When Worlds Collide - Advanced Race Guide

by Wei Lo

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When Worlds Collide
Advanced Race Guide

Part I


In general, Dwarves are tinkerers and mechanical engineers, sometimes infusing magic with their clockwork inventions. They discovered black powder. Many hope to discover technologies and relics in the New World, as well as conduct materials and manufacturing research with the many plant and animal species waiting to be uncovered in the vast wilderness. Others may be exiles from their clans, seeking a better life on a different continent.

Dwarves often have fealty toward their Old World nation of Goldhome, the Artificer’s Pact, or the University of Veritas. Dwarves often worship Onatar, god of craft or Moradin, dwarf god of creation.

Dwarf Names

A dwarf's name is granted by a clan elder, in accordance with tradition. Every proper dwarven name has been used and reused down through the generations. A dwarf's name belongs to the clan, not to the individual. A dwarf who misuses or brings shame to a clan name is stripped of the name and forbidden by law to use any dwarven name in its place.

Dwarf Traits

Your dwarf character has an assortment of inborn abilities, part and parcel of dwarven nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Con score increases by 2.

Age. Dwarves mature at the same rate as humans, but they're considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 350 years.

Alignment. Most dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society. They tend toward good as well, with a strong sense of fair play and a belief that everyone deserves to share in the benefits of a just order.

Size. Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and average about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.

Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Dwarven Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Dwarven Combat Training. You have proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the artisan's tools of your choice: smith's tools, brewer's supplies, or mason's tools.

Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Dwarvish. Dwarvish is full of hard consonants and guttural sounds, and those characteristics spill over into whatever other language a dwarf might speak.

Subrace. Two main subraces of dwarves populate the worlds of D&D: hill dwarves and mountain dwarves. Choose one of these subraces.

Hill Dwarf

As a hill dwarf, you have keen senses, deep intuition, and remarkable resilience.

Ability Prerequisites. 8 Con, 9 Wis.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wis score increases by 1.

Dwarven Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Mountain Dwarf

As a mountain dwarf, you're strong and hardy, accustomed to a difficult life in rugged terrain. You're probably on the tall side (for a dwarf). and tend toward lighter coloration.

Ability Prerequisites. 8 Str, 8 Con.

Ability Score Increase. Your Str score increases by 2.

Dwarven Armor Training. You have proficiency with light and medium armor.

Optional Dwarf Traits

You may select one of the following dwarf traits during character creation.

Ancient Enmity: Dwarves have long been in conflict with elves. Dwarves with this trait receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the elf subtype.

Craftsman: Dwarves are known for their superior craftsmanship when it comes to metallurgy and stonework. Dwarves with this trait receive a +2 bonus on any crafting related to metal or stone.

Deep Warrior: Dwarves with this trait grew up facing the abominations that live deep beneath the surface. They receive a +2 bonus to AC against monsters of the aberration type and a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple such creatures (or to continue a grapple).

Defensive Training: Dwarves gain a +4 bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.

Giant Hunter: Dwarves with this trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids with the giant subtype. Furthermore, they gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks to find and follow tracks made by humanoids with the giant subtype.

Greed: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Insight checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.

Hatred: Dwarves gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes.

Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spell-like abilities.

Lorekeeper: Dwarves keep extensive records about their history and the world around them. Dwarves with this trait receive a +2 bonus on History checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies.


    Magic Resistant: Some of the older dwarven clans are particularly resistant to magic. Dwarves with this trait receive +2 bonus on saving throws against spells.

Minesight: Dwarves with this trait increase the range of their darkvision to 90 feet; however, they are automatically dazzled in bright light and take a –2 penalty on saving throws against effects dealing with light.

Mountaineer: Some dwarves are skilled at climbing and navigating narrow ledges. Dwarves with this trait receive +2 bonus on Athletics or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces.

Rock Stepper: Dwarves with this trait can skillfully negotiate rocky terrain. They can ignore difficult terrain created by rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs when they take a 5-foot step.

Saltbeard: Dwarves occasionally found iron cities along rugged seacoasts, and natives of such cities gain a +2 bonus on Vehicles (water) and Survival checks while at sea. They gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus to AC against creatures with the aquatic or water subtype.

Sky Sentinel: As creatures with a deep affinity for the ground, dwarves are wary of attacks from above. They gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls, a +2 bonus to AC, and a +2 bonus on Perception checks against flying creatures.

Stubborn: Dwarves are renowned for their stubbornness. Dwarves with this trait receive a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities that give the Charmed condition. In addition, if they fail such a save, they can attempt to save at the start of their turn to prematurely end the effect. This second save is made at the same DC as the first.

Wyrmscourged: Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus to AC and on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of dragons. They also gain a +2 bonus on Arcana checks to identify dragons.


Favored Class Options

Instead of receiving an additional hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, dwarves have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon the character’s favored class. The following options are available to all dwarves who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.

Artificer: Whenever he crafts an item the amount of progress he makes in an 8-hour period increases by 200 gp (+50 gp if crafting while adventuring). This does not reduce the cost of the item; it just increases the rate at which the item is crafted.

Barbarian: Add +1/3 to the number of barbarian’s rages.

Bard: Gain +1/10 progress toward proficiency with Medium Armor.

Cleric: Add +1/7 to the number of times Channel Divinity can be used between short or long rests.

Druid: The druid adds +1/8 to the Max CR allowed for the druid's Wild Shape feature.

Fighter: Add +1/4 to the fighter’s saving throw when resisting effects that cause the fighter to go prone.

Gunslinger: Reduce the misfire chance for one type of firearm by 1/4. You cannot reduce the misfire chance of a firearm below 1.

Monk: Reduce the Hit Points of any nonmagical object made of clay, stone, or metal by 1 whenever the object is struck by the monk’s unarmed strike (minimum of 0).

Paladin: Add a +1/4 bonus on Constitution checks when maintaining concentration.

Ranger: Add a +1/4 bonus on Animal Handling checks to influence animals and magical beasts that live underground.

Rogue: Add a +1/4 bonus on Thieves' tools checks to disable stone traps and a +1/4 bonus to Perception checks regarding stone traps.

Sorcerer: Add +1/2 to acid spell or spell-like ability damage.

Warlock: Add +1/4 bonus to the AC of the warlock’s familiar.

Wizard: Add +1/3 bonus to Intelligence check to learn a spell.


Part II


In the Old World, High Elves, or Free Elves as they are known, are slavers, enslaving their kin, the Wood Elves. Many High Elves have come to the New World with their slaves to provide settlements and colonies with cheap, expendable labor.

High Elves tend to serve the interests of the Council of Eight, the leadership of their peoples in the Old World, University Arcana, or the Acquisitions and Recruitment Guild. High Elves are likely to worship Kol Korran, god of trade and wealth, or Corellon Larethian, elf deity of art and magic.

Wood Elves who are not slaves tend to be very loyal to the Freefolk, an organization in the New World dedicated to freeing and educating slaves. Wood Elves usually worship Rillifane Rallathil, the wood elf god of nature.

Drow are not a race players can choose in this campaign setting.

Elf Names

Elves are considered children until they declare themselves adults, some time after the hundredth birthday, and before this period they are called by child names.

On declaring adulthood, an elf selects an adult name, although those who knew him or her as a youngster might continue to use the child name. Each elf's adult name is a unique creation, though it might reflect the names of respected individuals or other family members. Little distinction exists between male names and female names; the groupings here reflect only general tendencies. In addition, every elf bears a family name. typically a combination of other Elvish words. Some elves traveling among humans translate their family names into Common, but others retain the Elvish version.

Elf Traits

Your elf character has a variety of natural abilities, the result of thousands of years of elven refinement.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dex score increases by 2.

Age. Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.

Alignment. Elves love freedom, variety, and selfexpression, so they lean strongly toward the gentler aspects of chaos. They value and protect others' freedom as well as their own, and they are more often good than not.

Size. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon..

Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Trance. Elves don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is "trance.") While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish. Elvish is fluid, with subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Elven literature is rich and varied, and their songs and poems are famous among other races. Many bards learn their language so they can add Elvish ballads to their repertoires.

Subrace. Ancient divides among the elven people resulted in two main subraces: high elves, and wood elves. Choose one of these subraces.

High Elf

As a high elf, you have a keen mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic.

Ability Prerequisite. 8 Dex, 9 Int.

Ability Score Increase. Your Int score increases by 1.

Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.

Wood Elf

As a wood elf, you have keen senses and intuition, and your fleet feet carry you quickly and stealthily through your native forests.

Ability Prerequisite. 8 Dex, 9 Wis

Ability Score Increase. Your Wis score increases by 1.

Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.

Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

Optional Elf Traits

You may select one of the following elf traits during character creation.

Arcane Focus: Some elven families have such long traditions of producing wizards (and other arcane spellcasters) that they raise their children with the assumption each is destined to be a powerful magicuser, with little need for mundane concerns such as skill with weapons. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Constitution checks to maintain concentration. This racial trait replaces elf weapon training.

Desert Runner: Some elves thrive in the deepest deserts, forever roaming across burned and parched lands. Elves with this racial trait roll advantage on Constitution checks to avoid exhaustion, or ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments.


    Dreamspeaker: A few elves have the ability to tap into the power of sleep, dreams, and prescient reverie. Elves with this trait add +1 to the saving throw DCs of spells
of the divination school and sleep effects they
cast. In addition, elves with Charisma scores of
15 or higher may use dream once per day as a spell-like ability (spell save DC is equal to the elf’s Wisdom modifier + their proficiency bonus). This racial trait replaces fey ancestry.

Elemental Resistance: Elves who dwell in the most extreme environments, from arctic wastelands to volcanic plains, develop natural resistance to the dangers of their homelands over the course of a few generations. Elves with this trait gain damage resistance to acid, cold, lightning, or fire. This choice is made at character creation, and once made it cannot be changed. This racial trait replaces fey ancestry.

Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 bonus on their Spell Save DC. In addition, elves receive a +2 bonus on Arcana skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

Envoy: Elves often have trouble relating to neighbors of other races, especially those with much shorter lifespans. As a result, some are trained in minor magics that are particularly useful when dealing with non-elves. Elves with this trait and an Intelligence score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities once per day: comprehend languages, detect magic, and detect poison. The spellcasting ability for these effects is the elf ’s Intelligence.

