Otherworldly Patron - Vestiges

by Vaegrim

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Otherworldly Patron

With their DM's permission, Warlocks have the following Otherworldly Patron option, in addition to those in the Player's Handbook.


The extradimensional spirits known as vestiges are all that remains of powerful forces and entities that once exercised great authority or demonstrated awful capabilities. The warlock is one who, by knowledge of the proper seals and chants can gain access to those wisps of power locked beyond the material world. Though you call no-one master, a binder must manage the disparate demands of his discorporate allies. Navigating the web of rivalries and alliances among the broken outsiders can be a dizzying challenge.

Accepting the power of these alien beings can cause temporary personality shifts. At your option, you can pick from or roll on the following table to whenever you use the Soul Binding feature.

Vestige Warlock Quirks
d6 Quirk
1 You become possessive and territorial, demanding repayment for any favor.
2 You are overcome with guilt around a particular type of creature such as fey, fiends, or aberrations.
3 You unconsciously write or signal with your non-dominant hand when you aren't paying attention.
4 You react to overt displays of trust or forgiveness with scorn.
5 They always describe themselves in the second person.
6 You often forget mortal necessities like sleep or food unless reminded.

Soul Binding

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to strike a deal with a vestige by inscribing its seal. Immediately after a long rest you can use this feature to gain access to new skills and knowledge. Choose one proficiency (skill, tool, weapon, armor or shields) and one sorcerer or warlock spell of a level you can cast. You are considered proficient in your choice and the spell is considered a warlock spell you know. These benefits last until you use this feature again.

You may only choose proficiency with Heavy Armor if you are proficient with Medium Armor. At 6th level you can also choose an invocation, as long as you meet its prerequisites.

Practiced Sealcraft

At 6th level your skill with binding lets you craft a seal more quickly and precisely. When you finish a short rest you can choose to release and bind a new vestige, choosing a new spell, invocation and proficiency as if you had used the Soul Binding feature.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Soul Guardian

Beginning at 10th level the spirits you bind are more deeply entrenched in your soul. Whenever you use the Soul Binding feature you may chose one of the following benefits:

  • Immunity to either the Frightened, Charmed or Poisoned condition.
  • Resistance to any one damage type.

You retain this benefit for as long as you maintain the spell, invocation and proficiency from Soul Binding.

Forked Possession

Starting at 14th level you have learned to balance two spirits in harmony, binding two vestiges at the same time. When you use Soul Binding you may bind a second vestige (choosing an additional spell, invocation and proficiency per Soul Binding). You may also choose a second option granted by Soul Guardian. Practiced Sealcraft will still only allow one vestige to be released and bound, leaving one spell, invocation and proficiency unchanged.

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