Niblins V1.1
Niblins are distinct subset of goblinoid, though they can be born among common goblin tribes, born either through inbreeding, mutation, or magical means, Niblins are the smaller and much more dumb and agitating relatives of common goblins
Often being dumber than a normal goblin and much more irritating. They sport an overgrown balloon like, almost football shaped head. Much smaller than an ordinary goblin, niblins are born with large mouths and bad tempers. Treated even by goblins as goblins are by larger humanoids, niblins tend to gravitate towards each other and form tribes. Despitea small stature, low intelligence, they have proven to be quite nimble and quite adaptable.
Small nightmares
Niblins are usually sadistic creatures with odd behavior and strange quirks, crafting makeshift arms and playing dangerous and potentially self harming games, they have a love for treasure and shiny objects usually favoring their looks over their functionality. They tend to watch, learn and (poorly) copy other creatures interactions with one another and their environment to further their own chances of survival, that is if they aren't trying to eat them. Despite their adaptability they mostly remain short tempered, easily distracted and very dumb. When in battle they prefer to ambush their foes using their over sized teeth to clamp down on them to impede movement and then attack while they are busy trying to get shove one or more of them off.
Religion and History
Depending on the tribe some Niblin are godless, while others pray to to some dark deity or pantheon. Niblin rituals and worship are very simple, dark and bloody ceremonies filled with howling, sacrifice, dance. They craft fetishes from the bones of their enemies, particularly dogs, horses and humanoids.
Society and habitat
Niblins tend to die fast and breed even faster, not living for more than a two decades at most, its more common to see them die before their natural life span. Female Niblins are outnumbered by their male counterparts almost 5 to 1, and they tend to birth a large amount of young, numbering close to 5 or 6 and raising them communally in pens or cages as they come out near self sufficient and and more akin to pets rather than babies, quite often though much less than half of the litter make it to maturity. Niblins don't often build their own homes; though when they do, it tends to be a mix of pilfered materials and stolen objects, often settling in abandoned areas, and swamps and bogs, but its not uncommon to see them in other environments so long as they live close to places where food or animals are abundant. They tend to scavenge for most of their food, sometimes sharing a hunter/hunter relationship with larger prey depending on the environment they live in, the most common creatures that tend to favor niblin flesh are wild boars, wolves and other carnivorous animals. Niblins gather in tribes of up to a few dozen, following a chieftain and sub-chiefs who are either toughest individuals in the group or the longest lived. Successful niblin tribes will keep numerous mounts in their settlements, typically wolves and worgs, but never horses as they are much too large, and have an odd innate fear of Niblins, normally kicking them in the head or trampling them as they approach.
Inspired by 1d6Adventure's Niblin and Pathfinder's goblin but not really a goblin, its more like a gremlin, but ok if you say so its a goblin
5e Player Race made by /u/Cipath
Niblin Traits
Your character has the following traits
Ability Score Improvement. Your Dexterity Score Increases by 1 and your Constitution by 1
Age. Niblin reach maturity within 1 year and have a lifespan of 50 years, but most tend to die before 20.
Alignment. Niblin tribes vary in alignment, but most tend to be chaotic (stupid).
Size. Niblin range from 1 to 3 feet, and on average they come close to 2ft and 8 inches. Above 2ft you are small, and below you are tiny.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Too Many Teeth. . Goblins are known for their balloon like heads and enormous maws. You have a primary natural weapon which is a bite attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage and has the finesse tag.
Languages. You can speak, read and write goblin, and common in its most basic form.
Niblin Quirks
All Niblin have 2 of the following traits.
Cowardly Nature. You wouldn't describe yourself as gutless, but seeing as how often you run, you might be. When you are at on quarter health or lower you gain the benefit of the dash action while disengaging.
Ambusher. Like some others of you're kind, you're the kind to skulk about, You are proficient with the stealth skill.
Big Ears. While Niblin have large ears, yours are particularly large, granting you advantage on perception checks to hear things, and proficiency with the perception skill
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you gain darkvision out to 60ft.
Cave Crawler. You gain a climb speed equal to half of your movement speed, and gain proficiency with the acrobatics skill.
Spelunker. You are exceptional at squeezing through narrow passages and other tight spaces. You suffer no movement penalty from crawling, and, if you were standing when you began your turn, standing back up costs no movement.