Eternal Grudge: Some elves grow up in secluded, isolationist communities where generations-old slights and quarrels linger as eternal blood feuds. Elves with this trait receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids of the dwarf and orc subtypes because of special training against these hated foes.

Fleet-Footed: While all elves are naturally lithe and agile, some also are naturally speedy and have a strong desire to rush into situations rather than worrying about looking ahead. Elves with this trait with a base walking speed of 35 feet and a -2 bonus on initiative checks. This trait replaces keen senses and elf weapon training.

Lightbringer: Many elves revere the sun, moon, and stars, but some are literally infused with the radiant power of the heavens. Elves with this trait are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spell or effect they cast (including spell-like abilities). Elves with Intelligence scores of 10 or higher may use light as a spell-like ability. This trait replaces fey ancestry.

Silent Hunter: Elves are renowned for their subtlety and skill. Elves with this trait have advantage on Stealth checks while walking and can make Stealth checks while dashing with disadvantage.

Spirit of the Waters: Some elves have adapted to life in tune with the sea or along the reedy depths of wild rivers and lakes. They gain advantage on Athletic checks in the water, and may choose Aquan as a bonus language. They are proficient with longspear, trident, and net. This racial trait replaces elf weapon training.


    Urbanite: Elves who live in cities for more than a century can grow to know the ebb and flow of social situations just as their forest-dwelling cousins know the rules of the wild. Elves with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Persuasion checks made to gather information and Insight checks made to get a hunch about a social situation. This trait replaces keen senses.

Woodcraft: Elves know the deep secrets of the wild like no others, especially secrets of the forests. Elves with this trait gain a +1 bonus on Nature and Survival checks. In forest terrain, these bonuses improve to +2.


Favored Class Options

The following options are available to all elves who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.

Artificer: Add 1/3 spell from the artificer’s spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest-level spell the artificer can cast and does not count against the total number of spells known.

Barbarian: Add +1 to the barbarian’s base walking speed. In combat this option has no effect unless the barbarian has selected it five times (or another increment of five).

Bard: Add 1/3 spell from the bard’s spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest-level spell the bard can cast and does not count against the total number of spells known.

Cleric: Add +1/7 to the number of times Channel Divinity can be used between short or long rests.

Druid: Add +1/3 to the druid’s armor bonus when using wild shape.

Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter’s roll when resisting a grapple attempt.

Gunslinger: Add +1/3 on critical hit range made with firearms (maximum bonus of +5).

Monk: Add +1 to the monk’s base walking speed. In combat this option has no effect unless the monk has selected it five times (or another increment of five).


    Paladin: Add +1/2 hit point to the paladin’s lay on hands ability.

Ranger: Choose a weapon from the following list: longbow, longsword, rapier, shortbow, short sword, or any weapon with “elven” in its name. Add +1/2 on critical hit range made while using that weapon (maximum bonus of +4 per weapon).

Rogue: The first time you pick this reward, choose two cantrips and one 1st-level spell from the wizard spell list. You can cast these spells a total of your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one) per long rest. Picking this reward additional times will add +1/3 to the number of times per day the rogue can cast these spells per long rest.

Sorcerer: Add 1/3 spell from the sorcerer’s spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest-level spell the sorcerer can cast and does not count against the total number of spells known.

Warlock: Add 1/3 spell from the warlock spell list to the warlock’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level lower than the highest-level spell she can cast. If the warlock ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.

Wizard: Add one spell from the wizard’s spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest-level spell the wizard can cast and does not count against the total number of spells known.


Part III



Halflings are natives of the New World and are fierce warriors, using guerilla tactics to defend their home clans from threats. Some Halflings have integrated into the various colonies and settlements by being scouts, guides or translators.

Halflings tend to be fiercely loyal to their home clan and most worship Balinor, god of beasts and the hunt.

Halfling Names

A halfling has a given name, a family name, and possibly a nickname. Family names are often nicknames that stuck so tenaciously they have been passed down through the generations.

Halfling Traits

Your halfling character has a number of traits in common with all other halflings.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dex score increases by 2.

Age. A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century.

Alignment. Most halflings are lawful good. As a rule, they are good-hearted and kind, hate to see others in pain, and have no tolerance for oppression. They are also very orderly and traditional, leaning heavily on the support of their community and the comfort of their old ways.

Size. Halflings average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Halfling. The Halfling language isn't secret, but halflings are loath to share it with others. They write very little, so they don't have a rich body of literature. Their oral tradition, however, is very strong. Almost all halflings speak Common to converse with the people in whose lands they dwell or through which they are traveling.

Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.

Subrace. The two main kinds of halfling, lightfoot and stout, are more like closely related families than true subraces. Choose one of these subraces.

Lightfoot Halfling

As a lightfoot halfling, you can easily hide from notice, even using other people as cover. You're inclined to be affable and get along well with others.

Lightfoots are more prone to wanderlust than other halflings, and often dwell alongside other races or take up a nomadic life.

Ability Prerequisites. 8 Dex, 9 Cha

Ability Score Increase. Your Cha score increases by 1.

Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.

Stout Halfling

As a stout halfling, you're hardier than average and have some resistance to poison. Some say that stouts have dwarven blood.

Ability Prerequisites. 8 Dex, 9 Con

Ability Score Increase. Your Con score increases by 1.

Stout Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Optional Halfling Traits

You may select one of the following halfling traits during character creation.

Adaptable Luck: Some halflings have greater control over their innate luck. This ability gives them more options for how they can apply their good fortune from day to day, but also narrows its scope. Three times per long rest, a halfling can gain a +2 bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If halflings choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. Using adaptive luck in this way is not an action. This trait replaces lucky.

Craven: While most halflings are fearless, some are skittish, making them particularly alert. Halflings with this trait gain a -1 bonus on initiative rolls and a +1 bonus on attack rolls when flanking. They take a –2 penalty on saves against fear effects and gain no benefit from bonuses on such saves. When affected by a fear effect, their base walking speed increases by 10 feet and they gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class. This trait replaces brave and lucky.

Fleet of Foot: Some halflings are quicker than their kin but less cautious. Halflings with this trait have a base walking speed of 30 feet.

Ingratiating: Halflings often survive at the whims of larger, more aggressive races. Because of this, they go out of their way to make themselves more useful, or at least entertaining, to larger folk. Halflings with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Performance checks. They also gain a +2 bonus for checks related to tools they are proficient with.

Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks.

Low Blow: Some halflings train extensively in the art of attacking larger creatures. Halflings with this trait gain a +1 on their critical threat range against opponents larger than themselves.

Outrider: Some halflings specialize in mounted combat. Halflings with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Animal Handling and Vehicle (land) checks.

Polyglot: Some halflings, especially those who spend a lot of time traveling, develop a talent for learning new languages. These halflings gain a +2 bonus on language checks.


Practicality: Halflings value hard work and common sense. Halflings with this trait gain a +2 bonus on any one tool they are proficient with, as well as on Insight checks and saves against illusions. This trait replaces brave.

Shiftless: Halflings have a reputation for larceny and guile—and sometimes it’s well deserved. Halflings with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Deception and Sleight of Hand checks.

Sure-Footed: Halflings receive a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks when climbing.

Swift as Shadows: Halflings possess incredible stealth even while moving through obstructed areas. Halflings with this trait have advantage on Stealth checks.

Underfoot: Halflings must train hard to effectively fight bigger opponents. Halflings with this trait gain a +1 bonus to AC against foes larger than themselves and a +1 bonus on saving throws versus area of effect if they are standing next to a creature larger than themselves. This trait replaces lucky.

Wanderlust: Halflings love travel and maps. Halflings with this trait receive a +2 bonus on Intelligence checks when reading a map and Survival checks. When casting spells or using abilities that provide or enhance movement, halflings treat the effecty as +1 spell slot higher than normal. This racial trait replaces brave and lucky.

Warslinger: Halflings are experts at the use of the sling. Halflings with this trait receive a +1 bonus to attack when using a sling.

Favored Class Options

The following favored options are available to all halflings who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.

Artificer: Add +1/3 to any checks with tools you are proficient with.

Barbarian: Add a +1/2 bonus to Perception checks or +1/3 to rage damage.

Bard: Add +1/2 on Deception checks to pass secret messages, +1/2 on Persuasion checks to gather
information, and +1/2 on Disguise kit checks to appear as an elven, half-elven, or human child.

Cleric: Add +1/7 to the number of times Channel Divinity can be used between short or long rests.

Druid: Add a +1/4 bonus on saving throws while using Wild Shape.

Fighter: Add +1/3 to effects which cause the fighter to gain the prone condition or grapple attempts.

Gunslinger: Add +1/4 bonus to AC (maximum +4).

Monk: Add +1 to the monk’s check when resisting a grapple and +1/3 to the number of ki points after a short or long rest.

Paladin: Add +1/2 hit point to the paladin’s lay on
hands ability.

Ranger: Add a +1/4 bonus to Armor Class
against the ranger’s favored enemies.


    Rogue: Choose a weapon from the following list: sling, dagger, or any weapon with “halfling” in its name. Add a +1/2 bonus on critical hit range with that weapon (maximum bonus +4 per weapon).

Sorcerer: Choose one spell you know. You may use the lucky trait for any damage dice for this spell.

Warlock: Add +1/4 to the warlock’s spell slot level when determining the effects of the spells granted to her by her patron.

Wizard: Add +1/3 to Arcana checks to decipher magic writings.


Part IV



Humans represent the most successful and influential race in the Old World and seem poised to dominate the New World as well. Flexible and adaptable, no obstacle seems impossible for them.

Humans generally swear fealty to the Kingdom of Kor (King Edmund II), the Theocracy of Dalis (Arch-Cardinal Owen), or the Empire of Seti (Empress Deadra), all which have substantial colonies in the New World.

Humans typically worship the deities of the Sovereign Host, though some cultists are faithful to the Dark Six, or other cults.

Human Names and Ethnicities

Having so much more variety than other cultures, humans as a whole have no typical names. Some human parents give their children names from other languages, such as Dwarvish or Elvish (pronounced more or less correctly), but most parents give names that are linked to their region's culture or to the naming traditions of their ancestors.

The material culture and physical characteristics of humans can change wildly from region to region.

Human Traits

It's hard to make generalizations about humans, but your human character has these traits.

Ability Prerequisite. None

Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

Alignment. Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.

Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.

Skills. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

Feat. You gain one feat of your choice.

Optional Human Traits

You may select one of the following human traits during character creation.

