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# Bard - Colleges
###### Subclass Summaries
## Lore *Player's Handbook*
> **Lore** - these bards search for truth, knowledge and beauty. They question everything while keeping audiences spellbound, picking up all sorts of information, magic and skills along the way > ___ > Learn additional skills, spells and uses for BI
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Lore Features
| Level | | Feature | | :---: |- | :------ | | 3rd | | Bonus Proficiencies, Cutting Words | 6th | | Additional Magical Secrets | 14th | | Peerless Skill
### 3rd level ##### Bonus Profiencies Learn 3 skills of your choice
##### Cutting Words **Spend BI** (Bardic Inspiration) - subtract the die from a creature's attack, damage or skill check roll Can use after their roll but before results Fails if creature is immune to charm or can't hear you
### 6th level ##### Additional Magical Secrets Learn 2 spells from any class' list They can be any level you can cast or a cantrip These don't count against your known spells
### 14th level ##### Peerless Skill **Spend BI** - add the die to any ability check Can use after the roll but before results
## Valour *Player's Handbook*
> **Valour** - prefer to experience life first hand, being part of the story itself > ___ > These bards are more combat oriented and get features to match
Valour features
| Level | |Feature | | :---: | - | :------ | | 3rd | | Bonus Proficiencies, Combat Inspiration | 6th | | Extra Attack | 14th | | Battle Magic
### 3rd level ##### Bonus Proficiencies Martial weapons, medium armor and shields
##### Combat Inspiration A creature you've given **BI** to can add the die to a damage roll ___ Alteratively, as reaction - they can add it to their AC They can use after the attack roll but before results
### 6th level ##### Extra Attack Attack twice with the Attack action
### 14th level ##### Battle Magic When you use your action to cast a bard spell, as bonus - make a weapon attack
## Glamour *Xanathar's Guide to Everything*
> **Glamour** - Your music embodies the powers of the fey, subtle and enchanting > ___ > Charm and command others and help your allies
Glamour Features
| Level | | Feature | | :---: | - | :------ | | 3rd | | Mantle of Inspiration, Enthralling Performance | 6th | | Mantle of Majesty | 14th | | Unbreakable Majesty
### 3rd level ##### Mantle of Inspiration **Spend BI** - as bonus, give allies within 60' that you can see and that can see you **5 temp HP** # of allies affected = **Cha modifier** (minimum 1) \ Also, affected allies can immediately use their reaction to move their speed without provoking attacks of opportunity ___
5th level
- 8 temp HP
10th level
- 11 temp HP
15th level
- 14 temp HP
##### Enthralling Performance After performing for 1 min - creatures of your choice within 60' that saw and heard performance must **save: Wis** or become charmed for 1 hr # of creatures affected = **Cha modifier** (minimum 1)
They idolize you and hinder those that oppose you, though they avoid violence unless already inclined **Save** - not charmed and ignorant of your attempt
Ends early on a target if you attack them, they take damage, or they see you attack their allies 1x per rest
### 6th level ##### Mantle of Majesty As bonus - gain unearthly beauty for 1 min (concentration) and cast ***command*** without spending a slot Those already charmed by you fail their saves \ For duration, as bonus - cast ***command*** again 1x per long rest
### 14th level ##### Unbreakable Majesty Gain a permanent otherworldly appearance, lovely and fierce
As bonus - assume a magic, majestic presence for 1 min For duration - if a creature attacks you (first time per turn), it must **save: Cha** vs your spell DC or be unable to attack you this turn and must choose a different target or waste the attack **Save** - creature can attack you but gets disadvantage on saves vs your spells on your next turn 1x per rest \pagebreakNum
## Swords (Blades) *Xanathar's Guide to Everything*
> **Swords** - With talent and finesse, these bards are showmen and artists with blades > ___ > You are combat focusesd. You get a fighting style and use BI to power flourishes
Swords Features
| Level | | Feature | | :---: | - | :------ | | 3rd | | Bonus Proficiencies, Fighting Style, Blade Flourish | 6th | | Extra Attack | 14th | | Master's Flourish
### 3rd level ##### Bonus Proficiencies Medium armor, Scimitar
You can use a proficient weapon as a spell focus
##### Fighting Style Choose the Dueling or Two-Weapon Fighting style: ___
- +2 to damage when wielding only a one-handed weapon
**Two-Weapon Fighting**
- add your ability modifier to damage of 2nd weapon
##### Blade Flourish When you take the attack action - add 10' to walking speed until the end of your turn
If you hit a creature with a weapon attack - **spend BI** to perform a flourish: (1x per turn)
#### Flourishes
- add BI die to damage Also, add it to your AC until the start of your next turn ___
- add BI die to damage Also, hit 1 other target within 5' of you for BI damage ___
- add BI die to damage Also, push your target 5' + BI As reaction - immediately move to an empty space within 5' of target
