peace within your own soul.

  • IV. All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed.

  • V. Never leave a wrong to ripen into evil or sorrow.

  • VI. Act with wisdom, but act.

  • VII. From the smallest blade of grass to the largest mountain, where life goes—so, too, should you.

These are the teachings of Ventari, a centaur that sat below the Mother Tree and without his knowledge inspired an entire race to bloom.

Sylvari are born as fully grown humanoids with knowledge gained through their "Mother Tree" which is normally an extremely large plant at the center of their villages.

Almost all Sylvari are friendly, quick to introduce themselves, and welcoming of others, they are generally received with curiosity and friendship, however more aggressive peoples will see them as weak due to their inherent lack of hostility.

Mimicry is the Best Form of Flattery

With their appearance very human in nature, one could say for what they learned from the teachings of the centaur they were inspired by the shape of the human. They average between five to six feet tall and weigh between 120 to 160 pounds. The tops of their heads come in many varieties as well, from bark-like protrusions to nearly any plant one could imagine often in a style reminiscent of other humanoid hairstyles or hats. Their skin comes in almost any color you could imagine, and surely they come in any color that a plant does, from daffodil yellow, to a deep forest green, rose red, or bark brown, you can find Sylvari with the appearance to match. Generally speaking they adorn themselves with the dressings of nature, taking the styles of elegant flowers and the toughest vines and trees as their clothes. Their size is Medium.

The Newest Race

Sylvari are the newest race of the world, their firstborn only barely reaching the age of adulthood in most other races. The Sylvari are a curious people, constantly striving to learn and grow, currently no one, including the Sylvari themselves know how long they live. They are a peaceful people who do not wish for conflict or conquest, but are as capable as any.

The Mother Tree

Sylvari are all born from a great tree, a tree with the combined knowledge of every Sylvari that has taught the Mother Tree what they have learned in their travels, and likewise the Mother Tree teaches to each new Sylvari. The goal of many Sylvari is to go on their Wyld Hunt, the purpose for their being and the goal they are given just before birth. The Wyld Hunt can be as mundane as teaching their sylvan hounds, or as complex as saving the world.

Page 1 | About Sylvari

Sylvari Names

Oftentimes, Sylvari are named after the various plants of the world and their names are as diverse as the plants they are named after. There are no children among the Sylvari and all are given a name by their Mother Tree. Unlike most races however, their group name comes first, and their individual name second. EX: Calliandra Laxa would go by Laxa Calliandra on any human documents, and her friends would call her Laxa.

Male Names:

Allium, Lactuca, Daucas, Ficus, Pyrus, Ananus, Capsicum, Sorghum, Dolichos, Anthurium, Lycaste, Rhapis, Dypsis, Pteris, Caladium.

Female Names:

Gerbara, Strelitzia, Ardisia, Laxa, Calathea, Vriesa, Clivia, Tillandsia, Primula, Pileea, Nertera, Alocasia, Dracaena, Pachera, Calathea.

Family Names:

Lancifola, Belmoreana, Muscipula, Zamioculcas, Obtusifolia, Grusonii, Tomentosa, Haworthia, Reginae, Calliandra, Asteracea

Sylvari Traits

Sylvari have quite literally been created in Man's image, and thus have many similarities.

Ability Score Increase.

Your Intelligence increases by 1 and your Charisma increases by 2.


All Sylvari are young in the eyes of other races, only the Firstborn of the Sylvari are over the age of 30, and for the most part, any Sylvari you might meet will be under the age of 20.


Sylvari are kindhearted and get along with all races and peoples, no matter what subrace of Sylvari their alignment is almost exclusively good, and usually lawful or neutral, there are rare exceptions in the case of the Sylvari that have fallen to Nightmare.


Sylvari range from under 5 feet to 6 feet tall and are usually rather slender. Your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Sylvari Proficiencies.

Due to the knowledge gained before birth Sylvari are proficient with light armor, whips, herbalism kits, and most simple weapons.