Adoptive Parentage: Humans are sometimes orphaned and adopted by other races. Choose one humanoid race without the human subtype. You start play with that race’s languages and gain that race’s weapon familiarity trait (if any). If the race does not have weapon familiarity, you gain a bonus feat that is appropriate for that race instead. This trait replaces the feat trait.

Dual Talent: Some humans are uniquely skilled at maximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This trait replaces the ability score increase, and the feat traits.

Eye for Talent: Humans have great intuition for hidden potential. They gain a +2 bonus on Insight checks. In addition, when they acquire an animal companion, bonded mount, cohort, or familiar, that creature gains a +2 bonus to one ability score of the character’s choice. This trait replaces the feat trait.

Focused Study: All humans are skillful, but some focus on a specialized set of skills even more closely. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain proficiency in a skill of their choice. This trait replaces the feat trait.

Heart of the Fields: Humans born in rural areas are used to hard labor. They gain a bonus equal to 1/3 their character level to any one tool proficiency, and once per long rest they may ignore an effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted.

Heart of the Mountains: Humans born in the mountains are skilled at negotiating heights and precipices. They gain a +2 bonus on Athletics checks when climbing and Acrobatics checks to move on narrow surfaces and uneven ground.

Heart of the Sea: Humans born near the sea are always drawn to it. They gain a +2 bonus on Vehicle (sea) checks and Athletics checks while swimming. They can hold their breath twice as long as normal, and spellcasters gain a +4 bonus on concentration checks when underwater.

Heart of the Slums: Humans who eke out a life in a city’s teeming slums must be quick and clever. They gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks, and a +4 bonus on Survival checks in urban and underground settings. In addition, they have advantage when saving against disease.

Heart of the Snows: Humans born in chilly climes treat cold climates as less severe. They gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against the effects of cold climates, on any check or saving throw to avoid slipping and falling, and to checks against gaining the prone condition. This bonus applies on Acrobatics and Athletics climb checks made in slippery conditions.

Heart of the Streets: Humans from bustling cities are skilled with crowds. They gain a +1 bonus on Dexterity saving throws and a +1 bonus to Armor Class when adjacent to at least two other allies. Crowds do not count as difficult terrain for them.

Heart of the Sun: Humans born in tropical climates treat hot climates as less severe. They also gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against the effects of a hot climate, as well as against poison and abilities of swarms and vermin.


    Heart of the Wilderness: Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 bonus on death saving throws and add half their character level when score when determining the hit point total necessary to kill them instantly.

Heroic: Some humans are born heroes. Each time these humans gain a level, they gain double fate points for the party when fate points are rolled. This replaces the feat trait.

Mixed Heritage: Often human civilization is defined by more than one characteristic. A human with this trait may select two “Heart of the” traits. This replaces the feat trait.

Silver Tongued: Human are often adept at subtle manipulation and putting even sworn foes at ease. Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Persuasion and Deception checks. In addition, when they use Persuasion to shift a creature’s attitude, they can shift up to two steps up rather than just one.

Favored Class Options

The following options are available to all humans who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.

Artificer: Add one spell from the artificer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the artificer can cast.

Barbarian: Add a +1/2 bonus to Perception checks when looking for traps or +1/3 bonus damage to rage damage.

Bard: Add one spell known from the bard spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the bard can cast.


    Cleric: Add a +1/2 bonus to spell save DC when casting spells against outsiders.

Druid: Add a +1/3 bonus on Persuasion and Intimidate checks to change a creature’s attitude.

Fighter: Add +1/2 to the fighter’s saving throw when resisting the grappled condition.

Gunslinger: Add +1/4 point to the gunslinger’s grit points.

Monk: Add +1/4 point to the monk’s ki points.

Paladin: The paladin gains 1/10 resistance against acid, cold, electricity, or fire. When it has been selected 10 times for a damage type, gain resistance to that damage type. After 20 times, gain immunity to that damage type.

Ranger: Add +1 hit point to the ranger’s animal companion. If the ranger ever replaces his companion, the new companion gains these bonus hit points.

Rogue: The rogue gains +1/6 bonus to a skill they have expertise in.

Sorcerer: Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.

Warlock: Add one spell from the warlock spell list to the warlock’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level she can cast. If the warlock ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.

Wizard: Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the wizard’s spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the wizard can cast.


Part V



Not much is known of the Dragonborn in the Old World. They live in the hot deserts to the south. The combination of the geography and their isolationist attitude has limited contact with the other races. Rumors of airships, roads made of dragon glass, and other wonders supposedly made by the Dragonborn are rampant. Nevertheless, Dragonborn have been seen in the New World, possibly making contact and treaties with the reptilian and amphibious sapient species.

Dragonborn in the New World are there to see what resources and potential allies their Nation of Zir will exploit. The isolationist policies of Zir may change based on these findings.

Dragonborn worship Bahamut, or Tiamat.

Dragonborn Names

Dragonborn have personal names given at birth, but they put their clan names first as a mark of honor. A childhood name or nickname is often used among clutchmates as a descriptive term or a term of endearment.

Dragonborn Traits

Your draconic heritage manifests in a variety of traits you share with other dragonborn.

Ability Prerequisite. 8 Str, 9 Cha.

Ability Score Increase. Your Str score increases by 2, and your Cha score increases by 1.

Age. Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80.

Alignment. Dragonborn tend to extremes, making a conscious choice for one side or the other in the cosmic war between good and evil (represented by Bahamut and Tiamat, respectively). Most dragonborn are good, but those who side with Tiamat can be terrible villains.

Size. Dragonborn are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Draconic Ancestry. You have draconic ancestry. Choose one type of dragon from the Draconic Ancestry table. Your breath weapon and damage resistance are determined by the dragon type, as shown in the table.

Breath Weapon. You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation.

When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your draconic ancestry. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level.

After you use your breath weapon, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Draconic Ancestry
Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapon
Black Acid 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Blue Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Brass Fire 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Bronze Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Copper Acid 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Gold Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Green Poison 15 ft. cone (Con. save)
Red Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Silver Cold 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
White Cold 15 ft. cone (Dex. save)

Damage Resistance. You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic. Draconic is thought to be one of the oldest languages and is often used in the study of magic. The language sounds harsh to most other creatures and includes numerous hard consonants and sibilants.


Part VI



Hundreds of years ago, in the last war between Elves and Humans, the Gnomish civilization became collateral damage and vanished. Gnomes have survived to the present-day, but do not have a homeland. Many in the New World seek to build a new Gnomish nation.

The Republic of the New World is the name given to the democratic government overseeing the largest Gnomish colony in existence. A re-birth and re-discovery of Gnomish culture and tradition is happening here and many Gnomes count themselves citizens of this colony.

Gnome worship of Garl Glittergold has increased dramatically in the last decade.

Gnome Names

Gnomes love names, and most have half a dozen or so. A gnome's mother, father, clan elder, aunts, and uncles each give the gnome a name, and various nicknames from just about everyone else might or might not stick over time. Gnome names are typically variants on the names of ancestors or distant relatives, though some are purely new inventions. When dealing with humans and others who are "stuffy" about names, a gnome learns to use no more than three names: a personal name, a clan name, and a nickname, choosing the one in each category that's the most fun to say.

Gnome Traits

Your gnome character has certain characteristics in common with all other gnomes.

Ability Score Increase. Your Int score increases by 2.

Age. Gnomes mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years.

Alignment. Gnomes are most often good. Those who tend toward law are sages, engineers, researchers, scholars, investigators, or inventors. Those who tend toward chaos are minstrels, tricksters, wanderers, or fanciful jewelers, Gnomes are good-hearted, and even the tricksters among them are more playful than vicious.

Size. Gnomes are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Gnomish. The Gnomish language, which uses the Dwarvish script, is renowned for its technical treatises and its catalogs of knowledge about the natural world.


    Subrace. Two subraces of gnomes are found among the worlds of D&D: forest gnomes and rock gnomes. Choose one of these subraces.

Forest Gnome

As a forest gnome, you have a natural knack for illusion and inherent quickness and stealth. In the worlds of D&D, forest gnomes are rare and secretive. They gather in hidden communities in sylvan forests, using illusions and trickery to conceal themselves from threats or to mask their escape should they be detected. Forest gnomes tend to be friendly with other good-spirited woodland folk, and they regard elves and good fey as their most important allies, These gnomes also befriend small forest animals and rely on them for information about threats that might prowl their lands.

Ability Prerequisites. 9 Dex, 8 Int

Ability Score Increase. Your Dex score increases by 1.

Natural Illusionist. You know the minor illusion cantrip. lntelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

Speak with Small Beasts. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts. Forest gnomes love animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers, and other creatures as beloved pets.

Rock Gnome

As a rock gnome, you have a natural inventiveness and hardiness beyond that of other gnomes. Most gnomes in the worlds of D&D are rock gnomes.

Ability Prerequisites. 9 Con, 8 Int

Ability Score Increase. Your Con score increases by 1.

Artificer's Lore. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.

Tinker. You have proficiency with artisan's tools (tinker's tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time.

When you create a device, choose one of the following options:

Clockwork Toy. This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.

Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a candle, torch, or campfire. Using the device requires your action.

Music Box. When opened. this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when it reaches the song's end or when it is closed.


Optional Gnome Traits

You may select one of the following gnome traits during character creation.

Academician: Some gnomes are more academically inclined than their kin. Gnomes with this trait gain a +2 bonus on one Intelligence skill (Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion) chosen at character creation.

Bond to the Land: Some gnomes have strong ties to specific kinds of terrain. These gnomes gain a +2 bonus to AC when in a specific terrain type selected from the ranger list of favored terrains. This choice is made at character creation, and cannot be changed.

Defensive Training: Gnomes gain a +4 bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.

Eternal Hope: Gnomes rarely lose hope and are always confident that even hopeless situations will work out. Gnomes with this trait receive a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the gnome may reroll and use the second result.

Explorer: Many gnomes are obsessed with seeing as much of the world as possible, rather than perfecting some specific talent or vocation. These gnomes gain a +2 bonus on Athletics or Acrobatics checks when climbing and checks for one Intelligence skill (Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion) of their choice. This trait replaces gnome cunning.

Fell Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against necromancy spells that they cast. Gnomes with Wisdom scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—bleed, chill touch, detect poison, and touch of fatigue. The spell slot level for these effects is equal to 1/3 of the gnome’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 8 + the gnome’s Wisdom modifier + the gnome's Proficiency Bonus.

