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“THE GOATMEN OF THE DEEPWOOD WOULD HOLD revels lasting fortnights that consist of levels of debauchery and merriment, drink and dance, games and sex- sometimes all at once… that is a sight I wish I could unsee. But their gardens and farms were emaculate, everywhere you looked crops were bountiful and flowers were blooming. Amazing."

—Anonymous, A Traveler’s Guide to The Deepwood

Dore was playing his panpipe watching his garden and listening to the sounds of the surrounding forest but was still restless. He knows that something wasn't right in the groves but couldn't place it in his mind. He knew that the creatures of the woods were skittish today and wanted to help them, so places his panpipe to the side and began to commune with those of the forest.

Satyrs work constantly with the land and the creatures around them to discern what is happening in their realm. There are those in their clans that go on adventures but that is considered very unusual for them as they are very tight knit and there hasn't been a war between clans in over 400 years.

Burrowing Hosts

Satyr were formerly a race of troublesome fey pranksters and barbarians until they joined society in recent decades. Satyrs were originally denizens of the Feywild, and some still reside there. However, the sheer amount of revels, indulgences, and parties in the Material Realm lured many Satyrs to journey from the Feywild.

Satyrs live within small clans, and tend to stay with their own kin, yet band together with other clans to stave off those enemies they can’t defeat alone. Satyrs make their homes under the trees far into the forests, burrowing deep holes that create a network of small tunnels underground.


Orderly Disorder

There is no law in Satyr society and they believe that every being is able to do whatever they please whenever they please. They don't consider marriages, in a traditional sense, a needed part of their lives but they do have families that they care for and provide assistance too when they need it.

However once a year all the Satyr clans meet for a festival to end all festivals where they eat, drink, and be merry for a fortnight. This is a celebration of the peace that their race has endured for centuries. It is rare but not unheard of for other races to find and participate in this festival but they tend to not remember the details very well.


Spontaneous and compulsive, Satyrs tend to wonder where their hearts take them. As lovers of all things wine and music they will seek out other ways to improve their crafts to bring back to their clans. Regardless of what brought them out of their homes Satyrs that begin to go on adventures tend to show others why they are considered heavy drinkers and music players, often to the exasperation of their companions.

Satyr Names

Satyr mature at the age of 50 years old in which there is a celebration of their new life as an adult in their clan. Once they reach this age the name is given to them by the elder of the clan and is usually the name of a forebearer. Very rarely is a Satyr given a new name unless they have proven themselves in some way already. In order to have a new name created they must have preformed a deed that was so astounding that the clan has put in down into their ancient tome commemorating the deed. When they are children they use the name of their parent of the same sex.

Clan names are often describing where they live by other clans. They are in fact defacto nicknames to identify other clans.

Male Names: Alber, Apis, Cyllerus, Dantares, Elatus, Eurytion, Gadfort, Grover, Hylaeus, Jaro, Jimmit, Kashing, Latreus, Magorian, Moot, Nessus, Oreus, Pan, Pelle, Pholus, Polkan, Rhaecus, Ronan, Sajacks, Tully, Vankar, Varios, Webin.

Female Names: Carystus, Cybel, Dawn, Endeis, Euippe, Hippe, Hylonome, Mae, Melanippe, Nessa, Ocyrhoe, Pem, Sempra, Stryba, Vasy.

Clan Names: Dewcaller, Dirgemark, Forestkeep, Leafpike, Shadowblaze, Treechewer, Turfwender, Woodenhell

RACES | Satyrs

Satyr Traits

Your Satyr character has a number of traits in common with all other Fey creatures.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score is increased by 1.

Age. Satyrs reach maturity by age 50 and can live for centuries. The oldest satyr on record died at 1,422 years old.

Alignment. Satyrs tend towards chaotic, not believing laws have any bearing on the important things.

Size. Satyrs average around five feet in height and weigh between 90 to 120 pounds. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 40ft.

Natures Herald. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill.

Mask of the Wild. You can hide even when you are only lightly obscured by dense foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. You gain advantage to Stealth rolls when attempting in these conditions.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Subraces. Although all satyrs are similar, they have some major differences. There are three distinct subraces of satyrs: Cernous, Faun, and Ibycus. Choose one of these subraces.


Cernous are the typical old men, reclusive and in tune with nature, but fiercely independent. Usually studying the ways of animals and nature they can easily commune with creatures and plants around them.

Ability Score Increase. Wisdom score increases by 2.

Speech of Beasts. You have learned how animals think and how they communicate. You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill and you also gain advantage on any Animal Handling check.

Speak with Plants. At the 5th level you gain the ability to cast Speak with Plants twice per long rest.



Faun are the satyrs that love celebrations, with more human-like features, and a constant desire to entertain those around them. They also have much better speaking skills.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Natural Performer. You have proficiency in the Performance skill and in one musical instrument of your choice.

An Ear for Language. At the 5th level you are able to cast Tongues twice per long rest.


Ibycus are more animal than human, and will do anything to prevent the corruption of nature. They tolerate other races, barely, and only then because they recognize these people can defend them against even worse people.

Ability Score Increase. Strength score increase by 2.

Charging Horns. You are proficient in using your horns as a melee weapon. As an action you can attack with them, to deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage. On a hit, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC10 + STR modifier) or be knocked prone.

Natures Guardians. At the 5th level you are able to cast Plant Growth twice per long rest.

RACES | Satyrs



Feb 12, 2018 -- Version 0.8

  • Initial Release
  • Grammar and Spelling Fixes