All Sylvari speak both Common and Sylvan.

One With Nature.

You have proficiency in the nature skill.

Sylvari Naturecraft.

All Sylvari receive +2 Bonus to any roll when making checks involving plants.

Sylvari Bio-luminescence.

All Sylvari have a secondary color pattern under their skin that can shine at night or dim conditions, the color is generally complementary of their normal skin color. The brightness allows them to light a 10 foot area around them with faint light, and they can change how bright it is, or if they have any light showing whatsoever at will. When Sylvari aren't controlling their bio-luminescence it generally seems to match their mood, growing brighter when they are happy, energetic or angry and dimming when they are sad, tired or scared.


All Sylvari regardless of subrace can use the Druidcraft cantrip.


The varying needs of the Mother Tree cause the sylvari to come in several different, but similar forms, if you wish, you may choose a narrower subrace.

Forest Sylvari

Forest Sylvari are the most diverse in appearance among Sylvari, they come in a wide variety of colors and appearances. The tops of their heads come in many varieties as well, from bark-like protrusions to nearly any leaf-like, or floral style reminiscent of other humanoid hairstyles. Their skin and eyes come in almost any color you could imagine, and surely they come in any color that a plant does, from daffodil yellow, to a deep forest green, rose red, or bark brown, you can find Sylvari with the appearance to match.

Forest Sylvari Differences.

Forest Sylvari receive -1 to Constitution, but +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

Bark Armor.

Once per long rest a Forest Sylvari may harden their skin and gain a bonus 2 to their AC, resistance to piercing and slashing damage, as well as have immunity to critical hits for 5 minutes, however they become weak to fire and have disadvantage against all saving throws involving fire or fire element spells.

Page 2 | Names and Abilities

Desert Sylvari

Desert Sylvari are reminiscent of Cacti, usually having ridges of thorns on the tops of their heads and occasionally where most humanoids have eyebrows or along the ridge of the nose. Their skin and eyes come in a variety of colors but are usually a shade of green, brown, or darker blue.

Desert Sylvari Differences.

Desert Sylvari receive +1 to both Strength and Constitution, and due to being born for the desert, you have resistance to fire, need half as much water, and gain advantage when against druidic magic, as well as advantage against being grappled.

Prickly Disposition.

When you are grappled, or when you grapple an opponent, during each of your turns and each turn of the opponent grappling you, they take 1d4 piercing damage from your natural spines and receive a -1 penalty to all rolls when trying to break free from your grapple.

Undergrowth Sylvari

Undergrowth Sylvari are very similar to the Forest Sylvari, however, they are usually a little shorter, the tops of their heads are always some type of mushroom and their skin is almost always a darker green, blue, brown, or red. Their eyes come in a multitude of colors but usually match the color of their bio-luminescence, the colors for their bio-luminescence also tends to be a darker shade, however can be a much lighter shade than their skin tone. Generally the Undergrowth Sylvari are associated with necromancy, poison and rot, however they are just as jovial as their brighter cousins and as pleasant to be around, that said they are much more adept in the realms of silence and subterfuge than their sun soaked relatives.

Undergrowth Sylvari Differences.

Undergrowth Sylvari are slightly weaker than their cousins, and thus receive -1 to Strength, however they have a +1 bonus to Intelligence and a +2 bonus to Dexterity. You are also resistant to both poison and necrotic damage and have advantage on poison saving throws.

Undergrowth Training.

In addition to the usual proficiencies for all Sylvari, Undergrowth Sylvari have proficiency in Shortbows, Bowguns, poisoner's tools, and stealth.

Undergrowth Sylvari Guile.

Undergrowth Sylvari are adept at becoming shadows at night in nature, they gain advantage on any stealth check while they are hidden in nature at night, and anything trying to find them has disadvantage when they are hidden in nature at night. They also get a +2 bonus to any roll when attacking from stealth at night, and additional +2 to any stealth rolls while in a natural setting.

Page 3 | Subraces