Gift of Tongues: Gnomes love languages and learning about those they meet. Gnomes with this trait gain a +1 bonus on Deception and Persuasion checks, and they learn one additional language every four character levels.

Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The spell slot level for these effects is equal to 1/3 of the gnome’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 8 + the gnome’s Charisma modifier + the gnome's Proficiency Bonus.

Hatred: Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the reptilian and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes.

Illusion Resistance: Gnomes gain a +2 saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects.

Keen Senses: Gnomes receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks.

Knack with Poison: Some gnomes have an instinctive understanding of poisons and their uses. Gnomes gain a +2 bonus on Constitution saving throws against poison and a +2 bonus using Poisoner's kit. The bonus on saving throws against poisons increases to +4 if the gnome accidentally poisons himself when applying or readying the substance. This trait replaces gnome cunning.

Obsessive: Gnomes receive proficiency for a toolkit of their choice.

Pyromaniac: Gnomes with this trait are treated as one spell slot level higher when casting spells with fire damage, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage (this ability does not give gnomes early access to level-based powers; it only affects the powers they could use without this ability). Gnomes with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The spell slot level for these effects is equal to 1/3 of the gnome’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 8 + the gnome’s Charisma modifier + the gnome's Proficiency Bonus.

Warden of Nature: Gnomes must often protect their homes against unnatural or pestilential infestations. Gnomes with this trait gain a +2 bonus to AC against aberrations, oozes, and vermin, and a +1 bonus on attack rolls against them because of their special training.

Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat any weapon with the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.

Favored Class Options

Artificer: Whenever he crafts an item the amount of progress he makes in an 8-hour period increases by 200 gp (+50 gp if crafting while adventuring). This does not reduce the cost of the item; it just increases the rate at which the item is crafted.

Barbarian: Add a +1/3 bonus to the barbarian’s Perception check when looking for traps.

Bard: Add +1/3 to the bard’s total number of uses of bardic inspiration per long rest.

Cleric: Add +1/2 hit points to the cleric’s total when healing creatures of the animal, fey, and plant types.

Druid: The druid gains 1/10 resistance against acid, cold, electricity, or fire. When it has been selected 10 times for a damage type, gain resistance to that damage type. After 20 times, gain immunity to that damage type.

Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter’s ability to fend off sneak attacks by reducing damage by that total amount.

Gunslinger: The gunslinger reduces the amount of time needed to restore a broken firearm by 5 minutes (maximum reduction of 50 minutes).

Monk: Add +1/2 to the monk’s Acrobatics checks by spending a point from his ki pool. A monk must be at least 5th level to select this benefit.

Paladin: Add +1/2 hit point to the paladin’s lay on hands ability.

Ranger: Add +1/3 to the ranger’s animal companion when saving versus spells or spell-like abilities. If the ranger ever replaces his animal companion, the new companion gains this benefit.

Rogue: The rogue gains a +1/3 bonus on Thieves' tool checks to disable traps related to glyphs, symbols, scrolls, and other magical writings.

Sorcerer: Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.

Warlock: Add +1/4 to the warlock’s spell slot level when determining the effects of the spells granted to her by her patron.

Wizard: Add +1/3 to Arcana checks to decipher magic writings.


Part VII



Half-Elves are the result of a union between a Freefolk Wood Elf and a Human. Half-Elves are sterile. High Elves do not deign to mix with what they would consider to be a lesser race. There are no Half-Elves currently in the Old World.

Half-Elves are starting to form their own community in Freefolk territory, living among others who know what it’s like to live between two worlds.

Half-Elves tend to worship the deities of their parents.

Half-Elf Names

Half-elves use either human or elven naming conventions. As if to emphasize that they don't really fit in to either society, half-elves raised among humans are often given elven names, and those raised among elves often take human names.

Half-Elf Traits

Your half-elf character has some qualities in common with elves and some that are unique to half-elves.

Ability Prerequisite. 8 Cha, 9 Wis

Ability Score Increase. Your Cha score increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

Age. Half-elves mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood around the age of 20. They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years.

Alignment. Half-elves share the chaotic bent of their elven heritage. They value both personal freedom and creative expression, demonstrating neither love of leaders nor desire for followers. They chafe at rules. resent others' demands, and sometimes prove unreliable, or at least unpredictable.

Size. Half-elves are about the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Thanks to your elf blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or a favored class option whenever they take a level in either one of those classes

Skill Versatility. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and one extra language of your choice.

Optional Half-Elf Traits

You may select one of the following half-elf traits during character creation.

Ancestral Arms: Some half-elves receive training in an unusual weapon. Half-elves with this racial trait Proficiency with a Martial Weapon at 1st level. This weapon may include the word "elven" in its name. This trait replaces the skill versatility trait.

Arcane Training: Half-elves occasionally seek tutoring to help them master magic. Half-elves with this trait have only one favored class, and it must be an arcane spellcasting class. They receive a +2 bonus to their spell save DC and spell attack modifier. This trait replaces the multitalented trait.

Dual Minded: The mixed ancestry of some half-elves makes them resistant to mental attacks. Half-elves with this trait gain a +2 bonus on all Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throws. This trait replaces the skill versatility trait.

Integrated: Many half-elves are skilled in the art of ingratiating themselves into a community as if they were natives. Half-elves with this trait gain a +1 bonus on Deception, Disguise kit, and History checks. This trait replaces the skill versatility trait.

Sociable: Half-elves are skilled at charming others and recovering from faux pas. If half-elves with this trait attempt to change a creature’s attitude with a Persuasion check and fail by 5 or more, they can try to influence the creature a second time even if 24 hours have not passed. This trait replaces the skill versatility trait.

Wary: Many half-elves have spent their long lives moving from place to place, often driven out by the hostility of others. Such experiences have made them wary of others’ motivations. Half-elves with this trait gain a +1 bonus on Insight and Deception checks.

Water Child: Some half-elves are born of elves adapted to life on or near the water. These half-elves gain advantage on Athletics checks while swimming, and may choose Aquan as a bonus language. This trait replaces the skill versatility and multitalented traits.

Favored Class Options

The following favored options are available to all half-elves who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.

Artificer: Add +1 foot to the range increment of an item's (Alchemical, Mechanical, Ammunition). This option has no effect unless the artificer has selected it 5 times (or another increment of 5); an AOE increment of 24 feet is effectively the same as an AOE increment of 20 feet, for example.

Barbarian: Add +1/5 to Dexterity saving throws against attacks made by traps.

Bard: Add +1/3 to the bard’s total number of uses of bardic inspiration per long rest.

Cleric: Add +1/4 to the amount of damage dealt or damage healed when the cleric uses a cleric class feature.

Druid: Add +1/3 to the druid’s armor bonus when using wild shape.

Fighter: Add +1/2 to the fighter’s rolls when making opposed Strength or Dexterity contests.

Gunslinger: Add +1/5 to the number of grit points in the gunslinger’s grit pool.


    Monk: Add +1/3 on Sleight of Hand checks to escape bindings and on Acrobatics checks to cross narrow surfaces.

Paladin: Add +1 foot to the size of all the paladin’s aura class features. This option has no effect unless the paladin has selected it 5 times (or another increment of 5); an aura of 14 feet is effectively the same as a 10-foot aura, for example.

Ranger: Add +1/3 attack bonus to the ranger’s animal companion. If the ranger ever replaces his companion, the new companion gains this bonus.

Rogue: Add a +1/3 bonus on Deception checks and     Persuasion checks to gather information.

                    Sorcerer: Add 1/3 spell from the sorcerer’s                           spell list. This spell must be at least one level                             below the highest-level spell the sorcerer can                                cast and does not count against the total                                            number of spells known.

                                               Warlock: Add 1/3 spell from the                                                      warlock spell list to                                                        the warlock’s familiar. This                                                       spell must be at least one level                                                         below the highest spell level                                                           she can cast. If the warlock                                                             ever replaces her familiar,                                                              the new familiar knows                                                                these bonus spells.

                                                               Wizard: When casting                                                                   wizard enchantment                                                                     spells, add +1/4 to the                                                                       effective spell slot                                                                         level of the spell, but                                                                           only to determine                                                                              the spell’s                                                                                duration.





Half-Orcs have a Human and an Orc for parents. Like Half-Elves, Half-Orcs are sterile. In addition, there are currently no Half-Orcs in the Old World. They are a product of Humans coming into contact with the Orc tribes in the New World.

Half-Orcs tend to be shunned by both their Human and Orcish parents and are often raised in orphanages. Much of their education focused on the application of violence to solve problems.

Each Half-Orc lives according to their own code or morality and eschews the idea of worshipping any deity. They believe true strength and power comes from within. No one else deserves their loyalty or worship.

Half-Orc Names

A half-orc who wants to fit in among humans might trade an orc name for a human name. Some half-orcs with human names decide to adopt a guttural orc name because they think it makes them more intimidating.

Half-Orc Traits

Your half-orc character has certain traits deriving from your orc ancestry.

Ability Prerequisites. 8 Str, 9 Con

Ability Score Increase. Your Str score increases by 2, and your Con score increases by 1.

Age. Half-orcs mature a little faster than humans, reaching adulthood around age 14. They age noticeably faster and rarely live longer than 75 years.

Alignment. Half-orcs inherit a tendency toward chaos from their orc parents and are not strongly inclined toward good. Half-ores raised among orcs and willing to live out their lives among them are usually evil.

Size. Half-orcs are somewhat larger and bulkier than humans, and they range From 5 to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Thanks to your orc blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Menacing. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 vitality but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 vitality instead. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.

Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Orc. Orc is a harsh, grating language with hard consonants. It has no script of its own but is written in the Dwarvish script.

Optional Half-Orc Traits

You may select one of the following half-orc traits during character creation.

Acute Darkvision: Some half-orcs have exceptionally sharp darkvision, gaining darkvision 90 feet. This trait replaces relentless endurance. A half-orc must have the darkvision trait to select this trait.

Beastmaster: Some half-orcs have a spiritual kinship with fantastical beasts, capturing them for sport or living and hunting with them. A half-orc with this trait treats whips and nets as martial weapons and gains a +2 bonus on Animal Handling checks. This trait replaces relentless endurance.

Bestial: The orc blood of some half-orcs manifests in the form of particularly prominent orc features, exacerbating their bestial appearances but improving their already keen senses. They gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate and Perception checks.

