Cleric - Astral Domain

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Astral Divine Domain

Many people find comfort in the warmth of the sun or the light of the moon. They seek guidance from these heavenly objects, basking in the light to understand it and spread its radiance. However, some turn their eyes away from the sun and moon, and focus on the stars. Clerics of Savras, Celestian or Astraea, they call themselves Starcallers, guided by the stars to the aid of mortals, becoming their conduit to heal and protect.

Domain Spells
Cleric level Spell
1st faerie fire, sanctuary
3rd moonbeam, skywrite
5th beacon of hope, daylight
7th aura of life, divination
9th dawn, dispel evil and good


Starting at 1st level, stars speak to you. You always know the number of hours left until the next dawn and where North is. In planes of existence without cardinal directions, you instead always know the direction of your point of entrance to the plane. Additionally, you can speak, read and write Celestial, the language of stars.

Collect Starlight

Also starting at 1st level, if you hold a clear, closed vessel (e.g a glass bottle) while in starlight that is not sunlight for an hour, it will fill with a swirling and faintly glowing mist.

When you speak a designated command word before the vessel is opened next, it starts to shed bright light in a 30ft radius and dim light in an additional 30ft radius for 1 hour. This light is sunlight. Only one vessel can be filled with starlight by you at a time. If the bottle is opened, the mist swirls out, dissipating in the air harmlessly.

Channel Divinity: Dazzle

Starting at 2th level, you have learned how to copy the stars' light, using your power to blind your enemies and empower your allies.

As an action, you can channel the power of the stars. Creatures you designate within 60 feet of you deal extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier with each of their attacks and damaging spells or abilities until the end of your next round. Additionally, creatures you designate within 15 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of your next turn as a 5 ft. radius, 300 mile high cylinder centered on you beams down from the sky, passing through terrain or buildings.

Channel Divinity: Astral Guidance

Starting at 6th level, you can ask for the help of celestials to guide you on your path.

As a 10 minute ritual under the night sky, you can enter a meditative state and describe a goal you need assistance with, such as finding a creature of object or weakening an enemy. A bright star-like light appears in the direction of what you were looking for or a creature or object that can be to your help, but clearly distinct from real stars. The light lasts for 1 hour or until you find what you were looking for.

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.


Starting at 17th level, you all but one with the stars. You gain immunity to radiant damage and enemies who hit you with a melee attack must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of your next turn.

Additionally, you can cast contact other plane to communicate with celestials without needing to make an Intelligence saving throw as the celestials shield your mind from the horrors of their plane.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.


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