Leyline Sorcerer

by DMonsterMan

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Leyline Sorcerer

As a sorcerer your origins lay within the raw veins of magic that course throughout the planes of existence. These webs of energy are woven into your very fiber, intricately laid dormant within you by an event.

Natural Phenomenon. Some come to this power later in life, awoken to this potential by experiencing or finding some sort of ancient natural wonder. Perhaps you traveled deep beneath the crust of the earth and stumbled upon an underground lake that welled with magical energy, changed irrevertably by drinking its waters or perhaps you wandered a border between your world and another, falling endlessly into a stream of raw magic only to awake in a different place.

Ancient Gifts. Some are born into this power whether by chance or design. Those born in ancient places of magic sometimes find a power burgeoning forth from deep within. Perhaps, your tribe took your mother to an ancient holy place, giving birth in this area might've marked you with an ancient power that coursed beneath. Or perhaps, it was a mistake, your parents may have been adventurers' themselves and given birth whilst on their travels in an ancient city.

Spiritual Enlightenment. There are some that find this power buried deep within their soul. Only unburied by years of quiet contemplation or attuning to the energies of the world around them. You might be a member of an arcane monastery that devotes its' time to the understanding of magic and its mysteries or you might be a sage seeking solitude deep within an ancient forest that finds his magic deep within.

Magical Lineage. Perhaps you were bred into this power. A position of importance and responsibility awaits those who find their power in this way. You might be a child of prophecy to a line of druidic practitioners or the product of selective breeding by practitioners of magic, lifetimes of work culminating your birth.

Leyline sorcerers are usually invaluable members of magical society. Their insight into the intricacies of leyline magic prove useful in divining the nature of magical mysteries. Whatever the case, the magic that courses through you destines you for greater things.

The world, This Sorcerer and You!

Many sorcerers of this origin take up the mantle of protector to the very energies they wield, though there are some that harness them for other means. Some may use these energies to power great cities or protect them with barriers wrought from raw magic from the dangerous world outside. Or they might use their power to vanquish threats to civilization or the world, becoming mighty heroes. As such, a sorcerer of this origin must be wary of those - both with nefarious plans or good intentions - that would enslave and harness them as a conduit for these powers.

Ancient Intuition

Your connection to the ancient magic within leylines has granted you some insight into the history of magic. You gain proficiency in Arcana and History skills. If you are already proficient in one or both of these skills, you can choose to gain proficiency in either the Nature or Religion skill instead.

Ley Grounding

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to redirect the energies of magic, returning a portion of the force that strikes you to the leylines. As a reaction, whenever you take damage from a spell cast by a creature that you can see, you can reduce that damage by an amount equal to 1d10 + your Charisma modifier.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.

Linear Teleportation

At 6th level, your mastery of the raw force of magic has given you the ability to ride the lines of spells cast upon you. Additionally, Whenever you use your Ley Grounding feature to reduce damage from a spell whose caster is within 60 feet of you, you can force the hostile creature to make a Charisma saving throw. On failure, you swap places with the creature.

Concentrated Magic

At 6th level, your magic is intrinsically tied to the energy of leylines and you can channel this energy to empower your spells. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage using your action, you can spend a minimum of 2 sorcery points to hold the spell until your next turn. At the start of your next turn, you can use your reaction to release the spell as if it were cast using a spell slot 1 level higher for every 2 sorcery points spent. Holding a spell in this way requires concentration, as if concentrating on a spell.

Absorb Magic

At 14th level, you can draw power from the very leylines themselves through rigorous, strenuous concentration. During a short rest, you may spend a number of your hit dice to regain sorcery points instead of hit points. You regain 1 sorcery point per dice spent in this way.

You can regain a number of sorcery points equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses of this feature once you finish a long rest.

Create Leygate

At 18th level, your connection to the leylines is uncanny and you gain the ability to travel amongst the streams of magic. As an action, you can spend 10 sorcery points to saturate a place with your magic, connecting it to the leylines and creating a Leygate. For the next 30 days, you can concentrate for one minute and teleport you and a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier to this place. You do not need to be on the same plane of existence as your Leygate in order to travel in this manner.

You can have a number of Leygates equal to your Charisma modifier.


Created by DMonsterMan

Art by: Marcel Mercado

Many thanks to u/InfKore and the wonderful people at Discord of Many Things.


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