Cavewight: Some half-orcs live far below the surface, seeking freedom in winding cave complexes. Half-orcs with this trait gain a +1 bonus on History and Survival checks made underground. This trait replaces the menacing trait.

Chain Fighter: Some half-orcs have escaped from slavery and reforged the chains of their imprisonment into deadly weapons. Half-orcs with this trait are proficient with flails and heavy flails, and treat dire flails and spiked chains as martial weapons. This trait replaces weapon familiarity.

City-Raised: Half-orcs with this trait know little of their orc ancestry and were raised among humans and other half-orcs in a large city. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and longswords, and receive a +2 bonus on History checks for the city they grew up in. This trait replaces weapon familiarity.

Forest Walker: More at home in the forests and jungles of the world, these half-orcs are well adapted to their surroundings. Half-orcs with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Athletics or Acrobatics checks when climbing and +2 bonus on Survival checks made in forests or jungles. This trait replaces darkvision.

Gatecrasher: Many half-orcs revel in acts of wanton destruction. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks to break objects. This trait replaces relentless endurance.

Rock Climber: Half-orcs from mountainous regions are excellent climbers, and sometimes ambush prey by leaping down from above. Half-orcs with this trait gain a +1 bonus on Athletics and Acrobatics checks when climbing. This trait replaces the menacing trait.

Sacred Tattoo: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this trait gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws. This trait replaces relentless endurance.


    Scavenger: Some half-orcs eke out a leaving picking over the garbage heaps of society, and must learn to separate rare finds from the inevitable dross. Half-orcs with this trait receive a +2 bonus on Insight checks to determine the worth of objects and on Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste. This trait replaces the menacing trait.

Toothy: Some half-orcs’ tusks are large and sharp, granting a bite attack as an action. This is an attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. This trait replaces relentless endurance.

Favored Class Options

The following options are available to all half-orcs
who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.

Artificer: Add +1/3 to the artificer’s damage from
class features.

Barbarian: Add +1/2 to the barbarian’s total number of rages per long rest.

Bard: Add +1/3 to the bard’s total number of uses of bardic inspiration per long rest.

Cleric: Add +1/7 to the number of times Channel Divinity can be used between short or long rests.

Druid: Add +1/3 to the druid’s natural armor bonus when using wild shape.

Fighter: Add a +1/3 bonus on death saving throws.

Gunslinger: Add a +1/3 bonus on attack rolls when
using aimed shot.

Monk: Add +1/2 to the monk’s roll when
resisting a grapple and +1/3 to the number of Ki points.

Paladin: Add +1/4 on damage rolls made while using smite (maximum bonus of +5).

Ranger: Add +1 hit point to the ranger’s animal companion. If the ranger ever replaces his animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus hit points.

Rogue: Add +1/3 on critical hit range made while using sneak attack (maximum bonus of +5).

Sorcerer: Add +1/3 point of fire damage to spells that deal fire damage cast by the sorcerer.

Warlock: Add one spell from the warlock spell list to the warlock’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level
below the highest spell level she can cast. If the warlock
ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.

Wizard: Add a +1/2 bonus on concentration checks made due to taking damage while casting wizard spells.





It is not known from whence Tieflings originate. They are not native or present in the Old World at all, yet while they are encountered in the New World, it is unclear if this is their continent of origin.

Tieflings are secretly loyal to the Unholy Host and venerate the infernal part of their parentage.

Tiefling Names

Tieflings have names derived from the Infernal language, passed down through generations, that reflect their fiendish heritage. And some younger tieflings, striving to find a place in the world, adopt a name that signifies a virtue or other concept and then try to embody that concept. For some, the chosen name is a noble quest. For others, it's a grim destiny.

Tiefling Traits

Tieflings share certain racial traits as a result of their infernal descent.

Ability Prerequisites. 9 Int, 8 Cha

Ability Score Increase. Your Int score increases by 1, and your Cha score increases by 2.

Age. Tieflings mature at the same rate as humans but live a few years longer.

Alignment. Tieflings might not have an innate tendency toward evil, but many of them end up there. Evil or not, an independent nature inclines many tieflings toward a chaotic alignment.

Size. Tieflings are about the same size and build as humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Hellish Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.

Infernal Legacy. You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the hellish after a long rest as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the darkness spell after a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal.

Optional Tiefling Traits

You may select one of the following tiefling traits during character creation.

Beguiling Liar: Many tieflings find that the best way to get along in the world is to tell others what they want to hear. These tieflings’ practice of telling habitual falsehoods grants them advantage on Deception checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie.

Fiendish Sprinter: Some tieflings have feet that are more bestial than human. Whether their feet resemble those of a clawed predator or are the cloven hooves common to many of their kind, tieflings with this trait gain a 10-foot bonus to their walking speed.

Maw or Claw: Some tieflings take on the more bestial aspects of their fiendish ancestors. These tieflings exhibit either powerful, toothy maws or dangerous claws. The tiefling can choose a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage as an action, or two claws that each deal 1d4 points of slashing damage as an action. This trait replaces the infernal legacy trait.

Prehensile Tail: Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a bonus action. This trait replaces infernal legacy.

Scaled Skin: The skin of these tieflings provides some damage resistance, but is also as hard as armor. Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, or lightning. A tiefling with this trait gains resistance in the chosen damage type and also gains a +1 armor bonus to AC. This trait replaces hellish resistance.

Soul Seer: Rare tieflings have a peculiar sight that allows them to see the state of a creature’s soul. They can use deathwatch at will as spell-like ability. This trait replaces the infernal legacy trait.

Vestigial Wings: Some tieflings possess a pair of undersized, withered, or stunted wings like a mockery of those of their fiendish forbearer. Sometimes these wings are leathery, like those of a bat. Other times they are covered with a scattering of black, red, or violet feathers. Rare manifestations can take even more bizarre forms. These wings do not provide the lift required for actual flight, but do have enough power to aid flight attained by some other method, and grant advantage on Acrobatics skill checks while flying.

Favored Class Options

The following options are available to all tieflings who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the class reward.

Cleric: Add a +1/2 bonus to spell save DC when casting spells against outsiders.

Druid: Add a +1/3 bonus on Persuasion and Intimidate checks to change a fiendish animal’s attitude.

Paladin: Add +1/2 to the amount of damage the paladin heals with lay on hands, but only when the paladin uses that ability on herself.

Rogue: Add +1/3 to sneak attack damage dealt to creatures with the outsider type.

Warlock: The warlock's familiar gains 1/10 resistance against cold, lightning, or fire. When it has been selected 10 times for a damage type, gain resistance to that damage type. After 20 times, gain immunity to that damage type.





Created by the Dwarves in the Old World to be mindless war machines, the warforged developed consciousness as a side effect of the arcane experiments that sought to make them the ultimate weapons of destruction. They became a new kind of life form — living constructs.

With the discovery of the New World, many Warforged migrated there to seek a new life and to possibly found their own nation.

A small, but growing, number of Warforged are loyal to the Lord of Blades, an extremely powerful, almost messianic Warforged, who promises a time when the “weak-fleshed” races will serve them. Most Warforged, however, swear fealty to whichever faction most closely fits their individual worldview.

While most Warforged do not choose to worship any deity, some do occasionally pray to Moradin, the dwarven god of creation

Warforged Names

Because most warforged have bodies that resemble males, they identify themselves as males and prefer to be called “he” rather than “it.” Some warforged adopt female names, though. Most warforged have simple names related to their jobs, abilities, or military positions. Warforged often accept the names or the nicknames that their comrades give them, although some search long for particular names that define them. Many simply take names common within another race, especially those of humans.

Warforged Traits

    Ability Score Increase. Your Con score increases by 2.

Age. Being living constructs the warforged theoretically can live for eternity as long as they receive maintenance and repairs.

Alignment. Warforged are generally neutral. They were built to fight, not to wonder whether fighting is right. Though they are perfectly capable of independent thought and moral speculation, most choose not to wrestle with ethical ideals.

Size. Warforged stand between 6 and 8 feet tall and usually weigh between 270 and 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Composite Plating. Warforged were designed to fight in wars, and were built with armoured plates covering their most vital areas. You gain a +1 bonus to your Armour Class.

Integrated Armor. When you are not wearing armor, your AC is 11 plus your Dexterity modifier. During a short or long rest, you can bond a suit of armor you are wearing to your body. When you finish that short or long rest, the armor you are wearing is bonded to you, and it cannot subsequently be removed from your body until you finish another short or long rest during which time you remove the bonded armor. This feature counts as wearing armor, and you must be proficient with the Armor in order to bond it to yourself.

Living Construct. Even though you were constructed,
you are a living creature. You are immune to disease. You
do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food
and drink if you wish. It should be noted that while Warforged may be immune to Suffocation, they are
still made of wood stone and metal, thus they cannot
swim, and are subject to deterioration if they spend too
much time submerged underwater.

Self-Stabilizing. You may add your proficiency
bonus to your death saving throws.

Unsleeping Watcher. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. You can still be rendered unconscious from spells that cause you to be put to sleep, however you do not dream, and are immune to abilities that would affect you otherwise.

Warforged Composition. Your form is composed of both living plant material and inanimate metal and stone. Because of this you take half healing from all healing spells.

Warforged Resilience. You automatically succeed on saving throws against poison, and you have immunity to poison damage.

Languages. You can speak Common.

Types. When Warforged are created, they are built with a single purpose in mind. The most common type of Warforged are warforged scouts and warforged soldiers, though others may exist. Choose one of these types.

Warforged Soldier

Built to be main Infantry, Soldiers are strong, sturdy, and relentless in their duty.

Ability Prerequisites. 9 Str 8 Con

Ability Score Increase. Your Str score increases by 1.

Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 vitality but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 vitality instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Warforged Scout

Warforged Scouts were made to serve as reconnaissance. Unlike Soldiers they are suprisingly light on their feet, and tend to be slimmer than the average warforged overall.

Ability Prerequisites. 9 Dex 8 Con

Ability Score Increase. Your Dex score increases by 1.

Extra Movement. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.