### 6th level ##### Extra Attack Attack twice with the Attack action
### 14th level ##### Master's Flourish When using Blade Flourish - You can choose to use a **1d6** die and not spend BI \pagebreakNum
## Whispers *Xanathar's Guide to Everything*
> **Whispers** - use magic and a bard's reputation to uncover secrets. Many bards of this college threaten and extort others > ___ > Sow paranoia, impersonate others and deal psychic damage
Whispers Features
| Level | | Feature | | :---: | - | :------ | | 3rd | | Psychic Blades, Words of Terror | 6th | | Mantle of Whispers | 14th | | Shadow Lore
### 3rd level ##### Psychic Blades
When you hit with a weapon - **spend BI** to inflict an additional **2d6 psychic** 1x per turn ___
5th level
- 3d6 psychic
10th level
- 5d6 psychic
15th level
- 8d6 psychic
##### Words of Terror Speak to someone alone for 1 min and sow paranoia Target must **save: Wis** or become frightened of you or another creature for 1 hour **Save** - target doesn't know you tried to frighten it
Ends early if target is attacked, damaged, or sees their allies attacked or damaged 1x per rest
### 6th level ##### Mantle of Whispers When a humanoid dies within 30', as reaction - capture their shadow
As an action - magically disguise yourrself as that creature for 1 hour (end as bonus) You can pass as that person, access their memories and you know basic background and personal info but not secrets \columnbreak
Another creature can see through the disguise with **Insight** vs your **Deception +5** \ The shadow vanishes when used or a after a long rest 1x per rest
### 14th level ##### Shadow Lore Magically whisper to 1 creature within 30' Target must **save: Wis** or become charmed for 8 hours, convinced you know their darkest secret Target obeys commands and may grant favors and gifts Target won't risk their life or fight unless already inclined **Save** - target only hears unintelligible mumbling
Ends if you attack or damage target or force a saving throw 1x per rest
## Eloquence *Mythic Odysseys of Theros*
> **Eloquence** - these bards are oratory masters, reveling in wordplay and persuasion > ___ > Get bonuses to persuade and deceive, reduce saves, speak to any creatures and get enhanced BI
Eloquence Features
| Level | | Feature | | :---: | - | :------ | | 3rd | | Silver Tongue, Unsettling Words | 6th | | Unfailing Inspiration, Universsal Speech | 14th | | Infectious Inspiration
### 3rd Level ##### Silver Tongue When making a Persuasion or Deception check and roll 9 or lower - treat it as a 10
##### Unsettling Words As bonus - spend BI \ A creature you can see within 60' must subtract your die from its next save before the start of your next turn
### 6th level ##### Unfailing Inspiration When a creature uses your BI on a check, attack or save and fails - it can keep the BI die
##### Universal Speech As an action - creatures of your choice within 60' can understand you for 1 hr Max creatures affected = Cha modifier (minimum 1) 1x per long rest, can use again with a slot
### 14th level ##### Infectious Inspiration When a creature uses your BI on a check, attack or save and succeeds, as reaction - give another creature within 60' that can you hear you a BI die (without spending any uses) Uses per long rest = Cha modifier (minimum 1)
## Satire (Jesters) *UA - Kits of Old (01/04/2016)*
> **Satire** - these bards mock, provoke and entertain, but also pursue truth, exposing corruption wherever it lies > ___ > Get skills, tumble and detect others' thoughts
Satire Features
| Level | | Feature | | :---: | - | :------ | | 3rd | | Bonus Proficiencies, Tumbling Fool | 6th | | Fool's Insight | 14th | | Fool's Luck
### 3rd level ##### Bonus Proficiencies Thieves' Tools, Sleight of Hand and 1 skill of your choice
##### Tumbling Fool As bonus - tumble, getting the following benefits until the end of your turn: * Get the benefits of Dash and Disengage * Climb speed = walking speed * Take 1/2 damage from falling
### 6th level ##### Fool's Insight Cast ***detect thoughts*** If you probe deeper but target saves, target immediately suffers an embarrassing social gaffe Uses per long rest = Cha modifier
### 14th level ##### Fool's Luck On a failed attack roll, save or ability check - **spend BI** and add die to roll If you succeed, note the number
DM gets to impose that number as a penalty to a future roll Be descriptive about your mistake/gaffe when penalized Can't use again until DM invokes penalty
## Creation *UA - Subclasses, Part 2 (02/06/2020)*
> **Creation** - you use music, word and harmonies to affect reality > ___ > Animate items and use BI to cause thunder, give temp HP or allow your ally to reroll. At higher levels, you can temporarily create nonmagical items
Eloquence Features
| Level | | Feature | | :---: | - | :------ | | 3rd | | Note of Potential | 6th | | Animating Performance | 14th | | Performance of Creation
### 3rd Level ##### Note of Potential When you give BI, you can also give a Note of Potential Recipient can use it for one of the following: ___
**Note of Destruction**
- can use after using BI on an attack roll Creatures within 5' must **save: Con** vs your spell DC or take **thunder** = BI roll \
**Note of Protection**
- can use after using BI on a save Gain **temp HP** = BI roll + Cha modifier \
**Note of Ingenuity**
- can use after using BI on an ability check Roll BI again and choose which roll to use
