Way of the Drunken fist

by Kuraioni121

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Way of the Swaying Fist (V1.2)

Swaying Fist Technique

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in brewer's supplies and can create a special jug full of a mixture of alcohol and herbs known as Baiju.

Swaying Fist Stance As a bonus action, a practitioner of the Way of the Swaying Fist can spend 1 Ki point and imbibe deeply of Baiju, granting them a variety of effects that lasts 1 minute.

  • The unpracticed imbibers of Baiju have difficulty seeing things while in their drunken state. You have disadvantage on all ranged attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) skill checks that rely on your eyesight.
  • The monk's Base Speed becomes halved as they stumble around the battlefield. This has no effect on their Unarmored Movement Bonus.
  • You may reroll any 1 or 2 rolled on a melee attack that uses your Martial Arts Die, but must use the new roll.
  • As a reaction, you can twist deftly as a melee attack hits you. Doing so allows you to reduce the incoming weapon's damage by an amount equal to their Martial Arts Die + their Dexterity Modifier. If the damage from the weapon is reduced to 0, you may spend a 1 Ki as a part of this action to make an Unarmed or Melee Monk Weapon attack against the enemy who attacked them.

After you have partaken in Baiju this way, you can stop its effects by using a Bonus Action on their turn.

If you ever lose your Baiju jug or it is destroyed, you can spend a long rest using some brewer's supplies recreating it after gathering the necessary 10 gp worth of herbs, alcohol, and a clay jug or dried gourd.

Anyone not trained in the Way of the Drunken Fist who drinks Baiju tastes a vile alcoholic concoction that burns their palate and is flavored not unlike grass.

Alcoholic's Resilience

At 6th level, your body has adapted from your constant drinking. When you enter the Swaying Fist Stance, you may spend an additional Ki point to gain temporary hit points equal to your monk level. These temporary hit points last up to 1 minute.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Noxious Vapors

When you reach 11th level in this class, you learn how to enhance the vile smell and taste of the Baiju that you have become immune to. As an Action, you can take a swig of Baiju and spend 2 Ki to enhance it. You then spray the mixture from your mouth in a 10 ft cone. All creatures in the cone must pass a Constitution Saving Throw or take 4d6 poison damage, taking half damage on a successful save.

Additionally, those who fail their saving throw become Poisoned until the end of the Monk's next turn. Creatures immune to poison damage are immune these effects.

Also, you have become more used to your drunken Baiju induced state. You no longer suffer disadvantage on Ranged Attack Rolls with Monk Weapons after drinking the herbal concoction.

Drunken Master

By 17th level, your body has adapted to the effects of Baiju and has made you stronger for it. You no longer need to drink Baiju or spend Ki to be granted the base effects of the Swaying Fist Stance.

Toxic Shock Strike You learn to release the toxins that have built up inside of someone else's body with a specialized strike. When you hit a creature that is not a immune to Poison Damage with an Unarmed Strike you may spend 2 Ki points to release these toxins back into their bloodstream. The victim must pass a Constitution Saving Throw or suffer 4d10 Poison Damage and gain a point of Exhaustion as their body starts to shut down, instead only taking half damage on a success. On a failure, at the end of the creature's next turn they must succeed the saving throw or take an additional 4d10 Poison Damage and gain an additional point of Exhaustion. This continues until they pass the saving throw, you use an action to rapidly prod the various spots on their body that would end the flow of toxins, or they die.

An enemy that passes their saving throw cannot be affected by this strike again for 24 hours as the toxins resettle in the victim's body.


Image Source:TU-ninja talkshow concept by Hoon
Creator: Kuraioni121


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