Appendix A: Age

Random Starting Age
Race Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
Dwarf 40 years +3d6 +5d6 +7d6
Elf 110 years +4d6 +6d6 +10d6
Halfling 20 years +2d4 +3d6 +4d6
Human 15 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Dragonborn 15 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Gnome 40 years +4d6 +6d6 +9d6
Half-Elf 20 years +1d6 +2d6 +3d6
Half-Orc 14 years +1d4 +1d6 +3d6
Tiefling 20 years +4d6 +6d6 +8d6
Warforged 0 years +d4 +d4 +d4
  • Intuitive: This category includes barbarians, rogues, and sorcerers.
  • Self-Taught: This category includes bards, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, rangers, and warlocks.
  • Trained: This category includes artificers, clerics, druids, monks, and wizards.

You can choose or randomly generate your character’s age. If you choose it, it must be at least the minimum age for the character’s race and class (see the Random Starting Ages tables). Alternatively, roll the dice indicated for your class on the appropriate table and add the result to the minimum age of adulthood for your race to determine your character’s age.

With age, a character’s physical ability scores decrease and his mental ability scores increase (see the Aging Effects tables). The effects of each aging step are cumulative. However, none of a character’s ability scores can be adjusted above 20 or below 1 in this way.

When a character reaches venerable age, the DM secretly rolls his maximum age (on the appropriate Aging Effects table) and records the result, which the player does not know. A character who reaches his maximum age dies of old age sometime during the following year.

Aging Effects
Race Middle Age Old Venerable Maximum Age
Dwarf 125 years 188 years 250 years 250+2d100 years
Elf 175 years 263 years 350 years 350+4d100 years
Halfling 50 years 75 years 100 years 100+5d20 years
Human 35 years 53 years 70 years 70+2d20 years
Dragonborn 30 years 45 years 60 years 60+2d20 years
Gnome 100 years 150 years 200 years 200+3d100 years
Half-Elf 62 years 93 years 125 years 125+3d20 years
Half-Orc 30 years 45 years 60 years 60+2d10 years
Tiefling 35 years 53 years 70 years 70+2d20 years
Warforged 150 years
  • Middle Age: At middle age, –1 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  • Old: At old age, –2 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  • Venerable: At venerable age, –3 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha

Appendix B: Height and Weight

Random Height & Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Multiplier
Hill Dwarf, Male 3' 8" +2d4 140 lbs. x (2d6) lbs.
Hill Dwarf, Female 3' 6" +2d4 110 lbs. x (2d6) lbs.
Mountain Dwarf, Male 4' 0" +2d4 160 lbs. x (2d6) lbs.
Mountain Dwarf, Female 3' 10" +2d4 130 lbs. x (2d6) lbs.
High Elf, Male 4' 6" +2d10 100 lbs. x (1d4) lbs.
High Elf, Female 4' 6" +2d10 90 lbs. x (1d4) lbs.
Wood Elf, Male 4' 6" +2d10 110 lbs. x (1d4) lbs.
Wood Elf, Female 4' 6" +2d10 100 lbs. x (1d4) lbs.
Halfling, Male 2' 8" +2d4 35 lbs. x 1 lb.
Halfling, Female 2' 6" +2d4 25 lbs. x 1 lb.
Human, Male 4' 10" +2d10 120 lbs. x (2d4) lbs.
Human, Female 4' 5" +2d10 85 lbs. x (2d4) lbs.
Dragonborn, Male 5' 6" +2d8 175 lbs. x (2d6) lbs.
Dragonborn, Female 5' 8" +2d8 200 lbs. x (2d6) lbs.
Gnome, Male 3' 0" +2d4 35 lbs. x 1 lb.
Gnome, Female 2' 10" +2d4 30 lbs. x 1 lb.
Half-Elf, Male 5' 2" +2d8 110 lbs. x (2d4) lbs.
Half-Elf, Female 5' 0" +2d8 90 lbs. x (2d4) lbs.
Half-Orc, Male 4' 10" +2d10 150 lbs. x (2d6) lbs.
Half-Orc, Female 4' 5" +2d10 110 lbs. x (2d6) lbs.
Tiefling, Male 4' 10" +2d10 120 lbs. x (2d4) lbs.
Tiefling, Female 4' 5" +2d10 85 lbs. x (2d4) lbs.
Warforged, Soldier 5' 10" +2d6 270 lbs. x 4 lbs.
Warforged, Scout 5' 5" +2d6 170 lbs. x 4 lbs.

To determine a character’s height, roll the modifier dice indicated on the appropriate Random Height & Weight table and add the result, in inches, to the base height for your character’s race and gender. To determine a character’s weight, multiply the result of the modifier dice by the weight multiplier and add the result to the base weight for your character’s race and gender.


Appendix C: Names

Some players and DMs have a knack for coming up with character names on the fly, while others find that task more of a challenge. The tables in this appendix are designed to make life easier for both kinds of people, whether you're naming a player character, a nonplayer character, a monster, or even a place.

Each table contains names that are associated with a nonhuman character race. You can select from the possibilities here, or use dice to determine a name.

Even though names are associated with races in this appendix, a character might not have a name from their own race. For instance, a half-orc might have grown up among dwarves and have a dwarven name. Or, as DM, you might decide that dragonborn in your campaign have a culture reminiscent of ancient Rome and therefore use Roman names, rather than the dragonborn names suggested here.