### 6th level ##### Animating Performance Animate a nonmagical item you can see within 30' The item (up to Large) becomes a Dancing Item Is under your control for 1 hr or until reduced to 0 HP Shares your initiative, takes turn immediately after you Can move, use reactions and take Dodge action on its own \ As bonus - command item to Dash, Disengage, Help, Hide, Search or use stat block action 1x per long rest - can spend 3rd level slot to use again 1 item at a time - if used again, old one becomes inanimate
### 14th level ##### Performance of Creation As an action - create 1 nonmagical item (up to Large) within 10' of you on a supporting surface (or liquid) Value of item can't exceed bard level x 20 gp Floating notes surround it, faint music is heard when touched \ Item disappears at the end of your turn - maintain as action If maintained for 1 min - it will continue to exist for a # of hours = bard level 1x per long rest - can spend 5th level slot to use again 1 item at a time - if feature is used again, old one vanishes
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Dancing Item
>*Large or smaller construct, neutral* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 16 (natural armor) > - **Hit Points** dancing item's Con modifier (+3) + your
Cha modifier + 5x your bard level > - **Speed** 40 ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|18 (+4)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)|4 (-4)|10 (+0)|6 (-2)| >___ > - **Damage Immunities** poison > - **Condition Immunities** charmed, exhaustion, poisoned, frightened > - **Senses** darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 > - **Languages** understands the languages you speak > ___ > ***Endless Waltz.*** Immediately after the making a slam attack - as bonus, Dodge > > ***Immutable Form.*** The item is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form > ___ > ### Actions (Requires Your Bonus Action) > ***Force-Empowered Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see. *Hit:* 1d10 + your Cha modifier force
## Spirits *UA - Subclasses, Part 4 (08/05/2020)*
> **Spirits** - the spirits help you and gift you stories > ___ > Gain bonuses to spell rolls, tell random stories that affect creatures and gain spells of other classes
Eloquence Features
| Level | | Feature | | :---: | - | :------ | | 3rd | | Guiding Whispers, Spiritual Focus, Tales from Beyond | 6th | | Spirit Session | 14th | | Mystical Connection
### 3rd Level ##### Guiding Whispers Learn the ***guidance*** cantrip with a range of 60'
##### Spiritual Focus You can use the following as a spellcasting focus: candle, crystal ball, talking board, tarokka deck or skull ___
6th level
- Add 1d6 to a roll on damage dealing or HP restoring bard spells
##### Tales from Beyond As bonus - use your Spiritual Focus and spend BI to learn a random tale (rolling your BI die on the table below) You then know the tale until used or after a rest As an action - use the tale on a creature you can see within 30' (can use on self) If used again - you lose previous tale or tale effect ends
### 6th level ##### Spirit Session Conduct a 1 hr ritual with other creatures (can do on a rest) and learn a divination or necromancy spell from any class Spell's level can be up to the # of creatures involved Creatures (including you) = proficiency bonus You know the spell until start of next long rest
### 14th level ##### Mystical Connection When using Tales from Beyond, you can roll 1d6 for the tale and not spend BI You still use your BI die for the effect, you just don't spend it
##### Spirits' Tales
| BI Die | | Tale | | :----: |-| :--- | | 1 | | **Beast** - for 1 min - target gets advantage on Perception checks and advantage to attack an enenmy within 5'
(if enemy isn't incapacitated) | 2 | | **Warrior** - make a melee spell attack. If it hits - target takes force = 2 BI die + Cha modifier | 3 | | **Friends** - target and 1 creature it can see within 5' regain HP = BI die + Cha modifier | 4 | | **Runaway** - target and a # of creatures it can see =
your Cha modifier (minimum 1) can use their reaction to teleport 30' to a free space they can see | 5 | | **Avenger** - for 1 min, when a creature target can see within 30' is damaged by another creature, as reaction - target can deal force = BI die to attacker | 6 | | **Hero** - target gains temp HP = BI die + bard level
While temp HP remain - walking speed increases by 10' | 7 | | **Fey** - target must save: Wis or be charmed by you until the end of its next turn. On its turn - you can force target to melee attack another creature you choose | 8 | | **Dark Spirit** - target becomes invisible until the end of its next turn. If target hits with an attack, target loses invisibility and creature takes necrotic = BI die and is frightened of target until end of its next turn | 9 | | **Giant** - creatures of target's choice that it can see within 30' must save: Str or take force = 2 BI die
and be knocked prone.
Save = 1/2 damage and not knocked prone | 10 | | **Dragon** - target breathes fire in 30' cone. Creatures in area must save: Dex or take fire = 2 BI die
Save = 1/2 damage | 11 | | **Celestial** - target regains HP = 2 BI die + bard level and you end 1 disease or 1 of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, petrified or poisoned | 12 | | **Unknown** - target must save: Int or take
psychic = 3 BI die and is unable to speak for 1 min