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Tavern Menu

While these tables are intended for a tavern called the Hammered Smith they are capable of being used by any large, moderatly wealthy Inn or Tavern.

To make a menu with these tables take the entries under the D20 column labeled always, these items are optional, or can be replaced with anything else that may be readily or easily available at the location your tavern is set at. However keep in mind that the regular customers this place may have, and set the quality of the items and their price appropiatly.

Once you have your basic items chosen its time to add a little variety, however if this inn is set in a poorer area, or maybe not likely to aquire rare or exotic foodstuffs and alcohol than your menu is finsished.

Roll 2-3 times on each table, and add each item to the menu. If you roll the same number twice or more than half the cost of that item. Maybe the bar is having a special celebration, maybe that chicken is about to go bad. Justify however you like.


Dont be afriad to adjust menu items or prices based on location, time of year, and player relationship with the bartender or owner. They only open the good stuff for a friend after all, and no one likes a toenal in their stew.

Alcohol Cost Per Cup Cost Per Bottle Local Currency D20
Dravarian Blackbrew 3cp N/A 3 Amber Moons Always
Hjallmari Brownback 5cp N/A 5 Amber Moons Always
Anvilhands Special Brew 2cp N/A 2 Amber Moons Always
Redwater Wine 1sp 3gp 1 Silver Moon Always
Royal Dravarian Whiskey 3sp 5gp 3 Silver Moons Always
Dra'konian Fire Wine 3sp 5gp 3 Silver Moons 1-3
Bug Wine 1sp 3gp 1 Silver Moon 4-5
Drakespine Ale 4cp N/A 4 Amber Moons 6-7
Snowblood Wine 2gp 4pp 2 Gold Suns 8-9
Swamproot Wine 1sp 3gp 1 Silver Moon 10
Saatidan Stout 2cp N/A 2 Amber Moons 11
Ashgrass Ale (Alramad Alesh) 5sp N/A 5 Silver Moons 12
Wolfwater 2sp 4gp 2 Silver Moons 13
Dateran Spirit 8sp N/A 8 Silver Moons 14
Ura Tong Saltwater 4sp 6gp 4 Silver Moons 15
Sunglow Malt 4gp 6pp 6 White Stars 16
Criseon Golden Wine 3gp 5pp 5 White Stars 17
Silverwood White 5gp 7pp 7 White Stars 18
Athresian Nymphaea 1gp 3pp 3 White Stars 19
Zathuni White Rum (Alruwm Al'abyad) 10gp 12pp 12 White Stars 20
Food Cost Local Currency D20
Oat Porridge, Wedge of Goat Cheese, 1/2 Loaf of Rye 5cp 5 Amber Moons Always
Dried Turnip w/ Sweetroot, Fresh Blackberries (Blackmark Special) 6cp 6 Amber Moons Always
Smoked Mutton and Beetroot Stew, 1/2 Loaf of Rye 7cp 7 Amber Moons Always
Roasted Pheasant w/ garlic, Potato and Onion Stew, 1/2 Loaf of Rye w/ butter 1sp 5cp 15 Amber Moons Always
Drakebreath Stew, Manchet Loaf w/ butter, Slice of Apple Pie w/ cream 2sp 5cp 25 Amber Moons Always
Roast Pork, 1/2 Loaf of Rye w/ butter 9cp 9 Amber Moons 1-2
Smoked Sausage, Dried Onion 1sp 1 Silver Moon 3-4
Salt Pork on Rye, Wedge of Auroch Cheese 1sp 5cp 15 Amber Moons 5-6
Roast Chicken Leg, Potato Stew, 1/2 Loaf of Rye/butter 2sp 2 Silver Moons 7-8
1/2 Loaf of Rye w/ butter and garlic, Onion Stew 3cp 3 Amber Moons 9-10
Boiled Whitefish, Wedge of Goat Cheese, 1/2 Loaf of Rye 7cp 7 Amber Moons 11
Pickled Trout, Pork Chop, Roasted Potato and Garlic, 1/2 Loaf of Rye w/ butter 2sp 7cp 27 Amber Moons 12
Leg of Mutton, Biscuits w/ Gravy, Stewed Carrot and Yam 1sp 3cp 13 Amber Moons 13
Boiled Sausage, Sweetroot Stew, 1/2 Loaf of Rye 9cp 9 Amber Moons 14
Baked Chicken and Corn, Blueberry Tart w/ cream , Wedge of Auroch Cheese 3sp 3 Silver Moons 15
Braised Crab w/ Coriander, Blue Cheese, Blackberry Tart w/ cream 3sp 8cp 38 Amber Moons 16
Steamed Duck w/ Broccoli, Manchet Loaf w/ butter, Gravy 2sp 9cp 29 Amber Moons 17
Baked Veal and Leek, Wedge of Auroch Cheese, Manchet Loaf w/ butter 1sp 6cp 16 Amber Moons 18
Braised Shellfish, Dried Apricot, Blackberry Tart w/ cream 3sp 3cp 33 Amber Moons 19
Porterhouse Steak, Biscuits w/ Gravy, Slice of Chocolate Cake 4sp 4 Silver Moons 20
Quick Menu
Food Local Curreny Drink Local Currency
Oat Porridge, Wedge of Goat Cheese, 1/2 Loaf of Rye 5 Amber Moons Dravarian Blackbrew 3 Amber Moons
Dried Turnip, Sweetroot, Fresh Blackberries (Blackmark Special 6 Amber Moons Hjallmari Brownback 5 Amber Moons
Smoked Mutton and Beetroot Stew, 1/2 Loaf of Rye 7 Amber Moons Anvilhands Special Brew 2 Amber Moons
Roasted Pheasant w/ garlic, Potato and Onion Stew, 1/2 Loaf of Rye w/ butter 15 Amber Moons Redwater Wine 1 Silver Moon
Drakebreath Stew, Manchet Loaf w/ butter, Slice of Apple Pie w/ cream 25 Amber Moons Royal Dravarian Whiskey 3 Silver Moons
Braised Shellfish, Dried Apricot, Blackberry Tart w/ cream 33 Amber Moons Ura Tong Saltwater 4 Silver Moons
Baked Veal and Leek, Wedge of Auruch Cheese, Manchet Loaf w/ butter 16 Amber Moons Drakespine Ale 4 Amber Moons
Steamed Duck w/ Broccoli, Manchet Loaf w/ butter, Gravy 29 Amber Moons Criseon Golden Wine 5 White Stars
Roast Chicken Leg, Potato Stew, 1/2 Loaf of Rye w/ butter 2 Silver Moons Swamproot Wine 1 Silver Moon

Made by: D. S. L. Campbell