Dwarf, Female
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Anbera 51—52 Kilia
03—04 Artin 53—54 Kristryd
05—06 Audhild 55—56 Liftrasa
07—08 Balifra 57—58 Marastyr
09—10 Barbena 59—60 Mardred
11—12 Bardryn 61—62 Morana
13—14 Bolhild 63—64 Nalaed
15—16 Dagnal 65—66 Nora
17—18 Dafifi 67—68 Nurkara
19—20 Delre 69—70 Orifi
21—22 Diesa 71—72 Ovina
23—24 Hdeth 73—74 Riswynn
25—26 Eridred 75—76 Sannl
27—28 Falkrunn 77—78 Therlin
29—30 Fallthra 79—80 Thodris
31—32 Finelien 81—82 Torbera
33—34 Gillydd 83—84 Tordrid
35—36 Gunnloda 85—86 Torgga
37—38 Gurdis 87—88 Urshar
39—40 Helgret 89—90 Valida
41—42 Helja 91—92 Vistra
43—44 Hlin 93—94 Vonana
45—46 llde 95—96 Werydd
47—48 Jarana 97—98 Whurdred
49—50 Kathra 99—00 Yurgunn
Dwarf, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Adrik 51—52 Morgran
03—04 Alberich 53—54 Morkral
05—06 Baern 55—56 Nalral
07—08 Barendd 57—58 Nordak
09—10 Beloril 59—60 Nuraval
11—12 Brottor 61—62 Oloric
13—14 Dain 63—64 Olunt
15—16 Dalgal 65—66 Orsik
17—18 Darrak 67—68 Oskar
19—20 Delg 69—70 Rangrim
21—22 Duergath 71—72 Reiak
23—24 Dworic 73—74 Rurik
25—26 Eberk 75—76 Taklinn
27—28 Einkil 77—78 Thoradin
29—30 Elaim 79—80 Thorin
31—32 Erias 81—82 Thradal
33—34 Fallond 83—84 Tordek
35—36 Fargrim 85—86 Traubon
37—38 Gardain 87—88 Travok
39—40 Gilthur 89—90 Ulfgar
41—42 Gimgen 91—92 Uraim
43—44 Gimurt 93—94 Veit
45—46 Harbek 95—96 Vonbin
47—48 Kildrak 97—98 Vondal
49—50 Kilvar 99—00 Whurbin
Dwarf, Clan
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Aranore 25—26 Dankil
03—04 Balderk 27—28 Daraln
05—06 Battlehammer 29—30 Deepdelver
07—08 Bigtoe 31—32 Durthane
09—10 Bloodkith 33—34 Eversharp
11—12 Bofdann 35—36 Fallack
13—14 Brawnanvil 37—38 Fireforge
15—16 Brazzik 39—40 Foamtankard
17—18 Broodfist 41—42 Frostbeard
19—20 Burrowfound 43—44 Glanhig
21—22 Caebrek 45—46 Goblinbane
23—24 Daerdahk 47—48 Goldfinder
Dwarf, Clan
d100 Name d100 Name
49—50 Gorunn 75—76 Silveraxe
51—52 Graybeard 77—78 Silverstone
53—54 Hammerstone 79—80 Steelfist
55—56 Helcral 81—82 Stoutale
57—58 Holderhek 83—84 Strakeln
59—60 Ironfist 85—86 Strongheart
61—62 Loderr 87—88 Thrahak
63—64 Lutgehr 89—90 Torevir
65—66 Morigak 91—92 Torunn
67—68 Orcfoe 93—94 Trollbleeder
69—70 Rakankrak 95—96 Trueanvil
71—72 Ruby-Eye 97—98 Trueblood
73—74 Rumnaheim 99—00 Ungart
Elf, Child
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Ael 51—52 Mara
03—04 Ang 53—54 Mella
05—06 Ara 55—56 Mya
07—08 Ari 57—58 Naeris
09—10 Arn 59—60 Naill
11—12 Aym 61—62 Nim
13—14 Broe 63—64 Phann
15—16 Bryn 65—66 Py
17—18 Cael 67—68 Rael
19—20 Cy 69—70 Raer
21—22 Dae 71—72 Ren
23—24 Del 73—74 Rhiin
25—26 Eli 75—76 Rua
27—28 Eryn 77—78 Sael
29—30 Faen 79—80 Sai
31—32 Fera 81—82 Sumi
33—34 Gael 83—84 Syllin
35—36 Gar 85—86 Ta
37—38 Innil 87—88 Thia
39—40 Jar 89—90 Tia
41—42 Kan 91—92 Traki
43—44 Koeth 93—94 Vall
45—46 Laef 95—96 Von
47—48 Lue 97—98 Wil
49—50 Mai 99—00 Za
Elf, Female
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Adria 51—52 Keyleth
03—04 Ahinar 53—54 Leshanna
05—06 Althaea 55—56 Lia
07—08 Anastrianna 57—58 Maiathah
09—10 Andraste 59—60 Malquis
11—12 Antinua 61—62 Meriele
13—14 Arara 63—64 Mialee
15—16 Baelitae 65—66 Myathethil
17—18 Bethrynna 67—68 Naivara
19—20 Birel 69—70 Quelenna
21—22 Caelynn 71—72 Quillathe
23—24 Chaedi 73—74 Ridaro
25—26 Claira 75—76 Sariel
27—28 Dara 77—78 Shanairla
29—30 Drusilia 79—80 Shava
31—32 Elama 81—82 Silaqui
33—34 Enna 83—84 Sumnes
35—36 Faral 85—86 Theirastra
37—38 Felosial 87—88 Thiala
39—40 Hatae 89—90 Tiaathque
41—42 Ielenia 91—92 Traulam
43—44 Ilanis 93—94 Vadania
45—46 Irann 95—96 Valanthe
47—48 Jarsali 97—98 Valna
49—50 Jelenneth 99—00 Xanaphia
Elf, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Adran 29—30 Efferil
03—04 Aelar 31—32 Eiravel
05—06 Aerdeth 33—34 Enialis
07—08 Ahvain 35—36 Erdan
09—10 Aramil 37—38 Erevan
11—12 Arannis 39—40 Fivin
13—14 Aust 41—42 Galinndan
15—16 Azaki 43—44 Gennal
17—18 Beiro 45—46 Hadarai
19—20 Berrian 47—48 Halimath
21—22 Caeldrim 49—50 Heian
23—24 Carric 51—52 Himo
25—26 Dayereth 53—54 Immeral
27—28 Dreali 55—56 Ivellios
Elf, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
57—58 Korfel 79—80 Rolen
59—60 Lamlis 81—82 Soveliss
61—62 Laucian 83—84 Suhnae
63—64 Lucan 85—86 Thamior
65—66 Mindartis 87—88 Tharivol
67—68 Naal 89—90 Theren
69—70 Nutae 91—92 Theriatis
71—72 Paelias 93—94 Thervan
73—74 Peren 95—96 Uthemar
75—76 Quarion 97—98 Vanuath
77—78 Riardon 99—00 Varis
Elf, Family
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Aloro 51—52 Koehlanna
03—04 Amakiir 53—54 Lathalas
05—06 Amastacia 55—56 Liadon
07—08 Ariessus 57—58 Meliamne
09—10 Arnuanna 59—60 Mellerelel
11—12 Berevan 61—62 Mystralath
13—14 Caerdonel 63—64 Naflo
15—16 Caphaxath 65—66 Netyoive
17—18 Casilltenirra 67—68 Ofandrus
19—20 Cithreth 69—70 Ostoroth
21—22 Dalanthan 71—72 Othronus
23—24 Eathalena 73—74 Qualanthri
25—26 Erenaeth 75—76 Raethran
27—28 Ethanasath 77—78 Rothenel
29—30 Fasharash 79—80 Selevarun
31—32 Firahel 81—82 Siannodel
33—34 Floshern 83—84 Suithrasas
35—36 Galanodel 85—86 Sylvaranth
37—38 Goltorah 87—88 Teinithra
39—40 Hanali 89—90 Tiltathana
41—42 Holimion 91—92 Wasanthi
43—44 Horineth 93—94 Withrethin
45—46 Iathrana 95—96 Xiloscient
47—48 Ilphelkiir 97—98 Xistsrith
49—50 Iranapha 99—00 Yaeldrin
Halfling, Female
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Alain 51—52 Merla
03—04 Andry 53—54 Myria
05—06 Anne 55—56 Nedda
07—08 Bella 57—58 Nikki
09—10 Blossom 59—60 Nora
11—12 Bree 61—62 Olivia
13—14 Callie 63—64 Paela
15—16 Chenna 65—66 Pearl
17—18 Cora 67—68 Pennie
19—20 Dee 69—70 Philomena
21—22 Dell 71—72 Portia
23—24 Elda 73—74 Robbie
25—26 Eran 75—76 Rose
27—28 Euphemia 77—78 Saral
29—30 Georgina 79—80 Seaphina
31—32 Gynnie 81—82 Shaena
33—34 Harriet 83—84 Stacee
35—36 Jasmine 85—86 Tawna
37—38 Jillian 87—88 Thea
39—40 Jo 89—90 Trym
41—42 Kithri 91—92 Tyna
43—44 Lavinia 93—94 Vani
45—46 Lidda 95—96 Verna
47—48 Maegan 97—98 Wella
49—50 Marigold 99—00 Willow
Halfling, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Alton 29—30 Finnan
03—04 Ander 31—32 Franklin
05—06 Bernie 33—34 Garrett
07—08 Bobbin 35—36 Garth
09—10 Cade 37—38 Gob
11—12 Callus 39—40 Harol
13—14 Corrin 41—42 Harol
15—16 Dannad 43—44 Igor
17—18 Danniel 45—46 Jasper
19—20 Eddie 47—48 Keith
21—22 Egart 49—50 Kevin
23—24 Eldon 51—52 Merla
25—26 Errich 53—54 Lerry
27—28 Fildo 55—56 Lindal
Halfling, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
57—58 Lyle 79—80 Poppy
59—60 Merric 81—82 Reed
61—62 Mican 83—84 Roscoe
63—64 Milo 85—86 Sam
65—66 Morrin 87—88 Shardon
67—68 Nebin 89—90 Tye
69—70 Nevil 91—92 Ulmo
71—72 Osborn 93—94 Wellby
73—74 Ostran 95—96 Wendel
75—76 Oswalt 97—98 Wenner
77—78 Perrin 99—00 Wes
Halfling, Family
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Appleblossom 51—52 Porridgepot
03—04 Bigheart 53—54 Quickstep
05—06 Brightmoon 55—56 Reedfellow
07—08 Brushgather 57—58 Shadowquick
09—10 Cherrycheeks 59—60 Silvereyes
11—12 Copperkettle 61—62 Smoothhands
13—14 Deephollow 63—64 Stonebridge
15—16 Elderberry 65—66 Stoutbridge
17—18 Fastfoot 67—68 Stoutman
19—20 Fatrabbit 69—70 Strongbones
21—22 Glenfellow 71—72 Sunmeadow
23—24 Goldfound 73—74 Swiftwhistle
25—26 Goodbarrel 75—76 Tallfellow
27—28 Goodearth 77—78 Tealeaf
29—30 Greenbottle 79—80 Tenpenny
31—32 Greenleaf 81—82 Thistletop
33—34 High-hill 83—84 Thorngage
35—36 Hilltopple 85—86 Tosscobble
37—38 Hogcollar 87—88 Underbough
39—40 Honeypot 89—90 Underfoot
41—42 Jamjar 91—92 Warmwater
43—44 Kettlewhistle 93—94 Whispermouse
45—46 Leagallow 95—96 Wildcloak
47—48 Littlefoot 97—98 Wildheart
49—50 Nimblefingers 99—00 Wiseacre
Dragonborn, Female
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Akra 51—52 Kadana
03—04 Aasathra 53—54 Kava
05—06 Antrara 55—56 Korinn
07—08 Arava 57—58 Megren
09—10 Biri 59—60 Mijira
11—12 Blendaeth 61—62 Mishann
13—14 Burana 63—64 Nala
15—16 Chassath 65—66 Nuthra
17—18 Daar 67—68 Perra
19—20 Dentratha 69—70 Pogranix
21—22 Doudra 71—72 Pyxrin
23—24 Driindar 73—74 Quespa
25—26 Eggren 75—76 Raiann
27—28 Farideh 77—78 Rezena
29—30 Findex 79—80 Ruloth
31—32 Furrele 81—82 Saphara
33—34 Gesrethe 83—84 Savaran
35—36 Gilkass 85—86 Sora
37—38 Harann 87—88 Surina
39—40 Havilar 89—90 Synthrin
41—42 Hethress 91—92 Tatyan
43—44 Hillanot 93—94 Thava
45—46 Jaxi 95—96 Uadjit
47—48 Jezean 97—98 Vezera
49—50 Jheri 99—00 Zykroff
Dragonborn, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Adrex 29—30 Gorbundus
03—04 Arjhan 31—32 Greethen
05—06 Azzakh 33—34 Heskan