Excitable. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on your turn, you can take a bonus action to move up to half your movement towards another hostile entity.
Filthy Maw. Upon making a bite attack, whoever you bit must make a con saving throw or be poisoned by your unclean filthy mouth, dealing 1d8 poison damage. The DC is equal to 8 + Constitution Modifier + Proficiency bonus, on a successful save they take half as much damage from your disgusting saliva, and on a failure they take full damage. Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Lock Jaw. Your jaws are akin to a bear trap, dealing an additional 1 piercing damage and making you hard to pull free, impeding the movement of those you clamp down on. As a bonus action when biting a creature one size larger you may choose to stay clamped down on them reducing their movement by half. When Clamped down, if one tries to pry you off it acts as a contested strength roll.
Just a taste. Upon using your bite attack on an enemy, you may also choose to tear a chunk of meat out of them as a bonus action, not only disfiguring and scarring them, it deals an additional 1d4 bleeding damage which repeats on their next 3 turns, unless they use their action to attempt to stop the bleeding by passing a sleight of hand check, equal to 8 + your strength modifier + Proficiency Bonus.
Cannibalism. Among your tribe you do so savor the flesh of sentient beings, you may ravenously eat a fallen sapient foe as a full action so long as its been dead for less than 2 hours, when eating their flesh you regain hp equal to a roll of one of your hit die + your con modifier. After using this feature you may not use it again until you complete a long rest.
Carrion Devourer. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to resist diseases, poisons, and the adverse effects of eating food of inferior quality, such as carcasses or rotten fruit. Also if you have the cannibalism trait, it works on bodies that have been dead for no longer than a week.
Mount Tamer. You gain proficiency with whips, nets and the Animal Handling Skill.
Friend to Frogs. Through sounds and gestures you are able to communicate simple ideas with amphibians such as newts, frogs, toads, and salamanders. When making animal handling checks with amphibian beasts, you do so with advantage. Additionally you gain a small amphibian as a pet when you take this trait.
Copy Cat. When seeing another creature that has proficiency performing a skill, or using a tool or weapon, you attempt to mimic their own actions and gain proficiency with said thing for 8 hours. You may only use this trait once a day.
Flexible Mind. You're vision is outwards while your brethren are more concerned with eating and murdering, you gain proficiency in a tool set, and an intelligence or charisma skill of your choice.
Devout. Knocking around in your football head is knowledge of dark and evil entities that are subjects of worship among your kind and others, you gain proficiency in the Religion or History skill. When using these skills in relation to dark entities and deities you do so with double your proficiency bonus.
Trickster. You have proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills. You know another language of your choice.
Fire Tamer. You've experienced a lot of burns through ritual and combat, You gain a +2 bonus on saves that involve fire, and +1 attack bonus with things using fire.
Makeshift weaponry. You gain proficiency with two martial melee weapons of your choice and gain the ability to craft them. It takes you a long rest to cobble it together out of parts you have or found. Although these look ugly they work well enough. On an attack roll of 2 or lower your makeshift weapon breaks.
Kicked in the head by a horse. Somehow you didn't die upon getting your face bucked by a horse, because of that it's left your personality warped, But thanks to the hoof to the head you have somehow gained proficiency with an instrument, and gain resistance to psychic damage, additionally you must take an additional character flaw.
So stupid it might actually work. Once a day you may make an intelligence roll with advantage in place of other checks, upon making this roll you must propose your plan, solution or response to something. EG: Guessing a secret password, persuading someone for a reward or to follow a plan, deceiving someone, solving a riddle, or possibly figuring out the mechanics of a device, or crafting something, examples given are not entirely what it its limited to.
Shitflinger. After eating and taking a short or long rest, as a bonus action you drop your pants (if you're wearing any) and choose to fling a single fresh turd with at a target of your choosing, upon a hit they take 1d4 damage and must make a saving throw equal to DC 8 + Proficiency bonus, on a failed save they are blinded until your next turn, on a successful save they gain advantage on attacks against you until you manage to blind them with your turds. You can produce and fling as many turds equal to your Con Modifier. This attack has a range of 10/40ft. (Feel free to reflavor this to literally anything)
Art Credits
- Andrew hou
- Kiki Moch Rizky
- Dave Allsop
- D'Anne Rooney
- Russell Akred
- Also thanks to /u/TheGentGamer For balancing help