07—08 Balasar 35—36 Hirrathak
09—10 Baradad 37—38 Ildrex
11—12 Bharash 39—40 Kaladan
13—14 Bidredked 41—42 Kerkad
15—16 Dadalan 43—44 Kiirith
17—18 Dazzazn 45—46 Kriv
19—20 Direcris 47—48 Maagog
21—22 Donaar 49—50 Medrash
23—24 Fax 51—52 Mehen
25—26 Gargax 53—54 Mozikth
27—28 Ghesh 55—56 Mreksh
Dragonborn, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
57—58 Mugrunden 79—80 Rivaan
59—60 Nadarr 81—82 Sethrekar
61—62 Nithther 83—84 Shamash
63—64 Norkruuth 85—86 Shedinn
65—66 Nykkan 87—88 Srorthen
67—68 Pandjed 89—90 Tarhun
69—70 Patrin 91—92 Torinn
71—72 Pijjirik 93—94 Trynnicus
73—74 Quarethon 95—96 Valorean
75—76 Rathkran 97—98 Vrondiss
77—78 Rhogar 99—00 Zedaar
Dragonborn, Clan
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Akambherylliax 51—52 Linxakasendalor
03—04 Argenthrixus 53—54 Mohradyllion
05—06 Baharoosh 55—56 Mystan
07—08 Beryntolthropal 57—58 Nemmonis
09—10 Bhenkumbyrznaax 59—60 Norixius
11—12 Caavylteradyn 61—62 Ophinshtalajiir
13—14 Chumbyxirinnish 63—64 Orexijandilin
15—16 Clethtinthiallor 65—66 Pfaphnyrennish
17—18 Daardendrian 67—68 Phrahdrandon
19—20 Delmirev 69—70 Pyraxtallinost
21—22 Dhyrktelonis 71—72 Qyxpahrgh
23—24 Ebynichtomonis 73—74 Reghthroknaar
25—26 Esstyrlynn 75—76 Shestendeliath
27—28 Fharngnarthnost 77—78 Skaarzborroosh
29—30 Ghaallixirn 79—80 Sumnarghhrysh
31—32 Grrrmmballhyst 81—82 Tiammanthyllish
33—34 Gygazzylshrift 83—84 Turnuroth
35—36 Hashphronyxadyn 85—86 Umbyrphrael
37—38 Hshhsstoroth 87—88 Vangdondalor
39—40 Imbixtellrhyst 89—90 Verthisathurgiesh
41—42 Jerynomonis 91—92 Wivvyrholdalphiax
43—44 Jharthraxyn 93—94 Wystongjiir
45—46 Kerrhylon 95—96 Xephyrbahnor
47—48 Kimbatuul 97—98 Yarjerit
49—50 Lhamboldennish 99—00 Zzzxaaxthroth
Gnome, Female
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Abalaba 51—52 Nyx
03—04 Bimpnottin 53—54 Oda
05—06 Breena 55—56 Oppah
07—08 Buvvie 57—58 Orla
09—10 Callybon 59—60 Panana
11—12 Caramip 61—62 Pynfle
13—14 Carlin 63—64 Quilla
15—16 Cumpen 65—66 Ranala
17—18 Dalaba 67—68 Reddlepop
19—20 Donella 69—70 Roywyn
21—22 Duvamil 71—72 Salanop
23—24 Ella 73—74 Shamil
25—26 Ellyjoybell 75—76 Sifiress
27—28 Ellywick 77—78 Symma
29—30 Enidda 79—80 Tana
31—32 Lilli 81—82 Tenena
33—34 Loopmottin 83—84 Tervaround
35—36 Lorilla 85—86 Tippletoe
37—38 Luthra 87—88 Utta
39—40 Mardnab 89—90 Unvera
41—42 Meena 91—92 Veloptima
43—44 Menny 93—94 Virra
45—46 Mumpena 95—96 Waywocket
47—48 Nissa 97—98 Yebe
49—50 Numba 99—00 Zanna
Gnome, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Alston 29—30 Eldon
03—04 Alvyn 31—32 Erky
05—06 Anverth 33—34 Fablen
07—08 Arumawann 35—36 Fibblestib
09—10 Bilbron 37—38 Fonkin
11—12 Boddynock 39—40 Frouse
13—14 Brocc 41—42 Frug
15—16 Burgell 43—44 Gerbo
17—18 Cockaby 45—46 Gimble
19—20 Crampernap 47—48 Glim
21—22 Dabbledob 49—50 Igden
23—24 Delebean 51—52 Jabble
25—26 Dimble 53—54 Jebeddo
27—28 Ederdeb 55—56 Kellen
Gnome, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
57—58 Kipper 79—80 Sapply
59—60 Namfoodle 81—82 Seebo
61—62 Oppleby 83—84 Senteq
63—64 Orryn 85—86 Sindri
65—66 Paggen 87—88 Umpen
67—68 Pallabar 89—90 Warryn
69—70 Pog 91—92 Wiggens
71—72 Qualen 93—94 Wobbles
73—74 Ribbles 95—96 Wrenn
75—76 Rimple 97—98 Zaffrab
77—78 Roondar 99—00 Zook
Gnome, Clan
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Albaratie 51—52 Murnig
03—04 Bafflestone 53—54 Musgraben
05—06 Beren 55—56 Nackle
07—08 Boondiggles 57—58 Ningel
09—10 Cobblelob 59—60 Nopenstallen
11—12 Daergel 61—62 Nucklestamp
13—14 Dunben 63—64 Offund
15—16 Fabblestabble 65—66 Oomtrowl
17—18 Fapplestamp 67—68 Pilwicken
19—20 Fiddlefen 69—70 Pingun
21—22 Folkor 71—72 Quillsharpener
23—24 Garrick 73—74 Raulnor
25—26 Gimlen 75—76 Reese
27—28 Glittergem 77—78 Rofferton
29—30 Gobblefirn 79—80 Scheppen
31—32 Gummen 81—82 Shadowcloak
33—34 Horcusporcus 83—84 Silverthread
35—36 Humplebumple 85—86 Sympony
37—38 Ironhide 87—88 Tarkelby
39—40 Leffery 89—90 Timbers
41—42 Lingenhall 91—92 Turen
43—44 Loofollue 93—94 Umbodoben
45—46 Maekkelferce 95—96 Waggletop
47—48 Miggledy 97—98 Welber
49—50 Munggen 99—00 Wildwander
Half-Orc, Female
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Arha 51—52 Murook
03—04 Baggi 53—54 Myev
05—06 Bendoo 55—56 Nagrette
07—08 Bilga 57—58 Neega
09—10 Brakka 59—60 Nella
11—12 Creega 61—62 Nogu
13—14 Drenna 63—64 Oolah
15—16 Ekk 65—66 Ootah
17—18 Emen 67—68 Ovak
19—20 Engong 69—70 Ownka
21—22 Fistula 71—72 Puyet
23—24 Gaaki 73—74 Reeza
25—26 Gorga 75—76 Shautha
27—28 Grai 77—78 Silgre
29—30 Greeba 79—80 Sutha
31—32 Grigi 81—82 Tagga
33—34 Gynk 83—84 Tawar
35—36 Hrathy 85—86 Tomph
37—38 Huru 87—88 Ubada
39—40 Ilga 89—90 Vanchu
41—42 Kabbarg 91—92 Vola
43—44 Kansif 93—94 Volen
45—46 Lagazi 95—96 Vorka
47—48 Lezre 97—98 Yevelda
49—50 Murgen 99—00 Zagga
Half-Orc, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Argran 29—30 Henk
03—04 Braak 31—32 Hogar
05—06 Brug 33—34 Holg
07—08 Cagak 35—36 Imsh
09—10 Dench 37—38 Karash
11—12 Dorn 39—40 Karg
13—14 Dren 41—42 Keth
15—16 Druuk 43—44 Korag
17—18 Feng 45—46 Krusk
19—20 Gell 47—48 Lubash
21—22 Gnarsh 49—50 Megged
23—24 Grumbar 51—52 Mhurren
25—26 Gubrash 53—54 Mord
27—28 Hagren 55—56 Morg
Half-Orc, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
57—58 Nil 79—80 Shump
59—60 Nybarg 81—82 Tanglar
61—62 Odorr 83—84 Tarak
63—64 Ohr 85—86 Thar
65—66 Rendar 87—88 Thokk
67—68 Resh 89—90 Trag
69—70 Ront 91—92 Ugarth
71—72 Rrath 93—94 Varg
73—74 Sark 95—96 Vilberg
75—76 Scrag 97—98 Yurk
77—78 Sheggen 99—00 Zed
Tiefling, Female
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Akta 51—52 Markosian
03—04 Anakis 53—54 Mastema
05—06 Armara 55—56 Naamah
07—08 Astaro 57—58 Nemeia
09—10 Aym 59—60 Nija
11—12 Azza 61—62 Orianna
13—14 Beleth 63—64 Osah
15—16 Bryseis 65—66 Phelaia
17—18 Bune 67—68 Prosperine
19—20 Criella 69—70 Purah
21—22 Damaia 71—72 Pyra
23—24 Decarabia 73—74 Rieta
25—26 Ea 75—76 Ronobe
27—28 Gadreel 77—78 Ronwe
29—30 Gomory 79—80 Seddit
31—32 Hecat 81—82 Seere
33—34 Ishte 83—84 Sekhmet
35—36 Jezebeth 85—86 Semyaza
37—38 Kali 87—88 Shava
39—40 Kallista 89—90 Shax
41—42 Kasdeya 91—92 Sorath
43—44 Lerissa 93—94 Uzza
45—46 Lilith 95—96 Vapula
47—48 Makaria 97—98 Vepar
49—50 Manea 99—00 Verin
Tiefling, Male
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Abad 51—52 Melech
03—04 Ahrim 53—54 Merihim
05—06 Akmen 55—56 Modean
07—08 Amnon 57—58 Mordai
09—10 Andram 59—60 Mormo
11—12 Astar 61—62 Morthos
13—14 Balam 63—64 Nicor
15—16 Barakas 65—66 Nirgel
17—18 Bathin 67—68 Oriax
19—20 Caim 69—70 Paymon
21—22 Chem 71—72 Pelaios
23—24 Cimer 73—74 Purson
25—26 Cressel 75—76 Qemuel
27—28 Damakos 77—78 Raam
29—30 Ekemon 79—80 Rimmon
31—32 Euron 81—82 Sammal
33—34 Fenriz 83—84 Skamos
35—36 Forcas 85—86 Tethren
37—38 Habor 87—88 Thamuz
39—40 Iados 89—90 Therai
41—42 Kairon 91—92 Valafar
43—44 Leucis 93—94 Vassago
45—46 Mamnen 95—96 Xappan
47—48 Mantus 97—98 Zepar
49—50 Marbas 99—00 Zephan
Tiefling, Virtue
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Ambition 29—30 Excellence
03—04 Art 31—32 Fear
05—06 Carrion 33—34 Glory
07—08 Chant 35—36 Gluttony
09—10 Creed 37—38 Grief
11—12 Death 39—40 Hate
13—14 Debauchery 41—42 Hope
15—16 Despair 43—44 Horror
17—18 Doom 45—46 Ideal
19—20 Doubt 47—48 Ignominy
21—22 Dread 49—50 Laughter
23—24 Ecstacy 51—52 Love
25—26 Ennui 53—54 Lust
27—28 Entropy 55—56 Mayhem
Tiefling, Virtue
d100 Name d100 Name
57—58 Mockery 79—80 Random
59—60 Murder 81—82 Reverence
61—62 Muse 83—84 Revulsion
63—64 Music 85—86 Sorrow
65—66 Mystery 87—88 Temerity
67—68 Nowhere 89—90 Torment
69—70 Open 91—92 Tragedy
71—72 Pain 93—94 Vice
73—74 Passion 95—96 Virtue
75—76 Poetry 97—98 Weary
77—78 Quest 99—00 Wit
d100 Name d100 Name
01—02 Anvil 51—52 Mark
03—04 Axe 53—54 Medic
05—06 Azm 55—56 Morg
07—08 Blade 57—58 Nameless
09—10 Blunt 59—60 Pick
11—12 Book 61—62 Pierce
13—14 Bulwark 63—64 Pious
15—16 Candle 65—66 Rapier
17—18 Cart 67—68 Relic
19—20 Chalice 69—70 Rune
21—22 Cutter 71—72 Slash
23—24 Dagger 73—74 Steeple
25—26 Digger 75—76 Sword
27—28 Even 77—78 Three
29—30 Equal 79—80 Titan
31—32 Falchion 81—82 Trident
33—34 Flail 83—84 Unsung
35—36 Flintlock 85—86 Valor
37—38 Forge 87—88 Victor
39—40 Graven 89—90 Vise
41—42 Grim 91—92 Watcher
43—44 Gun 93—94 Weapon
45—46 Halberd 95—96 Wrench
47—48 Hammer 97—98 Zealot
49—50 Lockpick 99—00 Zed




When Worlds Collide - Advanced Race Guide gives you the options you need to play in the When Worlds Collide Campaign Setting.

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